Weekly Word Wall Practice Week at be this have from Monday Tuesday Daily Behavior Code: Pink: super student Purple: great job Blue: good choices Green: everyone starts here each day Wednesday Yellow: think about it (warning) Orange: teachers choice (bounce to a buddy room then reflection) Red: parent contact (could lead to office referral) Sept 29 Do your word wall sheet every Monday!!! *Write spelling words 3 times each. Reading should be done for 10 minutes every night! Behavior__________________ Thursday Friday SEE MATH ON THE BACK Please initial every night Also, please see attached math calendar Sept 30 Oct 1 2 . Pick a spelling activity: -write a story with spelling word in it -write your spelling word then write a rhyming word for it -pyramid writing, -ABC order. *Write the spelling words with crayons red for consonants and blue for vowels. 3 No homework on Fridays Behavior__________________ Behavior_______________ Behavior__________________ Week or one had by words 6 * Do your word wall sheet every Monday!!! 7 *Write the spelling words with crayons red for consonants and blue for vowels. *Write spelling words 3 times each Reading should be done for 10 minutes every night! 8 Behavior________________________ Behavior__________________ 9 Pick a spelling activity: -write a story with spelling word in it -write your spelling word then write a rhyming word for it -pyramid writing, -ABC order. 10 No homework on Fridays Behavior________________________ Behavior________________________ Behavior________________________ 13 Week but not what all were 14 *Write spelling words 3 times each. We When Your Can Said There Use An each which Write the spelling words with crayons red for consonants and blue for vowels. Do your word wall sheet every Monday!!! Reading should be done for 10 minutes every night! 16 Pick a spelling activity: -write a story with spelling word in it -write your spelling word then write a rhyming word for it -pyramid writing, -ABC order. 17 No homework on Fridays Behavior________________________ Behavior________________________ Week 15 Behavior________________________ Behavior________________________ 20 Behavior________________________ 21 *Write spelling words 3 times each. Do your word wall sheet every Monday!!! 22 Write the spelling words with crayons red for consonants and blue for vowels. Behavior________________________ Behavior________________________ Reading should be done for 10 minutes every night! 29 28 27 Reading should be done for 10 minutes every night! Pick a spelling activity: -write a story with spelling word in it -write your spelling word then write a rhyming word for it -pyramid writing, -ABC order. Behavior______________________ Behavior_____________________ No Homework on Fridays Behavior________________________ 30 Behavior______________________ Behavior______________________ 24 Behavior________________________ *Write spelling words 3 times each. Behavior________________________ Do your word wall sheet every Monday!!! Write the spelling words with crayons red for consonants and blue for vowels. 23 Pick a spelling activity: -write a story with spelling word in it -write your spelling word then write a rhyming word for it -pyramid writing, -ABC order. 31 No Homework on Fridays :) Behavior______________________ Writing about your book- You must read every night… Ways to read are to a parent reads to student, student reads to sibling, student reads to parent. Don’t forget to ask questions about the story as you’re reading! Choose a sentence starter from the list below. Draw a picture to illustrate your picture about your book. *The beginning of the story was about … * The author wrote this story to entertain you, persuade, or to inform you about the book. *The end of the story was about … *My favorite part of the story was…. Because… *A character in the story was… *The story was about…..