Unit #1: Choose Wellness Guided Notes Packet Concept #1: Wellness and Food Choices Learning Targets: Identify four aspects of wellness. Describe influences on your food choices. Explain how appetite, hunger, and flavor affect wellness. Demonstrate how to make decisions and reach goals for wellness. Wellness is Your Life! Wellness: o Wellness involves all aspects of your health including: o o o o A Healthful Lifestyle is the Key to Good Health: Lifestyle: o For a o o o healthful lifestyle: Get regular ________________ activity. Find effective ways to manage _____________. Use good nutrition as a key to wellness. Nutrition: Good Physical Health: When your body is working the way it should, you are in good physical health: o Take action for your physical health. o Eat enough _______________ foods. o Eat _________________ daily. o Choose ___________ and ___________ wisely. o Maintain a healthy _____________. o Drink enough ______________. o Include physical activity in your life. o Sleep at least _____ hours daily. o Follow good ________________ habits. o Wear your ___________________. o Get regular ________________ and ________________ checkups. o Avoid ____________, ______________ beverages, and harmful _______. o Stay informed about _________________ and ________________. Mental and Emotional Health: How you deal with daily life and how you feel about yourself reflect your mental and emotional health. People with good mental and emotional health have a _______________ attitude. How to Deal with Stress: o Stress: o Positive Stress Management Guidelines: Maintain good __________________ health. Balance ______________ and _____________ responsibilities. Take time every day for ___________ and _________. Accept that your cannot control every situation Admit your _______________. Be an _______________. Keep a sense of _________________. Discuss things that worry you with someone you trust. Set ___________ and ________________ and make positive decisions. Social Health: Social Health involves your ____________________. When you are socially healthy, you can: o Praise others, and accept and appreciate their _________________. o Enjoy friends of both genders ________________. o Be _______________ and ___________________. o Accept rules and be _____________________. o Handle conflict in constructive ways. o Communicate well. o Handle peer pressure in ways that respect your values. Why You Eat What You Eat: Factors that influence your food preferences, food choices, and eating habits include: o Culture: o o o Make Time for Family Meals: Dining together can promote _______________ feelings about healthful eating. Tips for making the most of meal times: o o o o Enjoying Food for Wellness: Appetite, hunger, and the sensory qualities of food affect your desire and need to eat. o Hunger: o Appetite: o Sensing Foods Flavor: Flavor: Papillae: Steps to Wellness: To eat smart and live a healthful lifestyle, set goals, make responsible decisions, and follow a careful action plan that matches your needs and lifestyle. o To reach your wellness goals, follow a decision-making process using these 7 steps: o Action Plan: Action Plan: Action Steps for Wellness: o o o o o o o o Concept #2: Physical Fitness and Active Living Learning Targets: Describe how physical activity promotes fitness. Identify the benefits of active living. Discuss your plan for making physical activity part of your daily life. Explain how to check the progress of your plan for active living. What is Physical Fitness: Physical Fitness: o Components of Physical Fitness: o Muscular Strength and Endurance: Strength: Endurance: o Cardiorespiratory Endurance: Aerobic Activity: o Flexibility: o Coordination and Balance o Body Composition Benefits of Active Living: Look Your Best and Control Weight: o Calorie: Move with Ease, Speed, and Balance Stay Healthy Think Positively and Manage Stress Get Physically Fit: Barriers: o o o o o Choices for Physical Activity: o o o o o o Guidelines to Start Your fitness plan safely: o o o Play it Safe: Warm Up, Know Your Limits, and Cool Down o Intensity: Wear and Use the Proper Gear Fuel Up and Drink Water: o Dehydration: Maintain Physical Fitness: Guidelines to track your progress toward your fitness goals: o o o o Bibliography: Duyff, R.L. (2010). “Food, nutrition, and wellness.” Glencoe McGraw-Hill; New York.