Mrs. Hasselbeck | Mrs. Holliday
Foundations of Mixed Media
Spring Semester 2014-15
Fingerprint Biography
You will write a detailed biography of yourself on your fingerprint
lines using black and varied colored permanent markers. Words
that you want to stand out will be made differently than the rest of
your biography by exhibiting the elements of basic typography
(please see my Pinterest board at to get ideas for typography). In
the background, you are to include 5 or more objects that relate to
your biography and enhance the meaning by drawing them in
colored pencils. Once you are finished, you may put a watercolor
wash over your piece to create a resist from the colored pencil
drawings so they pop out more and become a focal point.
Explore and discuss the work of Phil Hansen and his use of
line, shape, positive and negative space, repetition, rhythm,
unity, and focal points to create meaningful works of art by
just using typography.
Model how to use mixed mediums in order by creating a
balanced composition.
Demonstrate excellent craftsmanship by writing your biography neatly, erasing pencil lines,
carefully drawing objects in the background with colored pencils, and brushing a watercolor wash
in the background.
Demonstrate how to incorporate elements and principles of design into your artwork by creating a
balanced composition.
Reflect on finished works by responding to questions in the form of an artist statement.
HS Intermediate:
o Perceiving/Knowing
 Describe sources visual artists use to generate ideas for artworks.
o Producing/Performing
 Demonstrate proficient technical skills and craftsmanship with various art media
when creating images from observation, memory, or imagination.
 Make informed choices in the selection of materials and techniques as they relate
to solving a visual problem.
o Responding/Reflecting
 Apply assessment practices to revise and improve their artworks and materials
used to create works of art.
Project handout
White drawing paper
Black ink pad
Digital camera
Adobe Photoshop
Tracing paper
Scotch tape
White watercolor paper
Black and varied colored permanent markers (thin tips)
Soft brushes
How can you create meaning to your biography by putting it on your fingerprint?
How can you incorporate line, shape, space, color, balance, emphasis, movement, rhythm, and
unity to create a balanced composition?
How can you use mixed media in your work to create meaning, depth, and emphasis while still
keeping your composition balanced?
Elements of design: line, shape, space, color
Principles of design: balance, emphasis, movement, rhythm, unity
Abstract Art, Modern Art, and Contemporary Art
Focal point(s)
 Incorporates the elements and principles of design to create a balanced work of art
 Stands apart from others favorably
 Has been planned well from start to finish
 Biography is written neatly and important words stand out
 Pencil lines are erased
 No more than 2 watercolors were used for the wash
 Watercolor paper is flat, no tears, or rough edges
Biography fills up fingerprint lines completely while still having the impression of a fingerprint
12 or more Important words are emphasized by using basic typography (each word is different)
o Important words stand out by the use of varied colored permanent markers
5 or more objects are placed in the background that add greater meaning and emphasis to the
 Class time was used wisely to complete project on time
 Great effort was put into project and evident visually
 Biography is no less than 2 paragraphs, 12 important words are circled, 5 objects are sketched out
to put in the background of biography
 Guiding questions answered with attention to detail
 Description of 2 elements of design and 2 principles of design in your work, how you
incorporated them to create a balanced composition, and the meaning behind your
Total points: 100
1. BRAINSTORM: Write a detailed biography of yourself in your sketchbook in no less than 2
paragraphs (USE COMPLETE SENTENCES!). You can either use the questions from the project
handout to help you come up with ideas or start from scratch! When you are finished, go back
through your biography and circle 12 or more words that are important and meaningful to you. This
could be any words that describe you such as: Cincinnati, art, love, family, friends, etc. These
words will be designed differently than the rest of your hand written biography by using the basic
elements of typography. They should stand out and engage your viewer to WANT to read your
biography! Once you are finished, show your sketchbook to me and we will discuss if you are
finished or need to add anything else. Stamp your finger using black ink while trying to get the
clearest print that you can. Take a picture of it using your phone or electronic device and send to I will edit this image in Adobe Photoshop and enlarge it so it
fits 8 ½ x 11 in. paper.
2. PLAN: When you receive your enlarged fingerprint, begin tracing over your fingerprint lines using a
2B or 4B pencil. Make sure you take your time and not make up the lines yourself. When you are
finished, flip the tracing paper over and place on watercolor paper. Go over your pencil lines to
transfer them lightly on the watercolor paper. Don’t press too hard as you might indent your paper!
3. WORKING SURFACE: Begin writing your biography on your fingerprint lines with a PENCIL when you
are done transferring your lines. Start from the top and just flow through it as if you are writing on a
sheet of notebook paper. The goal is for your lines to still resemble a fingerprint. When designing
your circled important words, make them all different to pop them out more from the rest of your
biography. Use differently lettering in each word. Also, think about what 5 objects you want to
draw in the background that relates to your biography.
4. CREATING & CRAFT: Once you are done writing your biography, go over your pencil lines with a thin
black permanent marker. You may only use the colored sharpies for your important words. This
way they will contrast strongly with the rest of your biography written in black. When you are
finished going over your biography, gently erase the pencil lines from your watercolor paper. Start
drawing your 5 objects in the background that relate to your biography using colored pencils. The
objects could be anything… your pet, instrument or sport you play, hobby afterschool, etc. When
you are finished, go over it with watercolors to create a resist from your colored pencil drawings. Do
not use more than 2 colors as this could take away from your biography and objects in the
5. REFLECT: You will out a self-evaluation grading yourself and answering guiding questions in the
form of an artist statement written in complete sentences based on outlined requirements.
a. You will describe two elements of design and two principles of design in one paragraph
about your project.
How did Phil Hansen create artwork by using just lettering? How did he incorporate line, shape,
and space to create emphasis, movement, rhythm, and unity in his images of people? How did he
create greater meaning in his work by adding words?
o Does art have to be created traditionally with value and shading?
o Can you create art using everyday found objects?
o Does art have to be permanent in order to be considered “art?”
o Does art have to be created with traditional ideas and media in order to be considered art?
Phil Hansen:
John Sokol:
Mike Matola: