Federal Work Study Student Employment Guide

Federal Work Study Student
Employment Guide
– I
– L
– S
– S
- S
– M
Table of Contents
Introduction .................................................................................................................. 4
Functions of the Student Employment Office ..................................................................... 4
Goal of the Student Employment Office ............................................................................ 5
Student Employment Office Contact Information ............................................................... 5
Student Employment Policies ........................................................................................ 6
Affirmative Action / Equal Employment Opportunity Policy .................................................. 6
Sexual Harassment Policy ............................................................................................... 6
Drug Free Workplace Policy ............................................................................................ 7
Injuries and Accidents .................................................................................................... 8
Confidentiality / Disclosure of Student Information and Administrative Data ......................... 8
Taxes........................................................................................................................... 8
Work Hours .................................................................................................................. 9
Overtime ...................................................................................................................... 9
Concurrent Employment ................................................................................................. 9
Breaks and Meal Periods................................................................................................. 9
Absences .................................................................................................................... 10
Employment Benefits ................................................................................................... 10
Compensation ............................................................................................................. 10
Payment of Wages ....................................................................................................... 10
Student Employment Programs ................................................................................... 11
Federal Work Study Program (FWS)............................................................................... 11
Eligibility Requirements ......................................................................................... 12
Award Limits ........................................................................................................ 12
Monitoring Student Employment Earnings ................................................................ 12
Warning Notice ..................................................................................................... 13
Disbursement ....................................................................................................... 13
Job Location and Development Program (JLD)................................................................. 13
Purpose ............................................................................................................... 13
Eligibility ............................................................................................................. 13
Supervisor Responsibilities ......................................................................................... 15
Posting Positions ......................................................................................................... 15
The Position Description Form ....................................................................................... 15
Appendix ..................................................................................................................... 20
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Supervisor’s Agreement of Responsibility ....................................................................... 21
Disclosure of Student Information and Administrative Data............................................... 24
On Duty Meal Agreement ............................................................................................. 25
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Student employees serve in virtually every office and department on campus and perform a myriad
of duties vital to our success. Considerable research shows that employment is a primary factor
in student retention. Students who work are more likely to earn a degree and student employees
typically get higher grades than their non-working peers.
Your role as a supervisor is central to the management and development of one of the university’s
most important resources, our student work force.
This manual is designed to assist you in your role. The manual contains a significant amount of
information. Please do not be intimidated by that. Enclosed are reproductions of a considerable
number of federal and state regulations and is meant to serve as a valuable resource. Some
material requires careful reading, as many of our policies and procedures have been recently
updated to better serve our community. However, much of the material may be familiar to you
already and is meant as simply a reference guide.
Functions of the Student Employment Office
The primary responsibility of the Student Employment Office is to advertise your job openings and
to refer eligible students to you for interviews. Our responsibilities include:
Intake of the I-9 and W-4 forms for student employees.
Monitoring student employment earnings and award limitations.
Dissemination of University policies of Disclosure of Student Information and
Administrative Data, Drug Free Workplace Program and Sexual Harassment.
Verifying completion of the Student Employment Authorization Forms.
Assisting supervisors in improving student work performance through guidance,
counseling and if need be, direct intervention.
Seeking additional funds and program development to offset limited institutional
resources available and assist students who are not Federal Work Study eligible in
securing employment when possible.
Actively solicit positions from community service organizations and other local area
employers for part-time, temporary off-campus positions for Alliant Students.
Goal of the Student Employment Office
To provide a reasonable opportunity for Alliant students who desire to work, to find and obtain
part-time, temporary, on or off-campus employment.
Student Employment Office Contact Information
The administration of Alliant Student Employment Programs is the responsibility of the Financial
Aid Office, which you may contact at 858-635-4700 or FWS@alliant.edu
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1. The Financial Aid Office is responsible for determining the eligibility of student employees.
Employment applications must be processed through the Financial Aid Office prior to a
student being hired.
2. Campus-wide student employment policies, such as wage rates, hours worked, earning
limitations, eligibility requirements, and hiring procedures, will be established by the
Financial Aid Office in conjunction with Human Resources.
3. The Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938, as amended, prohibits employers (including schools)
from accepting voluntary services from any paid employee. Any student employee must be
paid for all hours worked.
Affirmative Action / Equal Employment Opportunity Policy
Alliant is committed to the policy that all persons shall have equal access to its programs, facilities,
and employment without regard to race, religion, ethnicity, color, gender, national origin,
ancestry, disability, medical condition, age, marital status, sexual orientation, or any other
consideration made unlawful by federal, state or local laws.
This statement describes the operating policy of the Financial Aid Office. In all its procedures, the
Financial Aid Office upholds the principle of equal treatment and opportunity for all persons and
requires that all departments do the same. No position listed with the Financial Aid Office may
have any discriminatory requirements, and all positions must be posted.
Sexual Harassment Policy
Sexual harassment is viewed as a violation of Title VII of the 1964 Civil Rights Act and should not
be tolerated by either students or staff. Sexual harassment in employment also violates the
provisions of the California Fair Employment and Housing Act, specifically Government Code
Sections 12940(a), (h), and (i). Sexual harassment in the workplace is defined in the following
Unwanted sexual advances or visual, or verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature. This
definition includes many forms of offensive behavior and includes gender-based harassment
of a person of the same sex as the harasser.
The following is a partial list of offensive behaviors that may constitute sexual harassment:
Unwanted sexual advances
Offering employment benefits in exchange for sexual favors
Making or threatening reprisals after a negative response to sexual advances.
Visual conduct: leering, making sexual gestures, displaying sexually suggestive objects or
pictures, cartoons or posters.
5. Verbal conduct: making or using derogatory comments, epithets, slurs and jokes.
6. Verbal sexual advances or propositions
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7. Verbal abuse of a sexual nature, graphic verbal commentaries about an individual’s body,
sexually degrading words used to describe an individual, suggestive or obscene letters,
notes, or invitations
8. Physical conduct; touching, assault, impeding or blocking movements.
The affected student employee should report any incidence of sexual harassment immediately to
the Student Employment Office.
Drug Free Workplace Policy
The Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act Amendments of 1989 require that the University
certify that it has adopted and implemented “a program to prevent the illicit use of drugs and the
abuse of alcohol by students and employees”.
Policy Summary
1. The unlawful manufacture, distribution, dispensing, possession or use of alcohol or a
controlled substance in any of the University facilities, on its grounds or at any Universitysponsored events by students or employees is prohibited.
2. To establish a drug-free awareness, the following policy is instituted:
a. The dangers of drug abuse in the workplace, particularly in an educational
environment, have been well documented. Each employee of the University has an
obligation to the students and to fellow workers to set a proper example by being
free of drug abuse.
b. To maintain a drug-free workplace, the following are conditions of employment:
i. Each employee will not engage in the unlawful manufacture, distribution,
dispensing, possession or use of a controlled substance.
ii. Each employee will notify his/her supervisor of any criminal drug statute
conviction for a violation occurring in the workplace no later than five days
after such a conviction. The University is required to notify the Department of
Education, in writing, within 10 calendar days after receiving such notice of
conviction from an employee. This notice will be sent to : Director, Grants and
Contracts Service, U.S. Department of Education, 600 Independence Avenue,
S.W., Room 3124, GSA Regional Office Building No. 3, Washington DC 202024571.
c. Any employee who has a criminal drug conviction or a drug violation occurring at
Alliant will be subject to administrative action up to and including termination. At a
minimum, such an employee will be required to participate satisfactorily in drug
abuse assistance or a rehabilitation program approved for such purposes by a federal,
state, or local health, law enforcement, or other appropriate agency.
3. Student employees experiencing a problem in this area are encouraged to make use of the
counseling facilities on campus or other recognized programs.
Injuries and Accidents
The supervisor will contact Human Resources immediately when an on the job accident occurs. It
is very important to contact Human Resources immediately because the law specifies that the
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University must provide the injured employee with a Worker’s Compensation pamphlet and claim
form within 24 hours after becoming aware of the injury or illness. See Employee Policy and
Procedure Manuel on Worker’s Compensation Employee Accidents for additional information.
Confidentiality / Disclosure of Student Information and Administrative Data
All student employees who access confidential university information must sign the Disclosure of
Student Information and Administrative Data form (see Appendix Disclosure of Student
Information and Administrative Data). The Disclosure of Student Information and Administrative
Data form must be returned to the Financial Aid Office. The supervisor may retain a copy.
It is imperative that each student employee understands and accepts the responsibility of
working with confidential student records and administrative data. The Family Education Rights
and Privacy Act (FERPA) mandate that student records are to be kept in confidence. Other Federal
and State statutes regulate the security and confidentiality of other types of administrative data.
Student information may be disclosed to a third party only with the student’s advance written
permission. Unless written permission is obtained, the discussion, use, or access of student records
is limited to job-related, legitimate educational interests.
Earnings from Alliant Student Employment programs are subject to state and federal withholding
taxes. Earnings are also subject to FICA (social security taxes) if student employees attend Alliant
less than half time.
Work Hours
1. When classes are in session, an undergraduate student employee may work up to, but
normally not in excess of, 25 hours per week. Graduate student employees may work up
to, but normally not in excess of, 25 hours per week.
2. Students may not work during the hours they are scheduled to attend class or on Sundays.
Students cannot work on any times that the University is closed such as holidays and the
winter break period that the university is closed
3. When classes are not in session (due to final exam week, intercession, and recess) student
employees may work up to a maximum of 25 hours per week.
Overtime is defined as work in excess of 8 hours in a day, in excess of 40 hours per week or
performed on the 7th day in a row. Student employees who work overtime hours will be paid
overtime compensation in accordance with state and federal wage and hour laws. Overtime is not
allowed for Federal Work Study students, so all overtime pay will come from the Department
budget of the supervisor.
Concurrent Employment
Any student may work at two or more jobs concurrently but this practice is discouraged. The
combined total hours may not exceed the Allowable Work Hours outlined above.
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Breaks and Meal Periods
A student working a consecutive four-hour work period may take one 10-minute break with pay.
A student working a full eight-hour day may take two 10-minute breaks with pay. Paid breaks
may not be taken at the beginning or end of a work period and are not cumulative. The supervisor
determines when breaks are to be taken.
A shift of five (5) hours or more requires one unpaid meal period of at least 30 minutes during
which time the student employee is relieved of work. However, the meal period will count as time
worked if the employee is not relieved of his/her work.
Student employees must notify their supervisor no later than the beginning of the scheduled work
period when they are unable to work. In the case of an extended absence, the anticipated duration
should be reported to the supervisor as soon as possible. The supervisor will approve or disapprove
all absences.
Employment Benefits
Worker’s Compensation Insurance covers all student employees during their working hours. The
coverage provides incapacitated student employees a means of support and medical care when
unable to work because of a job-related disability. It is essential that student employees
immediately report any job-related accident or illness to Human Resources. Additional information
regarding Worker’s Compensation is available from Human Resources.
Student employees are not eligible to receive other employment benefits such as shift differential,
paid holiday, paid vacation leave, retirement benefits, or unemployment insurance.
Student employees are paid no less than the State minimum wage, and may be higher when the
specific job duties warrant it.
Payment of Wages
Student employee wages are due no later than 10 days after the end of the pay period. Therefore,
it is mandatory that supervisors adhere to the Time Sheet submission deadlines. Time sheets are
always due according to the payroll calendar. If either due date falls on a weekend, time sheets
are due the Friday prior. Supervisors are ultimately responsible for ensuring students turn in their
time sheets in a timely manner. If a supervisor habitually turns in time sheets 10 days or more
after the published due date it will result in the termination of student employment privileges for
the supervisor and the supervisor’s superior will be notified.
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The employment programs available to Alliant students are:
A. On-Campus:
1. Federal Work Study Program (FWS)
B. Off-Campus:
1. Federal Work Study Program (FWS) – Service Learning/Community Service
Federal Work Study Program (FWS)
The Federal Work Study Program is a federally funded, campus-based program which provides job
opportunities to students who are eligible to participate in need-based financial aid programs.
Federal regulations state the purposes of the Federal Work Study Program as:
“… provides part-time employment to students attending institutions of higher education
who need the earnings to help meet their costs of post-secondary education … and to
encourage participation in community service activities that will benefit the Nation and instill
a sense of social responsibility and commitment to the community. (The Financial Aid Office
should) award FWS employment, to the maximum extent practicable, which will compliment
and reinforce each recipient’s educational or career goals.”
Federal Work-Study is awarded to the student (not department) for a specific job. Awards
are not transferable from student to student or year to year. If the student terminates his/her
FWS job with a department, any unearned portion of the FWS award remains as work eligibility
of the student during the award period.
It is important to note that the Federal Work-Study Program is designated to create additional
employment for students. Displacement of regular staff to reduce cost is viewed as a
violation of the laws governing Federal Work-Study.
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Eligibility Requirements
To be eligible to participate in the Federal Work-Study Program students must meet the following
minimum eligibility requirements as set by the federal regulations and the Financial Aid Office.
1. All students must be U.S. citizens or eligible non-citizens. Proof of eligibility to work in the
United States is required. Students must complete the I-9 form and provide it to the
Financial Aid Office within 72 hours of hire.
2. Must be enrolled in a degree program.
3. Must be eligible for Title IV financial aid funds based on financial need.
4. Must maintain Alliant satisfactory Student Academic Progress (SAP).
Award Limits
Federal Work-Study (FWS) is a type of financial aid; therefore, student employees utilizing FWS
funds are always limited to the amount they can earn through the FWS program. This Earnings
Limit is determined by the Financial Aid Office and is dependent upon the student’s financial aid
eligibility and allocation of funds. Eligibility must be re-determined each year.
After the initial award is determined, revisions may be made to the student’s award. For example,
the amount may be decreased due to changes in the student’s eligibility.
Monitoring Student Employment Earnings
Earnings may not exceed the amount of the Federal Work-Study award. The supervisor and the
student employee share the responsibility of monitoring the amount of Federal Work-Study funds
the student earns. This is done on the Time Sheet as explained later in the “Time Sheet” section
of the manual. Each student and supervisor are also sent a sheet to keep track of the earnings of
the student.
To calculate the average number of hours a student may work, divide the number of hours by the
number of weeks remaining in the quarter/semester:
Federal Work-Study Award
Hourly Rate
Divide award by hourly rate
163 hours
Divide by number of weeks in semester
163/16 weeks = 10 hours per week
The supervisor, however, should remember that students usually reduce their working hours
during midterms and final exams and that some students will work during academic recesses. It
is important for supervisors to keep this in mind when setting the student employee’s work
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Warning Notice
A Warning Notice will be sent to the employee’s supervisor when the student is approaching his/her
Earnings Limit. If this happens, the supervisor should adjust the employee’s work schedule (hours
per week) to allow continued employment thought the term or submit a “Department Request for
Additional Student Employment Funding” form available from the Financial Aid Office, to determine
if additional eligibility and funding are available (See Appendix).
Student employees and supervisors must monitor the hours worked to ensure that the Earnings
Limit is not exceeded. Once the Federal Work-Study Earnings Limit has been reached, the student
must stop working. If a student continues to work beyond their Earnings Limit, they must be paid.
Therefore, any earnings which go beyond that student’s award will be charged directly from the
supervisor’s department budget becoming an institutional liability. Supervisors, who allow a
student to exceed their Earnings Limit without prior approval from both their Department Head
and Financial Aid, may risk having their student employment privileges suspended and/or
Federal Work-Study disbursements are made twice each month based on hours worked and
submitted for payment for the prior pay period. Electronic Fund Transfer (EFT) direct deposit to
student’s personal checking accounts is available and strongly encouraged.
Job Location and Development Program (JLD)
The purpose of the Job Location and Development Program at Alliant is to provide a reasonable
opportunity to find off-campus employment for every eligible student at Alliant who desires work,
regardless of financial need.
To be eligible to participate in the JLD program at Alliant, the student must:
Be legally authorized to work off-campus
Be a current student at Alliant
NOTE: The JLD program at Alliant does not locate jobs for students who are graduating. Moreover,
the JLD program does not place students into on-campus positions.
Additional information about the JLD program at Alliant can be obtained from the Financial Aid
Office. Positions are posted on the bulletin board outside the Financial Aid Office.
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The supervisor is responsible for following the University policies and procedures on Student
Employment. These include, but are not limited to: writing position descriptions, posting available
positions, interviewing students, hiring eligible students, orienting new students to the position,
reporting accurate and timely payroll information, monitoring student earnings, evaluating
students’ performance, dealing with student employment problems, and terminating students’
Posting Positions
The Position Description Form
To post a position, the supervisor must complete The Student Employee Position Description Form
as posted on the MyAlliant portal under Financial Forms, and submit it to the Financial Aid Office.
A separate Position Description Form must be submitted for each different position requested.
Complete all sections of the Position Description Form:
Section 1 – Employer Information:
Department Name
Name of the person responsible for supervision of the
requested position
Phone number
Supervisor’s phone number
Campus – Building, etc.
Section 2 – Position Information
You may select the position title appropriate to what the
student will be doing as his/her position. The 3 titles that
may be used is Student Assistant, Teaching Assistant, and
Research Assistant.
Each job description has general duties listed for each job
title. If additional requirements are to be mentioned they
are to go under preferred skills. Please do not add any job
requirements under the Roles and Responsibilities
*Remember… the duties are responsibilities outlined in the Position description, in conjunction
with qualifications will determine the rate of pay as outlined earlier in this document.
Your hiring decision must be made based on how closely
the selected applicant meets the posted qualifications. If
an applicant is not selected because he or she does not
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have certain qualifications, those qualifications must be
listed on the Position Description Form.
Section 3 Authorization
The supervisor requesting the position completes all necessary information. A copy of the form is
submitted to FWS@alliant.edu .
1. Provide the Financial Aid Office with a Position Description for each position requested
under your supervisor.
2. Awarded students eligible to work on campus will be referred to you by the Financial Aid
Office on the basis of your Position Description on the MyAlliant portal. You are not obligated
to hire any student. Each student will be given an authorization form that is to be completed
by the student and supervisor. If a student has not worked for the University in the last
award year, payroll documents will also have to be completed and submitted with the
authorization form. A student may not start working until all paperwork is complete and the
authorization form is signed. Once all payroll documents are accepted by the HR
department, an email will be sent to the student and supervisor giving the student access
to ADP payroll system. That is the final approval for the student to begin working
3. Once you hire a student, you are expected to provide training, supervision, and
evaluation. Establish a working relationship with the student that will ensure frequent and
effective communication.
4. Duties assigned to student employees must be in accordance with those listed on the
Position Description Form submitted by you and approved by the Financial Aid Office. Under
no circumstances are student employees allowed to perform personal services for you or
any staff or faculty member.
5. It is vital that you “set the tone” for each student employee. The student must be informed
of the duties and responsibilities for his/her particular assignment. If your expectations are
not met and the student has had ample warning and opportunity to meet those
expectations, you must inform the Financial Aid Office. The student may apply to another
job posted or be removed from the program.
6. You are expected to MONITOR THE HOURS WORKED by the student employee. In
completing and submitting the Time Sheets, observe the following:
a. Hours must be monitored by you. The Time Sheet provides ready reference and
accountability. The student must sign in and out each time when reporting to or
leaving from work, and when taking lunch breaks.
b. The student Employment Authorization Form, which the student brings to the
supervisor, identifies eligibility for the award year which starts July 1 and ends June
30. Set the weekly work schedule based on the student’s eligibility to allow the
student to work throughout the award year. (Calculate: $______ award divided by
$_____ hourly rate divided by ____ number of work weeks remaining in the term
equals ______ number of hours per week to schedule.)
c. The student’s work schedule may not conflict with his/her class schedule.
d. The student may not work more than 8 hours per day, 40 hours in a week or 7 days
a week. International students are limited to 20 hours per week and domestic
graduate students are limited to 25 hours per week. Remember – NO OVERTIME!
e. Time worked under one hour is rounded off as follows:
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Time Worked:
Recorded As:
0-7 minutes
0 minutes
8-22 minutes
15 minutes
23-38 minutes
30 minutes
38-52 minutes
45 minutes
f. All data recorded on the Time Sheet must be accurate and corrections must be
completed by you.
g. Time Sheets are completed (all data must be listed) on the ADP payroll system and
verification of accurateness will be completed by the supervisor.
h. Pay periods are given by the payroll department and emails will be sent to all
supervisors to approve hours worked by their employee. Time Sheets must be
submitted for each pay period no later than the due date indicated by emails
sent out by the Payroll Department. All recording of hours will be completed
through the ADP payroll system and no paper time sheets are allowed.
i. Supervisors are required to provide paid breaks at the rate of 10 consecutive minutes
for each four hours worked, as near as possible to the middle of the work period. A
supervisor may require student employees to remain on the premises during the 10minute break period.
j. A shift of five (5) hours or more requires one unpaid meal period of at least 30
minutes during which time the student employee is relived of work. However, the
meal period will count as time worked if the employee is not relieved of his/her work.
k. It is your responsibility to monitor, record, and advise students of their hours.
Students may not work for more than their allotted hours. Students only receive
payment for hours worked, not for funds or hours allocated. Under no
condition is a student employee allowed to work beyond the authorized
While it is the Financial Aid Office that is responsible for determining
the eligibility of students for various student employment programs, you
are responsible for monitoring hours worked by the student. In an
audit, or federal program review, it is your approval on the Time Sheets that
holds you accountable. Supervisors must be regular University employees.
It is also imperative that all supervisors understand that any lack of
adherence to these responsibilities will result in the following
First offense, e-mail warning.
Second offense, both supervisor and their direct superior will be
notified in writing.
Third offense may result in the termination of work study
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All employees of the University and all student employees who access confidential University information must sign the
following statement on Disclosure of Student Information and Administrative Data.
It is imperative that each employee understands and accepts the responsibility of working with confidential student records and
administrative data. The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act affords students certain rights with respect to their education
records and set certain conditions on the disclosure of personal information from those records, as set forth in the University’s student
records policy. Other Federal and state statutes regulate the security and confidentiality of other types of administrative data.
The security required for the processing and maintenance of student records extends to the use of computer records as well as paper
and microfilmed records.
Members of the faculty and administrative staff may have access to records for internal educational purposes when necessary for
performing their duties.
All other administrative information and data may only be used by University employees who are conducting legitimate University
business. It may not be divulged to any other person or for any other reason without the consent of the steward or trustee of the data.
It also may not be altered or destroyed without the consent of the steward or trustee of the data. It is expected that University
employees will keep this information confidential after their term of employment.
Some examples of inappropriate use of student records and administrative data are:
Discussing in any manner a student’s record, off the job or while on the job, with any person without a legitimate educational
Removing any document from the office for non-business purposes.
Accessing or reviewing a student’s academic record without a legitimate educational interest.
Releasing any student information not found in the directory, to any individual or organization without proper authorization.*
Leaving reports or computer screens containing confidential information in view of others that do not have a legitimate
educational interest in the data.
Making personal use of the student information or other University information.
Leaving your computer terminal unattended if “logged in”.
Any unauthorized use or misuse of any student record or other confidential record is grounds for dismissal from the University.
I have read, understand and accept the conditions of the above and of the University’s Student Records Policy.
Name (please print): ___________________________
Signed:______________________________________Date: ______________________________
* The only information which can be released to a third party without student permission (unless the student notifies the Registrar in writing to the contrary)
is directory information, which includes: student’s name, date, and place of birth, most recent previous school attended, major field of study, dates of
attendance, participation in officially recognized activities and sports, weight and height of members of athletic teams, degrees and awards granted, and
parent’s school attended, major field of study, dates of attendance, participation in officially recognized activities and sports, weights
and height of members of athletic teams, degrees and awards granted, and parent’s name(s).
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Payroll Direct Deposit Authorization
Employment Status:
(Please circle)
Adjunct Faculty,
Other (
Please arrange the direct deposit into:
Checking Account
Account Number
Routing Number
Name of Financial
Total Net Deposit (ALL)
Fixed Amount $___________
(Per pay period)
Checking Account
Account Number
Routing Number
Name of Financial
Total Net Deposit (ALL)
(Per pay period)
Fixed Amount $___________
Savings Account
Account Number
Routing Number
Name of Financial
Total Net Deposit (ALL)
Fixed Amount $___________
(Per pay period)
Savings Account
Account Number
Routing Number
Name of Financial
Total Net Deposit (ALL)
Fixed Amount $___________
(Per pay period)
By Signing up the Payroll Direct Deposit Authorization form, you agree to comply with choosing paperless option. If you wish to receive
paper pay statements, please contact Payroll department, payroll@alliant.edu.
Attach a Voided check for checking accounts or a deposit slip for savings accounts. Form will not be processed without
it. Submit it to Payroll department.
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To start, change or stop an automatic payroll deposit, complete this form and send it by mail or fax.
Alliant International University-Payroll Department
One Beach St, Suite 200, San Francisco, CA 94133
Fax # 415-955-2064
To deposit to different accounts, specify the amounts for each.
To change any aspect of the deposit process, please submit a new form with all deposit information including the
change. Submitting the form cancels all previous instructions.
To be sure of correct routing and account numbers, include a cancelled check for each account.
Anticipate a lag time to set up and test the deposit path.
Notice of Electronic Paycheck Deposit Option
Alliant is offering all employees the option to have their paycheck deposited directly to their financial institution on
The institutions which receive payroll deposits must be members of the Automated Clearing House (ACH) – ask
at your financial institution.
Alliant can start your direct deposit program upon completion of the form on the reverse. Submit a voided check
or a deposit slip with your application. Allow three to four weeks for the new deposit method to be set up and
You will receive deduction and deposit information on a standard paycheck stub for the first two paydays in the
mail and after that you will be able to view and print your earnings statement on line at
When the program starts, remember to check your account for the expected deposit before writing checks against
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