SIMULATION DESIGN & PLANNING TEMPLATE Scenario:Chest Pain : Junior level Program/Curriculum Specific Objectives: Recognize and manage a patient with chest pain in the acute care setting. Measurable Objectives (minimum 2, maximum 10) 1. Learner delegates appropriately such as VS to NAC 2. Learner performs a basic patient assessment with a focus on cardiac 3. Learner applies information garnered through assessment to perform at least three appropriate Nursing Interventions such as administering O2, NTG, calling for charge RN 4. Learner integrates therapeutic communication and teaching into patient care Instructor’s Name: Janine Buis, Northwest Hospital & Medical Center Donna Wahbeh, Shoreline Community College Date Submitted Spring 2013 Will There Be Any Pre-Simulation Lecture? orientation to room Duration 10 minutes Yes Introduction to Manikin and Expected Scenario Time 15 Expected Debrief Time 25 minutes Report and Information Provided To Participants Prior To Simulation Sam is a 49 y/o male who came in with c/o abd pain and constipation. He has been newly diagnosed with colon cancer. He is waiting for a second opinion. His constipation has since been relieved. Past medical history includes 1 pack/day smoker and HTN. Patient Information Patient Name: Age: Sam 49 Gender: M Birth date:, 8/19 Weight: Height: 195 5’7” ID band MR #00001234 Acct. # 1198765432 HEET V Grant Simulation Scenario Template 2013. Excerpts adapted and used by permission from National League for Nursing's & Laerdal Medical Corporation's Simulation Design Template (2008), and Northwest Medical Center's Scenario Planning Worksheet (last accessed March 2013). 1 SIMULATION DESIGN & PLANNING TEMPLATE Hx. Present Illness: Came in with c/o abd pain and constipation. Newly diagnosed colon cancer this admission. He is currently waiting for a second opinion. Constipation has been resolved. Social History: software engineer Support System: Wife and three kids Allergies: None Immunizations: Current Past medical history: 1 pack/day smoker and HTN Physical description of how you want the manikin to present at start of scenario? Moulage: Patient in hospital gown with slippers, HOB elevated with legs dangling over the side, call bell in hand. Diaphoretic face and arms. Assignment Of Roles (Please indicate below roles to be assigned): Primary Nurse Secondary Nurse Charge Nurse (Instructor) Family Member #1 Unlicensed Assistive Personnel/CNA/MA Other: Student nurse x2 with one as primary Observer(s) 2 or more Protocol specialist (Student who has protocols available to review during scenario) Important Information Related To Roles: Wife is very anxious about husbands chest pain. The role of Charge Nurse is to be played by the instructor. If the students are having difficulty, they may call the Charge Nurse into the simulation for guideance. SIM Setup Mannequin IV site : Art Line High or moderate fidelity manikin Site L forearm Gauge 20G Site _________ Gauge ____ Yes / No HEET V Grant Simulation Scenario Template 2013. Excerpts adapted and used by permission from National League for Nursing's & Laerdal Medical Corporation's Simulation Design Template (2008), and Northwest Medical Center's Scenario Planning Worksheet (last accessed March 2013). 2 SIMULATION DESIGN & PLANNING TEMPLATE Setting/Environment Med-Surg Props: Equipment attached to manikin: Primary IV Fluid running at 80 ml/hr O2 2l nc Monitor attached/ Type available if possible ID band Other Equipment available in room: Crash cart with airway devices and emergency meds Incentive Spirometer IV tubing O2 delivery device non-rebreather, ambu, HHN, face mask Defibrillator/Pacer Other: Other Props: box of tissues Significant Lab Values normal CBC and electrolytes Medications and Fluids: Oral Meds nitro SL, baby ASA IV Fluids IV Push Morphine sulfate Other Nitro paste Diagnostics Available: Labs Values CBC, lytes 12 lead EKG ischemia Documentation Forms: Flow Sheet or shift assessment MAR Standing (Protocol) Orders Chest Pain protocol and Respiratory emergency protocol, Oxygenation protocol Recommended Mode for Simulation Manual Programmed Manual/Programmed Hybrid 1 Manikin to be used High or moderate fidelity with heart and lung sounds Key for Roles: Wife in Yellow Patient in Blue CNA Green HEET V Grant Simulation Scenario Template 2013. Excerpts adapted and used by permission from National League for Nursing's & Laerdal Medical Corporation's Simulation Design Template (2008), and Northwest Medical Center's Scenario Planning Worksheet (last accessed March 2013). 3 SIMULATION DESIGN & PLANNING TEMPLATE Scenario Progression Outline #1 Initial Amount Time in Initial Stage- 5 mins Baseline Vital Signs T PR 37-110-14 BP 134/82 SPO2 93% Cardiac Rhythm sinus tachycardia Breath Sounds clear Heart Sounds slight murmur Abdominal Sounds hypoactive Eyes open, diaphoretic Verbalization (Pt/Manikin Cues) I just got back from the bathroom and I don’t feel good, I am nauseous, my chest hurts Expected Interventions -Straighten patient in bed -Assess VS -Assessment of Chest pain, respiratory, cardiac and relevant history -Differentiates between cardiac and abdominal pain Alternate or Incorrect Treatment Choice That Will Affect Outcome Freezes and gets help, doesn't assess or calm patient/wife Confederate Actions/Additional Role Player Cues Anxious wife: "What are you going to do to help my husband?" Role player cue if off track: Patient: “This is not like my abdominal pain. This is new. Crushing like.” Patient’s will state pain better with each nitro -Administers until finally resolved NTG, O2 after third Nitro SL Stage 2 Correct Treatment Choice Stage 2A Alternate or Incorrect Treatment choice Timing Sequence Expected 1 minute after Interventions Timing Sequence Expected assessment complete Interventions Baseline Vital Signs -Elevate HOB Baseline Vital Signs T same P 125 P 130 R 18 BP 140/86 -Apply Nasal R 18 SPO293% Cannula 2 L BP 144/92 CNA can ask if the Cardiac Rhythm same SPO293% instructor or Breath Sounds same -VS q 15 minutes Cardiac Rhythm Same primary nurse Heart Sounds same -Obtain EKG Breath Sounds same should be called if Abdominal Sound same Heart Sounds same no progress is Other Symptoms: -Is Chest Pain Abdominal Sounds made and then end Slight shortness of protocol available same the scenario. breath, anxiety Yes: give 3 nitro Other Symptoms: Verbalization OR What is going on? My Notify primary Verbalization chest really hurts. RN or instructor Wife: Aren't you going to do something? -Call MD -Assure pt & family HEET V Grant Simulation Scenario Template 2013. Excerpts adapted and used by permission from National League for Nursing's & Laerdal Medical Corporation's Simulation Design Template (2008), and Northwest Medical Center's Scenario Planning Worksheet (last accessed March 2013). 4 SIMULATION DESIGN & PLANNING TEMPLATE Instructor Check List (return to CHESC assistant at the end of class) Pre-Scenario Check List 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Equipment is staged as requested. The learner has been oriented to the simulator. The learner understands the guidelines/expectations for the scenario. Participants understand their assigned roles. The time frame Expectations for simulation met: Yes No. The time frame Expectations for debrief met: Yes No. Audio/Visual Consent signed and turned into CHESC sheet. Attendance sheet completed and given to CHESC staff. Post Scenario If you could change anything next time, what would it be? Comments: ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ CHESC Assistant Name: Did the person provide excellent support for the scenario? Yes No Comment Instructor signature ________________________________ Date ________________________ HEET V Grant Simulation Scenario Template 2013. Excerpts adapted and used by permission from National League for Nursing's & Laerdal Medical Corporation's Simulation Design Template (2008), and Northwest Medical Center's Scenario Planning Worksheet (last accessed March 2013). 5 SIMULATION DESIGN & PLANNING TEMPLATE Participant Check List (return to Instructor at the end of class) Pre-Scenario Check List 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. I have been oriented to the simulator. I understand the guidelines/expectations for the scenario. I understand the assigned role. My questions about the simulation have been answered. I have all necessary equipment for the simulation. Post Scenario If you could change anything next time, what would it be? Comments: ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ Participant Signature ____________________________________ Date ________________________ HEET V Grant Simulation Scenario Template 2013. Excerpts adapted and used by permission from National League for Nursing's & Laerdal Medical Corporation's Simulation Design Template (2008), and Northwest Medical Center's Scenario Planning Worksheet (last accessed March 2013). 6 SIMULATION DESIGN & PLANNING TEMPLATE Simulation Post-Assessment Methods Checklist Tests Evaluations Turning Point Jeopardy Other Optional Literature References Debriefing Guidelines (Remember to identify important concepts or curricular threads that are specific to your program) 1. Leave the simulation room and go to a conference room, if possible. It allows for deescalation of emotions. 2. Solicit and validate emotions briefly. Validate simisms (the simulation isn’t 100% accurate due to different equipment, personnel etc) 3. What went WELL in this simulation? 4. What DID NOT go well in this simulation? 5. If you could do it again, what would you do differently? 6. Summarize: “What I hear you saying is . . .” Resources: Harvey, S. (2004) The nursing assessment and management of patients with angina. British Journal of Nursing 13(10), 598601. Smeltzer, S.C., Bare, B.G., Hinkle, J. L. & Cheever, K.H. (2010). Chapter 28 Management of Patients with Coronary Vascular Disorders. In Brunner & Suddarth’s textbook of medical-surgical nursing 12th ed (pp 755-796). Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. HEET V Grant Simulation Scenario Template 2013. Excerpts adapted and used by permission from National League for Nursing's & Laerdal Medical Corporation's Simulation Design Template (2008), and Northwest Medical Center's Scenario Planning Worksheet (last accessed March 2013). 7 SIMULATION DESIGN & PLANNING TEMPLATE CHEST PAIN STANDING ORDERS ____ Call a Rapid Response and Notify Attending MD STAT Monitoring: ____ Assess vital signs stat and every 15 minutes while chest pain persists. ____ Cardiac monitor, oximeter ____ Oxygen via NC at 2-4 L Tests: ____ ECG ____ CBC, BMP, PT, PTT, CKMB and total CK, Trop I Medications: ____ ASA Dose 81 mg PO, chew ____ Nitroglycerine SL x3 if Systolic >90 Dose 0.4 mg PO ____ Morphine Sulfate 1-8 mg IV x3 every 30 minutes prn chest pain ____ NTG by infusion: 50 mg/250 cc D5W at 3mcg/min, titrate to pain and SBP > ___ torr ____ Heparin _____u bolus then infuse at ____ u/hr OR Lovenox ___ mg IV and ___ mg SQ ____ Metoprolol 5mg IV over 5 min, repeat x 2 additional doses (total 15 mg over 15 min) ____ Metoprolol 25 mg PO 60 min after IV metoprolol ____ other: _______________________________ IV: ____ Start one peripheral saline lock ____ other: _______________________________ HEET V Grant Simulation Scenario Template 2013. Excerpts adapted and used by permission from National League for Nursing's & Laerdal Medical Corporation's Simulation Design Template (2008), and Northwest Medical Center's Scenario Planning Worksheet (last accessed March 2013). 8 SIMULATION DESIGN & PLANNING TEMPLATE DEPARTMENT OF LABORATORY MEDICINE Affix Patient Label Run Date/Time Item WBC RBC Hemoglobin Hematocrit MCV MCH MCHC RDW Platelets Result L/N/H Reference Range 4500-10000 cells/mcL 4.2-6.0 million cells/mcL 12-16 gm/dL 36-45% 80-95 femtoliter 27-31 pg/L 32-36 gm/dL 11-14% 150,000-450,000/ microL HEET V Grant Simulation Scenario Template 2013. Excerpts adapted and used by permission from National League for Nursing's & Laerdal Medical Corporation's Simulation Design Template (2008), and Northwest Medical Center's Scenario Planning Worksheet (last accessed March 2013). 9 SIMULATION DESIGN & PLANNING TEMPLATE Medication Administration Record As Needed Medications Diagnosis Room/Bed# Drug, Dose, Route, Frequency 2400-0659 0700-1459 1500-2359 Printed name Initials Printed Name Initials Printed Name Initial Printed Name Initials Printed Name Initials Printed Name Initial HEET V Grant Simulation Scenario Template 2013. Excerpts adapted and used by permission from National League for Nursing's & Laerdal Medical Corporation's Simulation Design Template (2008), and Northwest Medical Center's Scenario Planning Worksheet (last accessed March 2013). 10 SIMULATION DESIGN & PLANNING TEMPLATE Medication Administration Record Scheduled Medications Diagnosis Room/Bed# Drug, Dose, Route, Frequency 2400-0659 0700-1459 1500-2359 Printed name Initials Printed Name Initials Printed Name Initial Printed Name Initials Printed Name Initials Printed Name Initial HEET V Grant Simulation Scenario Template 2013. Excerpts adapted and used by permission from National League for Nursing's & Laerdal Medical Corporation's Simulation Design Template (2008), and Northwest Medical Center's Scenario Planning Worksheet (last accessed March 2013). 11