What to do if Your Student is Talking about Suicide for staff

What to do if Your Student is Talking about
Suicide, or Hurting Themselves:
Adapted from information provided by the Office of Suicide Prevention, Colorado
Department of Public Health and Environment.
Suicide is a serious concern in the US, particularly in the mountain states. Parents are
often unaware of the risk of suicide among youth. A recent survey indicates that 13.8%
of students nationally had seriously considered attempting suicide, and 6.3% of
students had attempted suicide one or more times during the 12 months before the
survey (YRBSS 2009). In Colorado, suicide remains the second leading cause of death
among children between 10 and 19 years of age. In Colorado Springs, suicide has
increased tremendously over the years, and this holds true for youth.
The best thing a staff member can do is to take any signs of depression and suicide
seriously. Don’t be afraid to talk to your students about depression and suicide, it is a
myth that talking about suicide promotes suicide. Most suicides occur due to some form
of mental condition, such as depression or a substance abuse disorder.
Risk Factors
Depression, bipolar disorder, or other mental illness
Significant loss (divorce, death, loss of health, separation, break-ups, loss of
Pressure to succeed
Family problems
Legal problems
Being bullied
Poor self esteem
Family history of suicidal behavior
Someone close to individual has completed suicide
The #1 risk factor is a
previous attempt.
Depression is treatable and suicide is preventable.
Talking to your student about suicide is difficult, but not talking about it
can be devastating. Get up the courage and do it, or find a school mental
health professional that can do it, and get your student the help he or she
When to talk to your students
Pay attention to your instincts.
When things don’t seem quite right with your student’s
behavior, say something. Tell them what you are noticing.
Know the suicide warning signs. Although kids thinking
about suicide are not likely to seek professional help, most
show warning signs to their friends, classmates, parents or
trusted school personnel.
Warning Signs
Talking about or threatening suicide
Trouble eating or sleeping (sleeping all the time, unable to sleep at all, not able to
eat or overeating)
Significant changes in behavior and/or personality
Withdrawing from family and friends
Loss of interest in activities, work, school, hobbies, or social interactions
Giving away prized possessions
Increased drug and/or alcohol use
Statements about hopelessness, or worthlessness
Taking unnecessary risks
More agitation or more easily angered
Sudden happiness or calmness following a depressed mood
Obsession with death, or preoccupation with dying, guns, knives, or hanging
Problems in school or work performance
Chronic pain or frequent complaints of physical symptoms
An inability to concentrate, trouble remembering things
Self-injurious behaviors including running into traffic, jumping from heights and
scratching or cutting their body.
If these warning signs are present and you do not believe your student to be suicidal (or
they deny it), they are showing some signs of depression, which can lead to suicidal
thinking. If you see any of these signs talk to your student and to your school mental
health professional.
Suicide is
Talking about it is
the first step.
What To Say
Question: Question the person about suicide
Tips for Asking the Suicide Question:
 If in doubt, don’t wait, ask the question.
 If the person is reluctant, be persistent.
 Talk to the person alone in a private setting.
 Allow the person to talk freely.
Ask “The Question”…DIRECTLY
 “You know, when people are as upset as you seem to be, they sometimes wish
they weren’t alive. I’m wondering if you’re feeling that way too?”
 “Are you thinking about hurting yourself?”
 “Are you thinking of suicide?”
If you cannot ask the question, find someone who can!
Persuade: Persuade the person to get help
Persuading someone not to end his or her life and get help begins with the simple act of
listening. Listening can be life saving. Listen first, then persuade.
 Listen to the person’s pain and issues
 Do not be judgmental
 Ask them to go with you to get help, you must inform others.
Refer: Refer the person to the appropriate resources
 The best referral is done when you personally take the student you are
worried about to the counselor, social worker, or school psychologist. If they
are mad at you, it is better that they are mad at you now, than dead later.
 Don’t wait, act immediately. Your school mental health professionals will
assess the situation and contact parents. Parents must always be informed,
even if the risk is low.
Take all suicide threats seriously.
Tell your student what you are noticing, and make statements about their changed
behavior. Ask questions directly and openly ("Are you thinking of suicide? Do you
have a plan? ")
Show that you care. Listen and express concern in a nonjudgmental way.
Take action! Get your student connected with professional help by letting your
school counselor, social worker or school psychologist know what is going on.
Be vigilant. Once a student has begun treatment for suicidal ideation or an attempt
there can still be a high risk of suicide.
What Not To Do
Do not delay. Respond immediately. Do not hold off until late in the day or the
next day to tell a school mental health professional of your concerns.
Do not keep it a secret. Don’t make promises you can’t keep. Keeping this a
secret and not telling school personnel and parents would be considered
“negligence” and “foreseeability”, things that can be taken to court.
It is negligent on the part of the school not to notify parents or guardians
when students are known or suspected to be suicidal. Even when a student
denies suicidal intent, if the collaborative team suspects the child to be
suicidal, they have an obligation to notify parents. It is also negligent not to
supervise the student closely. Do not leave the suicidal student alone under
any circumstance.
If a child writes or talks about suicide, adults should be able to foresee a
potential suicide.
Do not sidestep the issue or treat it lightly. It is hard to hear, but you must address
it, or get someone who can.
Do not offer simple solutions.
Do not judge, their pain is real and serious to them.
Do not try to be a therapist. Get professional help for the student.
Suicide Resources:
It is important to update your knowledge of suicide prevention,
intervention and postvention. If you are interested in learning more
you may want to take the online course on your own time and for
credit through ERO:
Making Educators Partners in Suicide Prevention
In District 11 there are several school mental health professionals (school
psychologists, social workers and counselors) who are designated as School Suicide
Specialists by the American Association of Suicidology. The School Suicide Prevention
Accreditation Program is a self-study course and exam for school professionals who
want to increase their knowledge of school-based suicide prevention issues such as:
Risk factors for youth suicide
Warning signs for suicide
Triaging and making referrals
Crisis assessment and intervention
Prevention principles and models
Legal issues and best practices
Evidence-based practices
Involving parents
School reintegration after a suicide attempt
Trauma and youth
Suicide contagion and clusters
Safety plans
Additional resources
In addition, district crisis team members are expected to update their knowledge in crisis
response, suicide and other threats of violence regularly. Each school has school
mental health professionals that can assist you.
If you are concerned about your student with regard to suicidal thinking or self harming
behavior, please contact your school mental health professional or Ms. Sandra Milligan,
the Prevention, Intervention and Postvention Coordinator at 499-2374, your local mental
health agency, Aspen Pointe, or emergency room, or hotline. Additional resources are
found below:
Colorado Springs Suicide Prevention Hotline: 573-Life
Aspen Pointe (formerly Pikes Peak MH) Hotline: 635-7000
National Suicide Hotline: 1-800-273-TALK
Suicide Hotline in Spanish: 1-800-273-TALK (Press 2)
1-800-SUICIDE (1-800-784-2433)
LGBT Youth Suicide Hotline: 1-866-4-U-TREVOR
Safe2Tell (anonymous reporting): 1-877-542-SAFE
Second Wind (counseling for uninsured or underinsured students): 322-2839
Students and parents must go through their counselor, social worker, or school
psychologist to get this service started.
Heartbeat (survivors support): 596-2575
SPP: 573-7447, http://sppppr.org/home.html
AAS: http://www.suicidology.org/web/guest/home
SPRC: http://www.sprc.org/index.asp