Dean`s Doctoral Research Scholar

College of Education
The Dean’s Doctoral Research Scholars program is a College of Education recruitment and
support initiative for students admitted to the College of Education in a doctoral degreegranting program. This prestigious award provides four years of funding, with three years
funded by the College of Education and one year funded by the Department. One Dean’s
Doctoral Research Scholars assistantship will be awarded to an incoming doctoral student each
year by each department in the college, the Department of Curriculum and Instruction and the
Department of Educational Studies.
Recipients of a Dean’s Doctoral Research Scholar award will be appointed as 0.5 FTE fiscal year
research assistants during the three years of College of Education funding. As graduate
assistants, students must be candidates for a degree and remain in good standing to maintain
eligibility to hold the assistantship. Graduate assistants are considered graduate staff of the
University and receive a salary that is considered payment for services. Recipients of the Dean’s
Research Assistantship will receive the “standard” rate for graduate assistantships in the
College of Education. Recipients of the Dean’s Research Assistantship will conduct research
under the direction of their major professors. The work for which the graduate assistants are
compensated may or may not be directly related to their degree requirements.
The call for nominations for the Dean’s Doctoral Research Scholar awards will be issued
concurrently with the call for nomination for Graduate School recruitment
fellowships/assistantships. See the attached nomination form. Nominees for the Dean’s
Research Assistantship will reviewed together with nominees for Graduate School recruitment
fellowships/assistantships using existing departmental review committees and procedures.