Languages eligibility enrolment form

Languages Eligibility Enrolment Form
All students who wish to study a language other than English at College need to complete this form. It needs to be handed in to the student’s approved
college when choosing their classes for year 11.
Each college will use the information from this form to determine the level of course a student is eligible for.
Placement into a Languages course is to be reviewed during term 1, year 11, by the class teacher. If the Languages teacher is concerned that a student
is incorrectly placed a review process will occur. This review will involve the teacher, the executive teacher, the student and, if necessary, a
representative of the Officer of the Board of Senior Secondary Studies and will be documented.
If a student is concerned about their placement they can also request the review, as outlined above, during term 1, year 11.
The guidelines for the decision are written below and presented in a table form. These guidelines allow for teacher judgment based on a student’s
history and the need to take into account the many variables in the student’s background. These eligibility forms must be kept at the college to allow
for any review or discussions that may occur during Year 11 and 12.
Description of who belongs in which course
BSSS Board definitions
Beginning course- is intended for students who have no previous knowledge of the language
Intermediate course -is comprised of the two final units of a Beginning Course and the first two units of a Continuing course
Continuing course is intended for students who have completed two or more years study of the language at high school
Advanced Course is intended for students who have considerably more exposure to the target language than the average high school student.
The guidelines for this decision are as follows:
The Advanced course is for international students with substantial linguistic and cultural background. It is also for students with significant exposure to
the language, spoken and written. (see table)
The Continuing course is for students who have studied the language in years 9 and 10 as well as in junior secondary or primary school. It is also for
native speakers or students whose parents are native speakers but have no formal education in the language.
The decision between Continuing and Advanced placement is dependent on the overseas schooling and the language spoken at home.
The decision between Beginning and Continuing is dependent on the study at high school and primary school.
Study in high school
 Less than or equal to 1 year of study
 2,3 or 4 years
All years
 more than 80 hours
Less than 80 hours in years 9 & 10
 must include Years 9 and 10
Study in primary school
None or some
None or some
Most years
Overseas schooling
None or only delivered in English
Less than 2 years in high school
More than 2 years in high school
where the language is the medium of
Students who are native speakers or whose
parents are native speakers, or who use a
dialect but have no formal education in the
Students who are native speakers and
have some formal education in the
Languages spoken at home
What Language doe you intend to study at college?
Part A: Student Details (To be completed by student)
Mr / Ms / Miss / Mrs
Family name/surname (please print)
Given names (please print)
Country of birth
Telephone number during term (after hours):
If born outside Australia, month and year of arrival in Australia
Part B: Background Information (To be completed by student and/or parent)
Are you intending to enrol in ESL in college? YES/NO
Schooling Background:
Beginning with Year 10, complete the details of each year down to the beginning of primary school
Name of school you
Country in which you
attended school
Major language(s) used
by teachers in classes
such as Mathematics,
Social Studies etc
Language(s) studied
not including English
hours per
week in LOTE
Number of
terms studied
in that year
(1, 2, 3, or 4)
Prior In-Country Experience
Have you had an extended stay, for whatever purpose, in a country where the proposed language of study is a language of communication?
(please circle) YES / NO
If YES, please give details below.
Country visited
Calendar year(s)
Duration (weeks, months, years)
Purpose of in-country experience
Part C: Languages used at home
List the language(s) you use in your home/leisure time, beginning with the one you use most frequently. If you use English either as your first,
second or third language, include English in your ranking - for example, if you use English most, write it in the first column.
If a dialect or variation of the language is used, rather than the standard language, name the dialect or variation.
Do not name more than one language in a space.
Most used
1. Which language(s) do your parents or guardian(s) speak at home with
each other?
2. Which language(s) do your parents or guardian(s) speak at home with
3. Which language(s) do you speak at home with your parents or
4. Which language(s) do you speak at home with your siblings?
5. Which language(s) can you read for purposes other than
schoolwork/homework? (Do not include languages you have learned only in
an Australian classroom.)
6. Which language(s) can you write for purposes other than
schoolwork/homework? (Do not include languages you have learned only in
an Australian classroom.)
Other relevant comments:
Please attach any other relevant information to this form.
Second most used
Third most used
Part D Student and Parents declaration
Student Declaration:
I declare that, to the best of my knowledge, all the information I have given on this form (with any attachments) is correct.
Parents declaration:
I declare that, to the best of my knowledge, all the information given on this form(with any attachments) is correct.