leaflet for parents

Social Enquiry/Investigation and Multi-disciplinary Case Conference
for the Protection of Child with Suspected Abuse
-- Notes to Parents
All children should be able to grow up healthily with proper physical, psychological
and emotional care. They should be protected against harm and exploitation. All
parents/guardians and carers have the responsibility to meet the physical,
psychological and social needs of their children. Children refer to those under the
age of 18.
If the physical/psychological health and development of a child are
endangered or impaired
We understand that parents/carers may have various difficulties making them being
unable to give their children proper care and guidance all the time. However, if there
are reasons to believe that there is any act or neglect by parents/carers that endangers
or impairs the physical/psychological health and development of a child, professionals
who may come into contact with the child have the responsibility to take necessary
actions in accordance with the Procedural Guide for Handling Child Abuse Cases
for safeguarding the safety and interests of the child. They also have to inform the
social worker of Family and Child Protective Services Unit of Social Welfare
Department (SWD) or the social worker of SWD/non-governmental organisation
handling the child or the family case to conduct a social enquiry/investigation. For
suspected sexual abuse cases, regardless of whether parents/carers or someone else
have been involved, professionals are required to handle the cases in accordance with
the above Procedural Guide.
Attention: The paramount concern of the professionals is to ensure the
immediate safety of the child.
How does a social worker handle a case and conduct an investigation?
When a child is found to have possibly been abused (including being physically,
psychologically, sexually abused or neglected), the social worker will investigate and
handle appropriately based on the circumstances of each case. Actions generally
The social worker will first obtain information on the case and then decide
whether it is necessary to take immediate action to protect the safety of the child.
He / she will as far as possible contact the parent(s) and explain to the parent(s)
and the child the relevant procedures.
If the child requires medical examination or treatment, the social worker or other
professional will arrange for the child to attend a hospital under the Hospital
Authority. The social worker can contact the doctor for direct admission to a
ward in order to avoid the child having to wait at the Accident and Emergency
Department. The child may need to stay in a hospital for detailed examination,
assessment or observation.
In circumstances that suggest a criminal offence may have been committed, the
social worker or other professional is required to report the case to the Police for
If advice from other professional is needed, the social worker or other
investigating officers will arrange for the child to have other assessments by
professionals, for example, clinical psychologists, psychiatrists, forensic
pathologists, etc.
If the child does not require examination or treatment in a hospital but the social
worker or other investigating officers consider that it is not appropriate for the
child to return home at the moment, the social worker will discuss with the
parents and arrange a suitable place for the child to stay temporarily.
The social worker will conduct an in-depth investigation and assessment of the
family circumstances, including having interviews and home visits of the child
and his / her family and obtaining necessary information from staff of
organisations who have knowledge of the child and his / her family. Apart from
obtaining information about the incident, the social worker will also need to find
out the needs, difficulties and strengths of the family and the child, as well as to
discuss with them the future welfare arrangements.
It is very important for the parents to cooperate with the social worker
and various investigating officers. We expect that all parties can agree
on an appropriate plan upon discussion to facilitate the parents to
provide proper care and supervision for the child in order to prevent
child abuse in future.
If the parents do not consent to the above arrangements
Parents are earnestly asked to understand that the above arrangements are to protect
the safety and interests of the child. We understand that parents may feel anxious and
uneasy in the course of investigation, and they may not share the views of the
investigating officers. Investigating officers will take into account the views of the
parents. However, in order to protect the safety of a child and safeguard his / her best
interests, even if the parents do not consent to certain arrangements, the officers
concerned can consider seeking statutory protection for the child under the Protection
of Children and Juveniles Ordinance (PCJO), Cap 213, if the situation so warrants,
including taking the child to a safe place.
If the investigating officers are of the opinion that a child is in need of medical
examination or treatment while the parents do not give their consent
Under Sections 34F(1) and (2) of the PCJO, Cap 213, any person authorised in
writing by the Director of Social Welfare (DSW) or any police officer of the rank
of Station Sergeant or above who is of the opinion that any child or juvenile who
appears to be in need of care or protection is in need of urgent medical or surgical
attention or treatment may take the child or juvenile to a hospital. A child or
juvenile who is admitted to a hospital after being taken to it may be detained by
the DSW in that hospital for so long as the attendance of the child or juvenile at
that hospital is necessary for the purpose of medical or surgical attention or
treatment and thereafter the DSW may take him to a place of refuge.
If the investigating officers are of the opinion that it is not appropriate for a child to
return home at the moment while the parents do not agree that the child should stay at
an alternative place temporarily
Under Section 34E(1) of the PCJO, Cap 213, any person authorised in writing by
the DSW or any police officer of the rank of station sergeant or above may take
any child or juvenile who appears to be in need of care or protection to a place of
refuge or such other place as he may consider appropriate.
If the parents do not consent to the referral of the case to the Police for investigation
while the incident is serious or a criminal offence may have been committed
The professionals concerned will give a detailed explanation to the parents and
help them understand the purpose and importance of the investigation.
However, professionals have the responsibility to refer the case to the Police for
investigation even if the parents are not willing to do so.
Multi-disciplinary Case Conference on Protection of Child with Suspected
Abuse (the conference)
Normally after the various officers have conducted the investigation for the case and
obtained certain information, a conference will be held. The conference is NOT for
the discussion about the prosecution of the abuser but a forum by which professionals
can share their professional knowledge, information obtained and concerns about the
case. The most important thing is to formulate a welfare plan for the child with
suspected abuse and his / her family.
All information discussed at the conference would be kept confidential.
If all the necessary information is ready, the conference will, as far as possible, be held
within 10 working days after the case is received by the investigating social worker.
The conference is usually convened by a social worker. Members attending the
conference will include professionals who take part in the investigation of the case,
who have knowledge on the child and his / her family or who may follow up the case
in future, namely:
social workers
medical personnel
clinical psychologists
school personnel
police officers
professionals currently providing services to the child or the family
other professionals who are required to provide information or may handle the
case in future.
How is the conference conducted?
Professionals attending the conference usually start by reporting to other members the
information obtained from the investigation and their knowledge of the family. The
following items are then discussed at the conference:
Determine the case nature from child welfare point of view
Assess the extent of risk of abuse on the child and / or the siblings in future
Recommend a welfare plan with regard to the welfare needs of the child and the
family to ensure the safety of the child, to safeguard his / her best interests, and to
assist the family in coping with problems and providing appropriate care and
supervision for the child(ren)
Whether the information of the child and / or the siblings will be registered on the
Child Protection Registry of the Social Welfare Department
Confirm the unit and social worker responsible for following up the case, and
determine the roles of other professionals in the implementation of the welfare
Please note that the focus of the conference is on the welfare of the child and his / her
family. The decision of the conference has no binding effect on the decision of the
police on whether or not to prosecute the suspected perpetrator(s).
What are included in the welfare plan?
Depending on the situation and needs of the child and his / her family, the welfare plan
may include:
Day or residential care service for the child and / or the siblings in order to ensure
the safety of the child(ren) or provide parents with temporary relief from care or
supervision of their chid(ren)
Application to the Court for an order for the care and / or supervision of the child
and / or the siblings under Section 34(2) of the Protection of Children and
Juveniles Ordinance, Cap 213
Refuge centres, temporary residential service or respite care service, etc. for other
family members at risk
Counselling service for the child and his / her family
Clinical psychological and / or medical assessment and treatment for the child
and his / her family
Parent education or parent-child activities or courses
Learning support and extra-curricular activities for the child
Financial or employment assistance for the family
Special services for family member(s) on coping with emotional problems, stress,
gambling, alcoholism, drug abuse, etc.
Other community support services
In the course of following up the case, the social worker will make contact with the
child and his / her family and keep contact with other relevant professionals as and
when necessary so as to review the situation of the child and his / her family regularly
and provide appropriate assistance.
If residential care service is arranged for the child, the social worker will discuss
arrangements for visits, going out, home leave, etc. with the parents and the child, and
assist the family in handling their problems so that the child can re-unite with the
family as early as possible.
If a child is suspected to have been abused, can the parents or the child
attend the conference?
The conference consists of two parts. The first part is for discussion among
professionals. The second part is for the professionals to meet with parents. Under
normal circumstances, the parents of the child suspected to have been abused will be
invited to attend the second part of the conference. The purposes are to enhance the
parents’ understanding of members’ concerns over the case and the family, to invite
parents to give views on the proposed welfare plan and to enlist their cooperation with
the professionals in the implementation of the welfare plan. However, parent(s) may
not be invited if their attendance is considered inappropriate by members, such as
when their attendance may hinder discussions during the conference.
If the Chairperson and members consider that the child can benefit from attending the
conference, the child may also be invited to attend the second part of the conference.
Before the conference, the parents or the child may express views to the investigating
social worker or other members for their consideration at the conference. If the
parents or the child are not attending the conference, the Chairperson or social
worker/and certain members will explain to parents, after the conference, the decision
and recommendations made at the conference. The parents may still express their
views on the recommendations. The social worker will pass their views on to other
members, if necessary.
Can parents bring their relatives or other people along to the conference?
Subject to the consent of members of the conference, significant family members and
relatives who have sound knowledge of the child and would contribute to the
formulation or implementation of the welfare plan can also be invited as necessary.
However, the parents who cannot attend themselves need not send a representative to
attend because that person cannot participate in the discussions or make decisions on
behalf of the parents. After the conference, the Chairperson or social worker/and
certain members will explain to the parents the decision and recommendations made at
the conference.
How can parents participate in the conference?
Before the conference, the Chairperson or the investigating social worker will brief the
parents on the purpose, membership and procedures concerning the conference.
During the conference, the parents may supplement the background information of the
child’s family, and participate in discussions as well as give views on the formulation
and implementation of the welfare plan. Parents may also seek clarification from the
Chairperson or members on the issues discussed at the conference.
What should parents do after the conference?
The conference will identify a social service unit and relevant professionals to follow
up the case in future. Parents are advised to keep contact with the responsible social
worker and other professionals following up the cases, and to ensure the safety of the
child and the welfare of the family as far as possible. Cooperation and active
participation of the parents are very important.
If parents disagree with the decision of the conference
Parents attending the conference may express their views at the conference.
However, regardless of whether the parents have attended the conference or not, they
may express their views to the Chairperson and / or the responsible social worker after
the conference, if necessary.
If parents disagree with the case nature as determined by the conference, the
Chairperson or the responsible social worker will explain to the parents the reasons for
the decision. We hope that parents can understand that the case nature is a case
categorization from child welfare point of view based on the professional advice given
by members of the conference. Although parents’ views on and interpretation of the
case nature may be slightly different from those of members, what matters most is for
a consensus to be reached on the problems concerned, which could then be alleviated
in future by means of counselling or other support services.
If parents disagree with certain arrangement(s) of the welfare plan recommended by
the conference which are related to the safety and / or care of the child, the social
worker of the Social Welfare Department or the Police may need to apply to the Court
for a care or protection order for the child under Section 34(2) of the Protection of
Children and Juveniles Ordinance, Cap 213. The parents may express their views at
the hearing. The Court will then make a decision on relevant arrangements. Even if
the parents disagree with the welfare plan and lodge a complaint to the organisation
concerned, the social worker and professionals concerned will still carry out the
welfare plan recommended by the MDCC as far as practicable.
If the parents are dissatisfied with the handling of a particular professional
Professionals responsible for handling the suspected child abuse case will try their best
to explain to the parents what actions to be/have been taken and why, hoping that the
parents can understand and cooperate. Parents who are dissatisfied with the
approaches taken by a particular professional may express their views or lodge
complaints with the organisation of that professional.