Methods Study site We studied canine cutaneous leishmaniasis exposure in dogs from 24 households at Trinidad de Las Minas (8°46´32´´N; 79°59´45´´W), western Panama province, Republic of Panama (Figure 1). In this area climate is unimodal, with rainy (April to November) and dry (December to March) seasons, and rain ranging from 28 to 570 mm3 per month. Temperature is nearly constant with a year-round 26°C average. We only surveyed the dog population from 24 households (out of 198 in the village) because our resources were constrained, especially the number of light traps available for SF sampling. Nevertheless, all houses enrolled in the study had confirmed SF presence (by the residents), had similar eco-epidemiological conditions and householders provided written informed consent to participate in the study. We also want to notice that assuming two dogs per house [1,2], i.e., an approximate dog population size of 396 dogs in the whole village, a sample size of 48 dogs is large enough to detect a seroprevalence of at least 20% with a 10% precision, i.e., with 95% confidence intervals that spans from 10-30% [3], prevalence values that have been previously recorded in Panama [1,2] and elsewhere canine cutaneous leishmaniasis is endemic in the New World [4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23]. Ethical approval This study was evaluated and approved by the National Review Board, Comité Nacional de Bioética de la Investigación, Instituto Conmemorativo Gorgas de Estudios de la Salud, Panama City, Republic of Panama (561 /CNBI/ICGES/06). Data Collection Dog sampling how were the ectoparasites, lesson, physical condition data collected? PCR, ELISA and IFAT procedures Entomological, Epidemiological and Ecological variables at the household level A series of variables, potentially associated with canine cutaneous leishmaniasis pathogen exposure, were quantified for each one of the households (or their peridomiciliary environments) enrolled in our study. In the next lines we briefly describe the entomological, epidemiological and ecological variables that we measured during our study. Entomological variables. SF were sampled once per month (April - June 2010) using modified HP light traps [24] with an additional LED light [25]. Two traps were set from 6 pm to 6 am, at 2 m height in each household, and at the same site during the three sampling periods. One trap was placed inside the main room of the household (domicile) and the other trap over vegetation within a 50 m radius from the house (peridomicile). SF were removed from the traps and stored at -20 °C to kill the sampless, which were subsequently preserved in 70 % alcohol, separated by sex and identified to the species level based on the male genitalia and female spermathecae following the taxonomic key of Young and Duncan [26]. For the analysis, we employed the average from the three monthly observations. A detailed inventory of the collected sand flies and their diversity patterns is presented by Calzada et al [25]. Epidemiological variables. We recorded the number of humans, the number of humans with active and parasitologically confirmed leishmaniasis lessons, the number of humans with past leishmaniasis lessons in each household. A full and detailed description of epidemiological data collection and patterns of clinical cutaneous leishmaniasis in humans is presented by Saldaña et al [27]. Ecological variables. For a each household we estimated: a housing destituteness index, which quantified how different elements of housing construction and materials render houses differentially suitable habitats for SF; a peridomicile index, that quantified the abundance and availability of adult SF resting sites in a peridomicile; a vegetation index, that measured natural vegetation vertical structure; the richness, i.e., number of species, of domestic and wildlife animals; an index of domestic animal abundance, which weighted the abundance of different domestic species belonging to a household; and an index of wild animal presence, which weighted the commonness of different wildlife species sighted by householders. A detailed description of data collection, and the estimation of each index, is presented by Chaves et al[28]. Statistical Analysis ELISA seropositive assignation from the optical densities We assigned as seropositive all dogs whose averaged optical density from the ELISA was above the mean plus three standard deviations [29] of the distribution with the smallest mean (i.e., that of the likely seronegative individuals) in a normal finite mixture model [for details see supplement S1]. This method was chosen because of its robustness to small changes in antibody titres that can emerge from seasonality and/or small variations in laboratory assay performance [30], problems already identified for canine leishmaniasis serodiagnosis [31]. Parameters for the finite mixture model were estimated with the command normalmixEM() of the library mixtools in the statistical package R version 2.15.3. For the distribution with the smallest mean we estimated a mean (± S.E.) of 0.102 ± 0.038, which leads to a seropositivity threshold of 0.216, i.e., any dog whose ELISA optical density was above this value could be considered positive, Figure S1 shows the distribution of the optical densities from the ELISA test. Sensitivity and specificity for the IFAT and ELISA as diagnostics of canine cutaneous leishmaniasis caused by Leishmania (Viannia) panamensis Sensitivity, the ability of a test to diagnose a true infection, and specificity, the ability of a test to avoid false negative diagnostics (i.e., to not miss true positive infections), is generally assessed in the presence of a “gold standard”, for example, the direct observation of a parasite or its DNA amplification via PCR [32]. Nevertheless, canine cutaneous leishmaniasis is a system where a “gold standard” is likely not plausible, given the limited tissues were positive PCRs could be expected, mainly cutaneous lessons [ref]. In fact, we tested parasite presence in blood samples using a PCR based on [brief Details about the pcr] where all results were negative, probably because of the localized presence of parasites around sand fly vector bites and/or cutaneous lessons [ref]. Therefore, we employed the method developed by Dendukuri and Joseph [33] to estimate the sensitivity and specificity of two diagnostic tests in one population, which employs a Bayesian framework for parameter inference, for details see Supplement S2. For the analysis we assumed the following priors: uniform distributions for the covariance of positive and negative tests, an uninformative beta distribution for the real prevalence in the population, beta distributions with mode=0.90 and 5th percentile=0.70 for the specificity and sensitivity of the ELISA, a beta distribution with mode=0.70 and 5th percentile=0.50 for the IFAT sensitivity, and a beta distribution with mode=0.80 and 5th percentile=0.60 for the IFAT specificity. These distributions were based on reported sensitivities for ELISA tests for canine cutaneous Leishmaniasis [ref] and on the observation that ELISA tests tend to outperform IFAT tests [refs]. Posterior inferences were based on 100000 realizations that followed 10000 burned-in realizations for the Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) stabilization. MCMC convergence was assessed by running multiple chains with dispersed starting values. Following the recommendations of Branscum et al [32], we also performed a parameter sensitivity analysis, described in the Supplement S2. The analyses described in this section were implemented in the BUGS statistical software modifying the code presented by Branscum et al [32] Risk factors associated with cutaneous leishmaniasis seropositivity in dogs To estimate the impact of different risk factors on dog seropositivity patterns we investigated the role of several entomological, ecological and epidemiological variables that were common to dogs belonging to a given household. We also investigated the joint effect of these household-level covariates with individually collected information from each dog health condition. For the household analysis we employed maximum likelihood Binomial Generalized Linear Models (Bin-GLMs) [34]. We first identified the best entomological covariate via an Akaike Information Criterion (AIC) comparison [35] of models [or their simplifications] that considered one of the following entomological variables: (i) total abundance of sand flies collected; (ii) abundance of domiciliary and peridomiciliary sand flies; (iii) total abundance of Lutzomyia trapidoi and Lu. panamensis, the main dominant vector species in the study area [25] and the whole republic Panama [36,37,38]; (iv) abundance of domiciliary and peridomiciliary Lu. trapidoi and Lu. panamensis. We needed to perform this preliminary selection of entomological variables given their lack of independence, i.e., some variables are an additive function of the other variables, a fact that can lead to parameter estimation identifiability [35]. We performed model selection via AIC, i.e., considered both model likelihood and parameter number, because models were not always nested (i.e., with simpler models having a subset of variables from a more complex model), therefore not comparable via likelihood ratio tests [39]. Following the selection of the best entomological covariate, we proceeded to incorporate all epidemiological and ecological household level variables already described in the Entomological, Epidemiological and Ecological variables at the household level section. We then selected the best model following a procedure of backward elimination from a full model, which considered the best entomological covariate plus all the ecological and epidemiological variables. All variables whose single elimination decreased the simpler model AIC in relation to a model incorporating such covariates were discarded at once [39]. Nevertheless, at the final stage of model selection we compared nested models with non-significant factors, employing likelihood ratio tests if the AIC was not minimized by the most simple model [39]. Given the spatial nature of the households, we performed a Moran I index test on the residuals from the model selected as best, in order to ensure the spatial independence of the residuals, an assumption for the proper use of Bin-GLMs [39]. For the individual based risk factor assessment we employed Logistic Generalized Estimating Equations Models (Log-GEEM) [34,39]. We employed Log-GEEM given the nature of the data, where dogs belonging to a same household are not independent observations, a fact constraining the use of simpler regression tools [40]. We assumed independence in the correlation structure of the models, provided the ability of GEE to obtain consistent estimates for the fixed effects even when the correlation structure is incorrect [39]. For the inference we used a sandwich estimator to obtain robust standard errors, provided that naïve standard errors are appropriate only when the correlation structure is correct [34]. For the identification of significant risk factors for canine cutaneous leishmaniasis, we began our analysis by building a full model that included the best entomological covariate selected for the Bin-GLMs, all the epidemiological and ecological variables collected at the household level and information on each dog health condition (physical condition, cutaneous lessons, de-worming and ectoparasite presence), whether the dog sleeped inside the house and demography (i.e., sex and age). This model was simplified using a procedure similar to the one employed for the Bin-GLMs, but exclusively based on the quasilikelihood information criterion (QIC) [41], the GEE analog to AIC. For the models we employed seropositivity results based on ELISA and the seropositivity by at least one test (i.e., ELISA and/or IFAT) when fitting both the Bin-GLMs and Log-GEEMs. We did not perform this analysis on the IFAT results given the low sensitivity of this technique (see Results section). Bin-GLMs and Log-GEEMs were fitted with the statistical package R version 2.15.3. Force of infection (λ) and basic reproductive number (R0) estimation We estimated the force of infection (λ) assuming that seroconversion dynamics in susceptible dogs followed an irreversible autocatalytic process [42,43], which can be described by the following nonlinear partial differential equation: S (a, t ) S (a, t ) λ1 S (a, t ) t a (1) where S is the fraction of susceptible dogs in a dog population that is composed by susceptible and seropositive dogs. At any given time, denoted by t, equation (1) can be integrated as function of the age, denoted by a, and assuming all dogs are born susceptible to become seropositive following the exposure to canine cutaneous leishmaniasis pathogens, we can obtain the following function for the proportion of seropositive dogs (S) as function of age (a): S 1 e (a) (2) We thus employed our data on seroprevalence (S) and age (a) to estimate (λ) with equation (2). We specifically employed maximum likelihood methods for the estimation [44], where we assumed that seroprevalence was normally distributed, with a mean defined by equation (2) and a variance for the deviations (error) from that mean. Supplement S3 has the R code we employed for the maximum likelihood parameter estimation. To estimate the basic reproduction number, R0, we first built a vertical [45] survival schedule, i.e., a survivorship curve based on the dog population age structure, in order to obtain estimate dog’s life expectancy, i.e., the average lifespan [46] of dogs, at Trinidad de Las Minas. Briefly, a vertical survival schedule assumes the age structure of a population to represent the survival schedule of a population at equilibrium and with a pyramidal age structure, i.e., with a larger proportion of younger than older individuals [45,47]. Because the dog population at Trinidad de Las Minas has a pyramidal structure, and, on average, each household in rural Panama has a couple of dogs [2] it can be argued that dogs are a stationary population fulfilling the assumptions for the sound estimation of a survival schedule, denoted by l(a), based on the ratios of consecutive age clases: l (a 1) N (a 1) N (a) (3) In (3) l(a+1) is defined as the probability of surviving from age a to a+1 [46]. Since individuals at older ages, i.e., 8 or more years, were few, and their abundance did not monotonically decrease, we followed the standard recommendation of smoothing the l(a) curve [47]. For the smoothing we employed the lowess algorithm [39]: ~ l (a ) lowess l (a ) (4) With the smoothed survival schedule we calculated dog’s life expectancy with the following equation [45,47]: ~ e0 l (a) (5) 0 And with e0, the force of infection (λ) and the smoothed survival schedule we estimated R0 as follows: R0 e e0 a ~ l (a) (6) 0 Where (6) makes no specific assumptions about the mortality patterns in the dog population. A detailed derivation of equation (6) and its comparison with expressions that made strong assumptions about population mortality are presented in the Supplement S4. Figure 1 Study Site. The upper part of the plot shows the location of Trinidad de Las Minas in El Cacao county and Capira district and their location in Panama. The lower part shows the specific location of all the houses where the dogs were censused. In the y and x axis 0.001 degree of latitude/longitude are approximately 110 m. Figure 2 Seroprevalence and Dominant vector species abundance. In all panels symbol size is proportional to abundance. (A) ELISA, circles are proportional to the number of dog (Dogs) and grey dots to the number of ELISA seropositive dogs (ELISA +), symbol size in the inset legend corresponds to two individuals. (B) Indirect Immuno Fluorescence, IFAT, circles are proportional to the number of dogs (Dogs) and grey dots to the number of IFAT seropositive dogs (IFAT +), symbol size in the inset legend corresponds to two individuals. (C) Lutzomyia trapidoi abundance, for symbol interpretation please refer to the inset legend, where symbol size corresponds to two individuals. (D) L panamensis abundance, for symbol interpretation please refer to the inset legend, where symbol size corresponds to four individuals in the domiciliary environment and 20 individuals in the peridomiciliary environment. Figure 3 Force of Infection (λ) and basic reproduction number (R0) estimation (A) Age specific survival (l(a)) schedule from a vertical life table (open circles). The solid line represents a lowess smoothed survival schedule. Life expectancy (e0) was estimated with the lowess smoothed survival l(a) curve and equation (5) (B) Age specific seroprevalence from ELISA (C) Age specific seroprevalence from IFAT, (D) Age specific seroprevalence from based on seropositive counts from either the ELISA or IFAT. In B, C and D λ was estimated via the maximum likelihood fitting of equation (2) to the seroprevalence data (open circles). In C data from the observations depicted by black circles were not consider for parameter estimation given their outlier behavior. For a full description of the maximum likelihood procedure please refer to Supplement 3. R0 was estimated with equation (6). Table 1 Demography, health condition and cutaneous leishmaniasis seropositivity in a dog populat ion in Trinidad de Las Minas, Panama Age years Below 1 1-2 3-4 5 or more Total (Females) Poor physical condition Ectoparasite Presence Deworming Sleeping inside the house Cutaneous Lessons ELISA+ IFAT+ %Seroprevalence* 12 (5) 8 12 6 1 0 4 1 33 (4) 16 (6) 12 (2) 6 4 15 10 5 7 1 1 7 4 6 7 2 4 38 (6) 67 (8) 11(4) 4 11 7 1 4 7 7 73 (8) *The value inside parenthesis indicates the number of seropositives obatained by at least one method Table 2 Sensitivity and specificity estimates for canine cutaneous leishmaniasis ELISA and IFAT diagnostic tests. 95 % CI indicate the 95% Bayesian credible intervals. Diagnostic Test Parameter Sensitivity ELISA Specificity Sensitivity IFAT Specificity Mean 0.79 0.84 0.51 0.77 95% CI 0.67 0.90 0.62 0.97 0.38 0.63 0.48 0.95 Table 3 Parameter estimates for the best binomial generalized linear models explaining the odds ratio of cutaneous leishmaniasis seropositivity in dogs at the household level. 95 % CI indicate the 95 % maximum likelihood confidence intervals for the estimated odds. Test Parameter Intercept Lutzomia trapidoi abundance inside the houses Moran’s I test for spatial autocorrelation in the residuals Intercept Lutzomia trapidoi abundance inside the ELISA houses Moran’s I test for spatial autocorrelation in the residuals *statistically significant (P<0.05) ANY (ELISA or IFAT) Odds Ratio (95% CI) 1 Estimate (± S.E.) --- --- 2.98 (1.17-9.46) 1.09 (± 0.52) 0.036* ---- 0.0041 0.363 1 --- --- 2.28 (1.07 – 7.13) 0.948 (± 0.473) 0.033* --- -0.085 0.568 P Table 4 Parameter estimates for the best logistic generalized estimating equation models explaining cutaneous leishmaniasis seropositivity in dogs. For the analysis houses were considered as the clustering factor. Test Parameter Intercept Lutzomia trapidoi abundance inside ELISA the houses Dog Age Intercept ANY (ELISA or Lutzomia trapidoi abundance inside IFAT) the houses Dog Age *statistically significant (P<0.05) Odds Ratio 1 Estimate (± sandwich S.E.) --- --- 3.39 1.22 (± 0.39) 3.122* 1.35 1 0.30 (± 0.09) --- 3.395* --- 3.56 1.27 (± 0.42) 3.035* 1.60 0.47(± 0.15) 3.058* Z Supplement S1 Seropositivity thresholds from mixture models Standard methodologies for seropositivity were usually based on control groups, from which a threshold for seropositivity was obtained by adding three standard deviations to their mean antibody titre [31]. Nevertheless, this method was prone to be biased and misclassify seropositive and seronegative individuals because it is not robust to small changes in antibody titres that can emerge from seasonality and/or small variations in laboratory assay performance [30]. To overcome the likelihood of misclassification, a novel method based on a finite mixture model has been proposed to determine a more sensitive threshold for seropositivity based on the distribution of titres, measured via optical density in a spectrophotometer, in a population exposed to a pathogen [29,30]. Basically, the finite mixture model assumes the statistical distribution (f(x)) of antibody titres, or optical densities, (x) in a exposed population to be a mixture of the distribution of titres from positive (P(x)) and negative individuals (N(x)) according to the following equation [29,30]: f ( x) ( P( x)) (1 )( N ( x)) (S1.1) Where π is the proportion of titres belonging to each category. Maximum likelihood estimates for the means and standard deviations of P and N distributions can be estimated and a threshold for seronegativity can be estimated as the mean of the distribution with the smallest mean (i.e., that of the negative individuals) plus three standard deviations [29]. Supplement S2 The Dendukuri and Joseph method to estimate sensitivity and specificity of two diagnostic tests in one Population The Dendukuri and Joseph method is based on the Hui and Walter (HW) equations[48]. The HW method allows the estimation of sensitivity and specificity of two diagnostic tests in two populations using the number of double positives (i.e., positively diagnosed individuals by the two tests), double negatives, and those positive by only one of the diagnostic tests (presented in Table S1 for our study data). Briefly, the Dendukuri and Joseph [33] method modifies the HW equations to obtain estimates in the presence of non-independent diagnostics, i.e., diagnostics whose sensitivity and/or specificity are likely correlated. Given lack of degrees of freedom for maximum likelihood parameter estimation when the two tests are performed on the same population (seven parameters on four observations), the subsequent nonidentifiability of the parameters, and the bias of the HW maximum likelihood estimator when diagnostic tests are correlated [32,33,49], inferences for the Dendukuri and Joseph method require a Bayesian framework for parameter inference. Dendukuri and Joseph [33], as well as Branscum et al [32], also recognized the likely large influence of the informative priors required for the estimation of identifiable parameters in their modified HW equations. To better understand the role of the prior distributions on parameter estimates, Dendukuri and Joseph [33] and Branscum et al [32] recommend to perform a sensitivity test increasing the range for quantile distribution in the priors assumed for the specificity and sensitivity. To achieve such a goal we decreased the value of the α parameter in the beta distribution defining the prior distribution for the specificity of ELISA and IFAT, and the sensitivity of IFAT. Results are presented in Table S2. Supplement S3 R code for the maximum likelihood estimation of the force of infection (λ) from an age-specific seroprevalence curve library(bbmle) ### Model fitting requires the use of the bbmle library sero<-function(lambda,sd){ -sum(dnorm(seroprevalence,mean=(1-exp(lambda*age)),sd=sd,log=T)) } ### ### ### ### ### ### sero is the maximum likelihood function to be optimized. Its parameters are lambda which corresponds to λ in equation (2) and sd, which is the standard deviation of the error. For the maximum likelihood estimation we need a vector with age specific seroprevalence and age to define the relations presented in equation 2. the sum corresponds the log-likelihood expression for the model, i.e., (ω+1) ln(sd) 1 2 −𝜆𝑎 ### L(S(a)|λ, var) = ∑ω − 2 ∑𝑤 )) , where κ is a constant a=0 κ − 𝑎=0 (𝑆(𝑎) − (1 − 𝑒 2 2sd ### from the normal distribution, ω is the maximum age in the dog population ### and sd2 is the variance of the error. modelfit=mle2(sero,start=list(lambda=-.16,sd=0.14)) ### mle2 is a command to fit the maximum likelihood model, with initial ### guesses for the parameters defined in “start=list(…)” summary(modelfit) ### summary is a command that summarizes the output from the maximum ### likelihood estimation confint(modelfit) ### confint is a command that estimates the 95% confidence intervals for the ### parameters in the maximum likelihood function Supplement S4 Basic Reproduction number (R0) estimation when mortality is neither constant nor negligible and the force of infection (λ) is age independent and assumed to be at equilibrium Anderson and May [43] present that in a homogeneously mixed host population, under the assumption of “weak homogenous mixing”, i.e., that new infections appear at rate proportional to the number of susceptible hosts, R0 is inversely related to the fraction of susceptible hosts (x*) at equilibrium: R0 1 S* (S4.1) The fraction of susceptible hosts (S*) at equilibrium can be decomposed as a function of the total number of infected hosts ( X ) divided the total number of hosts ( N ), over all ages (a), as follows: S* X N 0 0 X (a)da (S4.2) N (a)da Where N is an age structured population that can be decomposed as follows: N N (0)l (a) (S4.3) 0 Which can be further simplified to: N N ( 0) l ( a ) (S4.4) 0 Similarly, X is the age structured population of infected individuals that can be decomposed as follows: X N (0) e al (a) (S4.5) 0 Substituting (S4.4) and (S4.5) in (S4.2) and (S4.1) we have: R0 e e0 a (S4.6) l (a ) 0 Where the numerator is the life expectancy in a population (e0), i.e., the expected time units a newborn will survive until his/her death [46,50], which is defined by the following equation: e0 l (a ) 0 (S4.7) Equation S4.6 can be approximated under two limit considerations[43]: (1) When mortality is negligible up to the life expectancy age (e0, l(a< e0)=1), after which survival becomes negligible(i.e., l(a> e0)=0): e0 R0 w e a l (a) 0 e0 1 e 1 e0 (S4.8) Where S4.8 can be fairly well approximated by: R0 e0 (S4.9) Or can be re-expressed as the ratio between the age expected age for the first infection (A): R0 e0 A (S4.10) Since under the static assumptions[43]: A 1 (S4.11) (2) When mortality is constant through all ages (l(a)=-exp(μa)): R0 e0 e a a e0 (S4.12) e 0 Since the life expectancy (e0) is also the inverse of (μ), the average mortality rate [46]: e0 1 (S4.13) And replacing S4.12 in S4.11 we have: R0 1 e0 A (S4.14) And equation that has been used when estimating R0 for leishmaniasis transmission in dogs [23,51]. Nevertheless, none of those approximations are likely good to estimate R0 in populations where mortality accelerates with age, a pattern observed in nature [46] or when mortality is, more generally, not constant. In those circumstances, the best estimate would probably to use equation (S4.6) which can estimate R0 in absence of the biases imposed by assumptions of equations (S4.10) and (S4.14). Nevertheless, it is important to highlight that equation S4.6 assumes: (i) homogenous pathogen exposure, (ii) no significant delay between infection and seropositivity, (iii) the force of infection is constant and age independent, and (iv) infection and demographic patterns in the host population are at equilibrium[43]. Figure S1 Smoothed density of optical densities for the ELISA test. In the x axis the native values are an artifact of the smoothing used to obtain the probability density in the y axis. Table S1 Cross-classified canine cutaneous leishmaniasis diagnostic test results from ELISA and IFAT. Diagnostic ELISA Test + + 13 2 IFAT - 11 25 Table S2 Diagnostic test sensitivity and specificity parameter estimate sensitivity to changes in the prior distribution. In the table Prior indicates the parameters used for the Beta prior distribution, Parameter the name of the parameter (rhoD is the correlation between positive results and rhoDc between negative results), Test the name of the diagnostic test and 95 % CI, the 95 % Bayesian credible intervals of the estimates. Further details about the senisitivity analysis are presented in Supplement S1. Prior Parameter Test + ELISA Beta(α=15.034,β=2.559) Sensitivity + IFAT Beta(α=9.628,β=3.876) + ELISA Beta(α=15.034,β=2.559) Specificity + IFAT Beta(α=10.034,β=2.559) ---rhoD -----rhoDc --ELISA Beta(α=15.034,β=2.559) Sensitivity IFAT Beta(α=9.628,β=3.876) ELISA Beta(α=15.034,β=2.559) Specificity IFAT Beta(α=5.034,β=2.559) ---rhoD -----rhoDc --ELISA Beta(α=15.034,β=2.559) Sensitivity IFAT Beta(α=6.628,β=3.876) ELISA Beta(α=15.034,β=2.559) Specificity IFAT Beta(α=10.034,β=2.559) ---rhoD -----rhoDc --ELISA Beta(α=15.034,β=2.559) Sensitivity IFAT Beta(α=3.628,β=3.876) ELISA Beta(α=15.034,β=2.559) Specificity IFAT Beta(α=10.034,β=2.559) ---rhoD -----rhoDc --ELISA Beta(α=15.034,β=2.559) Sensitivity IFAT Beta(α=9.628,β=3.876) ELISA Beta(α=10.034,β=2.559) Specificity IFAT Beta(α=10.034,β=2.559) ---rhoD -----rhoDc --ELISA Beta(α=15.034,β=2.559) Sensitivity IFAT Beta(α=9.628,β=3.876) ELISA Beta(α=5.034,β=2.559) Specificity IFAT Beta(α=10.034,β=2.559) ---rhoD -----rhoDc --+ Results Presented in Table 1 of the main article 95 % CI 0.67 0.90 0.38 0.64 0.62 0.97 0.48 0.95 -0.59 -0.13 -0.39 0.77 0.69 0.95 0.36 0.63 0.60 0.97 0.24 0.90 -0.57 0.04 -0.71 0.65 0.68 0.88 0.36 0.61 0.63 0.97 0.62 0.97 -0.60 -0.18 -0.25 0.80 0.69 0.89 0.33 0.59 0.64 0.97 0.61 0.97 -0.61 -0.18 -0.24 0.80 0.67 0.89 0.39 0.67 0.43 0.96 0.61 0.97 -0.59 -0.10 -0.54 0.77 0.66 0.95 0.41 0.87 0.20 0.88 0.58 0.96 -0.56 0.49 -0.90 0.59 Table S3 Model Selection for the best binomial generalized linear model explaining the odds of cutaneous leishmaniasis seropositivity by any test (ELISA or IFAT) in dogs at the household level. In the table SFA = Sand Fly abundance, Total = domiciliary + peridomiciliary. The best model is bolded. Model Selection Round 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 2 3 4 5 Model Structure AIC ΔAIC Total SFA (C) Domiciliary SFA (DC) + peridomiciliary SFA (PDC) Total Lutzomyia panamensis abundance (pana) + Total Lutzomyia trapidoi abundance (trapi) trapi Domiciliary pana (dpana) + peridomiciliary pana (ppana) + domiciliary trapi (dtrapi) + peridomiciliary trapi (ptrapi) dpana + dtrapi +ptrapi dpana + dtrapi dtrapi dtrapi +Peridomicile index (pi) + Vegetation index (vi) + housing destituness index (hdi) + number of humans with open Leishmaniasis lessons (actL) + number of humans with past Leishmaniasis Lessons (pasL)+ number of humans (H) + richness of domestic animals (da) + richness of wildlife animals (wa) + index of domestic animal abundance (ida) + index of wildlife animal presence (iwa) dtrapi +vi+H+ida+iwa dtrapi +vi+H+iwa dtrapi +H 50.97 51.03 6.16 6.22 52.98 8.17 51.47 6.66 49.29 4.48 47.29 45.42* 46.09* 2.48 ----- 50.57 5.76 45.60 45.60 44.81* 0.79 0.79 --- *These nested models were not significantly different (P>0.05). Therefore, the simplest (dtrapi as unique covariate) model was selected as best. Table S4 Model Selection for the best binomial generalized linear model explaining the odds of cutaneous leishmaniasis seropositivity by ELISA in dogs at the household level. In the table SFA= Sand Fly abundance and Total = domiciliary + peridomiciliary. The best model is bolded. Model Selection Round 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 2 3 4 Model Structure AIC ΔAIC Total SFA (C) Domiciliary SFA (DC) + peridomiciliary SFA (PDC) Total Lutzomyia panamensis abundance (pana) + Total Lutzomyia trapidoi abundance (trapi) trapi domiciliary pana (dpana) + peridomiciliary pana (ppana) + domiciliary trapi (dtrapi) + peridomiciliary trapi (ptrapi) dpana + dtrapi + ptrapi dtrapi + ptrapi dtrapi dtrapi + Peridomicile index (pi) + Vegetation index (vi) + housing destituness index (hdi) + number of humans with open Leishmaniasis lessons (actL) + number of humans with past Leishmaniasis Lessons (pasL)+ number of humans (H) + richness of domestic animals (da) + richness of wildlife animals (wa) + index of domestic animal abundance (ida) + index of wildlife animal presence (iwa) dtrapi+ida+da dtrapi+ida 50.52 51.91 4.51 5.90 52.05 6.04 50.45 4.44 49.58 3.57 47.59 46.28 46.01 1.58 0.27 --- 61.91 15.90 47.88 47.25 1.87 1.24 Table S5 Model Selection for the best logistic generalized estimating equations model explaining dog cutaneous leishmaniasis seropositivity by any test (ELISA or IFAT). The best model is bolded. Model Selection Round 0 0 1 3 Model Structure Total Lutzomyia trapidoi abundance (trapi) Domiciliary Lutzomyia trapidoi abundance (dtrapi) dtrapi+ Peridomicile index (pi) + Vegetation index (vi) + housing destituness index (hdi) + number of humans with open Leishmaniasis lessons (actL) + number of humans with past Leishmaniasis Lessons (pasL)+ number of humans (H) + richness of domestic animals (da) + richness of wildlife animals (wa) + index of domestic animal abundance (ida) + index of wildlife animal presence (iwa)+ poor physical condition (ppc) +age + sex + sleep inside the house (sih) +cutaneous lessons (cul) + dewormed (dew) +ectoparasites (ect) dtrapi+age QIC ΔQIC 74 69 16 11 77 19 58 --- Table S6 Model Selection for the best logistic generalized estimating equations model explaining dog cutaneous leishmaniasis seropositivity by ELISA. The best model is bolded. Model Selection Round 0 0 1 2 Model Structure Total Lutzomyia trapidoi abundance (trapi) Domiciliary Lutzomyia trapidoi abundance (dtrapi) dtrapi+ Peridomicile index (pi) + Vegetation index (vi) + housing destituness index (hdi) + number of humans with open Leishmaniasis lessons (actL) + number of humans with past Leishmaniasis Lessons (pasL)+ number of humans (H) + richness of domestic animals (da) + richness of wildlife animals (wa) + index of domestic animal abundance (ida) + index of wildlife animal presence (iwa)+ poor physical condition (ppc) +age + sex + sleep inside the house (sih) +cutaneous lessons (cul) + dewormed (dew) +ectoparasites (ect) dtrapi+age QIC ΔQIC 74 67 12 5 85 13 62 --- Table S7 R0 estimates assuming an insignificant or a constant mortality Mortality Assumption Insignificant up to the life expectancy age (equation S4.10 in supplement S4) Constant (equation S4.14 in supplement S4) Diagnostic ELISA IFAT Any (ELISA and/or IFAT) ELISA IFAT Any (ELISA and/or IFAT) R0 0.64 0.31 0.85 1.64 1.31 1.85 S.E. 0.085 0.024 0.086 0.085 0.024 0.086 1. 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