Data Dictionary for TIEDI field entry Heart TCR– you will need the Listing Packet, SW note, most recent labs at time of listing 1. Name and Address will Auto-Populate 2. Is patient waiting in permanent ZIP code Yes or No a. Choose No only if the patient had to relocate b. Look at the address listed in TR 3. Ethnicity/Race a. Should Auto-Populate b. Info comes from TR in the demographics and that info came from the SW note 4. Citizenship – get from the SW note 5. Highest Education Level – get from the SW note 6. Medical Condition at Time of Listing a. In Intensive Care Unit b. Hospitalized but not in ICU c. Not Hospitalized 7. Patient on Life Support Yes or No Yes = Extra Corporeal Membrane Oxygenation, IABP, Prostaglandins, Intravenous Inotropes (ie amiodarone, dopamine, dobutamine, milronone, etc), Inhaled NO, Ventilator, Other Other = LVAD, AICD, TAH 8. Patient on Ventricular Assist Device a. Will need the Brand of Device b. Brand will be in the surgeons note 9. Functional Status a. 1A = 20% b. EVERYONE else is 40% 10. Physical Capacity- All are LIMITY MOBILITY 11. Working For Income – Yes or No a. Yes – Full-time, Part-time, etc b. No – Why, disability, medical condition, personal choice, etc c. Get info from SW note 12 Previous Transplants – should auto-populate but info can be found in clinic note 13. Previous Pancreas Islet Infusion – NO, and Jenna will let you know if anyone has. 14. Source of Payment – Info from Insurance in TR a. Medicare = Medicare Fee For Service b. Medi-Cal = Public Insurance- Other Government 15. Ht/Wt/ ABO will Auto-Populate 16. Primary Diagnosis info from the CMY note a. Ischemic CMY = Coronary Artery Disease (CAD) 17. Diabetes – Info from the CMY note 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. Dialysis – Mark yes if the patient has EVER had dialysis or CRRT Peptic Ulcer Disease- Info from the CMY note Angina – Info from the CMY note Drug Treated Systemic Hypertension – YES to ALL our patients Symptomatic Cerebrovascular Disease, Symptomatic Peripheral Vascular Disease, Drug Treated COPD, Pulmonary Embolism, Any previous Transfusions (CABG patients), Any previous malignancies – ALL INFO CAN BE FOUND IN CMY NOTE. Most Recent Serum Creatinine (at the time of listing) Total Serum Albumin (must fill this in even though it is not red starred) Sudden Death Yes or No a. Yes if the patient has ever had CARDIAC ARREST Antiarrhythmic - Almost if not ALL our patients are on some kind of antiarrhythmic Amiodarone Yes or No – Look in the CMY note for med list Implantable Defibrillator Yes or No – Look in CMY note Infection Requiring IV Drug Therapy 2 wks prior to Listing – If patient had ID consult etc, don’t spend too much time trying to dig this up. Exercise Oxygen Consumption – CPX study and they want the VO2 max, if the CPX was done than it will probably be on the patient’s Eval Work-Up sheet Most Recent Hemodynamics (at the time of listing) a. Get from the Wait List b. Get from the RHC report c. Get from the CMY note d. Mark yes if pt was on inotropes/vasodilators during the test, usually these patients are and you already answered the inotrope question at question 7. History of Cigarette Use Yes or No – Info from the SW note, also want pack years which is also in SW note. Other tobacco use – cigars, smokeless, Ecigs, Vapping, etc. Prior Cardiac Surgery - Yes or No – info from the CMY note a. If patient had a TAH or LVAD that is considered a heart surgery and is included. Prior Lung Surgery (non-transplant) Yes or No and what kind (thoracotomy, lobectomy, pneumonectomy, etc.) Then hit VALIDATE and you’re done. a. Throw away the listing pact EXCEPT for the FOA (forms of acknowledgement) b. Place FOA in the FOA folder in the file cabinet.