Things Every Dog Household Should Have On Hand 1. Emergency Pack for each dog, including a. Paper with important contact information, dog’s name, age, medical conditions, allergies, etc b. Basic 1st aid supplies, including splint materials, bandages, soft muzzle (see Medicine Cabinet) c. Dried or canned foods for 1 week if possible, but at least for 3 days d. Water for at least 3 days, but 1 week if possible e. Medications f. Treats g. Rescue Remedy h. Favorite toy/blanket g. Tick remover 2. Random Nice Things to have on hand a. Earthbath shampoo and conditioner (but make sure the aromas are okay for your 4-legged) b. Eye dropper bottle (fill this with clean water and wash out dogs’ eyes after the beach) c. Train that dog to love having teeth brushed. Start with a finger wrapped in a piece of paper towel, no toothpaste. Progress to electric toothbrush with doggie toothpaste. d. Ear Bath Ear Wipes (nice for just giving a swipe to the outer part of the inside of the ear) e. A good brush (and comb, depending on type of dog) f. Nice extra-absorbent towel g. Easy on/off clothing with Velcro closures if your dog gets cold or does better when swathed 3. Great Books about dogs, and CDs for dogs and their people a. Through A Dog’s Ear (CD with wonderfully calming abilities, seems to reorganize the brain) b. The New Yorker Big Book of Dogs (all sorts of interesting/fun reading with a canine theme) c. (if you are interested in learning to listen to your dog) Anything by Steven D. Farmer, esp. Earth Magic Penelope Smith, When Animals Speak d. Books by Stanley Coren or Alexandra Horowitz , among others 4. For Your Dog’s Medicine Cabinet or to keep in the car HAYFEVER TYPE ALLERGIES FOR HUMANS AND DOGS a. Similasan Allergy Eye Relief (one drop per eye goes a long way) (DOG DOSE) b. A. Vogel Allergy Relief (Homeopathic Pollinosan)(DOG DOSE) (INCREASE TO 2 IF HUMAN) FIRST TIME: one pill away from food or water 10 min. either side of administering, repeat in 30 min., repeat in another 30 min., then wait 4hours, give one dose, wait til bedtime, give one more dose. Next day just one dose a.m., one p.m. Repeat only for 3 days. SPIDER AND OTHER INSECT BITES (dose without food or water during or between) a. Apis Mellifica 30C (Boiron) (small dog 1; medium dog 2; large dog over 90 lbs 3), dose every 20-30 min. for up to 3 doses until redness/swelling reduce significantly b. Tarantulla 30C (Boiron) (same as above) NERVOUSNESS IN THE CAR a. Ginger (get human grade capsules) (dose is very small…open capsule, dissolve 1/8-1/4 10 min. before getting in the car) b. Happy Traveler treats sold at Cornucopia (contain Valerian, chamomile, L-tryptophan, St. Johns Wart…all for calming) Dog will like these or refuse them c. Well Scents Aromatherapy in spray form (calm dog, or relaxed dog, perhaps) SPRAINS AND STRAINS a. Arnica Montana 30C (Boiron) b. Hypericum 30 C (Boiron) These work beautifully in tandem, either for dogs or humans. Dose the same way, but small dogs get 1 pill, medium 2, large 3, humans usually 3. No food or water with these, and no food or water 10 minutes before administering or 10 minutes after. Take one dose of either homeopathic when injury occurs. Take the next dose at least 6 hours later OR wait until the next morning or next evening. Then take the other homeopathic. Doesn’t matter which you start with. You will be ALTERNATING THESE TWO HOMEOPATHICS every 12 hours for up to 4 days. If injury is severe or you suspect a break, please see your vet! (4. Medicine Cabinet continued) UPSET STOMACH/DIGESTIVE TRACK a. The veterinarians really like Pepsid AC. Regular dose, not the double dose (OTC—pharmacy) (This can be halved for toy breeds.) b. If you can get it, Thorne GI ENCAP (pepto bismo-like stomach coater) c. Carafate or Sucralfate (RX only from your vet) works like (b) above d. Human grade cranberry supplement, preferred is CranActin (Whole Foods) This is for urinary tract issues…if urine smells strong or looks a deeper yellow than usual Try this for a day or two. If no improvement, see your vet (dose like ginger) Again, all of the above is for MINOR digestive track issues that do not last for days or involve big vomiting or diarrhea, or spasming/bloating. Warning: bloating is life-threatening! Get to the vet ASAP!!! 24/7 5. Some nice training treats and other specific supplements a. Pet Kelp Skin & Coat Formula (Raw Connection) If your dog sheds a lot, has dry skin, etc. try this. Full of vitamins and minerals and…kelp! Follow dosing instructions on the bag, but start out at ¼ to ½ dose and build to the recommended dose if stools, etc. remain good. b. Halshan Egg Shell Calcium Powder (Raw Connection) If your dog seems to have a fragile skeletal structure or I muscle test him/her as needing calcium c. Green Foods/Vegetables. Either a good quality like Standard Process for humans, if you want processed, or just try your dog out on a little cooked spinach, or cooked broccoli, or cooked carrot or raw carrot mixed in his/her food. CHOP THESE UP! d. Apple. Most dogs like a little bit of apple now and then, but not the peel please. Too easy to choke on. And only little tiny pieces, and only if your dog likes them. ORGANIC IS BEST ON ALL THE FRUIT AND VEGETABLES when possible e. Chamomile tea. Some dogs really like lightly steeped Chamomile tea for calming, just like humans do. Cold, cool, or lukewarm, please. f. For very tiny treats good for training or when you’re out or just about any time, these two are very good: BRAVO Buffalo Bites Training Treats, BRAVO Cod Training Treats (Raw Connection)(these are freeze dried, no other ingredients) 6. Pure Fun a. Blueberry dog biscuits from Martha Stewart are made with oat flour, quinoa, flax meal, blueberries, eggs: b. Izzy’s apple cheddar dog biscuits: c. Good SAFE toys (no tennis balls for chewing puppies!) that challenge your dog (Del Monte AKC dog show is coming up in July and always has vendors With GREAT toys!) 7. PLEASE PLEASE KNOW WHERE YOUR LOCAL VET ER HOSPITAL IS FOR AFTER HOURS EMERGENCIES!!! Always call first to let them know you are on your way if at all possible! In the Carmel/Monterey /Santa Cruz area, we are very fortunate. Here is a list of four 24/7 facilities: Pet Specialists of Monterey Primary: Greg Marsolais, DVM, MS, DACVS (Surgery) 451 Canyon Del Rey Blvd Del Rey Oaks Across from Wells Fargo in the shopping center 831.899.4838 Monterey Peninsula Veterinary Emergency & Specialty Center Primary: Katja Herrmann, DVM, specialty: emergency care 20 Lower Ragsdale Drive Suite 150 Ryan Ranch, Monterey 831.373-7374 Pacific Veterinary Specialists (all internists, always an ER specialist, always ER nurses) 1980 41st Ave. From Monterey, heading North on Hwy 1, exit 41st, turn left over frwy Left on Clares, right into first driveway Capitola 831.476.2584 Santa Cruz Veterinary Hospital 2585 Soquel Drive From Monterey, Heading North on Hwy 1, exit 41st , turn right, then left on Soquel Hosp. is on the right ½ mile further Santa Cruz 831.475.5400