A Comprehensive Analysis of DoS Attacks and Countermeasures In Wireless Mesh Networks Bayan Hallaj1, Mohammad Masdari2 1Computer Engineering Department, Islamic Azad University, Urmia Branch, Urmia, bayan.hallaj@gmail.com 2Computer Engineering Department, Islamic Azad University, Urmia Branch, Urmia, Iran Iran, m.masdari@iaurmia.ac.ir Abstract Wireless mesh networks or WMNs have emerged as a key technology for next-generation wireless networking and has characteristics such as simplicity, low cost, better performance, wider coverage area, self-healing and etc. Due to the open nature of WMNs, wireless links, lack of physical protection, frequent changes in topology and membership, these networks are susceptible to various kinds of attacks. As a result, the security a serious concern to be addressed. A major attack occurring in a WMN is the Denial of Service (DoS) attack which will make the server overloaded with many requests and will make that unable to service the requests from the legitimate users. In this paper, various forms of DoS attacks are investigated and classified in each layer of network. Also we have discussed about countermeasures against these attacks. So their countermeasures are listed, there are definition of their advantages and disadvantages and they have been analyzed to choose the best countermeasure. Keywords: Attack, mesh network, DoS, Countermeasures 1 defense mechanisms that each mechanism has its advantages and disadvantages and usage of that depends on the network majorities and priorities. Then we discuss various forms of countermeasures against all of DoS attacks in each layer, and analyze the countermeasures. So WMN admin can choose the most appropriate mechanism to achieve a secure network. The rest of paper is organized as follows: in section 2 we introduce DoS attacks in WMNs. Section 3 reviews the countermeasures for WMNs. At last at the end of the paper we evaluate the different kinds of DoS attacks and countermeasure methods. Introduction Wireless Mesh Networks or WMNs are multi-hop wireless communication among different nodes are dynamically self-organized and self-configured, with the nodes in the network automatically establishing an ad-hoc network and maintaining the mesh connectivity. WMNs are emerged as a promising concept to meet the challenges in wireless networks such as flexibility, adaptability, reconfigurable architecture etc. A WMN is a mesh network established through the connection of wireless access points installed for each network user's local. Each network user sends data to the next node. The WMN infrastructure is decentralized because each node need only transmit data to the next node. Wireless mesh networking can be used in remote areas and small business operating in rural neighborhoods to connect their networks together for affordable Internet connections [1, 2]. Denial-of-Service (DoS) attacks are attacks against availability, attempting to prevent legitimate users from accessing the network. A DoS attack makes a computer or network resource unavailable for its intended users. It includes the combined efforts of a person or a group of persons to prevent the service from functioning efficiently, temporarily or indefinitely. DoS attack makes the server or the victim overloaded with huge number of requests, so that the server won't be able to service the legitimate user requests. The main goal of a DoS attack is to flood the network with service requests to the server. This can lead to the server being unable to service all the requests, thereby denying offering service to legitimate requests [3], [4], [5]. In this paper, we study DoS attacks and countermeasures in WMN in different layers. Because of the variety of DoS attacks in WMNs, we classify all DoS attacks an attacker can carry out in different 2 DoS attacks in WMNs A DoS attack is one that attempts to prevent the victim from being able to use all or part of his/her network connection. Denial of service attacks may extend to all layers of the protocol stack. They target service availability or authorized users' access to a service provider [6]. In this section we will discuss the different ways that an attacker can carry out “DoS attacks” in different layers of the protocol. All these methods are listed and a brief explanation of what each attack means is explained in this section. 2.1 DoS attacks in Physical Layer The physical layer is responsible for frequency selection, carrier frequency generation, signal detection, modulation, and data encryption. As with any radiobased medium, the possibility of a jamming attack in WMNs is high since this attack can be launched without much effort and sophistication. Jamming is a type of attack which interferes with the radio frequencies that the nodes use in a WMN for communication [7, 8]. layers, listing and giving a brief explanation of them. For every attack, network admin has some 1 2.1.1 Jamming attack Jamming is the most common attack in physical layer that can drop or reorder transmission of signals. Jamming signals in the form of continuous or periodic noise are generated to disrupt the transmission of bits in the physical layer. The Jamming signal can be reactive in which case it intercepts the channel only when an ongoing transaction is detected and disrupts the transmission. The jamming signal can significantly reduce the capacity of the channel [9, 10]. All Kinds of jamming attacks are as follows: Selective Jamming attack o o 2.2 2.2.3 Neighbor Attack Neighbor attacker deceits nodes that are out of each other's communication range to communicate by making them believe that they are neighbors. It is similar to black hole attack but instead of dropping packets it creates packet loss by creating a false link that does not exists [9]. 2.2.4 Sybil Attack A Sybil attack is the form of attack where a malicious node creates multiple identities in the network, each appearing as a legitimate node [7]. Here the node fakes multiple identities and claims itself to be distinct nodes on the network though it is just a single malicious node. The Sybil attack hampers the routing protocols by creating false links between an honest and a malicious node. The attack can have detrimental effects on resource allocation, misbehavior detection and voting techniques in the wireless networks [9]. Channel Selective Jamming attack Data Selective Jamming attack Scrambling attack Resource Unlimited Attack (RUA) Preamble attack SFD attack Reactive attack HR (Hit and Run) attack Monopolizing attack Symbol attack 2.2.5 Rushing Attack To intrude into the forwarding group, the attacker suppresses the flooding of Route Request packets (RREQ) from legitimate nodes. The main goal of this attack is to suppress valid paths from being established or to increase its chance of it being part of the optimal path selected. It rushes its RREQ packet to its neighbor nodes before any other legitimate nodes can broadcast their RREQ packets. As a result the protocol processes or forwards only the first RREQ packet it receives and drops the others. This chain continues and the packet is broadcasted across the network increasing its chances of being a part of the selected route [9]. DoS attacks in Network Layer The router layer is more susceptible to dropping of packets or misrouting since multiple hops are involved in transmission of packets. The mobility of the nodes, limited bandwidth, signal strength, congestion and routing protocols make detection of various attacks in this layer difficult. The attacks mainly target the routing protocols to misroute packets or drop them, poison node caches to store incorrect paths and disturb the normal network formation. More of these attacks can also be caused by legitimate behavior of network such as sudden burst of network traffic, link failures, low signal and battery exhaustion. Due to this, detection of attacks and finding the actual reason for the failure are very complex in the network layer. The different attacks that can be carried out are explained below: [9] 2.2.6 Blackhole attack In a Blackhole attack the malicious node will always advertise in the network that it has a fresher route to the destination by setting the sequence number to a large value and will reply to the RREQ before other routers send a reply. Thus the attacker router will attract all the traffic in its transmission range towards itself and then may drop the packets [12]. Almost all the traffic within the neighborhood will be directed toward the malicious node, which may drop all the packets [13]. The malicious node after intruding into the forwarding group, drops all the packets that it has to route to the destination [9]. Blackhole attack can be classified into two types. Single black hole attack and Collaborative black hole attack. In single black hole attack one malicious node is there. It claims itself that its path is shortest to destination. This node drops routing packets instead of forward packet to destination. In collaborative black hole attack minimum two malicious nodes are there and transfers packet from one malicious node to another. The aim of black hole attacker is to attract traffic towards it and block data packets by dropping them [14]. 2.2.1 Byzantine Attack In this attack, an adversary has full control over an authenticated node in the network. All integrity and authentication measures taken by the security protocols are of little use when the node is hijacked. This hijacked node is misused to cause several other attacks like black hole, wormhole and etc [9, 11]. 2.2.2 Jelly fish attack A jelly fish attack is similar to black hole attack where the attacker intrudes into the forwarding group to tunnel the packets to an adversary. Here packets are not dropped instead it increases the end to end delay of the transmission by unnecessarily delaying the packet forwarding to the next hop, thereby causing frequent timeouts and retransmission of packets. It is difficult to identify this attack because we do not know if the packet loss was due to network congestion or link failure. It plunges the network throughput and delay jitter [9]. 2 SYN request is spoofed, the victim server will never receive the final ACK packet to complete the three-way handshake. Flooding spoofed SYN requests can easily exhaust the victim server’s backlog queue, causing all the incoming SYN requests to be dropped. The stateless and destination-based nature of Internet routing infrastructure cannot differentiate a legitimate SYN from a spoofed one, and TCP does not offer strong authentication on SYN packets. Therefore, under SYN flooding attacks, the victim server cannot single out, and respond only to, legitimate connection requests while ignoring the spoofed [16, 17]. 2.2.7 Grayhole attack Selective forwarding attack or Grayhole attack is a kind of Denial of Service (DoS) attack. In this, an adversary first exhibits the same behavior as an honest node during the route discovery process, and then silently drops some or all of the data packets sent to it for further forwarding even when no congestion occurs. The malicious nodes could degrade the network performance; disturb route discovery process, etc. In a wireless network, it is hard to detect the presence of such attacker because the packet loss over the wireless link can be due to bad channel quality, collisions, intentional dropping etc. If an attacker drops all the packets, the attack is then called black hole attack. To launch a selective forwarding attack, an attacker may compromise or hijack the mesh router that belongs to the network, known as internal attacks; or attack the network from outside, known as external attacks [15]. 2.3.2 De-synchronization attack De-synchronization refers to the disruption of an existing connection. An attacker may, for example, repeatedly spoof messages to an end host causing the host to request the retransmission of missed frames. If timed correctly, an attacker may degrade or even prevent the ability of the end hosts to successfully exchange data causing them instead to waste energy attempting to recover from errors which never really exist [18]. By continuously causing retransmission requests, this attack can eventually prevent the endpoints from exchanging any useful information, other than quickly drain all the power resources of the attacked nodes [19]. 2.2.8 Wormhole attack The routing path between the source and the destination is tunneled by a set of colluding malicious nodes that deceits source nodes to choose its optimal path compared to all other paths to the destination by establishing an off - line high speed link between them and thereby invading into the forwarding group. This path is called as a “Wormhole” since the adversary nodes have virtually created a tunnel between the source and destination. It sniffs the packets from the sender and communicates it to other end of the tunnel and the packet is replayed at this end locally. Since the entire traffic is passed between the malicious nodes, the packets can be dropped to cause DoS attack or intercepted to cause “man in the middle attack”. As long as the worm hole exists it makes sure that no other paths can be chosen and hence disrupts the network topology. This is one of the strongest attacks where even if two adversary nodes collude the attack can be carried out. In the worst case we can have an entire set of nodes forming the network overlay to be colluding to disrupt the network traffic. Such worm hole attacks are called as super wormhole attacks [9, 13]. 2.3 3 Countermeasures for DoS attacks In this section we introduce the different countermeasures that have been implemented to combat DoS attacks in different layers. The countermeasures explain in detail the principle they are based on and the limitations of each technique. 3.1 Countermeasures for DoS Attacks in Physical Layer Jamming is the most common DoS attackin physical layer. In this section, solutions to detect or prevent DoS attacks in physical layer are classified and explained. DoS Attacks in Transpoet Layer The attacks that can be launched on the transport layer of a WMN are flooding attack and desynchronization attack. 3.1.1 Jamming Attack Detection Low throughput, low packet delivery ratio (PDR) and high packet latency are indicators of a jamming attack. However, these indicators are also present, when the network is congested. Thus, better metrics should be used to detect a jamming attack and differentiate it from other network conditions. Two types of jamming detection approaches are Signal strength consistency and location consistency. In signal strength consistency approach, a station is suspected to be a victim of a jammer station, if the measured PDR is low and the measured average signal strength of incoming signals is high. Signal strength level is an indicator of a high quality channel. An unexpectedly high frame loss rate in such a channel is an indication of an active jammer station. Location consistency is conceptually similar to signal strength consistency. If the PDR of a data flow 2.3.1 SYN flooding attack The SYN flooding attacks exploit the TCP’s three-way handshake mechanism and its limitation in maintaining half-open connections. When a server receives a SYN request, it returns a SYN/ACK packet to the client. Until the SYN/ACK packet is acknowledged by the client, the connection remains in half-open state for a period of up to the TCP connection timeout, which is typically set to 75 seconds. The server has built in its system memory a backlog queue to maintain all half-open connections. Since this backlog queue is of finite size, once the backlog queue limit is reached, all connection requests will be dropped. If a 3 between a sender and a receiver is extraordinarily low despite the fact that these stations are physically close enough (it is possible to estimate the distance between 802.11 stations by using signal strength, up to a few meters certainty) then a jammer station is suspected to be present in the surrounding area [4, 20]. proportion to the number of bits being used. The receiver can use the spreading code with the signal to recover the original data.In frequency hopping spread spectrum (FHSS), signals are transmitted by rapidly switching a carrier signal among many frequency channels using a pseudo-random sequence which is known to both the transmitter and the receiver [7]. 3.1.2 Table 1 presents a summary of countermeasures against DoS attacks in physical layer, advantages and disadvantages of them. Counter the Intended Actions of the Jammer Station In case the jammer station is equipped with a narrow band transmitter, rapid frequency hopping can be a highly effective method in combating the jammer's actions. A single station's jamming attacks are experimentally shown to be relatively ineffective against legitimate stations rapid frequency hopping action. If the number of jammer stations increases then the effectiveness of rapid frequency hopping gracefully decreases until all the channels (11 overlapping channels in North America) are jammed by at least one jammer station. Since implementing rapid frequency hopping brings extra overhead, proactive utilization of such prevention methods is not very efficient if there is no ongoing DoS attack detected [4, 21]. 3.1.4 Countering Channel-Selective Attacks Several anti-jamming methods have been proposed to address channel-selective attacks from insider nodes. All methods trade communication efficiency for stronger resilience to jamming. Three anti-jamming methods are described in the following: Replication of control information Assignment of unique pseudo-noise codes Elimination of secrets 3.1.5 Countering Data-Selective Jamming Attacks An intuitive solution for preventing packet classification is to encrypt transmitted packets with a secret key. While a shared key suffices to protect pointto-point-communications, for broadcast packets, this key must be shared by all intended receivers. Thus, this key is also known to an inside jammer. In symmetric encryption schemes based on block encryption, reception of one cipher text block is sufficient to obtain 3.1.3 Spread Spectrucm Techniques The traditional defenses against jamming include spread spectrum techniques such as direct sequence and frequency hopping. In direct sequence spread spectrum (DSSS), each data bit in the original signal is represented by multiple bits in the transmitted signal using a spreading code. The spreading code spreads the signal over a wider frequency band which is directly in Table 1: Countermeasures Against DoS Attack in Physical Layer Countermeasure Method Spread spectrum Replication of control information Attack Selective jamming attacks Channel selective jamming Description Advantages Every bit in main signal by several bit in transmission signal presented Detection & Prevention Implementation is hard Every channel bandwidth control for jamming attacks [22]. Anti-jamming Limiting bandwidth the pseudo-noise code used to spread each packet is not known a priori Assignment of unique pseudonoise codes Channel selective jamming Dynamically vary the location of the broadcast channel, based on the physical location of the communicating nodes [23]. Anti-jamming Elimination of secrets Channel selective jamming Attempt to eliminate the use of common secrets for protecting broadcast communications. Avoids secrets in the first place [22]. An inside adversary can only attempt to guess it, with a limited probability of success. Counter data selective jamming attacks Cad Resource unlimited attack Every packets for denial of jamming encrypt &classifying with a shared code key Current encryption mechanisms used in these broadband networks are WEP, DES, and AES Every channel control for bandwidth for high rate change Multi-hop forwarding Spatial retreat Rapid frequency hopping Preamble attack Relay traffic receive credit in return WEP ,DES,AES Data selective jamming scrambling Disadvantages 4 Denial of outside attacker Delay in transmission Increasing security High cost implement Denial of planning attacks Implementing needs clear metrics Overcome on attack Utilize more bandwidth the corresponding plaintext block, if the decryption key is known. Hence, encryption alone does not prevent insiders from classifying broadcasted packets. To prevent classification, a packet must remain hidden until it is transmitted in its entirety. One possible way for temporarily hiding the transmitted packet is to employ commitment schemes. In a commitment scheme, the transmitting node hides the packet by broadcasting a committed version of it [23]. 3.2 states. Hence in the case of dense networks where there are many disjoint paths the network takes time to identify the reliable link between the source and the destination because it considers only one path in every transfer. This approach can get worse when the number of adversary nodes are more and are participating in many paths. This approach is fast for sparse network [9]. A summary of countermeasures against Byzantine attacks in network layer, advantages and disadvantages of them has been listed in table 2. Secure Data Transmission (SDT) is based on the fundamental principle that the data transmission is successful only when the source receives an ACK from the destination node. This approach only helps us to detect the path in which an adversary node is present but does not isolate the node itself. It requires the network to identify all possible disjoint paths and disseminates the packets across all paths. This approach is well suited for a fully connected ad hoc wireless mesh network where the number of disjoint paths is more as compared to a sparse network where fewer disjoint paths are present. More ever this approach fails when subjected to false topology and denial of service in identifying disjoint paths. It is vulnerable to Rushing attacks and fails when there are many colluding attackers.SDT requires a security routing protocol [9]. Countermeasures for Network Layer The most variant DoS attacks occur in network layer. So, there are many solutions to secure this layer against DoS attacks. Detection and prevention mechanisms against various types of mentioned attacks are classified and described in the following. 3.2.1 Detect and Prevent Byzantine Attacks On Demand Secure Byzantine Routing (ODSBR) protocol is used to detect adversary nodes in a network and prevent Byzantine attacks. Inside attacks are difficult to detect since an authenticated node can either be hijacked by an attacker or a legitimate node may itself misuse network resources. The protocol uses reliability metric to identify faulty nodes and avoid them. It uses a secure probe technique embedded in the packets which is hidden from an adversary. Every link is associated with a metric which is used later by the secure route discovery protocol to avoid faulty links. This was implemented by operating the network in two states: probing state and non-probing state. The network initially operates in the non-probing state where it expects ACK only from the destination node. In the case of probing state it expects ACK from every intermediate node present in the path. The node enters into the non-probing state only when the fault rate goes above the fixed threshold value. The threshold value for packet loss rate, link timeout and sliding window size is set and is used to switch the network between these two 3.2.2 Detection and Prevention of Sybil Attack Sybil prevention techniques based on the connectivity characteristics of social graphs can also limit the extent of damage that can be caused by a given Sybil attacker while preserving anonymity, though these techniques cannot prevent Sybil attacks entirely, and may be vulnerable to widespread small-scale Sybil attacks. Examples of such prevention techniques are SybilGuard and the Advogato Trust Metric [5]. SybilGuard, a novel protocol for limiting the corruptive influences of sybil attacks, is based on the “social network” among user identities, where an edge between two identities indicates a human-established Table 2 : Countermeasures against Byzantine Attack in Network Layer Countermeasure Method Description ODSBR (On Demand Secure Byzantine Routing) Assumes bidirectional communication links and requires pair wise shared keys among the nodes which are established on demand. This approach is fast for sparse network. Watchdog and Path rater Detect adversarial nodes by monitoring the packet forwarding behaviors of the nodes in a neighborhood. Attack detection SDT (Secure Data Transmission) SDT is based on receiving ACK from the destination node. Helps us to detect the path in which an adversary node is present. Well suited for a fully connected ad hoc wireless mesh network where the number of disjoint paths is more. Advantages 5 Disadvantages 1- In the case of dense networks, the network takes time to identify the reliable link between the source and the destination. 2-Can get worse when the number of adversary nodes are more and are participating in many paths. 1-Suffers from many false positives when multi – rate or power control is used. 2-When two or more colluding adversary nodes are neighbors of each other, this method fails to detect the attack. 1-This approach fails when subjected to false topology and denial of service in identifying disjoint paths. 2-It is vulnerable to Rushing attacks and fails when there are many colluding attackers. trust relationship. Malicious users can create many identities but few trust relationships. Thus, there is a disproportionately-small “cut” in the graph between the Table 3 presents a summary of countermeasures against Sybil attack in network layer, advantages and disadvantages of them. Detection of Blackhole attacks EBAODV (Enhance Blackhole AODV) is a novel approach for detection of blackhole attacks in which leader nodes are used for detecting blackhole nodes. In this approach, leader nodes are created first. Leader nodes are used for detection of malicious nodes. From source node RREQ is generated. At that time one timer is used for measuring current time. We can assume any expired time (here 20ms). If RREP received before expired time then one fake packet will send to the destination, this packet is not original data packet. After that if acknowledgement (ACK) receives then original packet will send by source node. If ACK not receives it means packets are dropped. If no. of dropped packets are more than threshold value (here 10) then leader nodes will send block message to all its neighbors. Block message contains id of malicious node. All intermediate nodes receives table having black hole node. Now, again new RREQ message is generated for route discovery [14]. Another detection approach is an intelligent honeypot based system to detect blackhole attackers in WMNs. Prathapani et al. model the detection mechanism of malicious blackhole attackers using a honeypot as a detection agent [25]. A Honeypot is a security resource whose value lies in being probed, attacked or compromised. A honeypot is designed to interact with attackers to collect attack techniques and behaviors [26]. sybil nodes and the honest nodes. SybilGuard exploits this property to bound the number of identities a malicious user can create [24]. increments the ratings of nodes on all actively used paths by 0.01 at periodic intervals of 200ms [27, 28]. Byzantine - Resilent Secure Multicast Routing (BSMR) is secure multicast routing protocol that withstands insider attacks from colluding adversaries. BSMR ensures that multicast data is delivered from the source to the members of the multicast group, as long as the group members are reachable through nonadversarial paths and a non-adversarial path exists between a new member and a node in the multicast tree. This is done even in the presence of byzantine attackers. Outside attackers are prevented using authorization framework. Nodes have a method to determine the source authenticity of the received data. This allows a node to determine correctly the rate at which it receives multicast data. BSMR route discovery allows a newly added node to find a route to the multicast tree. The protocol follows the typical route request/route reply procedure used by on-demand routing protocols. All route discovery messages are authenticated using the public key corresponding to the network certificate to prevent the outside interferences. Only group authenticated nodes can initiate route requests. The group certificate is required in each request. Tree token are used to prove their current tree status [27, 29]. A summary of countermeasures against Grayhole attack in network layer, advantages and disadvantages of them has been listed in table 4. Channel Aware Detection (CAD) approach is implemented to mitigate routing protocol threats and route disruption attacks by limiting the number of packets forwarded to the malicious mesh devices. It is based on two strategies, the channel based estimation and traffic monitoring. If the monitored loss rate at particular hops exceeds the estimated normal loss rate, those nodes identified will be considered as malicious. The essence of CAD is to identify intentional dropping from normal channel losses. A normal packet loss can occur due to bad channel quality or medium access collision under the infinite buffer assumption. In CAD, each mesh node maintains a history of packet count to measure the link loss rate. When a node receives a packet from the upstream, it updates the packet count history with the corresponding packet sequence number [30]. 3.2.3 Detection and Prevention of Grayhole attack Watchdog and Pathrater are techniques for detecting and mitigating routing misbehavior. Watchdog is a method for detecting the misbehavior nodes. The pathrater is run by each node in the network. It combines knowledge of misbehaving nodes with link reliability data to find a reliable path. Each node maintains a rating for every other node it knows about in the network. The pathrater assigns ratings to nodes. When a node in the network becomes known to the pathrater (through route discovery), 0.5 is assigned by the pathrater. A node always rates itself with a 1.0. This ensures that when calculating the path, the pathrater Table 3: Countermeasures Against Sybil Attack in Network Layer Countermeasure Method Scheme Description Advantages Sybil Guard Prevention Limits the corruptive influence of Sybil attacks, including Sybil attacks exploiting IP harvesting and even some Sybil attacks launched from both nets outside the system. Advogato Prevention Disadvantages Vulnerable to widespread small-scale Sybil attacks. Vulnerable to widespread small-scale Sybil attacks. 6 Table 4: Countermeasures Against Grayhole Attack in Network Layer Countermeasure Method Description Advantages Disadvantages Watchdog and Pathrater Technique A technique for detecting and mitigating routing misbehavior. Detect misbehavior at the forwarding level. Do not detect a misbehaving node in the presence of ambiguous collisions, receiver collisions, limited transmission power, false misbehavior, collusion and partial dropping. BSMR Ensures that multicast data is delivered from the source to the members of the multicast group. Identifies and avoids adversarial links based on a reliability metric Assumes static detection threshold independent of channel quality and medium access collision It identifies intentional selective dropping from natural wireless losses. 1-Detection of attacker node does not depend on the data traffic through a node and CAD works well under dynamic channel behavior. 2-Efficient detection of attackers and improved packet delivery ratio. 1-Needs to send extra packet to initiate the detection. 2-It is difficult to detect the attacks, when noise is introduced into the channel. CAD Algorithm threshold value, it uses probing state of the network to detect faulty paths and avoid such faulty paths in the next route discovery. This is the only method that can detect even super Wormhole attacks. The disadvantage of this method is that it becomes very slow to detect the faulty links when the number of colluding nodes in the network increases [9]. Table 5 presents a summary of countermeasures against Wormhole attack in network layer, advantages and disadvantages of them. Rakesh Matamand and Somanath Tripathy proposes WRSR (wormhole-resistant secure routing), a wormhole-resistant secure routing algorithm that detects the presence of wormhole during route discovery process and quarantines it WRSR identifies route requests traversing a wormhole and prevents such routes from being established. WRSR uses unit disk graph model to determine the necessary and sufficient condition for identifying a wormhole-free path. The most attractive features of the WRSR include its ability to defend against all forms of wormhole (hidden and Byzantine) attacks without relying on any extra hardware like global positioning system, synchronized clocks or timing information, and computational intensive traditional cryptographic mechanisms [34]. 3.2.4 Detection and Prevention of Wormhole attack RRT based detection is one way proposed to measure the value of RRT between the node and its neighbors to validate the RTT value. If it exceeds the threshold value then it is suspected to be a malicious node. This method suffered from exposed attacks [9, 31]. Little Worp Protocol that is used in static networks to get the entire network topology based on two hop routing principle is used to detect malicious nodes and also to probe the neighbors behavior's to check if they are functioning in the right way [9, 32]. The Certificate based scheme is a scheme that defends against wormhole attacks which uses the secured extension of Ad-Hoc routing protocol that follows the method of issuing certificates by each node to each other nodes that are within its range and also monitors other nodes for RTT delay. It classifies the nodes that it can certify as trusty or untrustworthy based on the RTT value, depending on this it updates to certify or decertify the nodes. This method can also suffer from the drawbacks of an attacker who maliciously impersonates another node by compromising Public key [9]. Directional Antenna strategy has proposed the usage of antennas in ad-hoc and sensor networks to determine the distance with its neighbor based on the signal strength. This approach checks if the link actually exists by measuring the angle of the arrived information with the possible signal strength. The node verifies if it has a link within its region, if it does not fall within the verifiable region, the node simply rejects the link. This information is sent to a central controller to determine the network topology [9, 33]. ODSBR doesn't detect worm hole rather prevents the selection of the path that contains worm hole. It allows the network initially to work in the non – probing state where the optimal wormhole path would be selected and the path is monitored for packet loss. Once the packet loss rate or delay jitter increases the 3.3 Countermeasures for Transport Layer Secure socket layer (SSL), transport layer security (TLS) protocols and extensible authentication protocol encapsulating transport layer security (EAP-TLS) protocol are usually used for securing the transport layer in wireless networks including the WMNs against Syn flooding attack. SSL/TLS uses asymmetric key cryptographic techniques to ensure secure communication sessions. It can also help in protecting against masquerading attack, man-in-the middle attack, rollback attack, replay attack and buffer overflow attack. For securing the transport layer in WMNs, an upper layer authentication protocol (EAP-TLS) is proposed by Aboba and Simon. Although EAP-TLS offers mutual authentication between a mesh router 7 Table 5: Countermeasures Against Wormhole Attack in Network Layer Countermeasure Method Description Advantages Watchdog And Pathrater Technique A technique for detecting and mitigating routing misbehavior. Detect misbehavior at the forwarding level. BSMR BSMR ensures that multicast data is delivered from the source to the members of the multicast group. Identifies and avoids adversarial links based on a reliability metric It identifies intentional selective dropping from natural wireless losses. 1-Detection of attacker node does not depend on the data traffic through a node and CAD works well under dynamic channel behavior because threshold values are dynamic. 2-Efficient detection of attackers and improved packet delivery ratio. CAD Algorithm RRT based detection Little Worp protocol Measure the value of RRT between the node and its neighbors to validate the RTT value. Detect malicious nodes and also to probe the neighbors’ behaviors to check if they are functioning in the right way. Certificate based scheme It classifies the nodes that it can certify as trusty or untrustworthy based on the RTT value. Directional Antenna Checks if the link actually exists by measuring the angle of the arrived information with the possible signal strength. ODSBR Detecting malicious links based on end-to-end acknowledgment-based feedback technique. WRSR (wormholeresistant secure routing) Detects the presence of wormhole during route discovery process and quarantines it. Do not detect a misbehaving node in the presence of ambiguous collisions, receiver collisions, limited transmission power, false misbehavior, collusion and partial dropping. Assumes static detection threshold independent of channel quality and medium access collision 1-Needs to send extra packet to initiate the detection. Attack detection is done by the source router so attacker is identified only if the source router demands. 2-It is difficult to detect the attacks, when noise is introduced into the channel. This method suffered from exposed attacks. This method can also suffer from the drawbacks of an attacker who maliciously impersonates another node by compromising Public key. This is the only method that can detect even super Wormhole attacks. (MR) and a mesh client (MC) or between a pair of MCs, it introduces high latency in WMNs because each terminal acts as an authenticator for its previous neighbor before the authentication request reaches an authentication server (AS). Furthermore, for nodes with high mobility, frequent re-authentications due to handoffs can have a very adverse impact on the quality of service of the applications. As a result, variants of EAP-TLS have been proposed to adapt IEEE 802.1X authentication model for multi-hop WMNs. 4 Disadvantages It becomes very slow to detect the faulty links when the number of colluding nodes in the network increases. networking, community and neighborhood networks, delivering video, building automation in entertainment and sporting venues, etc. Despite its advantages it suffers from critical security issues that are of major concern while deploying WMN. Since WMNs are used for various applications, security is a serious concern to be addressed. In this paper we surveyed all kinds of DoS attack in WMNs. DoS attack may occur in each layer of network. So this paper classified all of them and gave an introduction about attacks. For each attack, there is some preventing, detecting or mitigating method to secure the network. We discussed about this methods, advantages and disadvantages of them. For next work, we will study Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks on WMNs and discuss about countermeasures against them. As a conclusion, all kind of DoS attacks in WMN and defense mechanisms against them has been listed in table 6. Conclusion Self-organization and self-configuration are the desired features of WMN. These features provide many advantages like good reliability, market coverage, scalability and low upfront cost. They also gained significant attention because of the numerous applications they support, for example, broadband home 8 Table 6: DoS Attacks and Defense Mechanisms in WMN Layer Attack Defense Mechanism Physical Jamming Spread spectrum, Multipath source routing protocol, Replication of control information, Counter data selective jamming attacks, WEP, DES,AES, CAD Byzantin ODSBR, Watchdog and Path rater , SDT Sybil SybilGuard, Advogato, SYIBSEC Rushing RAP, ODSBR, ARAN, SAR, SEAD, ARIADNE, SAODV, SRP, SEAODV Black hole Detection using Honey pots Gray hole Watchdog And Path rater Technique, BSMR, CAD Worm hole RRT based detection, Little Worp protocol, Certificate based scheme, Directional Antenna, ODSBR, WRSR Network 5 References 1. 2. monika, Denial of service attacks in wireless mESH NETWORK. IJCTIS, 2012. 3(3): p. 7. Akyildiz, I.F., X. Wang, and W. Wang, Wireless mesh networks: a survey. Computer networks, 2005. 47(4): p. 445-487. 3. 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