Running Head: IMPACT OF ICT ON SCHOLARLY SCIENTIFIC COMMUNICATION Impact of ICT on Scholarly Scientific Communication Institution Affiliation Student’s Name 1 IMPACT OF ICT ON SCIENTIFIC SCHOLARLY COMMUNICATION 2 Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology Information and communication technologies have transformed the world in many ways; yet, informal scholarly scientific communication forms a socio-technical interaction network in which communication is influenced by technology but defined by the social structures of scientists and their organizations (Kling, McKim, & King, 2003; Lamb, Sawyer, & Kling, 2000). This review of informal scholarly scientific communication examines and evaluates what affects the information and communication technologies on the existing structures. Informal communication is important part of information seeking process in order to identify the problem, or information encountered while formulating the research question, conducting the research, evaluating the data, or documenting the research. Traditional models of communicating scholarly scientific research emphasize on individual production of knowledge with feedback from colleagues and subsequent exchange of knowledge; furthermore, there is limited information at certain stages of the research project (Glaser, 2003; Kraut et al., 1990). The useful categories of ICT can be grouped as embedded, coordination, and dissemination (Lamb and Davidson, 2005). Embedded ICTs are communication tools that are built and used as scientific tools for experiments such as sensor networks, grid computing, and observation devices. Coordination of ICTs involves use of e-mails, telephone services, web pages and instant messaging. It generally constitutes all communication infrastructures that allows for planning, sharing data and results, as well as maintaining contacts. Dissemination ICTs involves such media as electronic journals, popular media, weblogs, and project web sites IMPACT OF ICT ON SCIENTIFIC SCHOLARLY COMMUNICATION 3 that transmit the findings to the audience, generally in one way broadcast communication (Lamb & Davidson, 2005). Adoption of an innovation is in scientific scholarly communication is in other words exploiting the full potential of the dissemination and communication of the scientific information. The adoption of ICT innovations in communicating scientific data depends on; relative advantage, compatibility, complexity, and observability. The possible outcomes on adoption and use of ICTs in scientific data gathering and scientific data recording have increased productivity, decreased rate of error encounter, and broader and more geographically dispersed collaborations. The efficiency of using ICT is that scientists who use networks always spend less time in unproductive activities such as traveling to equipment or labs or using the library to manually look up documents and data (Hesse et al., 1993). Social media is a driving force in the field of scientific communication and marketing and is only getting larger. This phenomenon is changing the way marketing has been done in years past. Instant feedback and connecting first hand with your audience are only two of the benefits. This research will showcase a large corporation utilizing various social media platforms that conserve as a model for future organizations. The social media has provided faster sharing of information among scientists (Hesse et al., 1993). The uses of embedded technology devices in data taking and data recording have greatly reduced the level of human error such parallax error. The digital devices are more accurate than analogue. The display devices such as large computer screens have increased resolution level of micro organisms in scientific research especially in the field of medicine and research. The use IMPACT OF ICT ON SCIENTIFIC SCHOLARLY COMMUNICATION 4 of information and communication technology devices in data presentation such as power point projector has improved understanding of experimental data to non scientist who may not understand the scientific methods (Lamb and Davidson, 2005). The use of high speed data relaying fiber optic cable enables faster transfer of data from one part of the world to the other. This has aided the sharing of information among scientists over the world and has aided continuation of research because new information about a particular finding in research topic is shared. It also makes available, the necessary data for analysis and discussion to determine to cause of action and make correct recommendations and conclusions. The use of information and communication technology devices have revolutionized the communication of scientific findings and sharing of the information. The use of YouTube and organization’s websites has made scientific information available for access. This has created awareness among many people who does not have to necessarily travel to the laboratories and facilities to access the information (Lamb and Davidson, 2005). IMPACT OF ICT ON SCIENTIFIC SCHOLARLY COMMUNICATION 5 Reference Hesse, B. W., Sproull, L. S., Kiesler, S. B., & Walsh, J. P. (1993). Returns to science computer networks in oceanography. [Electronic version]. Communications of the ACM, 36(8), 90101. Kling, R., McKim, G., & King, A. (2003). A bit more to it: Scholarly communication forums as socio-technical interaction networks. [Electronic version].Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 54(1), 47-67. Kraut, R. E., Egido, C., & Galegher, J. (1990). Patterns of contact and communication in scientific research collaboration. In J. Galegher, R. E. Kraut & C. Egido (Eds.), Intellectual teamwork: Social and technological foundations of cooperative work (pp. 149-171). Hillsdale, NJ: L. Erlbaum Associates. Lamb, R., & Davidson, E. (2005). Information and communication technology challenges to scientific professional identity. [Electronic version].Information Society, 21(1), 1-24.