UGS_Earth_Science Syllabus for Web - Workspace

Earth Science and Engineering
Faculty of Engineering, Department of
—Earth Science and Engineering
This publication refers to the session 2010–11. The information given,
including that relating to the
availability of courses, is current at the time of publication; 21 October
2010; and is subject to alteration.
© Imperial College London 2010
For details of postgraduate opportunities go to
Undergraduate syllabuses
Earth Science and Engineering
The principal challenge facing the world’s growing population is how to
maintain sustainable access to the natural resources— water, energy and
food— that are necessary for us to enjoy a quality of life. It is our duty
to work towards a better quality world where we can benefit from the high
standard of living that most of us take for granted. The science and
engineering behind understanding and solving these problems lie at the
heart of earth sciences.
The Department of Earth Science and Engineering forms a part of the
Royal School of Mines, where applied aspects of earth science have been
taught for more than 150 years. The Higher Education Funding Council for
England (HEFCE) has rated our teaching as excellent in all their most
recent assessments, including in 2008 where it was stated that ‘your
course is exceptional in the areas that it covers and the opportunities
that it provides for your students’. The BSc and MSci degrees are mostly
accredited by the Geological Society of London. The Department provides a
sound training in the fundamentals of earth science and engineering.
The degree courses have been updated and broadened to meet the
challenges of the twenty-first Century and to emphasise environmental and
sustainable concerns. How can we access in a sustainable way the natural
resources that we need for a good quality of life?
Geoscientists require expertise from across the spectrum of science and
engineering. The Department of Earth Science and Engineering uniquely
encompasses this range of disciplines and offers a truly integrated, yet
flexible, course that fully equips its graduates for the global challenges
ahead. The Department brings together specialists in geology, geophysics,
mineral and energy resources, earth engineering, environmental science and
computational modelling. Together, we prepare students for careers in
environmental matters, geohazard engineering, geotechnical areas, nongovernmental organisations, or environmental protection agencies,
exploration, extraction and preservation of the mineral and energy
resources, and further geoscience research leading onto academic careers
in research institutes, universities and museums. The Department’s
exceptionally strong industrial links ensure excellent employment
opportunities for our graduates.
We enjoy a close relationship with the neighbouring Natural History
Museum in South Kensington, where students are taught by museum staff and
have access to one of the world’s finest mineral and fossil collections to
conduct projects there. The Science Museum Library is on the College’s
South Kensington Campus and the Geological Society, the Royal Society, the
Mineralogical Society, the Institution of Materials, Minerals and Mining,
the Institute of Petroleum and the Society of Petroleum Engineers are all
nearby. Student membership of all these societies provides access to their
facilities, including specialist libraries, and attendance at scientific
meetings and social functions. London is also the headquarters of major
energy companies, especially petroleum, mining, civil engineering
companies and environmental bodies, and has the highest concentration of
professional geoscientists in the country.
The Royal School of Mines on Prince Consort Road in South Kensington
houses recently renovated lecture theatres, , computer and class rooms and
a range of laboratories for teaching both undergraduates and postgraduates
Earth Science and Engineering
and for research. The Department has excellent geochemical laboratories,
some shared with the Natural History Museum that include the X-ray
diffraction laboratory, the scanning electron microscope, electron probe
microanalysis laboratory, fluid inclusion laboratory, inductively coupled
plasma and other chemical analysis and rock preparation facilities. There
are laboratories for processing and interpreting geophysical data,
including a seismic interpretation laboratory. Other laboratories are
equipped with pilot plant and research equipment to study a wide variety
of problems associated with the extraction of minerals. They integrate
specialist activities in mining engineering, petroleum engineering, rock
mechanics, and mineral and hydrometallurgical processing and oceanography.
Specialist facilities include the geothermal rock testing laboratory,
mineral processing laboratories, the Enterprise PVT laboratory, the
ventilation laboratory, the analytical instrumental laboratory, and the
reservoir characterisation laboratory. Research projects are carried out
in cooperation with, and sponsored by, industry, research councils and
other funding bodies. The Department is exceptionally well-equipped with
computers, including workstations and PCs linked to the College network.
Details of postgraduate opportunities can be found in the online
Postgraduate Prospectus at
Undergraduate courses
The Earth has had a long, complex and fascinating history; it provides all
of our materials, and is ultimately the source of most of our material
wealth. The Earth is an unusual object; it is home to several million
living species, and no other object is known in the universe that
maintains the delicate, long-term balance required to sustain life.
Geoscience is the study of the Earth—how it was formed, how it evolves,
how it works, and how we can discover, utilise, preserve and restore its
Studying geoscience at university will provide you with the
intellectual tools necessary to address the major environmental and
sustainability problems that will preoccupy humanity in the twenty-first
Geoscience is a unique subject area that combines the rigour and challenge
of pure science with the utility and rewards of a genuinely practical
subject. The course offers the excitement of fieldwork and exploration
around the globe and leads on to a broad range of careers and
We will provide you with a broad and modern geoscience education, and
enable you to specialise by selecting from a wide choice of pure and
applied subjects.
The Department offers a range of three-year BSc and four-year MSci
courses, some of which include a year abroad. The courses are designed to
provide tailored, but flexibly structured and coherent programmes of study
which are relevant to the needs of employers, facilitate the professional
development of the student and lay the foundations for a successful career
to the benefit of the economy and society. Students acquire the knowledge
and skills to equip them for their future geoscience and non-geoscience
graduate careers through shared multidisciplinary learning that enhances
critical and analytical powers, and interpersonal skills for both
autonomous practice and team-working.
Undergraduate syllabuses
You can choose your own path, within guidelines, and your final degree
title will depend on the combination of courses that you select as you
develop your interests and discover new avenues. The pathways lead to a
number of specific named degrees: F600 BSc Geology; F631 MSci
Environmental Geoscience; F640 MSci Geology; F660 MSci Geophysics; F661
MSci Geology and Geophysics; F662 BSc Geophysics; F663 MSci Petroleum
Geoscience; F664 MSci Geophysics with a Year Abroad;; and F601 Geology
with a Year Abroad. Our aim is to provide unequivocally the best
geoscience degree in the country, and one of the best in the world,
measured in terms of the quality and quantity of our applicants, and by
the desirability among employers and PhD supervisors of our graduates. The
structure blends the core subjects from a traditional geoscience degree,
with the applied science necessary for proper understanding, and the
engineering, computational, and business tools necessary to properly apply
it in the wider world. Individual students can vary the balance between
these topics to suit their own backgrounds and interests.
Modules are offered in a wide range of subjects, and are allocated to
one of five levels. Students will follow subjects for which they have
interest and aptitude to high level, and may discontinue study in other
areas. Many modules occupy a single term, and are taught throughout that
term. Fieldwork modules are taught in single, concentrated periods often
during term time. Most modules have prerequisites, and a minimum number of
modules must be taken at a particular level each year. Specialised degree
titles will have particular subject requirements, termed core subjects.
Beyond this, students will have freedom to choose what they study, subject
only to the constraints of a practical timetable. The module programme is
supported by a tutorial system that operates independently in the first
and second years.
A majority of our applicants will not have studied geology to A-level,
and previous formal knowledge of geology is not required to enter the
course. Applicants taking A-levels should expect to obtain at least 340
points (AAB) in three subjects, of which at least two should normally be
selected from physics, chemistry, mathematics, geology, biology,
geography, or other closely related subjects. For 2011 entry we are
normally asking for AAA or equivalent. Alternatively, candidates may
offer two subjects at A level and two additional subjects at AS level. The
two A level subjects should normally be from the list above. Candidates
expecting good grades in Scottish Highers, Irish Leaving Certificate,
International or European Baccalaureates, and similar qualifications, are
encouraged to apply, and will be made offers at a level equivalent to that
required for A-level students. All applicants must show that they are
proficient in English and in mathematics. A minimum of a GCSE grade A
mathematics and GCSE grade C English, or recognised equivalents, are
normally required. For BSc (F662), MSci (F660) Geophysics and Geophysics
with a year abroad (F664), A-level Mathematics and Physics or their
recognised equivalents are required.
Imperial College graduates have traditionally been highly sought for their
fieldwork skills, and for the approach to complex problem solving with
incomplete data that fieldwork training brings. Students aiming for a
final degree in geology will spend at least 100 days involved in
fieldwork, and considerably more if they chose to undertake a field-based
Earth Science and Engineering
independent research project. Students on other named degrees can also
undertake this level of fieldwork, but can opt for less.
Fieldwork locations are continually being reviewed. At present,
introductory field trips take place in Dorset and southern Spain.
Intermediate level trips take place in the mountains of southern Spain, in
Sardinia, and in the Scottish highlands. Advanced level trips are run to
the Apennines, the Pyrenees, and to Ireland. All students will have the
opportunity during the summer term of their third yearto undertake an
independent field project involving several weeks of intensive fieldwork.
Most geoscience graduates will remember this testing and rewarding
experience for the rest of their lives. In recent years, students have
worked in the Scottish and Welsh Caledonides, in the Alps, Pyrenees,
Cantabrians and Beltics in mainland Europe, on the Mediterranean islands
of Cyprus, Samos and Elba, in Oman, and in Australia.
For a student undertaking the maximum amount of fieldwork, the
approximate cost of fieldwork travelling and subsistence is about £800 in
the first year, may reach £900 in the second year and falls to about £500
in the third and final years. The Department heavily subsidises the cost
of fieldwork and additional grants may be available to some students.
Students have to pay the difference between a daily subsistence rate and a
discounted accommodation and travel cost, which varies according to the
type of accommodation, the area, the country and the time of year. This
brings the cost to the student in successive years down to figures in the
region of £300, £400, £200, £250, should the student participate in the
maximum possible amount of fieldwork.
Undergraduate syllabuses
Course modules and options
Geology (BSc)
Environmental Geoscience (MSci)
Geology (MSci)
Geophysics (MSci)
Geophysics with a year abroad (MSci)
Geology and Geophysics (MSci)
Geophysics (BSc)
Petroleum Geoscience (MSci)
Geology with a Year Abroad (MSci)
Compulsory unless the student has an A level or equivalent in the subject.
 compulsory  optional
F600 F640 F661 F631 F660 F601 F662 F663 F664
Chemistry for geoscientists
Mathematics 0
Physics for geoscientists
 compulsory  optional
F600 F640 F661 F631 F660 F601 F662 F663 F664
Dynamic Earth
Earth materials
Field geology I
Geochemistry I
Internal processes
Introduction to field geology
Life and Earth history
Mathematical methods I
Optical mineralogy and
Processes in geoscience
Projects and tutorials I
Stratigraphy and life
Structural geology I
Vibrations and Waves
Earth Science and Engineering
 compulsory 
F600 F640 F661 F631 F660 F601 F662 F663 F664
  
Computing skills
for geologists
Earth resources
Field geology II
Field geology III
Geochemistry II
Geodesy and
Geomagnetism (G2)
 
Igneous and
petrology I
Introduction to
remote sensing and
methods II
methods III
Numerical Methods
Palaeontology I
Python for
Global geophysics
and tectonics
  
Projects and
tutorials II
Sedimentary geology
Structural geology
Surface processes
Planetary geology
Undergraduate syllabuses
 compulsory 
X not normally
F600 F640 F661 F631 F660 F601 F662 F663 F664
Applied geophysics II Alternates
 
  
Computer programming
Dynamic stratigraphy
  
Earth science
C exam
Environmental and
engineering geology I
  
  
    
Environmental impact
  
Field geology IV
Geodesy and
Geomagnetism (G2)
 
Earth science
    
 
Heat and mass
Humanities or
management options
  
Hydrogeology and
fluid flow I
Igneous petrology II
  
Image processing and
environmental project
Independent geology
geophysics project
Metamorphic petrology
Ore deposits
  
Earth Science and Engineering
Physical oceanography
        
Seismic techniques
Structural geology
  
Time series analysis
Undergraduate syllabuses
 compulsory
 optional
X not normally allowed
F600 F640 F661 F631 F660 F601 F662 F663 F664
Advanced exploration
Advanced tectonics
        
Applied sedimentology
    
Applied sedimentology
    
Basin analysis
Basin analysis: theory and
    
Business simulation
     
Earth science synopsis D
  
  
 
Engineering rock mechanics
Environmental and
geology II
Exploration geoscience
Field appraisal
X X X
Field geology V
  
 
  
Geophysical inversion
   
  
  
Hydrothermal and ore forming Alterna
  
Marine geology and
 
Mineral processing
  
MSci project
Hydrogeology and fluid flow
  
 
    
 
Planetary science and
  
Earth Science and Engineering
Earth systems
Production geoscience
 
Remote sensing
  
Research methods
Research seminars
Seismic Rock Physics
Solid waste management
  
Chemistry for geoscientists
The structure of the atom, elements, isotopes, ions, molecules, the
periodic table, electronic structure; mole concept, chemical notation and
equations, stoichiometry, molarity; chemical bonding: ionic, covalent,
hydrogen, van der Waals; thermodynamics, enthalpy, entropy, Gibbs free
energy; kinetics and equilibrium; acids and bases, pH; oxidation states,
redox reactions, complex ions; introduction to
organic chemistry.
Mathematics 0
Basic algebra, manipulation of simple equations. Solution of simple
equations. Basic functions (concept of inverses): Powers, trigonometric,
exponentials, logarithms. Combining functions together (functions of
functions). Simple curve plotting. Calculus: Differentiation (chain rule,
product rule, quotient rule), Higher order derivatives, stationary points
(maxima & minima), Integration (substitution, integration by parts).
Physics for geoscientists
Atomic theory of matter, gasses, liquids, solids, mass, velocity,
acceleration, force, Newton’s laws, resolving forces, equilibrium, energy,
work, power, gravity, motion in circle, angular momentum, moments, waves,
electromagnetic radiation, Snell’s law, electric currents, magnetic
fields. SI units and unit conversion.
Dynamic Earth
Earth as a planet; size, shape and mass of Earth. Relative and absolute
age-dating of Earth. Earthquakes and seismic waves; Earth’s internal
structure; Earth’s magnetic and gravity fields; palaeomagnetism.
Continental and oceanic crust; continental drift; ocean floor spreading;
plate tectonics. Plate geometry; plate velocities; mechanisms of plate
movement; geodetic measurement of plate motion. Ocean ridges; continental
rifts and basins; transform and strike-slip margins; convergent margins
and subduction; mountain belts. Volcanic processes, explosive and effusive
Undergraduate syllabuses
eruptions, formation and transport of magma. Introduction to metamorphism
and deformation.
Earth materials
Introduction to mineralogy; hand specimen properties of minerals;
characteristics of igneous, metamorphic and sedimentary rocks.
Field geology I
Introduction to the principles of geological maps, fieldwork, including
rock and mineral identification, measurement and interpretation of
geological features, and geological mapping;
14-day field course.
Geochemistry I
Scope and fundamentals of geochemistry; distribution of elements within
the Earth and the Urey formula. Basics of inorganic chemistry and its
application to fundamental geochemical processes such as precipitation,
dissolution, speciation, adsorption, etc. Emphasis will be on aqueous
solutions and graphical and numerical presentation of geochemical systems.
Internal processes
Theory: partial melting, phase diagrams, melt viscosity, classification of
igneous rocks (QAPF and TAS), fractional crystallisation, plutons, dykes
and sills, volcanism, trace element patterns, mantle mineralogy, mantle
plumes, oceanic crust, subduction zones, contact and regional
metamorphism, Barrovian zones, indicator minerals, metamorphic facies,
textures and metamorphic grade. Practical: identification of igneous and
metamorphic rocks (hand specimens), relationship to tectonic setting.
Introduction to field geology
Introduction to fieldwork, map reading and safety; three-day introductory
field course with a supplementary day for non-geologists.
Life and Earth history
The emergence of life, diversification in the Precambrian, Ediacaran
biotas, the Cambrian explosion, the Burgess Shale and fossil lagerstatte,
Diversity and disparity, diversity through time (evolutionary faunas),
organisms as rock-formers. Biology, functional morphology and evolutionary
significance of brachiopods, graptolites, trilobites, molluscs, and
echinoderms. Extinction and diversification.
Mathematical methods I
Vector algebra, scalar product, vector product, coordinate systems
(Cartesian, polar, cylindrical, spherical). Matrix algebra: definition of
matrix, matrix addition, matrix multiplication, determinants, strain
matrices, inverse matrices, Gaussian elimination, linear simultaneous
equations. Eigenvalue problem: characteristic polynomials; Eigenvalues and
Eigenvectors; symmetric matrices; diagonalisation of a matrix; multiple
Eigenvalues. Sequences and series: notation; partial sums; convergence;
power series. Functions of several variables: interpretation and
visualisation, partial differentiation, gradient operator. First-order
ordinary differential equations: classification of differential equations,
solution by separation of variables, integrating factors. Introduction to
Earth Science and Engineering
modelling: numerical differentiation and integration, approximation,
numerical solution of ODEs (forward Euler), Newton Raphson iteration.
Statics, balance of forces & torques. Gravity. Energy & momentum. Newton’s
laws. Conservation laws. Angular momentum, moments of inertia. Circular
motion (centripetal and coriolis forces). Simple harmonic motion. Simple
linear elasticity. Basic fluid mechanics. Beyond classical, linear
Optical mineralogy and petrography
The petrological microscope; description and identification of minerals
and rocks in thin section.
Processes in geoscience
Basic heat transport, simple solid mechanics, simple fluid mechanics,
introduction to rheology, introduction to thermodynamics, estimating,
simplifying and approximating, dimensional analysis and non-dimensional
numbers, modelling the real world with simple equations.
Projects and tutorials I
Support for geosciences first year teaching programme, and introduction to
wider subject areas during bi-weekly tutorials with a personal tutor
throughout the first year. A 3,000-word technical report on a selfselected scientific topic. Students select topic title with Personal Tutor
early in autumn term; this is agreed with year coordinator. Report
submitted end of week 34 in summer term. This module also includes
sections on basic computing skills, learning skills and searching for
information using abstract, citation and referencing systems.
Stratigraphy and life
The Earth as a planet; origins of Earth, atmosphere and life. Geological
time (absolute and relative dating). The stratigraphic column,
uniformatarianism, catastrophism, superposition, unconformities,
sedimentation and condensation, stratigraphic completeness, sea-level
change and its causes. The Linnaean classification of organisms, species
and palaeospecies, ecology and palaeoecology, trophic structures, body
fossil and trace fossil preservation, Darwinian evolution/natural
selection and
basic genetics.
Structural geology I
Introduction to structural geology. Basic theory of stress, strain and
rheology of rocks; brittle failure and faulting; folding mechanisms;
fabric development; stereographic projection.
Vibrations and Waves
Physics of waves with emphasis on the properties and behaviours
encountered in geophysics. Definition of waves and revision of wave
properties (frequency, angular frequency, phase velocity, phase, particle
velocity, wavelength, wavenumber. Classification of different types of
waves (Love, Rayleigh, transverse, longitudinal, water waves,
electromagnetic). Energy of waves. Simple calculations of reflection,
Undergraduate syllabuses
transmission and refraction including phase change on reflection; physical
principles driving these behaviours (rays, wavefronts). Definitions of
impedance. Superposition of waves of the same frequency, calculation of
interference (Young’s slits). Fraunhoffer and Fresnel diffraction. The
Doppler effect. Waves in 2 and 3 dimensions. Polarisation an anisotropy.
Superposition of waves of different frequency and the analysis of their
behaviour using Fourier series and Fourier transforms. Definition of Group
velocity. Dispersion (normal and abnormal) and attenuation of waves. Waves
in the real world. Shock waves. Resonance. Solitons.
Applied environmental geoscience
Overview of the anthropologically altered geosphere: pollution of the
terrestrial, aquatic and atmospheric environments; legislation and
sustainable development; process control, remediation and restoration;
environmental impact assessment. The scientific basis: review of relevant
physiochemical processes; introduction to applied microbiology including
diversity, ecology and capability; experimental methods. Mineral-microbe
interactions: microbially-assisted adsorption, leaching and deposition;
geomicrobially-mediated mineral deposition and oil formation;
mineral/microbial re-distribution of elements in the environment, e.g.
cyclic sedimentation/mobilisation of iron; environmental control in
constructed wetland systems; biohydrometallurgical processes, e.g.
bacterial leaching of gold ores; bacterial corrosion of structures;
eutrophication/purification of lakes and reservoirs, e.g. aeration and
control of algal blooms. Organic-microbe interactions: degradation of
organic detritus in the environment; water and wastewater treatment.
Science and technology of dereliction and waste management:
geotechnical/industrial considerations; restoration of brownfield land
(including former mine workings); disposal of bulk wastes to landfill and
aqueous discharge to drainage; utilisation of bulk wastes, e.g. sewage
sludge in nutrient spreading/incineration, and incinerator ash, mineral
fines/sludge and demolition waste in engineering construction and fill.
Present day climate, heat transfer, atmospheric circulation, greenhouse
gases, oceanic circulation, ocean acidification, geological record of
climate, oxygen and carbon isotopes. Long-term climate change, links with
solid Earth, greenhouse/icehouse earth. Orbital-scale climatic change,
Milankovitch cycles, deglaciation and millennial scale change; historic
and future climate change, climate mitigation.
Computing skills for geologists
Numerical analysis, data manipulation and visualisation skills (using
Microsoft Excel); theory of computer graphics; manipulation and production
of graphics and illustrations (using Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop);
internet-based tools for searching the scientific literature.
Earth resources
Natural resources and human needs, ore deposit, oil and coal geology,
mining methods, mineral processing and metal production, renewable energy,
abundant and scarce metal production, sustainable development.
Earth Science and Engineering
Field geology II
Logging and integration of sedimentary sections; interpretation of
palaeoenvironments; recording and interpretation of structural features;
observations and interpretation of role of fluids in crust; integration of
observations to develop models for sedimentary basins.
Undergraduate syllabuses
Field geology III
Interpretation of igneous, metamorphic rocks and associated structures;
production of field maps in area of some structural complexity.
Geochemistry II
Solid Earth geochemistry, reservoirs of the elements, major, minor and
trace elements in igneous processes, melting and crystallisation, chemical
differentiation of the Earth, geochemical processes at ocean ridges,
subduction zones and plumes.
Global geophysics and tectonics
Seismology and the internal structure of the Earth, oceanic and
continental lithosphere, Earth seismology, lithospheric plates and the
evidence for plate tectonics, plate tectonic theory, structure of plate
boundaries, mantle plumes, past and present-day plate motions.
Igneous and metamorphic petrology I
An introduction to metamorphic phemomena and their characterisation.
Contact metamorphism: solid solutions and continuous/discontinuous
reactions; regional metamorphism, isograds, index minerals, zones. PT
plots and field gradients; dynamic metamorphism: deformation mechanisms,
fault rocks and products; polyphase metamorphism, criteria for deducing
relative chronologies of deformation/metamorphism; blueschists/ecologites
conditions of formation metamorphism and geobarometers; medium-, highgrade metamorphism and anatexis; impact metamorphism; the diversity and
classification of igneous rocks; phase diagrams and igneous rocks: crystal
fractionation and the evolution of magmas; interpretation of the textures
of igneous rocks: volcanics; mantle rocks and basalts; alkaline rocks;
calc-alkaline and granitic rocks.
Introduction to remote sensing and Geographical Information
Physical principles of remote sensing and sensor/platform technology.
Principles of image interpretation. Basic image visualisation and
processing techniques. Basic GIS analysis techniques. Computerised
geological map composition.
Mathematical methods II
Complex numbers: complex arithmetic, Argand diagram, polar representation;
de Moivre’s theorem, applications; ordinary differential equations (ODEs):
introduction, first-order linear ODEs; method of variation of parameters;
second-order linear ODEs with constant coefficients; concept of general
and particular solutions. Solution of homogeneous second-order ODEs;
differential equations for undamped and damped forced harmonic
oscillators; solution of non-homogeneous second-order ODEs; method of
undetermined coefficients; method of variation of parameters; Euler’s
differential equation. Series solution of ODEs. Fourier series: Fourier
coefficients; Fourier expansions; behaviour at the discontinuity; even and
odd functions; change of interval; applications in summing a series.
Multiple integrals: double integrals; change of coordinates; Jacobians;
triple integrals; cylindrical and spherical coordinates. Line interals:
dx, dy, ds line integrals, line integrals around a closed contour, path
independence, Green’s theorem, gamma function, error function.
Earth Science and Engineering
Mathematical methods III
Vector algebra, vector differential calculus, line integrals, surface
integrals, volume integrals, Fourier series, Fourier transforms,
convolution, revision of ODEs, partical differential equations, wave
equation, Laplace equation, diffusion equation, spherical harmonics.
Numerical Methods
Basic techniques which underlie the computational mathematical techniques
in common use in the Earth sciences; overview of the capabilities and
limitations of scientific computation including the concepts of error and
conditioning. The course will cover techniques applicable to both
observational data and simulation and will have an emphasis on the
practical implementation of the methods studied in the Python programming
language. Floating point arithmetic & error: Floating point numbers, radix
and mantissa. Rounding error and catastrophic cancellation: Concept of
error and types of error. Taylor's theorem and numerical differentiation,
Taylor series and error terms. Big 'O' notation. Divided differences,
centred and non-centred schemes. Numerical integration:Trapezoidal rule,
Simpson's rule and quadrature. Convergence of numerical integration
schemes. Root finding: Newton's method and bisection, rates of convergence
for root finding algorithms and the limitations of these techniques.
Solving linear systems:LU factorisation, linear independence and
conditioning. Pivoting and orthogonalisation: Breakdown of LU
factorisation, pivotting. Gram-Schmidt orthogonalisation and QR
factorisation. Curve fitting and least squares:Polynomial interpretation
and least squares curve fitting. Solving least squares problems with the
QR factorisation. Numerical methods for ODEs: Explicit and implicit
schemes, Euler's method and Runge-Kutta.
Palaeontology I
Taphonomy (mechanisms for fossil preservation); trace fossils; history of
oxygenation and the rise of plants; palaeoclimatology; reefs through time;
evolution and speciation; taxonomy and phylogeny; phylogenetic inference;
the end-Ordovician extinction; terrestrialisation of animals and plants;
the history of terrestrial vertebrates.
Planetary geology
Origin and evolution of the solar system; comparative planetary geology
and environment; planets as heat engines; planetary remote sensing and
Projects and tutorials II
Support for geosciences second-year teaching programme, and introduction
to relevance of geosciences to society. A technical report of 3,500 words
maximum under the heading ‘GeoScience and Humanity’. Project title
selected with personal tutor and agreed by year coordinator early in the
autumn term. One one-hour support lecture. Submission at end of week 34.
Python for Geoscientists
This course will develop students algorithmic and problem solving skills,
helping to prepare students for future careers in the geophysical sector.
Undergraduate syllabuses
The course will prepare students for higher level modelling work,
particularly in the undergraduate third year project and in MSci projects.
Sedimentary geology
Facies analysis; basic facies models; continental, coastal, shelf and deep
water environments in siliciclastic and carbonate/evaporite depositional
systems; linkages of environments in depositional systems; interpretation
of depositional processes; collection, synthesis and interpretation of
field datasets.
Structural geology II
Advanced structural geology. Earthquakes, continental and oceanic crust,
continental drift, ocean floor spreading, plate kinematics, convergent
margins and orogenesis, plate tectonics.
Surface processes
Weathering and erosion; Sediments and sedimentary rocks: Description of
sedimentary rocks in hand specimen and thin section; Fluid flow and grain
movement; Bedforms and structures due to unidirectional and oscillatory
flow; rivers, deltas; turbidites.
Pure substance: PT-phase diagram, phase transitions, PV diagram, critical
point. Equation of state: perfect gas, van der Wals, general cubic,
behaviour within the phase diagram. Heat and work. Internal energy. First
law of thermodynamics. Thermodynamic reversibility. Entropy, irreversible
processes, second law of thermodynamics, third law of thermodynamics.
Enthalpy. Thermochemistry: enthalpy of formation, enthalpy of reaction,
Hess’s law. Heat capacity. Maxwell’s relationships, Gibbs free energy.
Equilibrium. Gibbs free energy for chemical reactions, Clapeyron equation,
Claperyon-Clausius equation, fugacity. Mixtures: phase change, vapourliquid equilibrium, Px diagrams, PT diagrams, critical region, phase rule,
liquid-liquid equilibrium, liquid-solid equilibrium. Raoult’s law, Henry’s
law, partial molar quantities, chemical potential, Gibbs-Duhem
relationship. Ideal mixture, mixture fugacity, non-ideal mixture, activity
coefficients, excess functions, ideal dilute solution, solubility of
gases, solubility of solids. Chemical equilibrium, equilibrium constant,
gaseous reactions, presence of solid phase, reactions in solution,
temperature dependence, pressure dependence.
Earth Science and Engineering
Applied geophysics II
The theory, acquisition, processing, modelling and interpretation of
seismic refraction, gravity, magnetic, electrical and controlled source
electromagnetic data, with a focus on its application in the petroleum
The origin and cycling of the key biogenic elements; the role of carbon in
terrestrial and marine ecosystems, the atmosphere and its interaction with
the hydrosphere, biosphere and geosphere; production and preservation of
organic matter; organic record of past life in sedimentary rocks.
Computer programming
Design and implementation of programs for scientific computing purposes;
program layout, variables and data structures, functions, loops and
conditional statements, input/output routines; examination and
implementation of useful algorithms.
Dynamic stratigraphy
Understand how the sedimentary rock record is organised into stratigraphic
successions; analyse and interpret basic-scale stratigraphy, and study
strata-forming processes in order to reconstruct palaeo-environmental
change from the rock record.
Earth science synopsis C exam
This module is not associated with any formal teaching. It is designed to
test and encourage integration and synthesis of third year teaching across
the subject.
Earth science synthesis
Each year a new topic is chosen for investigation. Skills in synthesising
published information are developed by researching and summarising the key
scientific arguments associated with a particular problem and presenting
it to a departmental audience orally and as a web page.
Environmental and engineering geology I
Introduction to application of geology to engineering problems. Technical
language applied to geological concepts and skills. Development of
geological models using engineering technique. Engineering behaviour of
major rock types and associated hazards. Examples of society's use of rock
as a raw material, and as host for infrastructure such as transport, water
Environmental geochemistry
This course will introduce the Earth Science student to practical skills
in the laboratory and investigate quantitatively key biogeochemical
processes such as adsorption, oxidation, complexation and precipitation.
We will consider kinetic and equilibrium reactions. The experiments will
be themed around the biogeochemical cycle of Fe and Pb, two key elements
in geochemistry and environmental pollution alike. We will also use
Undergraduate syllabuses
isotopic techniques. This course will be key for students that wish to
follow a career in geochemistry and environmental science.
Environmental impact assessment
Industrial activities and their environmental impacts; the environmental
impact assessment process; environmental impact assessment; environmental
impact statement (EIS); the environment legislative requirements; the
mineral extraction industry and environmental compliance; EIA methods;
baseline studies; monitoring and auditing of impacts, environmental
monitoring systems; the environmental unit; the design of environmental
moitoring systems; biological monitoring systems; environmental modelling
and management; environmental modelling; environmental management systems.
Hydrogeology and hydrological modelling of waste disposal and management.
Hydraulic aspects of waste containment. Landfill: design, site
investigation and closure; water balance modelling, leachate and gasgeneration, sampling, monitoring. Contaminated land: pollutant migration
processes; site characterisation; risk assessment; remediation
technologies; clean-up targets.
Field geology IV
Interpretation of stratigraphic sequences, sedimentary environments,
structures and mineralisation in a variety of basin settings, with
emphasis on the processes of basin formation and applications to
subsurface exploration.
Geodesy and geomagnetism (G)2
The geoid: rotation, ellipticity and gravity; tides, precession and
wobbles. Gravity: isostasy, mantle plumes, plate loading, mid ocean ages.
Geomagnetic field: observations, secular variation. Origin of the
geomagnetic field—the geodynamo. Palaeomagnetism: basic principles,
magnetic mineralogy and instrumentation; geocentric dipole field,
continental drift. Geomagnetic polarity reversals, geological record of
secular variation, palaeomagnetic timescales.
The class will cover the physical processes responsible for the generation
of earthquakes and volcanism and secondary hazards (landslides, tsunamis,
etc.) associated with them. We will discuss the current knowledge (and
missing knowledge) of the distribution of such hazards in space and time
and what the critical conditions are for triggering seismic events or
volcanic eruptions. This information is what is used in assessing hazard
on a long-term (i.e. probabilities over decades) or short-term (alerts,
identification of precursors, attempts at prediction). We will discuss how
the nature of earthquakes and volcanic eruptions leads to differences in
the assessment of the associated hazard.
Heat and mass transfer
Diffusive heat transfer; measurement of surface heat flow; data
interpretation. Heat sources and sinks: radiogenic heating and release of
latent heat during crystallisation of melts; shape of crustal isotherms.
Transients; cooling of oceanic crust and mid-ocean ridges; contact
metamorphism; intrusion of igneous bodies. Advective transfer; effect of
uplift and erosion on the thermal structure of mountain belts. Natural and
forced thermal convection of melt in the Earth’s mantle and aqueous fluids
Earth Science and Engineering
in the Earth’s crust. Team-based numerical simulation case study of the
thermal history of different types of subvolcanic intrusions followed by
peer-reviewed final presentations.
Humanities or management options
Up to two modules worth of humanities or management options may be taken
in years two, three and four. Assessment and content vary with the
individual course.
Hydrogeology and fluid flow I
To have a thorough knowledge of flow in porous media with application to
contaminant transport
in aquifers and improved recovery from hydrocarbon reservoirs. To
understand different flow processes in porous media with an emphasis on
how species partition between phases and how they are transported.
Igneous petrology II
Metamorphism and tectonics; physical processes of metamorphism;
metamorphic textures; metamorphic reactions and solid solutions;
thermodynamics and kinetics of metamorphic reactions; geothermometry and
barometry; geochronology; case studies of metamorphic terrains; melting
and crystallisation; exsolution and melt structure; advanced phase
diagrams and crystal fractionation; trace element and isotopic
geochemistry of igneous rocks; volcanism; magmatism and the ocean basins;
magmatism in continental settings; magmatism at convergent plate margins.
Image processing and Geographical Information Systems
Image processing: image processing system and operation; contrast
enhancement and image algebraic operations; filtering and neighbourhood
processing; RGB-IHS transformation and principle component analysis; image
classification; image geometric operation, map projection and
rectification. Theory and practice of geographic information systems; GIS
databases; multi-dataset logical operations; statistical and fuzzy
methods; spatial modelling; digital elevation model generation; threedimensional visualisation.
Undergraduate syllabuses
Independent environmental project
Geosciences is a unique scientific discipline that demands the
reconstruction of complex events from incomplete data using skilled
observation, rigorous deduction and creative interpretation. Your
independent project is a test of your abilities in these three regards and
will require you to apply in the project what you have learnt from
lectures, reading, previous field courses and project work in your first
and second year over the whole spectrum of geosciences. It also provides
the first opportunity for you to use your own abilities with a minimum of
supervision and a chance to develop and pursue specific interests within
the wider geosciences.
Independent geology project
Independent project normally involving four to five weeks intensive
fieldwork or other independent work; series of seminars on production of a
geological field report. Compulsory for all geology students. The project
will normally contain a significant element (~four weeks, ~160 hrs) of
independent field observation. For other students, and exceptionally for
any student, part or all of the field element may be replaced by
appropriate laboratory, computational, geophysical or theoretical
independent work.
Independent geophysics project
To learn the application of practical geophysical field methods and
complementary techniques in a region of active tectonics in southern
central Italy. Students learn to make geophysical measurements in the
field, including gravity and magnetic anomalies, seismics and ground
penetrating radar, and how to synthesise their results with
seismotectonics and satellite imagery and data, with field observations of
geomorphology, geological structures, tectonic chronology, petrology and
Metamorphic petrology II
Metamorphism and tectonics; physical processes of metamorphism;
metamorphic textures; metamorphic reactions and solid solutions;
thermodynamics and kinetics of metamorphic reactions; geothermometry and
barometry; geochronology; case studies of metamorphic terrains; melting
and crystallisation; exsolution and melt structure; advanced phase
diagrams and crystal fractionation; trace element and isotopic
geochemistry of igneous rocks; volcanism; magmatism and the ocean basins;
magmatism in continental settings; magmatism at convergent plate margins.
Ore deposits
Description and classification of major metallic ore deposits in the
Earth’s crust in terms of their geographic and temporal distribution,
geological setting, physical and chemical characteristics and genesis. Ore
deposit types discussed include volcanic-hosted massive sulphides (Cu-PbZn-Au), clastic and carbonate sediment-hosted deposits (Cu-Pb-Zn-Ba), iron
ore deposits (banded iron formation), orthomagmatic (Cr-PGE-Ni-Cu),
porphyry-related (Cu-Mo-Ag-Au) and mesothermal and epithermal gold
Physical oceanography
Earth Science and Engineering
Observed mean circulation; air-sea interaction;
thermodynamics;stratification and buoyancy; temperature and salinity
structures; observational methods; dynamics; Coriolis; geostrophy;
momentum; viscosity; wind driven circulation; thermohaline circulation;
water mass transformations; oceans role in climate;
coastal processes; numerical models.
Seismic techniques
Seismic reflection interpretation; relationship between geology and
seismic reflection data; seismic stratigraphy and its application to
understanding the form and fill of sedimentary basins; three-dimensional
seismic data; seismic geomorphology; horizon interpretation; fault
interpretation; types of seismic wave; seismic velocity; reflection
coefficients; resolution. Data acquisition: land and marine equipment;
survey design; types of survey; survey parameters. Understanding raw field
records, direct waves; reflections; refractions; diffractions; ghosts;
multiples. Data processing: processing flow design; amplitude corrections;
statics; bandpass filtering; deconvolution; velocity analysis (including
CVS and semblance); NMO and stacking; migration.
Structural geology III
Advanced structural geology. Earthquakes, continental and oceanic crust,
continental drift, ocean floor spreading, plate kinematics, convergent
margins and orogenesis, plate tectonics.
Time series analysis
Fourier transforms–continuous and discrete, sampling theory, convolution,
edge effects, filtering, the Z-transform, correlation, Wiener filtering,
deconvolution, spectral analysis, two-dimensional transforms, twodimensional filtering.
Advanced applied geophysics
Seismic refraction; Modelling seismic refraction data; Geophysical
modelling and inversion; Borehole geophysics; Gravity and magnetic;
Electromagnetic methods in the land and marine setting; Time-lapse
geophysical monitoring; Model uncertainties and model assessment.
Advanced exploration seismology
Acquisition equipment and methodologies for 2D and 3D land and marine
seismic surveys. The convolutional model. Data processing hardware,
software and fundamentals; preprocessing and quality control; single and
multichannel signal processing; statics, velocity analysis, and stacking;
noise removal; poststack and prestack migration. Includes weekly practical
sessions covering all basic processing stages for a 2D seismic dataset.
Advanced tectonics
Strain and strain rate in the crust; in-situ stress, crustal stress
models, ductile deformation mechanisms; earthquakes, faulting,
neotectonics; theory of scale models, physical analogue models, numerical
models; integrated interpretation of strike-slip systems. Large scale
Undergraduate syllabuses
tectonic interpretation including the Himalayan, Andean, Alpine and
Caledonian fold-belts.
Applied sedimentology (carbonates)
Controls on carbonate precipitation and carbonate classification.
Carbonate environments and facies models. Sequence stratigraphy in
carbonate systems and porosity classification. From rock to reservoir:
diagenesis and porosity modification.
Applied sedimentology (clastics)
Controls on sandstone reservoirs, facies analysis, basic stratigraphic
methods and sequence stratigraphy. Nature & recognition of parasequences,
constructing chronostratigraphic charts (exercise) & stratigraphic models.
Application of sequence stratigraphy to petroleum exploration, basic
exploration play types, parasequence correlation. Fluvial depositional
systems and sand body types. Well log correlation. Deltaic depositional
systems and sand body types. Wave- & storm-dominated coastal systems.
Tidal & estuarine depositional systems. Deep water depositional systems,
Deep water case studies.
Basin analysis 1
Formation, fill and evolution of sedimentary basins particularly rift
basins, passive margins, foreland basins and fold-thrust belts, strikeslip basins, basins affected by tectonic inversion and salt basins.
Basin analysis 2
This course aims to introduce ideas of how sedimentary basins form and
evolve as geodynamic entities. Basin Analysis consists of both theoretical
and practical aspects of the subject and will include geodynamics,
tectonics, stratigraphy, sedimentology. Basin Analysis 2 will include
substantial use of seismic reflection data. The purpose of the course is
to illustrate how the integration of these disciplines allows us to
understand the formation, fill and evolution of sedimentary basins.
Business simulation
The aim of this course is to introduce students to the principles of
international business, financial planning, marketing and manufacture, and
to allow them to experience business competition, exercise leadership and
judgement, and develop their skills in teamwork and forward planning
within a realistically simulated environment. The module is run as a
competitive online business game with several teams competing to capture
the largest share of a growing market in personal computers. The software
is high quality, the simulation is sophisticated, and the online manuals
and guidance are comprehensive.
Earth science synopsis D exam
This module is not associated with any formal teaching. It is designed to
test and encourage integration and synthesis of fourth year teaching
across the subject.
Earth Science and Engineering
Engineering rock mechanics
Introduction to the behaviour of rock in engineering applications in order
to gain an understanding of the use of geological principals in rock
engineering. Fundamentals: In situ stress, mechanical behaviour of intact
rock, geometry and behaviour of fractures. Models of rock masses and rock
mass behaviour. Engineering applications: rock slopes, foundations,
underground excavations, and mining and petroleum geomechanics.
Environmental and engineering geology II
Engineering geology exists to help mankind harnesses geological knowledge
in the process of sustaining and improving our built and natural
environment and in wealth creation. In response to increasing concerns
over the effects of climate change, the course takes the coastal zone as
its theatre from which the interaction of geology with the environment and
the role of the engineering can be readily appreciated. This short course
focuses on the example of coastal processes and coastal engineering. It
aims to introduce the student to the principles that underpin a range of
engineering geology problems affecting the coastal zone such as flood
defence, erosion protection, the selection of geomaterials for
construction, and landslip hazard reduction. The objectives of the course
are that by its conclusion, following the field trip, the students will
have acquired the technical language and tools to work with local
authority coastal engineers. The course culminates in a short field trip
to a coastal region to see first hand how processes develop, problems are
recognised and solutions are developed and implemented.
Exploration geoscience
This is an exploration-based project focusing on the detailed assessment
of the petroleum potential in a frontier basin. The project is carried out
by teams of four to six students, using a grid of two-dimensional and/or
three-dimensional seismic data collected for regional exploration,
regional well data and industry-standard analogue databases. The project
integrates all the formal teaching in term two, and trains students to be
team players in exploration evaluation and regional hydrocarbon
prospectivity analysis (new venture teams, etc.). This is a competitive
exercise assessed by a panel of three external, senior geoscientists. They
select the winning team, which receives the prestigious Barrel Award (an
award that extends back for 31 years).
Field appraisal
This is a field development training exercise which illustrates the
integration of disciplines required for field appraisal and reservoir
characterisation. The project is carried out by teams of five to six
students (two to three petroleum geoscientists, two to three petroleum
engineers) using an integrated dataset (seismic, wireline logs, cores,
fluid pressure measurements, well tests and petrophysical data). The
project integrates all the formal teaching in term one, and trains
students to be team players in multidisciplinary reservoir management
groups (asset management teams, business units, etc.).
Field geology V
A traverse across a mountain belt to study the tectonic, stratigraphic,
and metamorphic evolution of an orogenic system with an emphasis on
Undergraduate syllabuses
tectonics and sedimentary basin development. The field trip builds on
advanced modules and integrates aspects of earth science in the context of
understanding geological processes at a collisional plate boundary. The
field trip currently takes place in Italy with a transect from Ancona on
the Adriatic coast, to Elba in the Tyrrhenian Sea.
The aim of this course is to develop an understanding of the dynamics of
the lithosphere and mantle, and to gain practice at quantitative analysis
of these dynamics. Basic geophysical equations will be derived and applied
to problems of lithospheric deformation, heat transfer in the lithosphere
and mantle, and mantle convection flow. Specific topics will include
isostasy, beam and plate models for bending and buckling of the
lithosphere, geotherm, surface heat flux, plate and half-space models for
cooling of the lithosphere, channel and pipe-flow, post-glacial rebound,
mantle viscosity, sinking slabs, rising plumes, mantle adiabats, and plate
Advanced, integrated approach to the study, and understanding of tectonic
and climatic controls on landscape evolution on Earth and Mars. Training
given in techniques used for quantifying landscape morphology, and
constraining rates and dates of landscape formation.
Hydrogeology and fluid flow II
To be expert on flow, transport and geochemical processes occurring in
porous media. To have a thorough understanding of multiphase flow in a
variety of geological settings. There are many circumstances when multiple
fluid phases flow in porous materials. Examples include: oil, water and
gas flows in hydrocarbon reservoirs; the flow of water, air and pollutants
in soil and aquifers; magmatic systems; contact lenses; and a variety of
biological materials. This course will describe the basic physical
concepts involved in understanding such fluid flows with application to
geological systems. An understanding of multiphase flow is vital to be
able to design improved oil recovery schemes, contaminant clean-up and to
assess nuclear waste storage.
Hydrothermal and ore forming processes
Hydrothermal systems are extremely important in the Earth’s crust as they
regulate global heat and geochemical fluxes, provide niches for
specialised organisms, and result in the formation of ore deposits. The
course presents a multidisciplinary view of hydrothermal systems and shows
how their evolution can be deciphered by applying a range of geological
and geochemical skills. There will be a focus on magmatic-hydrothermal
systems that form giant copper (molybdenum-gold) deposits and seawatercrust interactions that produce deposits of zinc, lead and barium. The
course will comprise lectures. practicals and seminars. A three-day field
trip to visit the fossil hydrothermal systems of the Irish orefield is
Geophysical Inversion
Inaccurate, inconsistent and inadequate data; Matrix equations, norms; the
linear problem; equi-determined systems; least-squares inversion of over-
Earth Science and Engineering
determined systems, weighting; the under-determined problem, the nullspace, inexact data; least-squares inversion of a dipole; Wiener
filters - spiking, shaping, predicting; damping and regularisation; nonlinear systems, linearised inversion; Iterative methods; quadratic
minimization; steepest descent method; conjugate gradient method;
conjugate gradient least-squares method; singular value decomposition
(SVD); generalized inverse; the Backus-Gilbert method; maximum entropy
method; seismic tomography.
Marine geology and geophysics
Plate motions. Triple junctions. Reconstructing past plates motions.
Mapping the oceans: shipboard and satellite methods. Determining crustal
structure. Thermal history of oceanic lithosphere. Flexural strength of
oceanic lithosphere. Mantle plumes and ocean island chains. The plume
controversy. Ocean islands. Mid-ocean ridge morphology. Magmatic processes
at mid-ocean ridges. Continental rifts and the generation of a new ocean.
Passive margins.
Undergraduate syllabuses
Mineral processing
The course aims to introduce mineral processing from a financial
perspective, covering the processes, as well as the value added, and how
this can be maximised. Introduction to risk minimisation using hedging
instruments. Short introduction to comminution, gravity separation,
flotation and solid-liquid separation. Introduction to pyro- and
hydrometallurgical process. Aspects of waste treatment and sustainability.
Mineral economics, the financial relationship between the mineral
processing and metal production stages and how this can be optimised.
Waste treatment and sustainability issues. Aspects of the metals markets,
and the workings of the LME, bullion trading and concepts of hedging using
forwards, futures and options.
MSci project
Students design an independent research project (to be identified in
conjunction with staff supervisor). By the end of year three, a written
proposal will be presented to two staff, including a detailed breakdown of
aims, objectives, expected outcomes, costs and work timetable. The
students will manage their own time, with regular meetings with their
supervisor. Students will present a
20-minute seminar, discussing their projects in detail. (The project is
not required to be completed at this stage—this is for general feedback
from non-supervisory staff.) The students will submit a 7,500-word final
report on the project by the end of the May in the summer term.
Evolutionary palaeontology from both theoretical and practical viewpoints,
(including cladistics, and molecular evolution; principles of marine
benthic palaeoecology, principles of palaeoceanography particularly its
relevance to fossils, palaeobiogeography as applied to marine fossil
groups. Specific fossil groups used as exemplars for each of the main
Present day oceans; coupled ocean-atmosphere system; coupled oceancontinent system; thermohaline circulation; chemical and physical
properties of seawater; distribution of sediments in the ocean; marine
stratigraphy; evolution of ocean basins through time; ocean circulation
patterns through time; sea-level through time; ocean chemistry through
time (proxy records from stable isotopes, radiogenic isotopes, nutrient
proxies, temperature proxies; carbonate system proxies); case studies in
paleoceanography and climate change (past, present, and future).
The module covers the theory and practice of core analysis and open hole
log interpretation. Students gain an understanding of the fundamental
physics involved in various petrophysical measurements from cores and
borehole logs, and are taught to conduct basic log interpretation
to determine petrophysical parameters such as lithology, porosity, fluid
saturation and permeability prediction. The module also provides hands-on
experience in using commercial petrophysical software.
Planetary science and Earth systems
Earth Science and Engineering
Planetary and Earth systems through time examines the geochemical evidence
for the origin, evolution and timing of the solar system and its
constituent bodies. Systems theory explores concepts of biogeochemical
cycles and their role in atmospheric composition through time, including
the presence of oxygen and ozone and their relationship to life. The
subcycles of biogenic elements such as carbon, nitrogen and phosphorus are
investigated in detail and their function in the history and future of
planetary habitability considered.
Production geoscience
The module outlines the basic concepts and applications in development (or
production) geology, and reviews modern practices in reservoir
characterisation and three-dimensional geological modelling. At the end of
the module, students should understand the importance of reservoir geology
and geophysics in the complete field appraisal, development and production
(reservoir management) process. The module provides classroom teaching of
concepts, which are then re-inforced through hands-on use in Wessex Basin
fieldtrip and Field appraisal group project.
Remote sensing
Review of remote sensing: past, current and future sensors and satellites
for remote sensing for earth science. Reflective and thermal spectral
analysis for earth environment and minerals. Radar (SAR) imagery
characteristics and radar interferometry. Remote sensing multi-spectral
image and SAR image interpretation and map composition. Multi-source data
integration, manipulation and visualisation. Advanced spatial analysis:
GIS. Advanced techniques: image processing. Hyper-spectral data
processing. Planetary geology using remotely sensed data.
Research methods
Literature surveys: finding, reading, assessing and summarising
information; project planning and management; experimental design;
laboratory techniques and safety; introduction to statistics and
mathematical modelling; data presentation; report writing.
Research seminars
Students will attend the departmental weekly research seminar given by
invited speakers from around the world throughout the autumn and spring
Seismic Rock Physics
Equations of three-dimensional elastic wave propagation; relationship
between elastic wavespeeds and rock microstructure: 1D elastic wave
equation, the d'Alembert solution, reflection and transmission
coefficients, energy flux, phase velocity, group velocity; stress and
strain tensors, Hooke’s law, 3D elastodynamic equations, P and S waves;
attenuation, Thomson’s anisotropy coefficients, effect of fluid
saturation, Gassmann equation; effective elastic moduli of cracked and
porous rocks.
Solid waste management
Waste management legislation and drivers for change; introduction to
landfill engineering; waste management in environmentally developing
Undergraduate syllabuses
countries; waste incineration and energy from waste; overview of treatment
technologies from contaminated land; waste management in environmentally
developing countries II; management of health care wastes; overview of
hazardous waste management; anaerobic treatment and composting of MSW;
management of nuclear waste.