Curriculum Vitae - Kalamazoo College

Work Address:
Kalamazoo College
1200 Academy St.
Kalamazoo, MI 49006
Home Address:
1504 Academy St.
Kalamazoo, MI 49006
Michigan State University
Ph.D. Counseling Psychology, (GPA 4.0)
Dissertation: Women and Men’s Ideal Leadership Style Preferences Within
the Workplace: The Influence of Connectedness Needs, Ethnicity, Age and
Educational Level
University of Notre Dame
APA Approved Psychology Internship
Michigan State University
M. A., Community/Agency Counseling, (GPA 4.0)
Lee University
B. A., Psychology (GPA 3.92, Summa Cum Laude, Departmental Honors)
Associate Professor (2005-present); Assistant (1998-2004);
Kalamazoo College, Psychology Department: Women, Gender, and Sexuality Studies
Kalamazoo, MI
Assistant Professor (2005-present); Assistant (1998-2004);
Kalamazoo College, Psychology Department: Women, Gender, and Sexuality Studies
Kalamazoo, MI
Adjunct Professor
University of Notre Dame, South Bend, IN (Counseling Psychology Doctoral
Graduate Program)
Lansing Community College, Lansing, MI (Psychology Department)
Psychotherapist, LLP, LPC, Private Practice
East Lansing, MI
Interim Instructor and Interim Supervisor for the Masters Counseling Program
Michigan State University
East Lansing, MI
Introduction to Psychology
Feminist Psychology of Women
History and Systems of Psychology
Counseling Psychology
Society of Counseling Psychology
Society for the Teaching of Psychology
Counseling Psychology Section for the Advancement of Women
Association of Women in Psychology
Society of the History of Psychology
Cultural-Relational Theory; College women's leadership aspirations; Workers’ Leadership
preferences; Students’ learning styles and effective pedagogical classroom techniques; Mary
Whiton Calkin's quest for Ph. D. (1890-1927)
(* denotes publications or presentations that included students)
*Pfaff, L., Boatwright, K. J., Pothoff, A., Finan, C., Ulrey, L. A., & Huber, D. (2013). Perceptions of
women and men leaders following 360-Degree feedback evaluations. Performance Management
Quarterly, 26, 35-56.
*Boatwright, K. J., Lopez, F. Sauer, E., VanderWege, A., & Huber, D. M. (2010). The influence of
adult attachment styles on workers’ preferences for relational leadership behaviors. Psychologist
Manager Journal, 13, 1-14.
*Boatwright, K., J. & Nolan, B. (2006). Growthful connections: Relational-cultural theory in
therapeutic action. Psychology of Women Quarterly, 30, 232.
Boatwright, K., J. & Sinacore, A. (2005). Student responses to feminist pedagogy. In Carol Enns
and Ada Sinacore (Eds.) Teaching and Social Justice: Integrating Multicultural and Feminist Theories in the
Classroom, pp. 109-124. Washington D.C: American Psychological Association.
Enns, C. Z., Sinacore, A., Acevdo, V., Akcali, O, Ali, S. R., Ancis, J., Forrest, L., Fassinger, R.,
Boatwright, K. J., Boyer, M., Byers-Winston, A. (2005). Integrating multicultural and feminist
pedagogies: Personal perspectives on positionality, challenges, and benefits. Teaching and Social
Justice: Integrating Multicultural and Feminist Theories in the Classroom Washington DC: American
Psychological Association. Washington D.C.: APA.
* Boatwright, K. J., Egidio, R., Vibbert, S., Connors, C., Fox, A., Leafers, J., Spang, E., McCracken,
K., Lacina, M., Vanorio, L., & Lenz, K. (2003). Psychological predictors of college women’s
leadership aspirations. Journal of College Student Development, 44(5), 653-669.
Vecchio, R. P. & Boatwright, K. J. (2002). Preferences for idealized styles of supervision. Leadership
Quarterly, 13, 327-342.
Boatwright, K. J., & Forrest, L. K. (2000). The influence of gender and Needs for connection on
workers’ ideal preferences for leadership behaviors Journal of Leadership Studies, 7, 18-34
Codde, J. R., Egidio, R, Boatwright, K. J., & Zahn, J. (2000). Strategic planning for an online distance
education program. In Zane Berge (Ed.) Sustaining Distance Training, San Francisco: Jossey Bass.
Steward, R., Boatwright, K. J., & Sauer, E. (1998). The relationships among counselor-trainees'
gender, cognitive development, and white racial identity: Implications for counseling training.
Journal of Multicultural Counseling and Development, 26, 254-272.
Ketzenberger, K. E., Boatwright, K. J., & Forrest, L. (1998). Shining new light on borderline
personality: A historical and theoretical perspective. Journal of Contemporary Psychology, 43, 862863.
Boatwright, K. J., Gilbert, M., Forrest, L., & Ketzenberger, K. (1996). Impact of identity upon career
trajectory. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 48, 210-228.
Steward, R., Boatwright, K. J., & Sauer, E. (1996). Social support system of successful college
students: A study of race, ethnicity and sex. Journal of College Student Development, 37, 97-98.
Steward, R., Boatwright, K. J., Baden, A. & Sauer, E. (1995). The relationships among counselortrainees' gender, cognitive development, and White racial identity: Implications for counselor
training. Journal of Multicultural Counseling and Development, 26(4), 254-272.
*Boatwright, K., Nolan, B. & Boyer Lewis, C. (2013). Pushing the Boundaries: Mary Whiton Calkins
at the Sesquicentennial of Her Birth. Central Division Conference: American Philosophy
Association, New Orleans, LA.
*Boatwright, K., et al. (2012). Factors that undermine or enhance college women’s leadership
aspirations. National Conference: Association of Women in Psychology, Palm Springs, CA.
Boatwright, K., Enns, C., & Davis, J. M. (August, 2011). The role of Counseling Psychologists in
liberal arts colleges. Symposium at the American Psychological Association, National
Conference, San Diego, CA.
*Boatwright, K., Davis, J., Cavanaugh, A., Bauer, K., Pothoff, A., Keegan, K., & Finan, C. (February,
2010). Connectedness needs as a predictor of gender differences in student responses to feminist pedagogical
strategies. Symposium at the Association of Women in Psychology National Conference, Portland,
*Boatwright, K., Brainerd, R., McAlpine, Nestor, S., Bauer, K., Ulrey, L., Keegan, K., Pothoff, A., &
Myers, H. (March, 2009). Changes in college women’s conceptualizations of leadership. Poster presentation
at the Association of Women in Psychology National Conference, Newport, RI
*Boatwright, K., Cavanaugh, A., Davis, J., Kim, M., & Yeagley, E. (March, 2009). Symposium: Gender
differences in students’ preferences for feminist pedagogical strategies. Association of Women in Psychology
National Conference, Newport, RI Boatwright, K., et al. (2008). Relational Cultural Theory Applied
to Counseling & Supervisory Cases. American Psychological Association, Division 17 Great Lakes
Regional Conference, Western University, Kalamazoo, MI.
*Swope, K & Boatwright, K. (2008). Exclusion of African American women in a predominantly white feminist
classroom. . Presented in poster session at the International Conference American Psychological
Association conference in Chicago, IL
Boatwright, K., et al. (2008). Relational Cultural Theory based supervision in the university setting. Presented
in poster session at the International Conference American Psychological Association conference
in Chicago, IL
Boatwright, K., et al. (2007). A working model for Relational Cultural collaborative student research teams.
Participant in symposium at the American Psychological Association conference in Akron, OH.
Boatwright, K., Enns, C. et al. (2006). Counseling psychologists in liberal arts college settings. Participant in
symposium at the American Psychological Association conference in New Orleans, LA.
*Boatwright, K., Gormley, B. et al. (2006). Feminist Mentoring through Lens of Class. Paper presented at
the Association of Women in Psychology National Conference, Ann Arbor, MI.
Boatwright, K. & Ancis, J. (February, 2006). Multiculturalism in the classroom. The Winter Roundtable
on Cultural Psychology and Education, Columbia University, New York, NY.
*Boatwright, K., & Nolan, B. (2005). Campaign for Mary Whiton Calkins: Update. Paper presented at
the Association of Women in Psychology National Conference, Tampa, FL.
*Boatwright, K. et al. (2005). Using Multicultural Feminist Pedagogy for Social Action. Participant in
symposium at the American Psychological Association conference in Washington DC.
*Boatwright, K., & Nolan, B. (2005). Summary of Archival Evidence and Social Action Campaign for Mary
Whiton Calkins. Paper presented at the Association of Women in Psychology National
Conference, Tampa, FL.
*Boatwright, K., Connors, C., Lacina, M., McCracken, K. Vanorio, L. & Yeagley, E. (August, 2004).
The influence of a co-educational college experience (the first two years) on women's leadership aspirations. Poster
presented at the American Psychological Association annual national conference, Honolulu,
*Boatwright, K., & Nolan, B. (August, 2004). Mary Whiton Calkins: The quest for her doctoral degree..
Poster presented at the American Psychological Association annual national conference,
Honolulu, Hawaii.
Boatwright, K. J. et al. (August, 2003). Developing Meaningful Mentoring Relationships: Personal and
Professional Reflections. Symposium presented at the American Psychological Association annual
national conference, Toronto, Ontario.
*Boatwright, K. J., Vibbert, S., Connors, C., Lacina, M., McCracken, K., Fox, A. & Spang, E. (April,
2003). College women's leadership aspirations: Quantitative and Qualitative Longitudinal study. American
Psychological Association, Division 17 Great Lakes Regional Conference, Western University,
Kalamazoo, MI.
*Boatwright, K. J., & Paschiera, G. (April, 2003). Relationship among Connectedness needs (Relational
theory), Gender role and college students' responses to feminist pedagogical strategies. American Psychological
Association, Division 17 Great Lakes Regional Conference, Western University, Kalamazoo, MI.
Boatwright, K. (January, 2003). Using Social Action projects in Feminist Psychology of Women courses.
American Psychological Society and Division 2, National Institute on Teaching of Psychology.
St. Petersburg, FL.
Morrow, S. Gainor, K., Douce, L. Boatwright, K. (August, 2002). Continuing the dialogue among
Counseling Psychologists: Building bridges between women of color and white women. Roundtable for Section
for the Advancement of Women (Division 17). American Psychological Association annual
national conference, Chicago, IL.
Boatwright, K, Sauer, E, & Shirmer, L. (2002). Strategies for Acquiring Academic Jobs for Counseling
Psychologists in Training. Symposim for American Psychological Association, Division 17 Great
Lakes Regional Conference, Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI.
Sauer, E., Lopez, F. & Boatwright, K. (2001). Attachment styles and leadership preferences. American
Psychological Association, San Francisco, CA.
*Boatwright, K, Barasch, M, Spang, E., Moon, M. & Leafers, J. (2001). College women’s aspirations.
Relational theory's connectedness needs and leadership. American Psychological Association, Division 17
Great Lakes Regional Conference, University of Akron, Akron, OH.
Vecchio, R., & Boatwright, K. J. (2000, June). Preferences for idealized supervision: Empirical support for
Hersey & Blanchard’s Situational Leadership Theory. American Psychological Society National
Conference, Miami, FL.
Steward, R., Sauer, E., & Boatwright, K. (2000). Trainees' Perceptions of Black Clients who only date White
Men or Women. American Psychological Association, Division 17 Great Lakes Regional
Conference, Ball State University, Muncie, IN.
Boatwright, K, & Sauer, E. (2000). The influence of attachment styles in the worker-employee relationship.
American Psychological Association, Division 17 Great Lakes Regional Conference, Ball State
University, Muncie, IN.
*Boatwright, K., Bennett, L. & Moon, M. (2000). Leadership aspirations: Influences of gender role and selfesteem in career and leadership aspirations. American Psychological Association, Division 17 Great
Lakes Regional Conference, Ball State University, Muncie, IN.
*Boatwright, K. J., Cohen, B, Ketzenberger, K. & Moon, M. (2000, March). Feminist pedagogical
strategies: Factors that influence student responses. Association of Women in Psychology National,
University of Utah, Salt Lake City.
Boatwright, K. J. (1999, August). Psychometric validity for Welch’s Connectedness Scale. Presentation of
paper as part of a symposium, American Psychological Association, Boston, MA
*Boatwright, K. J., Flynn, M, Sigl, E., Laughlin, C., Dorf, S. (1999, April). The influence of connectedness
needs and gender role on college women’s CPI leadership aspiration subscale scores. Symposium for Division
17 Great Lakes Regional Conference, The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH.
Boatwright, K. J., & Cohen, B. (1999, March). Personality variables that influence student responses to feminist
pedagogical strategies. Roundtable for Association of Women in Psychology National Conference,
Providence, RI.
Boatwright, K. J. (1998, August). Women and men’s ideal leadership style preferences within the workplace: The
influence of gender, connectedness needs, and ethnicity. Paper presented at American Psychological
Association, San Francisco,
Boatwright, K. J. & Searle, B. (1998, April). The relationship between adult attachment styles and connectedness
needs attachment. Division 17 Great Lakes Regional Conference, Indiana University, Bloomington,
Boatwright, K. J., & Forrest, L. Successful women leaders in academia: Trials, tribulations, and triumphs.
(1998) Association of Women in Psychology National Conference, Baltimore, MD.
Boatwright, K. J., & Forrest, L. Empirical support for the self-in-relation theory. Accepted for Association
of Women in Psychology National Conference, Baltimore, MD.
Boatwright, K. J., & Enns, C. (1997, August). Feminist pedagogy: Teaching the psychology of
women. In F. Rosenberg (Chair), Building the Future of Feminist Counseling Psychology: A CrossGenerational Dialogue. Roundtable conducted at American Psychological Association, Chicago,
Boatwright, K. J., Forrest, L., (April, 1997). Affiliation needs, race, age, and leader behavior preferences.
American Psychological Association, Division 17 Great Lakes Regional Conference, Western
University, Kalamazoo, MI.
Rosenberg, F., Forrest, L., & Boatwright, K. J., (April, 1997). Feminist pedagogy in the classroom.
American Psychological Association, Division 17 Great Lakes Regional Conference, Western
University, Kalamazoo, MI.
Daly, T., & Boatwright, K. (March, 1997). Feminist pedagogy and the teaching of psychology. Symposium
for Association of Women in Psychology National Conference, Pittsburgh, PA.
Ketzenberger, K., Boatwright, K. J., & Forrest, L. (March, 1997). The process of boundary setting in the
therapeutic relationship. Presentation for Association of Women in Psychology National
Conference, Pittsburgh, PA.
Boatwright, K. J., & Rosenberg, F. (1996, August). Increasing the participation of White
psychologists in clinical work with minority clients. In R. Lightsey (Chair), Increasing the
participation of White psychologists in Racial/Ethnic Minority Issues. Roundtable conducted at American
Psychological Association, Toronto, Ontario.
Boatwright, K. J. (1996, August). Strategizing for effective transitions during graduate school. Chaired
Roundtable conducted at American Psychological Association, Toronto, Ontario.
Boatwright, K. J., & Rosenberg, F. (1996, April). Integration of self-in-relation theory into career research.
Poster session presented at American Psychological Association, Division 17 Great Lakes
Regional Conference, Ball State University, Muncie, IN.
Forrest, L., Rosenberg, F., Gilbert, M., Boatwright, K. J., McDonald, D, & Ebeling, B. (1996, April).
Dual career issues: A look at preliminary findings. Roundtable conducted at American Psychological
Association, Div. 17 Great Lakes Regional Conference, Ball State University, Muncie, IN.
Ketzenberger, K., Forrest, L., & Boatwright, K. J. (1996, March). Power, boundaries, and
countertransference in therapy. Discussion presented at Association of Women in Psychology
National Conference, Portland, OR.
Boatwright, K. J. (1995, August). Hurdles and milestones of female graduate students. In L. Forrest
(Chair), The trials and tribulations of graduate school: Supporting women students. Roundtable conducted
at American Psychological Association Annual Meeting, New York, NY.
Boatwright, K. J. (1995, August). Examining the relationships between stages of white racial identify
and cognitive development with counseling trainees. In R. Steward (Chair), Cognitive Development
and White racial identity. Symposium conducted at American Psychological Association, New
York, NY.
Boatwright, K. J., Ketzenberger, K. & Forrest, L. (1995, March). Exploring the continuum of boundary
violations within the therapeutic setting. Paper presented at American Psychological Association,
Division 17 Great Lakes Regional Conference, Kent State University, Kent, OH.
Boatwright, K. J. Ketzenberger, K., & Hanson, R. (1995, March. Psychological reactions of gay men to
seropositive diagnosis: Implications for individual, group and family interventions. Paper presented at
American Psychological Association, Division 17 Great Lakes Regional Conference for
Counseling Psychology, Kent State University, Kent, OH.
Boatwright, K. J., Gilbert, M., Forrest, L., & Ketzenberger, K. (1995, March). Impact of identity
development upon career trajectory: Preliminary findings. Papers presented at Association for Women in
Psychology Conference, Indianapolis, IN.
Boatwright, K., J., & Ketzenberger, K. (1994, March). Relation between identify and career. Paper
presented at the American Psychological Association, Division 17 Great Lakes Regional
Conference for Counseling Psychology, Notre Dame University, Notre Dame, IN.
Boatwright, K., J. (1994, March). African-American women: An integrated model for group intervention.
Poster presented at Multicultural Conference (MECCA), Michigan State University, East
Lansing, MI.
Boatwright, K., J., (1994, January). Clinical issues: The impact of race and ethnicity. Paper presented at
Department of Counseling Psychology’s Multicultural Colloquium, Michigan State University,
East Lansing, MI.
College Committee Experience
Experiential Committee (2009-present)
Student Development (Dean’s) Advisory Panel (2008-2009)
Student Conduct Hearing Committee (2007-present)
Educational Policies Committee (2003-2005)
Admissions Committee: (2001-2003)
MIAA Faculty Athletic Representative (1999-2005)
GLCA Women's Studies Faculty Representative (1999-2005)
Leadership Planning Committee: (1998-2000)