Form Environmentally relevant activities Details of regulated waste vehicles—ERA 57 OFFICIAL USE ONLY This form is to be used: DATE RECEIVED When applying for a new environmental authority, to provide details of vehicles intended for use as regulated waste vehicles 1; At any other time, to provide details of any required amendment to the list of regulated waste vehicles already registered for use under an existing environmental authority by addition or removal of vehicle details. FILE REF To be included on an environmental authority a vehicle must meet the requirements of, and be operated in accordance with, the code of environmental compliance for ERA 57 (Regulated waste transport). PROJECT REF COMPLETE FORM CORRECT AA COMPLETE FEE The local Department of Environment and Heritage Protection (EHP) office (see the information sheet Contact Details for Environmental Licensing Including Council Areas—EM1482) should be contacted if you need assistance completing this form correctly. ENTERED BY [SIGNATURE] Application details DATE 1. Applicant/registered suitable operator APPLICANT’S NAME GUIDE The “applicant” name must be the same as the applicant nominated on the application form. TRADING NAME TELEPHONE FASCIMILE E-MAIL Under Schedule 2 of the Environmental Protection Regulation 2008, vehicle “includes the part of an aircraft, boat, rolling stock, semi-trailer, tanker, trailer or truck, used to transport the regulated waste”. This form is for use for providing details of road based vehicles only. 2 This is the publication number, which can be used as a search term to find the latest version of the publication at 1 Page 1 of 5 • 130408 • EM869 • Version 2 ABN 46 640 294 485 Form Details of regulated waste vehicles—ERA 57 The “registered suitable operator” name must be the same as the holder of the applicable environmental authority (see s. 2) 2. Environmental authority number (if applicable) DETAILS If you already have an environmental authority for regulated waste transport, please provide the environmental authority number. 3. 4. 5. Enter in the table opposite the details of all vehicles you intend operating. Vehicle(s) definition: The term vehicle(s) includes the part of an aircraft, boat, rolling stock, semi-trailer, tanker, trailer or truck, used to transport the regulated waste. Page 2 of 5 • 130408 • EM869 • Version 2 Is this form being completed to support an application or an annual return? APPLICATION Go to section 5 ANNUAL RETURN Go to section 4 Is the list of regulated waste vehicles that was provided with this year’s annual notice accurate? YES Go to section 7 NO Go to section 6 Provide details of every vehicle to be registered on the database If you require more space please attach a signed and dated appendix, providing the same information in a similar format as the table below. When completed, go to Sections 7 and 8 Type of vehicle e.g. tanker Make of vehicle truck Year of manufacture Vehicle registration number Department of Environment and Heritage Protection Form Details of regulated waste vehicles—ERA 57 Amendment, other than in association with an annual return 6. The details of any vehicle listed in the table opposite will be added to or removed from the list that is currently registered on the administering authority’s database Provide details of vehicle(s) to be added to or removed from the register. If you require more space please attach a signed and dated appendix, providing the same information in a similar format as the tables below. When completed, go to sections 7 and 8. Vehicles to be added Type of vehicle e.g. tanker Make of vehicle truck Year of manufacture Vehicle registration number Vehicles to be removed Type of vehicle e.g. tanker Make of vehicle truck Page 3 of 5 • 130408 • EM869 • Version 2 Year of manufacture Vehicle registration number Department of Environment and Heritage Protection Form Details of regulated waste vehicles—ERA 57 7. Declaration Note: If you do not tell the truth in this application you may be liable for prosecution under the relevant acts or regulations. I do solemnly and sincerely declare that the information provided is true and correct to the best of my knowledge. I understand that it is an offence under s. 480 of the EP Act to give to the administering authority or an authorised person a document containing information that I know to be false, misleading or incomplete in a material particular; and I understand that all information supplied on or with this application form may be disclosed publicly in accordance with the Right to Information Act 2009 and the Evidence Act 1977. APPLICANT’S NAME APPLICANT’S SIGNATURE DATE Privacy statement The Department of Environment and Heritage Protection is committed to protecting the privacy, accuracy and security of your personal information in accordance with the Information Privacy Act 2009. The department is collecting your personal information for the purposes of processing the application for, and/or administering the registration certificate for regulated waste transport . The information will only be accessed by authorised employees within the department. Your information will not be given to any other person or agency unless you have given us permission or we are authorised or required by law. All information supplied on this form may be disclosed publicly in accordance with the Right to Information Act 2009 and Evidence Act 1977. For queries about privacy matters email: or telephone: (07) 3896 3705. Page 4 of 5 • 130408 • EM869 • Version 2 Department of Environment and Heritage Protection Form Details of regulated waste vehicles—ERA 57 8. Applicant’s checklist Supporting information (if applicable) Please return your completed application form to: Permit and Licence Management Implementation Support Unit Department of Environment and Heritage Protection GPO Box 2454 Brisbane QLD 4001 Enquiries: 13 QGOV (13 74 68) Facsimile: (07) 3330 5875 Email: Page 5 of 5 • 130408 • EM869 • Version 2 Department of Environment and Heritage Protection