Subject Curriculum Map - September 2014 (taking into account new National Curriculum) Department – Art Year Group - 10 A u t u m n T e r m 1 Learning Overview Assessment Art From Words This guide will ensure that ALL students can produce evidence to meet criteria. This will be monitored by the classroom teacher on a regular basis through one to one meetings to discuss work and progress. Aims: To ensure students develop a range skills, understanding and knowledge of all assessment objectives to enrich their coursework. Outcomes: To create a body of work based on a wellknown story or nursery rhyme. Students will create a body of work in their sketchbooks to include ALL assessment objectives. They will also produce on final piece for submission. This is a guide and students will also have independent study to develop ideas further. AO1 Develop and Investigate (max 20 marks) At least one double page on each suggested artist – to include: Images & Info = D + own drawings = C + own detailed analysis of work = B + Keywords and high quality presentation and skills = A At least two A4 size copies of a selected piece of artists work labeled A page where you compare and contrast the two artists in terms of style, subject matter, use of media etc AO2 Experiment (max 20 marks) At least a double page of initial ideas, fully annotated Composition plans, use of media discussed. Test versions 2D and 3D – with annotation labels attached Documented ‘Technique Focus’ sessions AO3 Record (max 20 marks) Appropriately selected subject matter for photography and observed drawings Initial page of secondary images AO1 Develop and Investigate (max 20 marks) Develop their ideas through investigations informed by contextual and other sources demonstrating analytical and cultural understanding AO2 Experiment (max 20 marks) Develop their ideas through investigations informed by contextual and other sources demonstrating analytical and cultural understanding AO3 Record (max 20 marks) Record ideas, observations and insights relevant to their intentions in visual and/or other forms AO4 Present (max 20 marks) Present a personal, informed and meaningful response demonstrating analytical and critical understanding, realising intentions and where appropriate, making connections between visual, written, oral or other elements Brainstorm pages where necessary to generate ideas Further pages of secondary images to enhance quality of ideas as they develop Next Steps and Development pages – discuss how your work is progressing AO4 Present (max 20 marks) The final piece – appropriately presented General presentation of planning work throughout the project – sketchbook, extra sheets, 3D test versions etc A u t u m n T e r m 2 Art From Words S p ri n g T e r m 1 Me, myself and I Academy Summative Assessment point 1 Aims: To ensure students develop a range skills, understanding and knowledge of all assessment objectives to enrich their coursework. Outcomes: Students will create a body of work in their sketchbooks based on the theme of themselves to include ALL assessment objectives. They will also produce on final piece for submission. This is a guide and students will also have independent study to develop ideas further. This coursework project will allow students to explore a variety of artists and the way they tackle portraiture. Once students have a good understanding of the subject and the different ways a portrait can be created, they will make a choice on the kind of portrait outcome they would like to produce. Students will be given an Artist or Art style to study in order to help you develop your ideas. Students will develop the use of media and drawing skills throughout this coursework AO1 Develop and Investigate (max 20 marks) Develop their ideas through investigations informed by contextual and other sources demonstrating analytical and cultural understanding AO2 Experiment (max 20 marks) Develop their ideas through investigations informed by contextual and other sources demonstrating analytical and cultural understanding AO3 Record (max 20 marks) Record ideas, observations and insights relevant to their intentions in visual and/or other forms AO4 Present (max 20 marks) Present a personal, informed and meaningful response demonstrating analytical and critical understanding, realising intentions and where appropriate, making connections project. The final outcome for this project will be a ‘SelfPortrait’ produced in a media of their choice. between visual, written, oral or other elements Here is how the four Assessment Objectives will be covered. S p ri n g T e r m 2 Me ,Myself and I S u m m e r T e r m 1 Mock Exam Academy Summative Assessment point 2 Aims: To ensure that students are well equipped for their exam in Year 11. Outcomes: Students are given various different themes for and outcome using exam paper. Brainstorm chosen question Present images and info from given sheet adding your own comments Look up 2 images from suggested artists – make quality copies in varied media Comment on these in terms of C/F/M/P Produce copies and comments on an artist they have found yourself that links to your question Create observational studies of appropriate sources to your question – make sure students show off their skills. Create a double page of secondary images that link to Q Make studies of 2-3 of these in varied media Catch up on above tasks if not complete. VISIT A Students are given various different themes for and outcome using exam paper. AO1 Develop and Investigate (max 20 marks) Develop their ideas through investigations informed by contextual and other sources demonstrating analytical and cultural understanding AO2 Experiment (max 20 marks) Develop their ideas through investigations informed by contextual and other sources demonstrating analytical and cultural understanding AO3 Record (max 20 marks) Record ideas, observations and insights relevant to their intentions in visual and/or other forms AO4 Present (max 20 marks) Present a personal, informed and meaningful response demonstrating analytical and critical GALLERY! Sketch 2-3 ideas for chosen question – make sure the artist link is clear in each Create observational drawings of items/places/people that link to your ideas Include your own photography – comment on the link to idea Make thumbnails/models to try out 2-3 ideas – don’t limit it to one at this stage, show a range of ideas. Photograph and comment on the results – say how you plan to move forward. Remember to plan to do a 3D outcome – your tests need to be in 3D. Add additional research it may need to be developed. Create further 2D/3D test versions that show ideas are progressing form the first ones. Label them to say what has changed and why Finalise ideas – make a final test version state why this has chosen the materials and techniques – is your artist link apparent? Complete the exam writing frame in full Create your 10 hour time plan Check the materials required are available understanding, realising intentions and where appropriate, making connections between visual, written, oral or other elements Students to take books home and to comment on progress on exam day 1. Make additional sketches and comments to document and reflect on progress If students have time you they evaluate their final work Make sure students hand in all of your work S u m m e r T e r m 2 Mock Exam Academy Summative Assessment point 3