HEALTHY SCHOOL CHAMPIONS RECOGNITION PROGRAM APPLICATION AND SCORING RUBRIC 2015-2016 Name of School: Date: Directions: The following questions are to be completed by applicants. Please input responses in the text box below each question. The text box will expand as you type. Note the word limit for each question – portions of responses that exceed the assigned word limits will not be read or scored by reviewers! Please reference the rubric below each text box for further clarification into how each question will be scored by reviewers. To submit: Please save your responses to the Healthy School Champions application and upload completed applications and three signed letters here by 11:59 p.m. Monday, January 18, 2016. NOTE: Please make sure you have all materials completed and ready to submit before accessing the link above. Additionally, please note that CEI will be closed on Monday, January 18, 2016 and no technical assistance will be available. We encourage you to submit your application by January 15, 2016 if you need assistance from CEI staff. 1. Identify how you are incorporating best practices in each of the component areas of school health. (750 word limit) Component areas include: Nutrition; Physical Education/Physical Activity; Health Education; Health Services; Counseling, Psychological, and Social Services; Healthy and Safe School Environments; Family, Community, and Student Involvement; Staff Health Promotion Excellent 17-20 The implementation of best practices related to school health is demonstrated in ALL 8 component areas and best practices in each of those areas are specified. Good 12-16 The implementation of best practices related to school health is demonstrated in at least 6 of 8 component areas and best practices in those areas are specified. Activities that are not considered best practice may be specified. Fair 6-11 The implementation of best practices related to school health is demonstrated in at least 4 of 8 component areas and best practices in those areas are specified. Best practices in all of these area are not necessarily included but activities that are not considered best practice are noted. Poor 0-5 The implementation of best practices related to school health is demonstrated in fewer than 3 of 8 component areas and minimal references to best practices in those areas are specified. OR The implementation of best practices is not demonstrated or the questions is not answered. Activities that are not considered best practice may be noted. REVIEWER CONSIDERATIONS: In order to be eligible for an ‘Excellent’ score, all component areas must be addressed with the implementation of best practices demonstrated in each area. Activities that are not considered best practice (i.e. one-time wellness activity or event) may be included in the application and can be considered for scoring in the ‘Good’, ‘Fair’ and ‘Poor’ categories but should not be a consideration for scoring in the ‘Excellent’ category. For more information on best practices, please see the Best Practices Guide for Healthy Schools here. Do not read or score text beyond 750 words. 2. Identify the ways your school administrators help to lead and/or support your healthy school efforts. (350 word limit) Examples of administrative support include: participating on the wellness team, supporting the development and implementation of healthy school initiatives; supporting staff time and efforts focused on healthy school initiatives; soliciting support from the broader school community and being an outspoken proponent of integrating health into the overall school’s mission, systems, i.e., Unified Improvement Plans, and environment. Excellent 9-10 School administrators are champions or changemakers for health and wellness. They participate on the wellness team and often lead efforts, and support innovation in the development of healthy school initiatives. They encourage the use of staff time toward healthy school efforts. They solicit support for health and wellness from the broader school community and are outspoken proponents of integrating health into school systems. Good 6-8 School administrators are active supporters of health and wellness efforts. They participate in wellness team events and programs, and provide ample support to the wellness team to develop healthy school policy initiatives and delegate staff or provide the time/space for healthy school efforts. REVIEWER CONSIDERATIONS: Do not read or score text beyond 350 words. Fair 3-5 School administrators are passive supporters of health and wellness efforts. They are permissive of health and wellness efforts, particularly when they do not require additional resources or capacity, conflict with another directive, or affect systems. They participate occasionally in programs and events. Poor 0-2 School administrators’ involvement in healthy school efforts is minimal, and/or administrators do not support the use of staff time to focus on healthy school efforts, nor do they allow health and wellness a voice at the table during school improvement planning. OR Administrator support is non-existent or adversarial, or the question is not answered. 3. Describe the dynamic of your wellness team that supports healthy school efforts. Include your members’ titles, meeting frequency, and any major tasks completed or decisions made. (350 word limit) Schools can have a team specifically convened to address healthy school efforts. This team should include a diverse group of stakeholders and plan/implement healthy school strategies and policies. Excellent 9-10 Membership includes all of the following: administrators, parents, students, community members and school staff. They meet at least monthly. Includes more than one example of a major task completed or decision made that had a lasting, systemic effect on students, staff, or the school culture. Good 6-8 Membership includes 3-4 of the following: administrators, parents, students, community members and school staff. They meet at least 5-6 times in a school year. At least one example of a major task completed or decision made that had positive effect on students, staff, or school culture. REVIEWER CONSIDERATIONS: Do not read or score text beyond 350 words. Fair 3-5 Membership is limited to school staff and/or missing the voice of parents, students, community members, and administrators. They meet at least 3-4 times throughout the school year. May cite specific tasks or decisions but does not demonstrate how those tasks or decisions have had a positive effect on students, staff, or school culture. Poor 0-2 Membership is lacking and meetings are infrequent or inconsistent. Efforts to build or improve team and impact are unclear. OR Wellness team is nonexistent, is not addressed, or question is not answered. 4. What are the data sources you use? Show how those data have helped your school identify and implement priority areas for healthy school efforts. (500 word limit) Consider your student and school-level data sources such as Healthy Kids Colorado Survey, climate surveys, needs and interest surveys, Smart Source, attendance records, discipline and referral records, etc. and show that you’ve used these data to: identify student/staff needs, prioritize areas of improvement, implement strategies to make improvements, and garner support/buy-in from the broader school community. Excellent 13-15 Multiple data sources are used to assess needs and gaps at the school and student level. Illustrated through multiple examples, there is a systematic process in place for identifying, prioritizing, implementing, and garnering support for health strategies, with a clear connection established between what the data show and the resulting healthy school efforts. Data are used to integrate health and wellness into the overall school system and environment. Good 9-12 More than one data source is used to assess needs and gaps at the school and student level. Results of these data sometimes inform the healthy school efforts that are implemented, or there is evidence of a link between data and efforts. Process for interpreting and applying the data exists, but may not necessarily establish a direct link between data and overall healthy school efforts. Fair 4-8 At least one data source is used to assess needs and gaps. Some attempt is made to identify priority areas for healthy school efforts based on data, but does not establish a direct link between data and overall school health efforts. Application may demonstrate improving the connection where it is lacking. Poor 0-3 A data source may be cited, but data is not actually used to inform healthy school efforts, or the process for interpreting/applying data is limited to non-existent, and there is little evidence of work to improve the link. OR Data sources are not used, data is not addressed, or question is not answered. REVIEWER CONSIDERATIONS: Assessment process and instruments are specified. Assessment is used to target gaps and opportunities for improvement. Staff, parent and student input are sought to identify priorities. Implementation of school health efforts directly links to priorities identified in data. Do not read or score text beyond 500 words. 5. How are community partners, parents, and students involved in the design and implementation of healthy school efforts? (500 word limit) Excellent 13-15 All three groups are at the table as co-creators of healthy school efforts. Multiple examples of partnerships and contributions (ideas, time, in-kind or monetary support) from all three groups are included. Good 9-12 Two of these groups are involved. Examples show how their input and or support is sought and incorporated into design and implementation of healthy school efforts. More than one example of partnerships and contributions (ideas, time, in-kind or monetary support) from at least two of the three groups are included. REVIEWER CONSIDERATIONS: Do not read or score text beyond 500 words. Fair 4-8 At least one of these groups is involved. Examples show that their input and/or support has been sought and incorporated at least once in the past, and a plan to increase involvement is evident. At least one example of a partnership and/or contribution (ideas, time, in-kind or monetary support) from at least one of the three groups is included. Poor 0-3 Involvement from these groups is minimal, or application of their input is unclear. Plan to increase involvement is not evident. OR Involvement is nonexistent, or question is not answered. 6. Describe the ways you are working to sustain your healthy school efforts. (500 word limit) Sustainability efforts include: evaluating the effectiveness of efforts, developing and/or enforcing policies; securing ongoing funding support; securing in-kind support from the broader school community; working to institutionalize healthy school efforts. Excellent 13-15 A clear process is in place to evaluate efforts, with the goal of moving toward continuous quality improvement. Policies are developed and enforced. Examples of securing funding and in-kind support are provided. The school community is committed to creating a culture of health. Progress in institutionalizing health efforts is specified. Good 9-12 Examples of evaluating efforts are provided with the goal of moving toward continuous improvement, but process may not be consistent. Some policies are in place, and there have been attempts to pursue funding or in-kind support. Work is happening to institutionalize healthy school efforts. Fair 4-8 Attempts have been made to sustain healthy school efforts through evaluation, securing support, gaining commitment from school community, or developing policies. However the follow-through or results of said attempts are unclear. Poor 0-3 There have been minimal attempts to evaluate effectiveness of, or sustain, efforts. “Fly by night” programs or initiatives, with no clear plan to improve sustainability. OR There have been no attempts to sustain efforts, or question is unanswered. REVIEWER CONSIDERATIONS: • Narrative highlights how programs, activities, policies are evaluated and how results of that evaluation inform future improvements. • Narrative details the ways in which policies are developed and enforced. • Progress in institutionalizing health and wellness efforts is specified. • Details are provided regarding the sources and amounts of financial and in-kind support that have been secured to support health programming. • Do not read or score text beyond 500 words. 7. Explain how your healthy school efforts are integrated into your school systems and culture. (500 word limit) Excellent 13-15 Health and wellness is foundational to the school’s policies, environment, and systems (e.g., UIP process). Efforts are consistently messaged to the broader school community, evidence of the commitment of teachers, parents, and students toward creating a culture of health is provided, and the importance of health is spotlighted in the school’s overall mission/vision. Good 9-12 Health and wellness has a voice at the table when it comes to the school’s development of policies, environment, and systems. Efforts are sometimes messaged to the broader community, and the importance of health and wellness is emphasized but it may not be apparent in the school’s overall mission/vision or the school’s culture. REVIEWER CONSIDERATIONS: Do not read or score text beyond 500 words. Fair 4-8 Steps are being taken to integrate health and wellness into the school’s policies, environment, and systems. Examples of how those steps lead to overall systemic or cultural changes are limited or not addressed. Efforts may be messaged to the broader community but it is not apparent in the school’s overall mission/vision or the school’s culture. Poor 0-3 Healthy school efforts that do occur can be characterized as “extra”, and in general, health and wellness is marginalized. No seat at the table for school improvement planning, and efforts are not messaged to the broader community. OR Health and wellness is completely lacking in the school systems and culture, or question is unanswered. Thank you for completing the Healthy School Champions Application! As a reminder, please save your responses to the Healthy School Champions application and upload completed applications and three signed letters here by 11:59 p.m. Monday, January 18, 2016. NOTE: Please make sure you have all materials completed and ready to submit before accessing the link above. HEALTHY SCHOOL CHAMPIONS RECOGNITION PROGRAM APPLICATION CHECKLIST (completed by reviewer) Completion of Smart Source tool by Dec 31, 2015 Three letters of support from your choice of the following: administrator, teacher, parent, student, and/or community member Healthy School Champions Application REVIEWER SCORING RUBRIC (completed by reviewer) COMPONENTS 1. Identify how you are incorporating best practices in each of the component areas of school health. (750 word limit) 2. Identify the ways your school administrators help to lead and/or support your healthy school efforts. (350 word limit) 3. Describe the dynamic of your wellness team and how it supports healthy school efforts. Include your members’ titles, meeting frequency, and any major tasks completed or decisions made. (350 word limit) 4. What are the data sources you use? Share how those data have helped your school identify priority areas for healthy school efforts. (500 word limit) 5. How are community partners, parents, and students involved in the design and implementation of your healthy school efforts? (500 word limit) 6. Describe the ways you are working to sustain your effective healthy school efforts. (500 word limit) 7. Explain how your healthy school efforts are integrated into your school systems and culture. (500 word limit) TOTAL POINTS FROM ALL COMPONENTS TOTAL POSSIBLE POINTS 20 10 10 15 15 15 15 100 ACTUAL POINTS