LOGICAL FRAMEWORK FOR MONITORING AND EVALUATION OF MOMA’S FARM PROJECT GOAL(S) OBJECTIVES ACTIVITIES TARGET KPIs To popularize the optimized use of animal traction among smallholder farmers, with emphasis on female farmers 1. Educate participating smallholder women farmers on animal traction 1.1 Meeting and establishing linkages with village Women in Agriculture (WIA) 1.Establishing contact with WIA leadership in the 3 pilot states 1.No. of states in which contact was established 2.Memorandum of understanding between the two bodies 3.Orientation on aim of program 2.No. of states in which MoU was established (signed?) 3. No. of states in which orientation was conducted 4.Number of WIA Moma’s Farm Teams formed 1.No. of pairs of workbulls handed over to participants 4.Forming the WIA Moma’s farm Team 1.2 Supply of trained Work bulls and implements 1.3 Farmer-field 1. To procure and hand over to participants, a pair of trained work bulls per village 2. To procure and hand over to participants, a set of animal-drawn farm implements per village To counsel 2.No. of sets of implements handed over to participants No. of groups OUTPUT/ ACHIEVEMENT 1. Contact established with WIA leadership in 3 states. TIME FRAME 23 April, 2014 MoU established in all the 3 states 23 April, 2014 Orientation conducted in all 3 states 23 April, 2014 A team is formed in all the 3 pilot sites 24 April, 2014 A total of 6 work bulls (a pair per pilot site) were handed over to the participants ??? 22-26 April, 2014 3 groups of 25 5 – 19 May, ??? (EXPECTED) OUTCOME 1.Reduced drudgery among women farmers; 2.Improved productivity; 3.Enhanced rural livelihood Schools on animal draught traction participating groups on the possibility of women successfully using animal traction. To train 75 farmers (at least 3/5 women) on work bull selection and management To train 75 farmers (at least 3/5 women) on coupling draught animals To train 75 farmers (at least 3/5 women) on maize agronomic practices To train 75 farmers (at least 3/5 women) on maize pests and diseases management 1.4 On-farm demonstration of To conduct hands-on training of 75 smallholder farmers counselled farmers each were counselled 2014 Number of smallholder women farmers trained on wokbull selection and management Number of smallholder women farmers trained on coupling draught animals Number of smallholder women farmers trained on maize agronomic practices Number of smallholder women farmers trained on maize pests and diseases management Number of smallholder farmers trained 75 farmers (at 5 – 19 May, least 2/3 women) 2014 trained on wokbull selection and management 75 farmers (at least 2/3 women) trained on coupling draught animals 5 – 19 May, 2014 75 farmers (at least 2/3 women) trained on maize agronomic practices 5 – 19 May, 2014 75 farmers (at least 2/3 women) trained on maize pests and diseases management 5 – 19 May, 2014 75 farmers trained (25 per pilot site) 5 – 19 May, 2014 2. Promote and create awareness on the possibility of the use of animal traction among smallholder women farmers 3.Formation and coordination of Animal Traction Network Nigeria (ANTRANN) usage of workbulls in farm activities (ploughing, harrowing, ridging, planting) 2.1 Establishment and maintenance of online presence of MFP on social network platforms (at least 3/5 women) on usage of workbulls in farm activities To establish and maintain online presence of MFP on 5 social network platforms Number of social network platforms with MFP presence 2.2 Update MFP online pages with events carried out at the project sites 2.3 MFP Quiz Competition To keep all the 4 online pages/sites functional and up-todate To conduct weekly quizzes on MFP facebook page 2.4 Airing of TV programmes on animal traction To broadcast programmes showcasing women farmers effectively using draught animal traction on their farmlands *** No. of online pages/sites kept functional and up-to-date Consistency of posting of weekly question on MFP facebook page Number of programmes aired on TV *** *** Four (4) online pages/sites (Google+, facebook, Youtube, twitter and website) were created All the 4 online pages/sites kept functional and upto-date Posting of weekly quiz questions is consistent *** *** Continuous Continuous Note: *** = to be conducted in subsequent stage of the project.