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Local Government Ecological Commitment in Public
Policy Process Within The Outonomy Era
Gustiana A. Kambo
Sukri Tamma
Local Government Ecological Commitment in Public Policy Process
Within The Outonomy Era
Environmental problems has become an important issue for the world
community since the 1960s. Official forum in Stockholm in 1972 showed the
seriousness of the international community to address them, through the report "Our
Common Future". It was triggered by the massive environmental damages both it
quality and quantity. The next important thing is that the damage is a big negative
impact on human life. Global warming and natural disasters massifnya more strongly
associated with a variety of environmental damage in the world.
The international community considers that the environmental problem is a
shared responsibility of all nations on earth, including Indonesia. In the 1970s in
Indonesia started popping up various groups concerned about the environment or
nature lover in various school and community. The government itself took a step
further by establishing an institutional environment in the form of the ministry
entrusted with the task of integrating the various multilateral environmental
agreements that already exist into a variety of implementation strategies in Indonesia
development policy.
One of it result was the Act Number 4, Year of 1982 about the principel of
Environemental Management. That Act had been the early development of the
regulation which underlying the Indonesian environmental management efforts as an
integral part of sustainable development and environment. That effort was followed
by the Act Number 23, Year of 1997 on Environmental Management, in an attempt
refinement of the earlier law. By that Act, by the government looks showed their
serious effort to improve environmental conditions. This is asign of Indonesian people
that their concern the problems of ecological. In fact the objective conditions of the
environment in Indonesia tends showing that are still less encouraging. As an
example, Indonesia's forest destruction continues annually which has now reached 2.4
million Hectares per year, which it figure is very high. In addition,pollution numbers
have also increased from time to time due to industrial. Based on data from Asia
Disaster Reduction Center (ADRC), the losses incurred by the disaster since the 1991
to 2000 approximately around U.S. $ 17.6 billion . These losses will be growing
through a variety of disasters due to environmental degradation. One cause of such
damage is the activity of a variety of natural resource exploitation, including through
mining activities.
Today the conditions of the environmental damage caused by exploitation of
natural resources (SDA) from mining activities and other supporting industries
kegaiatan has become a portrait of the environmental problems faced by Indonesia.
Environmental damage that occurs is related to how natural resources and
environmental management. Thus, as foresters, the state is responsible for the
condition. Responsibilities are primarily related to the various policies issued by the
government. The policy has been a formal legitimacy for various industrial activities
and to give effect to the destruction of the surrounding environment. Various
government policies will certainly demonstrate its commitment to ecology.
Ecological commitment lies in the desire to preserve the environment and
maintain its existence for next generation. The government commitment certainly
would have an enormous impact to the environment. However, there is a tendency
that the commitments are not good enough, especially if associated with the existing
environmental conditions. Environmental damage would likely still ongoing with the
massif in many areas in Indonesia. It became crucial question, when it was associated
with lack of regulation at national level through environmental legislation that is the
Act Number. 23 Year of 1997, which was replaced by Act number 32 Year of 2009.
Based on it, In the formal context, the government seems has provide a way to
commit to environmental conditions. That Act also became the basis for government
action in the region without exception. There should have high hopes for the
possibility of environmental sustainability into the future. But along with the ongoing
decentralization in the context of political and social systems are open, concerns on
the environmental conditions re-emerge.
Through a policy of regional autonomy, local governments gain authority
includes authority in all areas of government, except for the authority in the field of
foreign affairs, defense and security, justice, monetary and fiscal policy, and religion,
and the jurisdiction of other fields. Authority of the other fields are included on
national planning policy of national development at the macro funds, funds of
financial balance, the state administrative system and institutions the country's
economy, development and empowerment of human resources, exploitation of natural
resources as well as strategic high technology, conservation, national standardization.
It has provided a space for the area of government to manage a variety of regions
including the potential of natural resources. It makesSceptical doubt. It because there
are seems that the success of a regional autonomy in carrying out the affluent among
them is measured from the largeer number of government income (Pendapatan Asli
Daerah). This is certainly a dilemma for local governments. On the one hand the
Government are required to maintain the environment, but on the other hand it should
be able to successfully implement regional autonomy by maximizing their revenue
through the exploitation of natural resources that could potentially massive
environmental damage. At this point the local government's commitment is tested
whether it will remain committed to protecting the environment and will ignore it for
the pressing of economic factors. This is one of them will be demonstrated through
their actions in developing regional policies related to natural resource management.
Whatever is done by the actors policymakers will impact the environmental condition
of territory.
1. How to form an ecological commitment owned by local governments in
the process of public policy?
2. What affects the ecological commitment of local government in the public
policy process?
3. Is there any involvement of other actors in the public policy process in
addition to local government?
Understanding of Environmental Management
According to Otto Soemarwoto, environment can be interpreted as the space
occupied by a living thing along with living and nonliving objects that are inside.
Understanding is the idea that contains elements of the living environment (biotic)
and non-living elements (abiotic). It encourages an understanding of the general
meaning that the environment is the overall requirements of human life, where there
is a reciprocal relationship with other creatures and their life space. Understanding
shows a very close relationship between humans and the environment around it. This
is the reason for the importance of managing the environment.
In essence, environmental management is a conscious effort to maintain and
or improve the environment for basic needs can be met. Environmental management
in this case not only understood as a process of maintenance or repair it but the whole
process relating to the use of the environment itself, including in the process of its
utilization for the purpose or economic interests. Environmental management often
confronts two conflicting critical importance that the management of environmental
conservation and ecological functions of interest to maximize the environmental
benefits of the economic objectives. The fact is a manifestation of the differences
between the interests of the fight in favor of environmental conservation because of
the view that the environment has its own logic and its value (ecocentris) with the
view that the environment is just a commodity that is given to man to be utilized to
the maximum extent possible based on the things of men (anthropocentris) . Battles
of the interests of both groups is at the cornerstone of environmental management
efforts.For the pro-environment, the logic utilization of the environment is done in a
balanced way without damaging or removing its natural functions. While the logic of
the antrphosentris, utilization is mainly related to the objectives and economic
interests, in terms of trying to obtain the maximum economic benefit from the
activities of exploration besarny environment.
Trends that occurred up to now the latter seems to dominate the battle over
these interests. During these attitudes and behaviors and actions of humans on the
environment is dominated by economic considerations. This occurs at the individual
and at the state level. In this case the economic goals interpreted as an attempt to gain
the maximum benefit from the existence of the environment. These conditions have
led to overexploitation (overexploitation) followed by the environment without
adequate protection measures. Environment is only considered or assumed to be
something that is outside (external) humans can therefore be explored as much as
possible without having to pay attention to how the conditions of quality and carrying
capacity. In this case the environmental conditions are considered as something that is
not taken into consideration by people in their efforts to meet the needs associated
with the economic aspect. Economic considerations put the environment as just one
factor of production in addition to capital and human resources that can be explored
based on human needs and interests without having to seriously consider the impact
of the damage that may occur.
This assumes that the environment has the ability to naturally repair itself if
damaged. This assumption has put the environmental impacts of exploitation for the
benefit of economic activity is outside of the process. Environment is considered as
the external aspects of economic activity and do not need to be taken into account the
costs in the production process. This fact has led to the scale of environmental
problems become more widespread and diverse.
It is of concern as potential sources of interference is very large for human
life. It encourages people to intervene in maintaining environmental sustainability.
considerations as an important aspect in the production process. The environment is
not only viewed as mere factors of production, but has its own values that must be
observed closely and considered as an internal part of the overall production process.
The fact indicate an attempt to make an effort internalization of externalities, that is,
to the calculation of environmental aspects into the production process.
This process exists when the individual felt he had done something wrong in
the act where action is taken upon consideration of the assumptions that have been
loaded correctly believed would benefit the economy, so the individual feels
responsible for the conditions then existing. In this case the man realized his mistake
by looking at the environmental impact caused by a series of activities to do. The
chain of activities not only affect the ecology alone but affects a widespread aspect of
human life. Thus the environmental conditions must always be maintained in order to
continue to support good living world around them.
Another important thing to understand is the environment has limited the
improvement in the natural condition if erjadi damage. If the speed and scale of
environmental damage caused by various human activities performed is greater than
its ability to improve his own condition, then the destruction of the environment is
only a matter of time. Will ultimately have an impact on human life today and the
1. The effectiveness and desired to be viewed within the bounds of the optimal
with respect to the preservation of natural resources that may be achieved.
2. Does not reduce the capacity and sustainability of other natural resources in an
ecosystem related
3. Gives the possibility to make choices in the use of future development.
Based on such consideration, the government through environmental
legislation is focused on:
1. The achievement of harmony, harmony, and balance between humans and the
2. Indonesia as the realization of human beings who have the attitude of the
environment and act to protect and nurture the environment;
3. Ensuring the interests of the present generation and future generations;
4. The achievement of preservation of the environment;
5. Unbridled use resources wisely;
6. Protection of the Republic of Indonesia to the impact of business and outside
the territories of the activities that cause pollution and destruction of the
The overall goal of environmental management is a cornerstone in a variety of
government policies to preserve the environment. Thus any activity that would utilize
or explore the SDA and the impact of environmental conditions should be the
paramount concern of government. The larger changes to the environment, the greater
the impact that will arise for the community
Commitment is a belief in a certain understanding of which is then used as a basis in a
variety of actions. This commitment contains two important elements,
first, the
existence of a true belief in the ideal level. Second, the various actions which are then
performed on the basis of that belief. In the understanding of ecological or
environmental management, ecological commitment can be interpreted as a belief in
the importance of ecology to be maintained and preserved by means of various
If it is associated with the country's commitment in environmental
management will keberhubungan closely on public policy is made. Public policy has
so far been interpreted in diverse and no one can cover the whole definisipun. Harold
D. Lasswell and Abraham Kaplan defines policy as "a projected program of goals,
values and practice. This means that policies can be present as a program that has
been taken into account, the purpose, value and application. Parker stated that public
policy is a specific goal, or set of principles, or action taken by the government.
Subsequently, Thomas R. Dye defines public policy as any choice or action
taken by the government. The second opinion is likely to look particularly at the
policy formation process. Another opinion is more emphasis on policy
implementation. They are divided into two groups, first, those who view public policy
as government decisions that have the purpose or particular purposes and they assume
public policy as having predictable consequences. Second, emphasize that a policy
consists of a series of decisions or actions. Public policy is viewed as a hypothesis
Various boils down to understanding the general understanding that public policy is: a
series of problem articulation process, the formulation of the possibilities of solving
problems through measures taken, and in which there is the process of
implementation, observation and evaluation related to a specific purpose.
As a process, public policy is not a simple process. According to Paul A.
Sabatier, public policy is a result of a series of processes involving various actors with
different agendas of each. This emphasis on the model of policy analysis approach to
the development of the advocacy coalition approach. Refers to this approach, Sabatier
explains that the process of making public policy arena is the struggle between
different actors which are either in state institutions, and institutions outside the state
or interest group.
Sabatier focuses on the various actors and coalitions are formed between
actors in the process. Actors outside the state that were identified are involved in the
policymaking process are those who come play in the overall process, among others,
journalists, researchers, and public policy analysts. Accommodations range of
interests occurs in the policy process so that policy decisions can be accepted by the
actors involved. Acceptance or rejection of a kebiakan actor would be associated with
the espoused values.
According to James Anderson, the values that affect the actors in the
policymaking process can dibagai in several categories :
1. Political values, where the policy makers choose an alternative based on the
interests politknya or political party.
2. Value of the organization where the decision makers, especially the
bureaucrats may be influenced by the organization.
3. Personal values which attempt to gain economic advantage or to protect the
personal interests may affect the selection of policy alternatives.
4. Moral values in which the interests of the communities in which decision
makers may medasarkan consideration the aspect of public interest as the main
thing is well above the personal or group interests. This means that the policy
was chosen because of moral considerations to the public.
5. The values of ideology, where ideology believed sebagais eperangkat values
or beliefs that are logically related to provide a simplified overview of the
world yangmemberikan picture to the public to take action.
Differences in the values used by policy actors might be able to direct them at
a point of agreement or even the opposite position in view of a policy. It all depends
on the interest owned by each actor. Thus, in principle, the actions of the actors in the
Associated with the policy making process, some experts ask a few forms or stages of
the policymaking process, for example, Lasswell divided the process into seven stages
of intelligence, promotion, prescription, invocation, application, termination and
appraisal. Jones divides the policymaking process in eleven stages of perception,
legitimacy, budgeting, implementation, evaluation, and adjustment / termination.
William N. Dunn divides the process into five stages are: preparation of
agenda, policy formulation, policy adoption, policy implementation and policy
assessment. Based on the various stages of policy making which is expressed by
experts, in general there are at least five phases contained in the policy making
process, namely: the establishment of the agenda, policy formulation or legitimacy,
implemetasi, evaluation and determination of policy. All of these stages will be the
arena for actors to be able to influence the shape and purpose of the policy.
In practice, the policy process does not always take place in sequence based on
pentahapannya. Sometimes policy-making process will overlap (overlapping)
between each stage to another stage. Also in the policymaking process, the stages are
not passed or carried one step ahead of others is a possibility that could happen.
Referring to the fact that it does not mean the stages in the policymaking process into
something less important. At least these steps will give you an idea or a groove in the
assessment of a policy. With the understanding that at each stage of policy making
can be a conflict of commitment of each actor, then at each stage of the process may
be a shift in policy commitments, in which case the existing ecological commitment.
Stages of ecological commitment in Public Policy Process
Agenda Setting stage
It is a fundamental step patterns related to specific government actions that are
used to project the nature of the issues considered should be addressed in order to
answer the public interest. This stage is associated with the entry process into the
basic problems of the policy process that will be examined carefully before it gets
more attention.
Many problems or issues that arise in this stage causes problems or issues will
be competed by each actor in order to get a major concern for introduction into the
policy agenda. Basically, this phase is very possible the participation of society in this
informal actors. Even at this stage, the involvement of informal actors actually
become very important because of its sensitivity over a wide range of issues and
problems that occur.
Some factors that can push an issue to gain support from the actors and get
into the policy agenda: first, public issues will reach the status of the agenda because
of a crisis or critical events. Second, in order to be a problem then do protest the
policy agenda. Third, it is because of media attention on an issue. Can unequivocally
say that the manipulation of the problem or issue is most often found in the policy
process. Ecological actors commitment at this stage will be realized through the
attitude of objectivity on the issue or issues raised. In addition, for the government,
the level of ecological commitment is also evident from the opening space for other
actors outside the government to be able to put the issue or problem. The more open
space for the involvement of actors outside the state, the more issues and
environmental problems that will be known and considered before entering into the
policy agenda. This is potentially a positive impact on the best policies for the
Policy formulation stage
This is a process to determine what action will be taken by the government to
solve a particular problem contained in the policy agenda. This stage contains the
development process of the synthesis of various alternative solutions to existing
problems. This means that this phase is the phase to select a range of alternative
Ideally, the formulation of good policies oriented to direct the implementation and
evaluation. Thus the formulation of policies will emerge as a result of alternative
readings of reality as well as the preparation of the solution is embodied in a draft
policy. In this stage, each actor has a tendency to vary in a bid to depart from the
policy formulation for the interests and viewpoints that may differ.
Ideally, the primary consideration in this phase are a variety of needs or
grievances that may be owned by the community. These considerations will become
the foundation for the creation and selection of an appropriate design of policy in
selecting or creating a draft policy there are some things to consider, among other
1. Technical Feasibility: output (outcome) of the policy or program can achieve
the goals set.
2. Economic and Financial Possibility, economic evaluation of policies covering
aspects of the change in net worth (the change in value), the extent to which
policies can alter the ability of economies, economic effeciency, whether by
using the available resources have a higher benefit, profitability, ratio of
between the costs incurred by an achievable goal, especially in the context of
financial and cost-effectiveness, as to whether the objectives have been
achieved with minimal costs.
3. Political Viabiality, namely acceptability, as to whether an alternative policy
acceptable political actors and their clients and other actors in society,
appropriatness, an alternative policy does not undermine or conflict with the
values that already exist in the community, responsiveness, a policy
alternatives available to meet the needs of the community, legal, an alternative
policy is not contrary to the laws and regulations.
4. Operability administrative authority which, by virtue of the authority to
implement a policy, institutional commitment, involving the commitment of
the upper and lower level administrators, office and field workers, capability,
with regard to whether the organization that will implement the Traffic rated
mampudalam context of staff and in the context of financial and
organizational support, is available whether or not the support-support
Policy Legitimacy stage
The significance of this stage associated with the provision that a policy can
be implemented only when it is legitimate or authorized by the competent authority.
Without approval, a policy would be futile because it is not legal, so it can not be
implemented. In this phase lasts an effort to choose a particular policy design through
formal discussion process which in turn would be passed as a policy.
Through this stage racangan policies that have been selected will be given
binding legal force that can be applied immediately. Basically, some policies do not
require the legitimacy and can be directly considered valid because it has been made
by policy makers who are state officials. But some other measures are still needed an
endorsement of a particular institution to be approved. As a formal process, these
stages tend to be exclusive where the formal actor in this case the government agency
will have a crucial role under the constitution. Agency that has authority to approve
Policy Implementation Phase
Without the implementation process, a policy will only come to the ideas in
writing only, which does not have a concrete impact on ada.Terkait problems with
policy implementation, there are at least four important elements to be observed,
namely: who is implementing the policy, the nature of the administrative process,
adherence to policies and the impact of the implementation. The fourth stage is of
course related to the actors involved or in contact with both the policy implementation
process as well as elements of society implementornya the policy object.
The implementation phase is a crucial stage in the policy process because at
this point that a public policy will be directly assessed in the context of its application
in accordance with the policy statement. The success of a policy can not be judged
only from the policy statement, but also its success assessed after the policy statement
is implemented. Although the policy statement is ideal, but may fail to achieve its
purpose because of errors in implementation. It required several steps in the form of
program or mechanism that can be implemented in accordance to the policy contents.
Along with the accomplishment of the policy in a variety of programs, the
focus has shifted to the policy process of operational activities involving various
government policies and resource allocation tool. Government implement a policy
through a variety of ways, this points to a tool or instrument of policy. While the
allocation of resources, especially referring to the provision, implementing agencies,
human resource and cost allocation. Thus the focus of the implementation process led
to attempts to use and utilize existing resources more effectively and efficiently to
achieve the desired goals with more leverage. At this point, the commitment of local
ecology can be seen through the implementation and carrying penyaiapans eluruh
Policy Evaluation tage
Evaluation is necessary to see the gaps between the expectations with reality
associated with the policy objectives. In other words, the evaluation process carried
out because of a mismatch between the objectives to be achieved with the results
obtained. Thus, this phase will contain a series of processes to make an assessment of
whether a particular policy that is or has been implemented. Evaluation conducted to
assess whether a policy will be continued, modified or canceled.
Evaluation is needed to ensure the suitability of a policy direction. Although a
draft policy has been a complete load of things and the ideal, but the success of new
policies to achieve this goal can be seen after the implementation process. Through
various activities as well as concrete measures, the implementation of policy by itself
will result in the situation or conditions that indicate the presence of various faults or
weaknesses of a policy related to the objectives to be achieved. Thus in the evaluation
process is likely to occur by shifting the orientation of the re-orientation of policy
formulation by using a theory or a new instrument.
Regional Autonomy
The word autonomy is derived from the autonomie (Dutch) and is derived
from two Greek words, namely Autos its own meaning, and Nomos meaning rules or
laws. So the notion is based on a word per word is its own regulations or legislation
alone. At first autonomous or autonomous means "Having its own rules" or have the
right, power, authority to make rules themselves are often also referred to the rights,
rule, regulation or legislative authority of its own. Then the meaning of the term
autonomy is "self-government", and the government was taken in a broad meaning, so
it includes the setting (or legislation) implementation, police and courts. So autonomy
means "the right, power, authority of self-regulation, the implementation of its own,
its own police force, and the court itself".
At such a vast territory, with many residents, the central government will of
course be difficult to control and run all the affairs of the maximum and efficient in
these areas. According Harsono Therefore, the government appears as the needs of
the people who live in the area is so vast, it is not enough just held a special
government center area only, but still needed a local government entrusted with
certain matters to be held as its own domestic affairs.
The Act Number. 32 Year of 2004, states that the definition of an autonomous
region is the unity of the legal community who have authority to regulate certain
regional boundaries and the interests of society at its own initiative based on the
aspirations of the people within the bounds of the unitary of Republic of Indonesia.
This law also states that the autonomous regions are autonomous regional authority to
manage and administer the local community kepentingn own initiative based on the
The successful implementation of regional autonomy will be determined by lot.
Riswandha Imawan stated that the success of the delivery of regional
autonomy is determined by:
1. Increasingly low levels of dependence (degree of dependency) The local
government to central government, not only in planning but also in the
provision of funds. Because a plan with establishment will only be effective if
made and carried out solely by local government.
2. The ability to enhance their economic growth (growth from inside) and
external factors, which directly memepngaruhi regional development growth
rate (growth from outside).
Change the orientation of the development of top down to bottom-up suggests
that the development objective is to spur the growth of the (growth from
inside). Thus, had the government more flexibility to plan and determine
priorities to be carried.
Growth from inside of a region is determined by geographical factors and
population. Geographic factors determined by the amount of natural resources
(such as gold, coal, oil, etc.) owned by the region. Increasingly large and
varied natural resources owned by, followed by increasing local capacity to
utilize or process them, the greater the ability of regions to build their own
Growth from outside of a region is determined by the amount of funds datangh
from outside the area. The critical role of investment, both domestic
(domestic) and foreign investment (foreign) in spurring the development of a
regional growth has long been recognized. On one side of the area indicates
the health of the economy is concerned, on the other hand can be a driver of
economic growth factor.
The description provides an understanding that in implementing
regional autonomy:
1. Areas shall have the initiative in planning, implementation and
financing pembagunan area, in determining and providing the type and
level of service to the community with as much as possible to reduce
dependence on the center.
2. Besides the amount of natural resources are inadequate, then the ability
to manage natural resources is very important as a regional capital in
regional development pembiayaaan.
3. As executor of regional autonomy, the existence of human resources
has a meaning and a very important role. Of course, as the executor,
then Human Resources
determine the success
of the
Effect of Economic Interest in Strategic Choices in Policy Formulation Process.
This research was conducted in the District of South Sulawesi province
Pangkep. Pangkep district (Pangkajene and Islands) is located 110 º East and anatara
4:40 until 8:00 º º LS LS or located on the west coast of South Sulawesi with
administrative boundaries as follows. Pangkep district consists of 12 districts, 9
districts located in the mainland and three districts located in the archipelago, with an
area of 1112.29 km². It distances about 51 km from the Makassar city, The capital
City of South Sulawesi province. The number of District residents in 2007 Pangkep
soul as much as 302 874. This area is one of area whichits territory has the potential
of natural resources became one of the main support for the reception area. Therefore,
the region's many mining companies operate either government owned or private
which really influenced by the government regulation. It means that the process of
policy became important for that such situation.
As an initial stage of the overall process of policy-making agenda it becomes
very important. Among the several forms of the problems that have been identified as
environmental problems in the Pangkep regency, environmental degradation problem
becomes one of the main concern by both government and society. The amount of
attention to environmental degradation is mainly caused due to a very close
relationship between the magnitude of the meaning and function of the environment
where people's lives in an ecological sense, the attempt to use them economically by
the government. For people's lives, where the environment has a natural function to
maintain a balance between human life and nature to create harmony of life.
Therefore, the environment should be preserved. As for the local government
environment is considered as a natural resource into an economic resource to spur
regional development through various activities such as mining exploration.
Perbeadaan interest in putting the environment or natural resources has caused
problems. In order to continue to feel the natural functions of nature to human life, the
condition must be maintained and preserved. However, as an economic development
asset, to be able to feel the benefits must first be explored. At this point it becomes a
major issue of debate. Although accepted as a permaslaahan, but the point of view of
government and society tend to be different, including the open-pit mining activities
are a lot of progress in this area.
On the one hand, accused the mining activities cause damage to landscapes
and the decline in environmental quality in the Pangkep Regency. On the other hand,
this activity is a source of revenue for government finances. The presence of mineral
deposits are very large, is to encourage local governments to try to exploit its full
potential to benefit economically in the form of fare revenue for Revenue (PAD).
On that basis the local government make every effort to encourage the ongoing
mining activities. Sustainability of the mining activities are expected to provide a
guarantee for the sustainability of income for the area. The permission of the local
government to the mining activities ongoing within this area. Only local governments
to spur the mining sector is likely to do equally concerned with the environmental
conditions. The rise of the mining activities in the region has an impact on overall
environmental conditions in the District Pangkep. Most of the mining areas were
around the karst mountainous region Pangkep that has significance for the life of
surrounding communities. Thus the mining activities especially in the karst region has
become a major threat was then considered the issue important in preserving the
The destruction of the mining landscape in the region has affected the quality
of existing neighborhoods and in turn will affect the carrying capacity of life. The
damage is certainly a potential for the emergence of environmental problems that
could potentially lead to disaster. Various issues regarding the environmental damage
that occurs along the Karst region that has significance for this region leads to the
mining activities. Where mining activities are considered as the cause of
environmental degradation.
This fact seems quite aware of local government. In the view of local
government, these problems arise due to lack of awareness about the importance of
environmental sustainability. In this case also accused the government also took part
in a variety of damage. Society is considered likely to go around in treating and
utilizing the surrounding environment. Many people are also involved in mining
activities. Local governments saw the need for a local regulation to manage the
impact caused by the utilization of natural resources through a variety of business
activities. At this point, neither the government nor the society has the same view.
This view leads to a variety of development activities the utilization of natural
resources carried out with disregard of the principles of sustainable management. But
the level of commitment are more likely to remain in the context of the use of nature
as an economic resource.
Economic aspects considerations remain the basis of government policies
including in scrutinizing the damage. This attitude not only shows lack of concern but
also the appreciation of the ecological function of the environment on human service.
There is a tendency that the government put economic interests in the name of
development and regional autonomy. That tendencies actually have made the mining
sector activities as a dilemma for local governments. On the one hand, the
Government is quite aware that mining activity is potentially damaging to the
environment. On the other hand, this activity became one of the largest contributors to
the budget of the PAD which of course is needed Pangkep district. According to
official data from the mining and energy Pangkep district, the mining sector is one of
the largest contributor to government PAD which is about 37% of total income,
through taxes and user charges and revenue sharing. In this situation, the government
Awareness of the condition showed a tendency of government is more normative.
Awareness of a problem limited only to the presence or absence of a policy that set.
Although the government agreed that pengedalian environmental damage is very
important, but the commitment is realized only at the level adany policies that govern
the problem. Aspects of environmental sustainability is not fully included in the
political process as this part of the important things that must be considered by the
local government authority as the owner.
This is also supported by the reasons for the escalation of the government in
support of mining activities. In this regard, there are three reasons for them to be
considered. First, the mining activities would absorb labor from the surrounding
community so that it will reduce the unemployment rate will grow the economy and
communities around the mining area. Secondly, the existence of mining entrepreneurs
who average kelolanya areas in remote areas, will generate important infrastructure
such as roads that will also benefit the community. These activities contribute greatly
to the PAD. It is also influenced by the government's desire to be successful in
running the autonomy, of course, by trying to maximally boost the economic sector
which is evident from the PAD.
Thus, although the design of policies designed to maintain the function of the
environment by reducing the risk of damage and environmental pollution but it should
not hinder economic development has become a priority direction of development.
Direction of economic development is tailored to the direction of the basic pattern of
development that Pangkep district since the beginning of its formulation in an attempt
to menseukseskan emphasized economic development as a "condition" of success in
implementing regional autonomy.
On behalf of regional autonomy, the government was entitled to determine
and is entitled to make the most of existing natural resources diwilayahnya, in the
name of public interest. Public interest tends to be viewed on the economic aspect
alone. Though the public interest not only on purely economic aspects, including the
right to live in a better environment. In this process of local government to try to be
rational in dealing with environmental lasalah However, rationality is based more on
economic principles. For local government, the influx of investments to take
advantage of natural resources including mining Pangkep in turn will boost the local
economy and encourage the acceptance of the PAD to the fullest. The tendency is the
draft environmental impact control policy tends to be understood merely to meet the
demands of compliance with existing legislation and not the substance of the
For the government, as far as the design process is tailored formal rules and
design in accordance with regulations or laws that are higher, then it is considered to
have good design and have demonstrated their commitment to environmental issues.
Prior to setting policy, the area of government was trying to solicit public opinion
through a variety of public hearings. The activity was meant to catch people's
aspirations and inputs associated with the draft policy being proposed by the
executive. It also diadakn study visits to areas deemed to have been more advanced in
environmental management. Various activities are in fact show a good commitment
from the government. However, a tendency that it is done only to supplement the
terms of the policy process also becomes a matter that tends to be seen.
Thus, the fulfillment of commitments in the form of formal aspects of the policy
process more visible to local government purposes. Though the policy will not be
binding on the community but also the executor in this case the local government
itself. Therefore, the policy should not cause any controversy is good for society, and
government, as the executor.
Various conditions were then shows the dilemma and the lack of consistent
trend of local governments to safeguard the environment. In some situations, the
Pangkep regency government showed a desire to be serious to demonstrate its
commitment to preserving the environment in the region. With open space for
informal involvement of actors such as NGO’s and community leaders and experts in
the policy process, can be interpreted as a commitment from local government to
learn more about various issues, to answer through a democratic process of policy
design and produce the ideal formula.
But in some situations the various actions taken by the government's
commitment would seem unclear. Executive dominance over regional autonomy and
the undertakings to emphasize that the maximization of the utilization of natural
resources have an impact on a lack of commitment to supporting the environment.
Efforts to increase revenue by promoting economic development through the
maximization of the mining activity would demonstrate a lack of commitment.
Government showed a willingness to just follow the law regardless of the higher
substance of policy objectives. The picture will only marginalize the actual substance
of environmental policy. It is also influenced by the economic interests of elites in the
area of mining activity. It also influences the existing policy. The implication is, the
policy becomes difficult to be implemented strictly to the whole community because
adannya certain relations between the elites in the region with employers. Aakhirnya
pad will affect the ecology of the local government's commitment to implementai
policies, and evaluation. Policy objectives tend to be rhetorical and formalist level
Based on these results the conclusion can be drawn are as follows:
1. Basically the ecological level of commitment that is owned by local
government in the process Pangkep Public policy, especially related to the
maintenance of the environment is quite good. In this case the District
Pangkep try to realize the importance of synergy between environmental
values in policy development. The government commitment likely only at the
level of formal. In this commitment is realized only on the formal aspects are
embodied in the policy process.
2. The Government commitment mainly underpinned by the desire to remain
visible regardless of the environment associated with the development policies
implemented. But the commitment is difficult to realize its full potential and
substantial because of the desire to drive revenue through maximizing the
utilization of regional potential as a logical consequence of the
implementation of regional autonomy.
3. The involvement of actors in the policy process, is dominated by the local
government. Thus, the meaning of the environmental values that will be
integrated into development policy seems dominated by the local government.
This condition is certainly a serious threat to environmental protection in the
future. This fact seems based on the dominance of economic interests related
to the implementation of regional otonommi than to maintain the existence
and importance of environmental support for the community.
Based on the conclusions that there is need for some langah important to be
taken include:
1. Need to do a variety of efforts to increase awareness and understanding
of the importance of the existence of the environment, through various
activities and the development of substantial awareness for both
2. Successful development of a standard developed by incorporating
aspects of the environment as one of the main considerations.
3. Applying the rules to encourage local governments to be more active
in conserving the environment by implementing diwilayahnya
environmental rules are substantial. It also dilenhkapi with strict
punishment mechanism.
4. Encourage local governments to develop local sources of revenue other
than activities that are potentially damaging to the environment.
Tourism activities, as well as an increase in the agricultural sector may
be one important alternative.
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