Victorian Government Purchasing Board Market analysis and review policy Version 1 (February 2013) Secretariat Victorian Government Purchasing Board Department of Treasury and Finance Level 6, 1 Macarthur Street Melbourne Victoria 3000 Australia Telephone: +61 3 9651 1699 Facsimile: +61 3 9651 5951 Supply policies are made by the Victorian Government Purchasing Board (VGPB) pursuant to s54L of the Financial Management Act 1994. They have legislative force and must be complied with. This new supply policy only applies to departments approved for transition by the VGPB. The current supply policy framework will run concurrently with new supply policies until all departments have transitioned to the new supply policy framework. © State of Victoria 2014 This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Australia licence. You are free to re-use the work under that licence, on the condition that you credit the State of Victoria as author. The licence does not apply to any images, photographs or branding, including the Victorian Coat of Arms, the Victorian Government logo and the Department of Treasury and Finance logo. Copyright queries may be directed to If you would like to receive this publication in an accessible format please email This document is also available in Word and PDF format at Context This policy outlines the requirements for market analysis and review. It is mandatory for all Victorian Government departments and any public bodies (hereafter referred to as ‘organisations’) that are subject to the supply policies of the Victorian Government Purchasing Board (VGPB). The Market analysis and review policy covers three components. 1. Market analysis and review Market analysis and review provides an understanding of market dynamics to determine the optimal market approach. It can also determine the viability of a procurement requirement. Figure 1 highlights where market analysis and review takes place in the procurement process. Individual procurement activity Figure 1: Market analysis step in the procurement process market analysis and review policy Review procurement requirement Conduct market analysis Sourcing phase Develop plan for market approach Evaluate, negotiate & select supplier Create a contract Commit to a contract Manage contract Contract review or closure Contract management phase 2. Aggregated purchasing Aggregated purchasing is an important mechanism used to drive efficient government procurement. 3. Disposal of assets As part of market analysis and review, an organisation will develop a whole-of-life appraisal and consider the best process for disposal of assets. For further information and advice on applying VGPB policies (including guides, tools and templates), visit the Procurement Victoria website at Victorian Government Purchasing Board Market analysis and review policy, Version 1 (February 2013) 1 1. Market analysis Market analysis and review follows the assessment of complexity of the procurement activity either at the category level or at the individual procurement level where the procurement activity falls outside of a category or is critical or high risk. 1.1 Mandatory requirements An organisation must: consider the outcome of the complexity assessment to determine if the assessment at the category level establishes the basis for being able to approach the market; undertake further complexity analysis at the level of the individual procurement activity where the category assessment provides insufficient detail to determine the optimal approach to market; conduct market analysis to identify the capability and capacity of the market to supply and identify opportunities for market based solutions; reassess the procurement requirement with regard to the market analysis; and prepare a statement of grounds, or business case, which supports the decision to proceed with the procurement and identify the optimal market engagement strategy. Note: A sourcing process is not required when purchasing from a state purchase contract or a sole entity purchase contract. 2 Victorian Government Purchasing Board Market analysis and review policy, Version 1 (February 2013) 2. Aggregated purchasing Aggregated purchasing arrangements take the form of state purchase contracts (SPCs) or sole entity purchase contracts (SEPC). SPCs incorporate a number of organisations, whereas SEPCs apply to a single organisation. An SPC or SEPC can be established and managed in a number of ways—sole or multiple suppliers, open or closed panels, register or more formal contractual arrangement for example. 2.1 Mandatory requirements 2.1.1 Governance arrangements for SPCs An organisation must inform the Department of Treasury and Finance (DTF) of any analysis of spend or assessment of complexity that indicates grounds for aggregating demand. DTF is responsible for the establishment and management of SPCs. DTF may grant lead agency status to another organisation where: the organisation has consulted with DTF regarding the category of goods and services proposed for aggregation; the organisation has demonstrated to DTF that it has the capacity to establish and manage an SPC as the lead organisation; DTF has determined that the category of goods and services is appropriate for an SPC; DTF assumes an oversight and advisory role throughout the SPC process; and Lead agencies are to report on the use of SPC(s), spend and savings generated to DTF when requested. 2.1.2 Process for establishing an SPC An SPC can only be established after approval by the Assistant Treasurer. Where the lead agency is outside DTF, a business case must be endorsed by DTF prior to seeking approval by the relevant Minister. SPCs may be established as a mandated or non-mandated arrangement. Where the SPC is mandated, the business case must identify the organisations required to participate in the SPC. The accountable officer for the lead organisation responsible for establishing the SPC must: take into account any comments made by the Assistant Treasurer prior to engaging with the market; inform the Assistant Treasurer of the outcome of the market engagement process; and authorise an SPC contract/head agreement on behalf of the Victorian Government. Victorian Government Purchasing Board Market analysis and review policy, Version 1 (February 2013) 3 2.1.3 Obligations for parties using an SPC Parties using a mandated or non-mandated SPC must comply with the rules of use established by the lead agency for purchasing under the contract. Where an organisation is a participating party to a mandated SPC, but has an existing contractual arrangement covered by the scope of the SPC, it must migrate to the SPC upon expiration of the initial contract period. An organisation may commit to an SPC after its establishment and be included as a participating party. The organisation is then bound to use the contract and comply with the rules of use. A request to extend an existing contractual arrangement is subject to the approval of the accountable officer for the lead agency. 2.1.4 Contract management framework for an SPC The lead agency must adopt a contract management framework for an SPC. The category manager for the SPC is to nominate those participating parties who must establish a contract manager role to manage the organisation’s participation in the SPC. The lead agency for the SPC must produce an annual report on the management and use of the SPC arrangement which can be accessed by each participating party. Participating parties must report information to the lead agency as requested. 2.1.5 Establishing an SEPC When an assessment of the spend in a particular category of goods and services, or a complexity assessment identifies the potential for aggregating requirements in the organisation, you must consider establishing a SEPC. An SEPC can only be established after approval of a business case by the accountable officer or delegate. An organisation must adopt a contract management framework for the SEPC. 2.1.6 Rules of use for SPCs and SEPCs All SPCs and SEPCs must detail the rules of use for buyers intending to purchase from the contract. 4 Victorian Government Purchasing Board Market analysis and review policy, Version 1 (February 2013) 2.1.7 Exemptions Table 1: Type of exemption Details Approval by Exemption of a department or public body prior to establishing an SPC The case for exemption is to be included in the business case for establishing the SPC to be approved by the Assistant Treasurer. Exemption of a participating party from a mandated SPC Exemption for a one-off purchase An organisation can only be exempted from the SPC if it can demonstrate that it is unable to obtain value for money under the proposed SPC. The exemption sought can encompass the whole organisation, or a business unit within the organisation. A participating party may seek an exemption from using a mandated SPC where it can demonstrate that special circumstances have arisen in relation to sourcing from the SPC. Factors that may justify granting an exemption could relate but not be limited to: a supplier on an SPC arrangement is no longer able to service an area; regional suppliers can now offer the same or better value for money; or machinery of government changes alter the relevance of the supply arrangement for the participating party. The exemption sought may be for: the whole or part of the organisation; the whole or part of the SPC supply agreement; or a fixed period of the supply arrangement. A participating party may seek exemption from using an SPC for a one-off purchase where its procurement needs cannot be met by the SPC. A case for granting the exemption is subject to the approval of the accountable officer of the lead agency. A case for granting the exemption is subject to the approval of the category manager for the SPC. Victorian Government Purchasing Board Market analysis and review policy, Version 1 (February 2013) 5 3. Disposal of assets 3.1 What is disposal of assets? Disposal of assets should be considered when the asset is identified as being: obsolete due to changed procedures, functions or usage patterns; no longer complying with occupational health and safety standards; reaching its optimum selling time to maximise returns; beyond repair; or surplus to requirements. Disposal of assets can present the organisation with opportunities to optimise the use of an asset, including: extending the life of an asset by transferring it to another business unit or organisation; recovering material for recycling prior to sending the asset to landfill; and transferring assets to not-for-profit organisations. 3.2 Mandatory requirements The disposal of assets is a key consideration in the forward planning of any procurement activity. Assets of (or belonging to, or in the care, custody, or control of)an organisation are to be disposed of in a way that takes into account probity, security, sustainability and transparency, as well as environmental and social factors. An organisation must develop and apply an asset disposal process that details: parties/business unit responsible for managing the process; disposal options appropriate to the nature of the asset and broader government objectives; management of issues of risk, liability, safety and security; the process for keeping the organisation’s assets register up to date; and issues of risk, liability, safety and security associated with the use of the asset by other parties when transferring an asset to another location or entity. If the evaluation of disposal options does not warrant modification to extend the life of the asset or transferring it to another party or recycling, the asset must ordinarily be disposed of by way of public auction or public tender. An alternative approach must be sought where cost of disposal process exceeds residual value of the asset. 6 Victorian Government Purchasing Board Market analysis and review policy, Version 1 (February 2013)