Application Template - Erie County Technical School

Career Alternative Education Program
2015-2017 PDE AEDY Application Template
PDE AEDY Application URL: AEDY - Home
Program Year*
(School District)
(School District)
Coordinator (Primary Contact)
(sending district information)
(sending district information)
Program Sites
Number of Program Sites:
Fee Due:
Program Name:
Career Alternative Education Program (Erie County Technical School)
Grade Levels:
Program Type:
No. of Students:
Program Contact:
Frank DiPlacido
Contact Phone:
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Career Alternative Education Program
2015-2017 PDE AEDY Application Template
Contact Email:
Consortium or Intermediate Unit Members
Include ALL MEMBERS of the consortium or intermediate unit for each program. The projected number
of students should include the TOTAL number of students from all consortium members.
Program Name
Career Alternative Education Program--Middle School
Career Alternative Education Program--High School
Consortium or Intermediate Unit Members (First, Last)
(sending district information)
Projected Students
(see chart – enter projected number for each program for your district)
Private Providers
Program Name:
Career Alternative Education Program -- Middle School
Private Provider Name:
Sarah A. Reed Children's Center
Private Provider Contact (First, Last):
Frank DiPlacido
Contact Address:
2445 West 34th St., Erie, PA 16505
Contact Phone:
Contact Email:
Program Information
Program Name:
Career Alternative Education Program -- Middle School
I. Program Informal Hearing
All LEAs are required to conduct an informal hearing prior to placement of a student into an approved
AEDY program in accordance with PA School Code (22 Pa. Code § 12.8(c)). Please explain your process of
an informal hearing:
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Career Alternative Education Program
2015-2017 PDE AEDY Application Template
Districts must enter their own Informal hearing process here and attach a sample letter.
II. Program Design
Operation Hours:
12:00 Noon to 5:00 p.m.
Total Hours:
Days of Operation: (check the following boxes)
Students enrolled in the program must be considered disruptive as defined by Act 30, Section 191901-C(5). Which of the following criteria are used to determine student eligibility for placement in
this program?
(Check the following boxes)
Disregard for School Authority/Persistent Violation of Policy
Display/Use of controlled substances on school property
Violent or Threatening Behavior on School Property
Possession of a Weapon on School Property
Commission of a Criminal Act on School Property
Misconduct Meriting Suspension or Expulsion
Habitual Truancy
As a consortium program, CAEP relies on the work and advice of each consortium member's buildinglevel SAP team to discuss the needs and appropriate interventions of each student. Part of the CAEP
admissions process is evidence from the consortium member that a SAP team has been involved with
the student prior to an application being submitted to CAEP. Applications without evidence of SAP team
involvement are referred back to the consortium member for SAP team review and involvement.
A variety of interventions is utilized, depending on the student's needs. Typically, parents are notified
and a meeting is arranged to discuss possible options and interventions. Many times these
interventions are conducted through the aid of refocus room staff. Refocus rooms are designed to
provide academic and emotional support to students. These rooms are located in the student's school
buildings and are staffed by a certified teacher and a behavior counselor.
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2015-2017 PDE AEDY Application Template
Interventions may involve providing counseling to students, incentive programs, contracts, re-arranging
schedules, involve teachers, administrators, and other support staff members.
Special Education:
Districts place special education students in this program through the IEP process as mandated by
Chapter 14 and IDEA. AEDY program staff members review all applications to ensure compliance with
Chapter 14 and IDEA. Prior to placement in the AEDY program, the IEP team at the sending school
district convenes to discuss the student's current placement, IEP goals, specially designed instruction,
supports and positive behavior support plan.
The IEP meeting includes a special education teacher, a regular education teacher, a representative of
the school district, the parents, the student (if age 16 or older) and a representative from the AEDY
program. The school district informs the team of the reason(s) they are seeking an alternative
placement for the student. A manifestation determination is conducted to determine if the student's
disability is related to the behavior(s). If the behavior is unrelated to the disability and the student
meets one or more of the criteria for alternative education, then the IEP team can decide if placement is
considered the least restrictive environment and the best placement for the student. If this is the IEP
team's decision, then the district will complete a Notice of Recommended Educational Placement
(NOREP) prior to placement.
The district sends the student folder with updated special education/academic records to the AEDY
program where one of the program’s staff members becomes the case manager of the student’s special
education services and provides the full spectrum of services necessary to keep a student’s IEP, RR and
other documents up to date. In special circumstance under 34 CFR 300 .530(g) specific to drugs,
weapons and serious bodily injury, school personnel may remove a student to an interim alternative
education placement for not more than 45 school days without regard to whether the behavior is
determined to be a manifestation of the child’s disability.
The sending school districts maintain the ultimate responsibility for ensuring that special education
students in AEDY programs receive a free and appropriate public education (FAPE) that conforms to
federal and state law and regulations.
Program Capacity:
Program performance is reviewed and assessed, in conjunction with the contracted private provider, in
the following areas:
1) Rate of return to regular school setting
2) Student attendance
3) Student discipline including suspensions, expulsions, and interventions with outside agencies (e.g.
4) Student grades
5) Student grade promotion
6) Student achievement of behavior growth goals
7) Program retention (dropout rate)
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2015-2017 PDE AEDY Application Template
8) Academic achievement based on PSSA results and the local academic assessment program.
The LEA also reviews the mandated private provider performance measures with our private provider.
III. Program Academics
Program of Study
Students participate in the following academic classes: language arts, mathematics, science, social
studies, and life skills (pro-social skills). Students participate in a hands-on-based, career exploration
program. The academic program of study is designed around grade levels 6 through 8. Course content
is aligned to Chapter 4 regulations.
Academic Assessments
The program relies upon the Wide Range Achievement test, Metropolitan Achievement Test and PSSA
results to determine academic benchmarks, academic progress, and academic success. Students are
initially assessed on their ability levels. Students are administered the Wide Range Achievement Test
upon entering the program and again at discharge. Results are presented to the parents and sending
schools at discharge. Academic progress, while in the program, is based on predetermined goals. Goals
are based on performance expectations of students within a grade level.
PSSA scores are reviewed annually. Students are tested periodically to track progress during their
placement in the CAEP program. Each academic component of the program of study is assessed on at
least a quarterly basis to ensure students are making progress to grade-level proficiency.
PSSA’s are administered on site and the results of the tests are then forwarded on to the parents and
the sending schools. Students who perform below basic participate in a PSSA remedial program and are
retested via the Metropolitan Achievement Test.
During the AEDY program intake process, a student’s academic schedule and grades are reviewed. AEDY
program supervisors and case managers assign an academic program based on the review of the
student’s schedule and performance. The AEDY scheduling process pays attention to the stress level of
the student, while at the same time, ensuring normal academic progress.
Mid-term and quarterly academic progress reports are provided to home school staff for each AEDY
student. Credit attainment is reviewed with the home school on an annual basis. As a student meets
behavior and academic goals, they become eligible to return to their home school.
A transition plan is developed cooperatively with appropriate staff at the home school. The transition
plan allows a student to participate in one or two classes at their sending school and then finish their
day at the AEDY program. Classes are gradually added to the student's schedule until they are spending
the entire day in a home school schedule.
Many districts utilize refocus rooms to support the transition process. These rooms are designed to help
students behaviorally and academically. The rooms are staffed by a certified teacher and a behavior
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2015-2017 PDE AEDY Application Template
For the majority of academic instruction, students are taught in a conventional classroom method for
the academic part of the day to allow the opportunity to teach students appropriate behavior in
traditional classroom settings. On-line remedial programs are utilized for remediation in mathematics
and reading.
Students are then exposed to technical labs where they can integrate academic concepts in a hands-on
environment. Students are taught pro-social skills through role-play and group discussion. All classes
provide grades for each student based on four categories: participation, homework, class work, and
IV. Program Counseling/Behavior Modification
Behavioral Assessments
Upon a recommendation by a sending school district to the CAEP, an intake meeting is scheduled.
Members include parents, student, home school teachers, home school administrators, CAEP
administrators, and the CAEP therapist. If a student has an IEP, the IEP team is included in the meeting.
If a student is receiving services from another agency (probation, WRAP, OP, Drug and Alcohol, those
representatives are also present. School progress is reviewed using a variety of sources: behavior
record, academic record, interviews with parents, student, teachers, and other appropriate school staff.
The CAEP therapist or home school will complete a BASC test prior to enrollment and during the
student's placement in the program. The CAEP team reviews expectations and goals for the student. If
it is determined by the team that the program goals align with the needs of the student, the CAEP team
outlines the goals of the program.
The student is scored on four main goals each day while attending the program. The goals are reviewed
at the end of each class period throughout a school day. Main Goals:
1) General School Expectations
2) Appropriate Interaction with Peers
3) Appropriate interaction with Staff
4) Develop and Utilize appropriate coping skills
Each main goal has five secondary goals; each goal is designed to help the student easily identify their
expectations to be successful with each main goal. The student is expected to meet each goal with a
90% success rate to be eligible for transition back to the regular school environment.
Counseling Hours
Type of Counseling
(check the following boxes)
Addictions Counseling (drug/alcohol/gambling, etc.)
Career/Post-Secondary Preparation
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2015-2017 PDE AEDY Application Template
Conflict Resolution (peer mediation, problem-solving, etc.)
Self-Control/Self Concept (anger management, decision making, etc.)
Other: (enter this text) Trauma, grief and loss, suicide prevention, recovery from abuse
Counseling Staff
Contractor Name
Melissa Prindle
Sarah A. Reed Children's Center
Andrea Logan
Sarah A. Reed Children's Center
MA Community
MS Community
Counseling, NCC
V. Program Formal Periodic Review
Review Period
Review Documentation
The periodic reviews are documented on student's Academic/Behavior Report as well as the student's
chart. In addition, the team will review the criteria for a successful transition back to the student's
sending school that was developed at intake, which included individual behavior and academic goals
that will also be reviewed each mid-term and quarter. These individual academic and behavior goals are
documented on each student’s Academic/Behavior Report and reviews are documented along with the
entire report, as well as recommendations for a successful transition by the team. Recommendations
1) Continue within the Alt Ed program without modifications
2) Continue within the Alt Ed program with modifications
3) Transfer student to another program
4) Transfer student back to sending school
For students with disabilities, the process is also documented within the IEP by the sending district.
Review Assessments
Data is based on an academic/behavior report. This is a cumulative report that provides information on
the student’s progress while attending the program. PSSA scores are included along with verbal reports
from therapists and teachers working with the student.
Review Team
The review team members include sending school staff, parents, CAEP therapist/case manager and
Supervisor, and the student. IEP teams are present for students with special needs/disabilities.
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Career Alternative Education Program
2015-2017 PDE AEDY Application Template
See Next Page
When you have completed entering the information for the Middle School
program, add another program. See location in the application below—V.
Program Formal Periodic Review.
With the exception of these two items – Program Name and Program Capacity,
you can copy all of the information from the Middle School application to the
High School application.
V. Program Formal Periodic Review
Add another program
Program Information
Program Name:
Career Alternative Education Program -- High School
II. Program Design
Program Capacity:
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2015-2017 PDE AEDY Application Template
Projected Enrollment Chart
Program Name
Consortium Members
Students Projected by LEA
Career Alternative Education Program--Middle School
Career Alternative Education Program--Middle School
Career Alternative Education Program--Middle School
Career Alternative Education Program--Middle School
Career Alternative Education Program--Middle School
Career Alternative Education Program--Middle School
Career Alternative Education Program--Middle School
Career Alternative Education Program--Middle School
Career Alternative Education Program--Middle School
Career Alternative Education Program--Middle School
Fairview School District
Fort LeBoeuf School District
General McLane School District
Girard School District
Iroquois School District
Millcreek Township School District
North East School District
Northwestern School District
Union City Area School District
Wattsburg Area School District
Career Alternative Education Program--High School
Career Alternative Education Program--High School
Career Alternative Education Program--High School
Career Alternative Education Program--High School
Career Alternative Education Program--High School
Career Alternative Education Program--High School
Career Alternative Education Program--High School
Career Alternative Education Program--High School
Career Alternative Education Program--High School
Career Alternative Education Program--High School
Fairview School District
Fort LeBoeuf School District
General McLane School District
Girard School District
Iroquois School District
Millcreek Township School District
North East School District
Northwestern School District
Union City Area School District
Wattsburg Area School District
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