Course description



International practice of corporate crisis management

( 1-semester course)

3 ECTS Credits

Aim of the course

The aim of the course is to provide:

- an understanding of the corporate crisis nature and business cycles in contemporary world economy;

- an introduction to international management of insolvency and bankruptcy: prediction, effects, evaluation and solution ways;

- an understanding of the main principles of foreign corporate bankruptcy laws (US, GB, Italy, etc.);

- an illustration of the crises and bankruptcy of various companies in the world;

- a providing international experience and tools of financial recovery.

The subject of the course is focused on understanding of corporate crisis development , legal regulation and decision making process for bankruptcy overcoming abroad .

Learning outcomes

Subject specific knowledge and skills

After completing the course, the students are expected to be able to: understand the evolution and development of crisis management concept overseas; define types and specific characteristics of corporate crisis understand and analyze the basic patterns of

; insolvency law in different countries ( federal, regional and local aspects) ;

 relate the directions and tools of national crisis management and bankruptcy law with those accepted in the developed states;

 evaluate the main methods of strategy planning appropriate for insolvent companies; estimate and allocate company resources available for crisis control;

 demonstrate competence in the use of international diagnosis methods applicable in the area of crisis management;

 identify and evaluate the personal influence (contribution) of company management in corporate recovery.

Cognitive abilities and non-subject specific skills

During the course students will develop:

 analytical skills;

 logical skills;

 prediction and assessment skills;

 creative activity;

 enhanced quantitative skills;

 practical skills that can be applied within most business and industrial organizations to solve problems of crisis management;

 public speaking skills;

 time management skills.



The following methods and forms of study are used in the course:

 Lectures



 Multiple-choice writing tests

Presentation of report

Self-study by using of reference journals and web resources

At the end of the each module of the course the students are supposed to provide a report, participate in seminar and discussion and answer the test questions. Upon the successful completion, the students will gain 3 credits.


During the session students are required to

 attend class lectures;

 participate in seminars;

 present a report;

 pass the tests;

 represent the main ideas at the seminar;

 be prepared to participate in final course discussion.

Multiple-choice writing tests are provided at the end of each module of the course.

Grade determination

Class participation - 20%

 Participation in discussion – 20%

Tests – 30 %

 Oral presentation – 30%



Miller, J.A. An Empirical Study of the Effects of Perception of Corporate Crises on Crisis

Management. (Unpublished Master’s Thesis). San Diego State University, San Diego, CA (1992).


Pinsdorf, M.K. Communicating When Your Company is Under Siege: Surviving Public Crisis

(3rd ed.). New York: Fordham University Press (1999).


Ulmer, R.R., Sellnow, T.L., & Seeger, M.W. Effective Crisis Communication: Moving From

Crisis to Opportunity (2nd ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications, Inc. (2011).


Comparing Models of Corporate Bankruptcy Prediction: Distance to Default vs. Z-Score. Warren

Miller: Morningstar, Inc. July 2009.


A Review of Bankruptcy Prediction Studies: 1930 to Present // Jodi L. Bellovary, Don E.

Giacomino and Michael D. Akers. Journal of Financial Education, Volume 33 (Winter 2007).


Using Economic-Financial Ratios for Small Enterprise Default Prediction Modeling: an Empirical

Analysis. 2008 Oxford Business &Economics Conference Program/ ISBN : 978-0-9742114-7-3.


UNCITRAL Model Law on Cross-Border Insolvency with Guide to Enactment. –




Elena Timchenko,
