Market Report : S.E. Asia Beef Industry 4th Edition : March 2014. Summary Indonesian live cattle prices have finally begun their long predicted slide during the end of March with abattoirs offered live cattle at prices up to 10% down on last month. This appears to be driven by both additional output from feedlots and stronger supplies of discounted box beef. Indonesian government confirms breeder cattle imports no longer tied to feeder import permits. After many years of closure, the Indonesian goverment has announced that feeder cattle imports can recommence into East Java Jakarta’s worsening port conjestion represents a serious impediment to West Java imports Reports from our Vietnam agent commence this month indicating good returns for importers of live cattle. Livestock disease outbreaks are impacting regional lifestock traffic and production in Thailand (FMD), Laos (FMD), Cambodia and Vietnam (AI). Rumours related to the opening of the China live import market to Australian cattle continue to increase in volume and credibility. Indonesia The long predicted price slide for live cattle leaving the feedlot has finally commenced with reports of offers as low as Rp35,000 per kg live ex feedlot gate. This coincides with reports of significantly increased supplies of boxed beef in Jakarta wet markets with active price discounting. The Indonesian government has formally announced that the importation of breeding cattle will no longer be tied to feeder/slaughter cattle import permits. As the electoral process will take up most of the rest of 2014 it is unlikely that this policy position will change until at least 2015. Trade flows continue to increase at Tanjung Priok, Jakarta’s (and West Java’s) port. Infrastructure upgrades are limited and have no hope of accommodating the additional trade activity (of which live cattle is only a minor part). This has led to serious delays in the docking and discharging of livestock vessels in Jakarta which are further compounded by traffic jams and truck shortages. East Java is one of the principal areas for cattle breeding with excess supplies traditionally sent to the major markets in Jakarta. For the last 6 years or so, imports of feeder cattle to the province of East Java have been banned to ensure that imported cattle did not compete with local production. Since the reduction in permits 3 years ago, larger numbers of cattle have been exported from East to West Java for both fattening and slaughter. Last year East Java banned the export of feeder cattle from the province (to West and Central Java) to keep local numbers up and promote value adding. The recent opening of the East Java market to feeder imports from Australia is another strong indicator of the severe decline in Indonesia’s domestic cattle herd. The number of licensed cattle feedlots in Indonesia has grown from the mid twenties to 37 facilities (including the two new ones in East Java). This is mainly driven by the freeing up of import licenses. Graph of Live weight prices since October 2013 Rp40,000.00 Rp39,000.00 Rp38,000.00 Rp37,000.00 Rp36,000.00 Rp35,000.00 Rp34,000.00 Rp33,000.00 Rp32,000.00 Rp31,000.00 Rp30,000.00 Oct 13 Nov 13 Dec 13 Jan 14 Feb 14 Mar 14 From graph above : November 2013 : Government fixed live cattle prices at artificially low levels using pending import permit releases as leverage March 2014 : Dramatic increase in imports in Nov/December finally work their way through the system. Vietnam We now have agents in Vietnam providing information on the market in both Hanoi (north) and Ho Chi Minh City (south). Regional Live Slaughter weight cattle prices : Currency Converted to US$ Local Price Conversion Equivalent Live cattle rate to USD$ US$ live Indonesia Rp 36,000 11,400 3.16 Vietnam D 76,000 21,000 3.62 Thailand B 100 32.5 3.07 Philippines P 97.5 44.9 2.17 Exchange rates are taken from the XE Website Beef is the most favoured meat with Vietnamese consumers who are increasingly able to afford it with GDP growth of 5%+. Dwindling local supplies are now supplemented by imports from both live cattle from Australia and box beef from around the globe. Foot and Mouth Disease (FMD) in neighbouring countries and Avian Influenza (AI) in Vietnam are resulting in serious disruptions to regional livestock movements. Given the long and remote boundaries between all these countries, border closures immediately lead to larger price differentials on either side of the border which in turn provide more incentive than previously to smuggle the restricted product which then helps the disease to spread even more quickly. The traditional supplies of live cattle from Cambodia (and Thailand and Laos) into South Vietnam have largely dried up and are beginning to be replaced by imported Australian cattle. As the majority of the population is Buddhist, the peak food consumption period for Vietnamese is their Tet holidays which is the Chinese new year – late January to early February in 2014. Prices tend to reduce significantly following this holiday period While there are some live cattle, close to the Chinese border that are slaughtered in Vietnam with their fresh meat exported (smuggled) across the border into China, the majority of all live cattle slaughtered in Vietnam are for domestic consumption. Sea Freight Darwin to Jakarta : Approx 70-75 cents per kg live weight Darwin to Vietnam : Approx 85-90 cents per kg live weight Thailand The Thai market is steady despite some serious disease outbreaks including : FMD in the North East at the end of February – mainly dairy cattle area FMD in the North first week of March While Thailand actually bans the export of live cattle across its borders (with a few exceptions) the smuggling of significant numbers into China via barges upstream on the Mekong river continues. The negotiations between the Thai and Australian governments to establish a feeder cattle protocol are in their final stages with Thai feedlotters hoping to receive shipments later this year. The price shown in the table below for live slaughter steers in Thailand is the local price for local sale. The farm gate price for slaughter cattle smuggled to China is up to Baht 120. Philippines Little change in the Philippine market with the Christian season of Lent currently resulting in slightly weaker demand for meat products although prices seem to be unaffected. Location Date Wet Market 95,000 100,000 104,000 100,000 95,000 120,000 120,000 120,000 120,000 100,000 95,000 90,000 90,000 95,000 95,000 95,000 Super market 112,950 98,900 105,300 104,000 105,000 125,000 110,000 127,750 126,500 126,000 126,000 89,000 93,000 90,000 90,000 85,000 Broiler chicken 35,000 20,000 22,000 30,000 28,500 35,000 35,000 35,000 35,000 35,000 35,000 37,000 20,000 24,000 20,000 18,000 Live cattle Slaughter Wt 31,500 * 34-37,000 38,000 39,000 36,000 34,500 33,000 34,000 36,000 38,000 36000 34,000 33,200 39,500 39,500 37,500 Jakarta Nov 13 Dec 13 Jan 14 Feb 14 March 14 Oct 13 Nov 13 Dec 13 Jan 14 Feb 14 March 14 Nov 13 Dec 13 Jan 14 Feb 14 March 14 Feb 14 200 Peso 208 P 125 P March 14 200 P 210 P 125 P 97.5 P Cattle 104 P Hogs 97.5 P Cattle 105 P Hogs Thailand Feb 14 March 14 220 Baht 220 B 250 B 250 B 70 B 70 B 100 B 100 B Vietnam Hanoi Ho Chi Minh March 14 Dong 180,000 D 200,000 D 200,000 D 180,000 D 50,000 D 47,000 D 77,500 D 75,000 D Lampung Medan Philippines