Blue Book Lesson Overview 1 LLI: C Lesson: 1 Guide p: 1-4 Targeted Skill(s): 1. Making voice match print 2. Following simple story and understand the ending Familiar reading: Level B texts Phonemic Awareness: matching letters and sounds at the beginning of a word Challenge Book Orientation: The Little Red Hen Letter/Word Work: high-frequency words: you, I can, me 2 LLI Level: C Lesson: 2 Guide p: 7-10 Targeted Skill(s): 1. Reading with phrasing and attention to punctuation 2. Understanding that quotation marks mean a character is talking in the story. Familiar reading/Running Record: The Little Red Hen Phonemic Awareness: hearing and saying sounds to help write words Writing: Dictation Independent Book practice: Things That Fly 3 LLI Level: C Lesson: 3 Guide p: 13-16 Targeted Skill(s): Familiar reading: Things That Fly Phonemic Awareness: hearing and saying sounds to help write words Challenge Book Orientation (instructional level): The Sea Letter/Word Work: high-frequency words: the, see, and, said 4 LLI Level: C Lesson #: 4 Guide p: 19 Targeted skill(s): 1. Listen for the first sound and write the first letter in words. 2.Recognize and use simple phonograms with a VC pattern. Familiar reading/running record: The Sea Phonemic Awareness: -at, -am letter patterns Writing: Interactive writing Independent Book Practice: The Tide Pool 5 LLI Level: C Lesson #: 5 Guide p: 25 Targeted skill(s): 1. Understand cause and effect in the story. 2. Recognize and use simple phonograms with a VC pattern. Familiar reading: The Tide Pool Phonemic Awareness: -ad,-ag letter patterns Challenge Book Orientation (instructional level): Down the River Letter/Word Work: making and finding similarities in high frequency words 6 LLI Level: C Lesson #: 6 Guide p: 31 Targeted skill(s): 1. Use quotation marks in writing to show dialog. 2. Recognize and use simple phonograms with a VC pattern. Familiar reading/running record: Down the River Phonemic Awareness: -ed, -en, -et letter patterns Writing: Dictation Independent Book Practice: Down the Path 7 LLI Level: C Lesson #: 7 Guide p: 37 Targeted skill(s): 1. Understand that a nonfiction book has information about a topic. 2. Recognize and use phonograms with vowel-consonant pattern. Familiar reading: Down the Path Phonics: -it, -in, -ig letter patterns Challenge Book Orientation (instructional level): All About Penguins Letter/Word Work: HF words up, under 8 LLI Level: C Lesson #: 8 Guide p:43 Targeted skill(s): 1.Say words slowly to write unknown words by thinking about the letters and sounds. 2. Recognize and use simple phonograms with a VC pattern. Familiar reading/running record: All About Penguins Phonemic Awareness: -op, -ot, -og letter patterns Writing: Independent writing Independent Book Practice: Police Car 9 LLI Level: C Lesson #: 9 Guide p: 49 Targeted skill(s): 1. Notice the compare-and –contrast structure in the story 2. Recognize and use simple phonograms with a VC pattern Familiar reading: Police Car Phonemic Awareness: -ig, -op, og, -an patterned words Challenge Book Orientation (instructional level): Big Lizard, Little Lizard Letter/Word Work: lowercase letter formation 10 LLI Level: C Lesson #: 10 Guide p: 55 Targeted skill(s): 1. Remember important actions or ideas from a text and write about them. 2. Recognize and use phonograms w/double letters Familiar reading/running record: Big Lizard, Little Lizard Phonemic Awareness: -all, -ill words Writing: Independent writing Independent Book Practice: Going to School 11 LLI Level: D Lesson #: 11 Guide pg: 63 Targeted skill(s): 1. Understand cause and effect in a story. 2. Recognize and use VCsilent e letter patterns. Familiar reading: Going to School Phonemic Awareness: -ake,-ace, -ade letter patterns Challenge Book Orientation (instructional level): The Drip Letter/Word Work: CVC HF words 12 LLI Level: D Lesson #: 12 Guide pg: 69 Targeted skill(s): 1. Capitalize the first word in a sentence and write with end punctuation. 2. Recognize and use phonograms with a vowel-consonant-silent e pattern. Familiar reading/running record: The Drip Phonemic Awareness: -ike letter pattern Writing: Interactive writing Independent Book Practice: At the Fair 13 LLI Level: D Lesson #: 13 Guide pg: 13 Targeted skill(s): 1. Make predictions about and understand the ending. 2. Recognizing and using phonograms with VCe pattern. Familiar reading: At the Fair Phonics: -ile, -ide letter patterns Challenge Book Orientation (instructional level): The Mitten Letter/Word Work: Read words with similar letter patterns 14 LLI Level: D Lesson #: 14 Guide p: 81 Targeted skill(s): 1. Analyze the sounds in words in order to write them. 2. Recognize and use short vowel sounds in the middle of words. Familiar reading/running record: The Mitten Phonics: CVC words Writing: Interactive writing Independent Book Practice: The Ants 15 LLI Level: D Lesson #:15 Guide p: 87 Targeted skill(s): 1.Understand the problem of a story and its resolution. 2. Hear and identify short and long vowel sounds in words and the letters that represent them. Familiar reading: The Ants Phonics: introduce long vowel sounds POEM The Greedy Man Challenge Book Orientation: A Picnic in the Rain Letter/Word Work: identify long and sort vowel sounds on word cards. 16 17 LLI Level: D Lesson #: 17 Guide p: 99 Targeted skill(s): 1. Understand the problem of a story and its resolution. 2. Recognize and use short vowel sounds in words. Familiar reading: Tug-of-War Phonics: Find long and short vowel sounds in POEM Apples are Red Challenge Book Orientation (instructional level): A Surprise for Roxy 18 LLI Level: D Lesson #: 18 Guide p: 106 Targeted skill(s): 1. Understand the problem of a story and its resolution. 2. Recognize and use short vowel sounds in words. Familiar reading/running record: A Surprise for Roxy Writing: Independent writing p. 107 19 LLI Level: D Lesson #: 18 Guide p: 105 Targeted skill(s): 1. Self-monitor consistently. 2. Read and write high-frequency words consistently. Recognize letter patterns in words. Familiar reading: A Surprise for Roxy Phonics: letter boxes p.106 Independent Book Practice: Pinky the Pig 20 21 LLI Level: E Lesson #: 21 Guide p: 125 Targeted skill(s): 1.Understand that in a classic tale, the characters sometimes learn a lesson 2. Use known word parts to read and write new words. Familiar reading: In My Room Phonemic Awareness: we/went, work/works, day/may/maybe, he/her, ever/never Challenge Book Orientation (instructional level): Chicken Little Letter/Word Work: breaking words (onsets/rimes) 22 LLI Level: E Lesson #: 22 Guide p: 131 Targeted skill(s): 1. Analyze a word by syllables to write it. 2. Recognize and use phonograms with a VC pattern and with ending consonant clusters. Familiar reading/running record: Chicken Little Phonemic Awareness: -ay, -ent letter patterns Writing: Interactive writing Independent Book Practice: Fishing 23 LLI Level: E Lesson #: 23 Guide p: 137 Targeted skill(s): 1. Infer Meli’s feelings from her actions 2. Recognize that words have letter patterns that are connected to sounds. Familiar reading: Fishing Phonemic Awareness: -ay, -ee, ent, -ar letter patterns Challenge Book Orientation (instructional level): Meli at the Pet Shop Letter/Word Work: -ar, -ay letter patterns in poem Star Light, Star Bright 24 LLI Level: E Lesson #: 24 Guide p: 143 Targeted skill(s): 1. Compose and write sentences to summarize an informational book. 2. Recognize and use phonograms with ending consonant clusters Familiar reading/running record: Meli at the Pet Shop Phonics: -ack, -eck letter patterns Writing: Independent writing Independent Book Practice: The Fish Tank 25 LLI Level: E Lesson #: 25 Guide p: 149 Targeted skill(s): 1. Recognize another book in the Meli series about a real dog and remember some information previously gained. 2. Recognize and use phonograms with ending consonant clusters Familiar reading: Meli at the Pet Shop Phonics: -ick, -uck letter patterns Challenge Book Orientation: Meli at the Vet Letter/Word Work: word ladder: much/ must/just 26 LLI Level: E Lesson #: 26 Guide p: 155 Targeted skill(s): 1. Read with phrasing to denote meaning. 2. Write high-frequency words quickly and easily 3. Understand and correctly add –ing ending to words. Familiar reading/running record: Meli at the Vet Phonics: adding –ing to verbs Writing: Dictation 27 LLI Level: E Lesson #: 27 Guide p: 161 Targeted skill(s): 1. Follow the events in a fantasy that has some basis in scientific information 2. Recognize and use y as a vowel sound. Familiar reading: Kittens Phonemic Awareness: sound of y in my and very Challenge Book Orientation (instructional level): Little Bat Letter/Word Work: sound of y in my and very 28 LLI Level: E Lesson #: 28 Guide p: 167 Targeted skill(s): 1.Write high-frequency words quickly and easily. 2. use known words and word patterns to learn new words Familiar reading/running record: Little Bat Phonemic Awareness: th- words Writing: Interactive writing Independent Book Practice: The Big City 29 LLI Level: E Lesson #: 28 Guide p: 167 Targeted skill(s): 1.Write high-frequency words quickly and easily. 2. use known words and word patterns to learn new words Familiar reading/running record: Little Bat Phonemic Awareness: th- words Writing: Interactive writing Independent Book Practice: The Big City 30 LLI Level: E Lesson #: 30 Guide p: 170 Targeted skill(s): 1. Compose and write sentences to summarize a narrative text. 2. Understand the concept of contractions. Familiar reading/running record: The Trip Phonics: common contractions Writing: Dictation Independent Book Practice: All About Snakes 31 LLI Level: F Lesson #: 31 Guide p: 188 Targeted skill(s): 1. Notice how the writer uses comparison to help readers understand the size of sharks. 2. Recognize and use consonant clusters that blend 2 or 3 consonant sounds. Familiar reading: All About Snakes Phonics: sm-, sl- clusters Challenge Book Orientation: All About Sharks Letter/Word Work: POEM: Jelly On the plate p.190 32 LLI Level: F Lesson #: 32 Guide p: 193 Targeted skill(s): 1. Self-correct consistently. 2. Compose several sentences about a topic. 3. Recognize and use consonant clusters that blend 2 or 3 consonant sounds. Familiar reading/running record: All About Sharks Phonics: st-, sk- clusters Writing: Independent writing Independent Book Practice: Tails 33 LLI Level: F Lesson #: 33 Guide p: 199 Targeted skill(s): 1. Notice a relationship between character traits and the problem of a story. 2. Recognize and use consonant clusters that blend two or three consonant sounds (onsets). Familiar reading: Tails Phonemic Awareness: Consonant clusters (onsets) Challenge Book Orientation (instructional level): A Fast Fox Letter/Word Work: word ladders (see p. 202) 34 LLI Level: F Lesson #: 34 Guide p: 205 Targeted skill(s): 1.Read with phrasing, intonation, and appropriate stress on words. 2. Write high-frequency words quickly. 3. Recognize and use consonant clusters that blend 2 or 3 consonant sounds. Familiar reading/running record: A Fast Fox Phonics: tr-, gr- clusters Writing: Interactive writing Independent Book Practice: Billy’s Pen 35 LLI Level: F Lesson #: 35 Guide p: 211 Targeted skill(s): 1. Recognize the story problem and the ending as a second problem. 2. Recognize and use consonant clusters that blend 2 or 3 consonant sounds (onsets) Familiar reading: Billy’s Pen Phonemic Awareness: br-, fr- clusters Challenge Book Orientation: The Muddy Mess Letter/Word Work: Word Grid game w/ cluster words (p. 214) 36 LLI Level: F Lesson #: 36 Guide p: 217 Targeted skill(s): 1. Write sentences that summarize the story. 2. Understand how to add –ing to words, sometimes changing the spelling of the base word. 3. Read with phrasing, intonation, and appropriate stress on words. Familiar reading/running record: The Muddy Mess Phonemic Awareness: Recognizing and using endings that add – ing to a verb to denote the present participle. Writing: Shared writing Independent Book Practice: The Red Pajamas 37 LLI Level: F Lesson #: 37 Guide p: 223 Targeted skill(s): 1. Recognize another book in a nonfiction series and remember information about taking care of dog. 2. Recognize/use consonant clusters that blend 2 or 3 consonant sounds (onsets) Familiar reading: The Red Pajamas Phonemic Awareness: sl-, cl-, fl- clusters Challenge Book Orientation: Taking Care of Meli Letter/Word Work: Concentration game w/ word cards 38 LLI Level: F Lesson #: 38 Guide p: 229 Targeted skill(s): 1. Compose and write sentences that report information from the text. Recognize and use consonant clusters that blend 2 or 3 consonant sounds (onsets) Familiar reading/running record: Taking Care of Meli Phonemic Awareness: pl-, gl-, blWriting: Interactive writing Independent Book Practice: The Cold 39 LLI Level: F Lesson #: 39 Guide p: 235 Targeted skill(s): 1. Notice and remember important information 2. Recognize and understand simple compound words. Familiar reading: The Cold Phonemic Awareness: inside, outside, anything, anywhere, everything, everywhere, maybe, something, somewhere, sometimes Challenge Book (instructional level): Mother Sea Turtle Letter/Word Work: Consonant Cluster Linking Chart 40 LLI Level: F Lesson #: 40 Guide p: 241 Targeted skill(s): 1. Compose and write sentences that report information from the text 2. Recognize and use –ing ending with verbs. Familiar reading/running record: Mother Sea Turtle Phonemic Awareness: poem: The Brook ( –ing endings) Writing: Interactive writing Independent Book Practice: The Birthday Song 41 LLI Level: G Lesson #: 41 Guide p: 249 Targeted skill(s): 1. Recognize a book in a series and bring background knowledge to the understanding of an informational text. 2. Use consonant cluster linking chart as a tool for thinking about words with consonant clusters. Familiar reading: The Birthday Song Phonics: consonant cluster linking chart Challenge Book (instructional level): Meli at School Letter/Word Work: high-frequency word practice 42 LLI Level: G Lesson #: 42 Guide p: 255 Targeted skill(s): 1. Make your voice louder when you see the big (boldface) print. 2. Write highfrequency words quickly. 3. Recognize and use vowel patterns. Familiar reading/running record: Meli at School Phonics: vowel patterns: ou, ow (howl), ow (snow) Writing: Dictation Independent Book Practice: Pig’s New House 43 LLI Level: G Lesson #: 43 Guide p: 261 Targeted skill(s): 1. Recognize cause and effect to understand the ending. 2. Recognize and use consonant digraphs. Familiar reading: Pig’s New House Phonics: shChallenge Book Orientation (instructional level): Super Fox Letter/Word Work: see p. 264 44 LLI Level: G Lesson #: 44 Guide p: 267 Targeted skill(s): 1. Read with phrasing, intonation, and appropriate word stress. 2. Compose and help to write sentences summarizing a story. 3. Recognize and use consonant digraphs. Familiar reading/running record: Super Fox Phonics: chWriting: Interactive writing Independent Book Practice: Andy Fox at School 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 LLI Level: H Lesson #: 51 Guide pg: 311 Targeted skill(s): 1. Recognize and process some literary language. 2. Use base words and word endings to help in reading words. Familiar reading: Andy Fox at School Phonemic Awareness: base words + endings –s, -ing, -ed Challenge Book Orientation (instructional level): The Great Big Enormous Turnip Letter/Word Work: letter/sound associations for everyone, great, grew, next 52 LLI Level: H Lesson #: 52 Guide pg: 317 Targeted skill(s): 1. Say words slowly to listen for and write letters that represent them. 2. Use base words and word endings to help in reading words. `Familiar reading/running record: The Great Big Enormous Turnip Phonemic Awareness: base words + endings –s, -ing, -ed Writing: Interactive writing Independent Book Practice: Down by the Pond 53 LLI Level: H Lesson #: 53 Guide pg: 323 Targeted skill(s): 1. Gain information from graphics and integrate it with text features. 2. Recognize and use endings that add –ed to a verb to make it past tense Familiar reading: Down by the Pond Phonemic Awareness: -ed ending Challenge Book Orientation (instructional level): All About Sled Dogs Letter/Word Work: word ladder using both/bother and other/over 54 LLI Level: H Lesson #: 54 Guide p: 329 Targeted skill(s): 1. Use known parts of words to write new words.2. Recognize and use words with vowel combinations. Familiar reading/running record: All About Sled Dogs Phonics: ear, eat vowel combinations Writing: Shared writing Interactive writing Dictation Independent writing Independent Book Practice: Pop, Pop, Popcorn! 55 LLI Level: H Lesson #: 55 Guide p: 335 Targeted skill(s): 1. Understand a book can be a mixture of fiction and nonfiction 2. Connect words that have the same parts or patterns Familiar reading: Pop, Pop, Popcorn! Phonics: about, along, again, across, around after Challenge Book Orientation (instructional level): The Fun Club Goes to a Dairy Farm Letter/Word Work: GAME Concentration w/ vowel patterns 56 57 LLI Level: H Lesson #: 57 Guide p: 347 Targeted skill(s): 1. Use language structure, meaning, and visual information to monitor reading and solve words.2. Recognize and use letters that represent consonant digraph sounds at the end of a word. Familiar reading: Going Camping Phonics: -each, -ish letter patterns Challenge Book Orientation (instructional level): The Coyote and the Rabbit Letter/Word Work: add to list of compound words (p. 350) 58 LLI Level: H Lesson #: 58 Guide p: 353 Targeted skill(s): 1. Help to compose and write sentences to summarize a story. 2. Recognize and use letters that represent consonant digraph sounds at the end of a word. Familiar reading/running record: The Coyote and the Rabbit ____________________________________________________ __ Phonics: -atch, -ath letter patterns Writing: Shared writing Interactive writing Dictation Independent writing Independent Book Practice: Little Wolf’s New Home 59 60 61 LLI Level: I Lesson #: 61 Guide p: 373 Targeted skill(s): Read and understand some technical language that is not typically in oral language. 2. Recognize and use letter combinations that represent long vowel sounds. Familiar reading: Little Wolf’s New Home Phonics: letter combinations that represent long vowel sounds. ai, ay, ee, Challenge Book Orientation (instructional level): Road Builders Letter/Word Work: making plurals (p. 376) 62 LLI Level: I Lesson #: 62 Guide p: 379 Targeted skill(s): 1. Say words slowly, listen for sounds in sequence, and write the letters that represent the sounds. Familiar reading/running record: Road Builders Phonics: letter combinations that represent long vowel sounds. ea, oa, Writing: Shared writing Interactive writing Dictation Independent writing Independent Book Practice: The Perfect Picnic 63 LLI Level: I Lesson #: 63 Guide p: 385 Targeted skill(s): 1. Gain new information about a topic.2.Recognize and use letter combinations that represent long vowel sounds. Familiar reading: The Perfect Picnic Phonics: letter combinations that represent long vowel sounds: ow, ie Challenge Book Orientation (instructional level): All About Dinosaurs Letter/Word Work: syllable work with words from text (p. 388) 64 LLI Level: I Lesson #: 64 Guide p: 391 Targeted skill(s): 1. Read with phrasing and fluency 2. Recognize and use phonograms with ending consonant clusters. 3. Capitalize the first word of a sentence and write end punctuation. Familiar reading/running record: All About Dinosaurs 65 LLI Level: I Lesson #: 65 Guide p: 397 Targeted skill(s): 1. Understand the role of sequence in the book—from mailing a letter to receiving one. 2. Understand that some vowels go together in words and make one sound. Familiar reading: A Party for Panda Phonics: long vowel letter combinations: ai, ay, ee, ea, oa, ow, ie Challenge Book Orientation (instructional level): The Fun Club Goes to the Post Office Letter/Word Work: words w/ long vowel letter combinations p. 400 66 LLI Level: I Lesson #: 66 Guide p:403 Targeted skill(s): 1. Read dialog with intonation. 2. Help compose sentences to describe the sequence in the story. 3. Understand that some vowels go together in words and make one sound AND the sound is usually the same as the name of the first vowel. Familiar reading/running record: The Fun Club Goes to the Post Office _____________________________ Phonics: long vowel letter combinations Writing: Shared writing Interactive writing Dictation Independent writing Independent Book Practice: The New Roof 67 LLI Level: I Lesson #: 67 Guide p:409 Targeted skill(s): 1. Use language structure, meaning, and visual information to self-monitor reading and solve words. 2. Understand that two word patterns may have the same sound but are spelled differently. Familiar reading: The New Roof Phonics: phonograms –ail, ale, ait. ate Challenge Book Orientation (instructional level): The Fun Club Goes to the Vet Clinic Letter/Word Work: review high-frequency words 68 LLI Level: I Lesson #: 68 Guide p: 415 Targeted skill(s): 1. Use word parts to solve words while reading for meaning. 2. Capitalize first word in a sentence and write end punctuation. 3. Understand that two word patterns may have the same sound but are spelled differently. Familiar reading/running record: The Fun Club Goes to the Vet Clinic _____________________________ Phonics: letter patterns: -air, -are Writing: Shared writing Interactive writing Dictation Independent writing Independent Book Practice: Kim’s New Shoes 69 LLI Level: I Lesson #: 69 Guide p: 421 Targeted skill(s): 1. Infer what made the man take off his coat. 2. Understand that two word patterns may have the same sound but are spelled differently. Familiar reading: Kim’s New Shoes Phonics: phonogram patterns w/vowel and r –air, -are, -ear, -ir, -or, -er,- -or, -ur Challenge Book Orientation (instructional level): The Wind and the Sun Letter/Word Work: homonyms p. 424 meat/meet, two/too, here/hear, fair/fare, road/rode, blew/blue 70 LLI Level: I Lesson #: 70 Guide p: 427 Targeted skill(s): 1. Read split dialog with understanding, appropriate pausing, and intonation.2, Say words slowly to listen for sounds and write the letters that represent them. 3. Recognize and use letter combinations that represent long vowel sounds. Familiar reading/running record: The Wind and the Sun ____________________________ Phonics: Recognize and use letter combinations that represent long vowel sounds. ai, ay, ee, ea, oa, ow, ie Recognize and use patterns with one or two vowels and r: Writing: Shared writing Interactive writing Dictation Independent writing Independent Book Practice: The Play Date 71 LLI Level: G Lesson #: 71 Guide pg: 433 Targeted skill(s): compare/contrast versions of story; understanding plot of story; consonant clusters at beginning of words Familiar reading: The Big Storm and My Five Senses Phonemic Awareness: consonant clusters linking chart Challenge Book Orientation (instructional level): Goldie and the Three Bears Letter/Word Work: Play Lotto 72 LLI Level: G Lesson #: 72 Guide pg: 439 Targeted skill(s): plot and series of events; beginning consonant clusters Familiar reading/running record: Goldie and the Three Bears Phonemic Awareness: consonant cluster linking chart Writing: Shared writing Interactive writing Dictation Independent writing Independent Book Practice: Helping Mom 73 LLI Level: G Lesson #: 73 Guide pg: 445 Targeted skill(s): story problem/resolution; consonant digraphs; fluency—using punctuation Familiar reading: Goldie and The Three Bears and Helping Mom Phonemic Awareness: consonant digraphs—make chart Challenge Book Orientation (instructional level): Papa’s Birthday Letter/Word Work: en pattern—pen to hen, etc… 74 LLI Level: G Lesson #: 74 Guide pg: 451 Targeted skill(s): Story problems and resolution: consonant diagraphs; going from known words to unknown words. Familiar reading: Papa’s Birthday Phonemic Awareness: consonant diagraphs Challenge Book Orientation (instructional level): The Storm Writing: Independent 75 LLI Level: G Lesson #: 75 Guide pg: 457 Targeted skill(s): Making predictions; problem/resolution; consonant digraphs chart Familiar reading: The Storm Phonemic Awareness: consonant diagraphs chart Challenge Book Orientation (instructional level): Baby Bird Letter/Word work: ate- pattern- making words 76 LLI Level: G Lesson #: 76 Guide pg: 463 Targeted skill(s): Accessing background knowledge; problem/resolutions; consonant diagraphs Familiar reading: Baby Bird Phonemic Awareness: consonant diagraphs Challenge Book Orientation (instructional level): Lizzy Writing: Dictation 77 LLI Level: G Lesson #: 77 Guide pg: 469 Targeted skill(s): problem/resolution; consonant digraphs Familiar reading: Lizzy Phonemic Awareness: simple compound words Challenge Book Orientation (instructional level): The Goat in the Garden Letter/Word Work: going from known to unknown (could to would to should) 78 LLI Level: G Lesson #: 78 Guide pg: 475 Targeted skill(s): sequencing events; consonant digraphs Familiar reading/running record: The Goat in the Garden Phonemic Awareness: consonant cluster linking chart Writing: Shared writing Dictation Interactive writing Independent writing Independent Book Practice: A Surprise for Mom 79 LLI Level: G Lesson #: 79 Guide pg: 481 Targeted skill(s): using graphic organizers for understanding; consonant digraphs Familiar reading: A Surprise for Mom Phonemic Awareness: same as lsn 78 Challenge Book Orientation (instructional level): How Frogs Grow Letter/Word Work: Going from known to unknown words 80 LLI Level: G Lesson #: 80 Guide pg: 487 Targeted skill(s): series of events and resolution; inferring; phonogram patterns Familiar reading/running record: How Frogs Grow Phonemic Awareness: vowel patterns ow, ou Writing: Shared writing Dictation Interactive writing Independent writing Independent Book Practice: Brave Taco 81 LLI Level: K Lesson #: 81 Guide pg: 497 Targeted skill(s): recognizing text features (headings, etc.); consonants clusters/blends Familiar reading: From Milk to Ice Cream Phonemic Awareness: consonant clusters at the end of words (nd, nt, nk, st) Challenge Book Orientation (instructional level): All About Robots Letter/Word Work: onset/rime 82 LLI Level: 82 Lesson #: 82 Guide pg: 503 Targeted skills (s): problem/solution; consonant clusters; reading dialogue with expression Familiar reading/running record: TN, All About Robots Phonemic Awareness: ending consonant clusters Writing: Shared writing Interactive writing Dictation Independent writing Independent Book Practice: The Singing Duck 83 LLI Level: K Lesson #: 83 Guide pg: 509 Targeted skill(s): making inferences; consonant digraphs Familiar reading: The Singing Duck Phonemic Awareness: consonant digraphs—three column chart with ng, tch, ck Challenge Book Orientation (instructional level): How Bear Lost His Tail Letter/Word Work: Word Grid Board Game 84 LLI Level: K Lesson #: 84 Guide p: 515 Targeted skill(s): 1. Recognize word parts to take apart or write new words. 2. Understand that a consonant digraph consists of two letters that represent one unique sound. Familiar reading/running record: How Bear Lost His Tail _________________________________________________ Phonics: consonant digraphs at ends of words and less frequent ones at beginnings: -sh, -ng, tch, -ph, -gh gh-, gn-, kn-, ph-, wrWriting: Shared writing Interactive writing Dictation Independent writing Independent Book Practice: The Wise Blackbird 85 LLI Level: K Lesson #: 85 Guide p: 521 Targeted skill(s): 1.Understand some technical vocabulary. 2. Notice and use the sounds of consonant clusters at the end of a word. Familiar reading: The Wise Blackbird Phonics: consonant digraphs at ends of words: -ct, -ft,--sk, -lf Challenge Book Orientation (instructional level): All About African Elephants Letter/Word Work: practice reading tricky high-frequency words 86 LLI Level: K Lesson #: 86 Guide p: 527 Targeted skill(s): 1. Self-monitor and self-correct consistently. 2. Say words to think about how they sound and look. 3. Recognize silent letters in word patterns. Familiar reading/running record: All About Elephants Phonics: Silent consonant letters in words: knit ,know, lamb,climb, light, sight, wrap, wrong Writing: Shared writing Interactive writing Dictation Independent writing Independent Book Practice: The Wise Blackbird ELL: Word Skills game 87 LLI Level: K Lesson #: 87 Guide pg: 533 Targeted skill(s): infer why decisions are made; consonant digraphs Familiar reading: All About Redwood Trees Phonemic Awareness: letters that represent more than one sound Challenge Book Orientation (instructional level): The City Mouse and the Country Mouse Letter/Word Work: Lotto Game 88 LLI Level: K Lesson #: 88 Guide pg: 539 Targeted skills (s): using a glossary; finding info in non-fiction text; multiple consonant sounds Familiar reading/running record: TN, The City Mouse and the Country Mouse Phonemic Awareness: ltrs that represent 2 or more sounds—chart Writing: Shared writing Interactive writing Dictation Independent writing Independent Book Practice: Cranes 89 LLI Level: K Lesson #: 89 Guide pg: 545 Targeted skill(s): interpreting information from pictures; consistent self-monitoring; y making a vowel sound Familiar reading: Cranes and The City Mouse and the Country Mouse Phonemic Awareness: chart showing words with the y that sounds like an e or an i Challenge Book Orientation (instructional level): The Fun Club Goes to the Aquarium Letter/Word Work: same as above 90 LLI Level: K Lesson #: 90 Guide pg: 551 Targeted skills (s): inferring; problem solving; letter clusters with different sounds Familiar reading/running record: The Fun Club Goes….. Phonemic Awareness: write the word special and talk about how the sounds do not match the spelling Writing: Shared writing Interactive writing Dictation Independent writing Independent Book Practice: Old Jacket, New Jacket 91 LLI Level: L Lesson #: 91 Guide pg: 559 Targeted skill(s): using a glossary; sequential process; silent consonants Familiar reading: The Fun Club… and Old Jacket… Phonemic Awareness: chart with silent letters k, g, w Challenge Book Orientation (instructional level): From Milk to Ice Cream Letter/Word Work: Multisyllable words from the book 92 LLI Level: L Lesson #: 92 Guide pg: 565 Targeted skills (s): inferring; story problems/solutions; consonant blends Familiar reading/running record: From Milk to Ice Cream Phonemic Awareness: consonant clusters with 2 or 3 ltrs Writing: Shared writing Dictation Interactive writing Independent writing Independent Book Practice: Frog Songs 93 LLI Level: L Lesson #: 93 Guide pg: 571 Targeted skill(s): 1. Build understanding of a character over several books 2. Recognize and use endings that show comparison for words ending in y. Familiar reading: Frog Songs Phonemic Awareness: adding –er to show comparison Challenge Book Orientation (instructional level): Good Friends Letter/Word Work: deconstruct words with –ed endings 94 LLI Level: L Lesson #: 94 Guide pg: 577 Targeted skill(s): 1. Recognize an animal fantasy book and have expectations about the content 2. Understand that some words have a vowel with r and the vowel sound is blended. Familiar reading/running record: Good Friends _________________________________________________ Phonemic Awareness: -er, -ar. –ur letter patterns Writing: Shared writing Interactive writing Dictation Independent writing Independent Book Practice: Elephant and Tiger 95 LLI Level: L Lesson #: 95 Guide pg: 583 Targeted skill(s): 1. Recognize a Classic Tale and have expectations about what it will be like.2. Recognize and use igh pattern in words to help read and write them. Familiar reading: Elephant and Tiger Phonemic Awareness: Recognize and use –igh pattern in words Challenge Book Orientation (instructional level): Jack and the Beanstalk Letter/Word Work: Word Grid game board w/ er, ar, ur letter patterns 96 LLI Level: L Lesson #: 96 Guide pg: 589 Targeted skill(s): 1. Infer a character’s feelings at the end of a story.2. Understand that you can connect words to help in reading or writing them. Familiar reading/running record: Jack and the Beanstalk Phonemic Awareness: Connect words that have the same pattern: light/night, running/ sitting Writing: Shared writing Interactive writing Dictation Independent writing Independent Book Practice: Hide and Seek 97 LLI Level: L Lesson #: 97 Guide pg: 595 Targeted skills (s): compare/contrast information; contractions Familiar reading: Hide and Seek Phonemic Awareness: making contractions Challenge Book Orientation (instructional level): Little Cat, Big Cat Letter/Word Work: Word Grid Game Board 98 LLI Level: L Lesson #: 98 Guide pg: 601 Targeted skills (s): searching info in nonfiction text; phrasing and fluency Familiar reading/running record: Little Cat, Big Cat Phonemic Awareness: chart with aw and ought Writing: Shared writing Interactive writing Dictation Independent writing Independent Book Practice: Into the Sea 99 LLI Level: L Lesson #: 99 Guide pg: 607 Targeted skills (s): characterization; accessing prior knowledge; phonogram patterns with aw sound Familiar reading: Into the Sea and Little Cat, Big Cat Phonemic Awareness: words that sound same but spelled differently ( aw, ought, ost, ong) Challenge Book Orientation (instructional level): A Surprise for the Big Bad Wolf Letter/Word Work: Letters representing the sh sound—wash, machine, special, delicious 10 0 LLI Level: L Lesson #: 100 Guide pg: 613 Targeted skill(s): characterization; recognizing and using phonogram patterns Familiar reading/running record: A Surprise for the Big Bad Wolf Phonemic Awareness: Same as lesson #99 Writing: Shared writing Interactive writing Dictation Independent writing Independent Book Practice: The Ladybug and the Cricket 10 1 LLI Level: M Lesson #: 101 Guide pg: 621 Targeted skill(s): infer a characters feelings; phonogram patterns Familiar reading: The Ladybug and the Cricket Phonemic Awareness: connecting and comparing words that look the same but sound different—chart Challenge Book Orientation (instructional level): The Costume Party Letter/Word Work: Word Grid Game Board 10 2 LLI Level: M Lesson #: 102 Guide pg: 627 Targeted skills (s): infer lesson in story; taking words apart smoothly, keeping attn. on meaning Familiar reading/running record: The Costume Party Phonemic Awareness: words with oo sound as in book Writing: Shared writing Interactive writing Dictation Independent writing Independent Book Practice: Moosling in Winter 10 3 LLI Level: M Lesson #: 103 Guide pg: 633 Targeted skill(s): sequential organization; compound words; consistent self-monitoring Familiar reading: Moosling in Winter and The Costume Party Phonemic Awareness: complex compound words Challenge Book Orientation (instructional level): The Road Runners Letter/Word Work: y at the end of words, having the long e sound 10 4 LLI Level: M Lesson #: 104 Guide pg: 639 Targeted skill(s): inferring; identify syllables Familiar reading/running record: The Road runners Phonemic Awareness: understanding the concept of syllables, using hyphens to separate Writing: Shared writing Interactive writing Dictation Independent writing Independent Book Practice: March to the Park 10 5 LLI Level: M Lesson #: 105 Guide pg: 645 Targeted skill(s): 1. Notice characters’ feelings and how they change by the end of the story. 2. Read words and identify the syllables. Familiar reading: March to the Park Phonemic Awareness: one and two syllable words Challenge Book Orientation (instructional level): Venus; The Flytrap Who Wouldn’t Eat Flies Letter/Word Work: Game: LOTTO w/ one and two syllable words See p. 648 10 6 LLI Level: M Lesson #: 106 Guide pg: 651 Targeted skill(s): 1. Compose and write sentences to describe a character 2. Recognize and use one or two syllables in words. Familiar reading/running record: Venus; The Flytrap Who Wouldn’t Eat Flies ____________________________________ Phonemic Awareness: dividing multisyllable words Writing: Shared writing Interactive writing Dictation Independent writing Independent Book Practice: Pen Pals 10 7 LLI Level: M Lesson #: 107 Guide pg: 657 Targeted skill(s): 1. Understand the problem of the story and the events in sequence. 2. Recognize and use one, two, and three syllables in words. Familiar reading: Pen Pals Phonemic Awareness: Look at the syllable in a word to read it. Challenge Book Orientation (instructional level): The Fox and the Gulls Letter/Word Work: multisyllable words 10 8 LLI Level: M Lesson #: 108 Guide pg: 663 Targeted skill(s): problem/solution; accessing background knowledge Familiar reading/running record: The Fox and the Gulls Phonemic Awareness: Recognizing and understanding contractions Writing: Shared writing Interactive writing Dictation Independent writing Independent Book Practice: Puddle Play 10 9 LLI Level: M Lesson #: 109 Guide pg:669 Targeted skill(s): poetry w/i text; inferring; contractions Familiar reading: Puddle Play Phonemic Awareness: understanding contractions Challenge Book Orientation (instructional level): A Dragon’s Lullaby Letter/Word Work: changing the middle sound to create a new word (ex: sheet to shirt) 11 0 LLI Level: M Lesson #: 110 Guide pg: 675 Targeted skill(s): problem/resolution; accessing background info; contractions Familiar reading/running record: A Dragon’s Lullaby Phonemic Awareness: same as Lsn. 109 Writing: Shared writing Interactive writing Dictation Independent writing Independent Book Practice: The Scream 11 1 LLI Level: N Lesson #: 111 Guide p: 683 Targeted skill(s): 1. Read with phrasing, intonation, appropriate word stress, and pausing. 2. Recognize and use consonant digraphs at ends of words. Familiar reading: The Scream Phonics: word ending digraphs –sh, -ch,-ck, -tch, -dge, -ng, -ph, -gh Challenge Book Orientation (instructional level): The Hot Day Letter/Word Work: word ladder (p. 686) 11 2 LLI Level: N Lesson #: 112 Guide p: 689 Targeted skill(s): 1. Read with intonation, appropriate word stress, phrasing, and pausing to notice the punctuation. 2. Compose and write sentences describing a character’s feelings. Familiar reading/running record: The Hot Day ____________________________________________________ __ Phonics: connecting words that have the same pattern: through/though/thought, tough/rough/enough/cough Writing: Shared writing Interactive writing Dictation Independent writing Independent Book Practice: Moosling the Hero 11 3 LLI Level: N Lesson #: 113 Guide p: 695 Targeted skill(s): 1. Recognize new information as compared to what is already known. 2. Recognize and use –ed endings to make a verb past tense. Familiar reading: Moosling the Hero Phonics: adding ed to base words (double final consonant; change y to i) Challenge Book Orientation (instructional level): All About Astronauts Letter/Word Work: review long vowel letter combinations p. 698) 11 4 LLI Level: N Lesson #: 114 Guide p: 701 Targeted skill(s): 1. Read with intonation, appropriate word stress, phrasing, and pausing to notice the punctuation. 2. Understand that word parts are added to base words to indicate something done in the past (suffixes). 3. Write high-frequency Familiar reading/running record: All About Astronauts ____________________________________________________ ____ Phonics: adding ed to base words (add d; change word) Writing: Shared writing Interactive writing Dictation Independent writing Independent Book Practice: Too Many Teeth 11 5 LLI Level: N Lesson #: 115 Guide p: 707 Targeted skill(s): 1. Recognize sections and use headings to predict categories of information.2. Recognize and use endings that show comparison. Familiar reading: Too Many Teeth Phonics: base words + -er, -est Challenge Book Orientation (instructional level): All About Volcanoes Letter/Word Work: work w/partner to add comparative endings (p. 710) 11 6 LLI Level: N Lesson #: 116 Guide pg: 713 Targeted skills: problem/resolution; characterization; selfmonitoring; recognizing syllables Familiar reading/running record: All About Volcanoes Phonemic Awareness: Syllables made of a consonant and le Writing: Shared writing Interactive writing Dictation Independent writing Independent Book Practice: Libby’s New Friend 11 7 LLI Level: N Lesson #: 117 Guide pg: 719 Targeted skills (s): chronological order; accessing background information; non-fiction genre; syllabification Familiar reading: All About Volcanoes and Libby’s New Friend Phonemic Awareness: chart with 2, 3, 4, or 5 syllable words Challenge Book Orientation (instructional level): Eugenie Clark, Shark Lady Letter/Word Work: Same as earlier activit 11 8 LLI Level: N Lesson #: 118 Guide pg: 725 Targeted skill(s): characterization; phrasing; intonation; pausing; word stress Familiar reading/running record: Eugenie Clark, Shark Lady Phonemic Awareness: Recognizing syllables (make chart) Writing: Shared writing Interactive writing Dictation Independent writing Independent Book Practice: The Pirates 11 9 LLI Level: N Lesson #: 119 Guide pg: 731 Targeted skill(s):biographies; chronological order; homophones Familiar reading: Eugenie Clark, Shark Lady and The Pirates Phonemic Awareness: connecting words that sound the same, but different meanings Challenge Book Orientation (instructional level): Chester Greenwood’s Big Idea Letter/Word Work: poem—A Thunderstorm 12 0 LLI Level: N Lesson #: 120 Guide pg: 737 (last lesson in LLI set) Targeted skill(s): compare/contrast; background knowledge; central idea; word patterns Familiar reading/running record: Chester Greenwood’s Big Idea Phonemic Awareness: poem—On Top of Spaghetti Writing: Shared writing Interactive writing Dictation Independent writing Independent Book Practice: Animals with Wings