Applications - Eastern Michigan University

Eastern Michigan University
Writing Across the Curriculum Program
Writing Fellows Program and Spring Writing Across the Curriculum Institute 2013
The Writing Across the Curriculum Writing Fellows program is a professional enrichment experience focused on
planning and offering courses that infuse writing. It is for any interested faculty member who will be teaching a
Writing-Intensive (WI) course in the major or who wishes to incorporate writing into his/her Gen Ed or other
undergraduate or graduate courses.
Writing Fellows participate in a week-long Writing Across the Curriculum Institute. This year the Institute will run
April 29 to May 3, 2013 (9 a.m. to 4 p.m. each day). Participants will use the Institute as an opportunity to develop or
prepare to teach a WI or other course that uses writing. Topics will include addressing the WI and other writing
outcomes, integrating writing outcomes with other course outcomes and objectives, planning and giving writing
assignments (traditional and digital), supporting student writing, assigning formal and informal writing in both
traditional and online courses, grading and assessing writing, and managing the paper load in a writing-intensive
course. We will also discuss strategies for assessing courses that use writing, and we will address how to train and
mentor other faculty members who may also be teaching sections of WI or other courses that use writing.
Writing Fellows will receive a $1,000 honorarium for participating in the Institute. They will benefit from ongoing
consultations and from access to electronic resources, including instructional materials that will assist them with
teaching their course(s). Writing Fellows also benefit from interaction and discussion about student writing with other
colleagues from across campus.
Up to 18 faculty members will be selected to participate in the Spring 2013 Writing Institute and in the Writing
Fellows program for 2013-2014. Faculty members must be available for all five days of the Institute (April 29 to May
The application deadline is Friday, February 22, 2013. They can be sent to Dr. Ann Blakeslee via email
( or via campus mail (English Department, 612 Pray-Harrold). Questions about the
Institute can also be directed to Ann.
_____ Yes, please consider my application to be a Writing Fellow for the 2013-2014 academic year and to
participate in the 2013 Spring Writing Institute.
Name: ________________________________________Department: ____________ Position: _________
Department Head Approval/Signature (can also be sent by department head via email to Ann Blakeslee):
WI or other Courses Planned or Being Taught: ________________________________________________
Experience with Teaching/Infusing Writing into Courses: _______________________________________
Special Concerns/Questions about Teaching/Infusing Writing into Courses: _________________________
Email Address: _____________________________________________ Phone: ____________________
Eastern Michigan University
Writing Across the Curriculum Program
Advanced Communication Across the Curriculum Fellows Program and
Spring Communication Across the Curriculum Advanced Institute 2013
The Writing Across the Curriculum Program is offering a unique and new opportunity this year for EMU faculty.
Instead of the traditional Advanced Writing Fellows program and the Advanced WAC Institute, we will be offering an
Advanced Communication Across the Curriculum Institute for faculty members who are interested in exploring
effective strategies for integrating writing, speaking, teamwork, and other communication competencies into their
courses. To participate in this Institute, you must have participated already in a Writing Across the Curriculum regular
Spring Institute.
This year’s Advanced Communication Across the Curriculum Fellows will participate in a three-day Advanced CAC
Institute, May 8 to May 10, 2013 (9 a.m. to 4 p.m. each day). Participants will use this Institute as an opportunity to
build on knowledge acquired in the initial WAC Institute in which they participated in ways that encompass a variety
of communication activities. The three days will be used to develop effective course outcomes related to
communication; to develop effective assignments and projects that address those outcomes; to explore ways to
scaffold and support those assignments to maximize student learning and success; and to consider effective strategies
for assessing the communication activities faculty assign.
Advanced CAC Fellows will receive a $500 honorarium for participating in the Advanced Institute. They will also
receive materials and resources that will assist them with using communication activities in their courses.
Up to 12 faculty members will be selected to participate in this year’s Advanced Communication Across the
Curriculum Institute. Faculty members must have participated previously in a WAC Institute. They must also be
available for all three days of the Institute (May 8 to May 10).
The application deadline is Friday, February 22, 2013. They can be sent to Dr. Ann Blakeslee via email
( or via campus mail (English Department, 612 Pray-Harrold). Questions about the
Institute can also be directed to Ann.
_____ Yes, please consider my application to participate in the 2013 Advanced CAC Institute.
Name: __________________________________________Department: __________ Position: ________
Year of Initial WAC Institute: _____________________________________________________________
Department Head Approval/Signaturei: _____________________________________________________
WI or other Course to be Addressed: _______________________________________________________
Other Courses Taught that Use Writing/Communication: _______________________________________
Interests/Concerns/Questions about Using Communication and Courses: ___________________________
Email Address: _____________________________________________ Phone: ____________________
Can be sent by department head via email to Ann Blakeslee (