CARBON CYCLE NOTES 6 What is Carbon? (Description and quick facts) C - Carbon is an element - Carbon is found in anything that is alive or once alive - Living things use carbon for ENERGY! 12.01 THE JOURNEY OF CARBON My beautiful picture showing carbon as it cycles Releasing CO2 through burning ATMOSPHERE Long Cycle Respiration Photosynthesis Short Cycle BURNING FOSSIL FUELS Extracting fossil fuels from the Earth Eating ANIMALS FORMATION OF FOSSIL FUELS PLANTS FROM ATMOSPHERE TO PLANTS - Carbon is part of Carbon Dioxide (CO2) when in the atmosphere - Carbon is “breathed” in by plants as part of photosynthesis - Once inside a plant carbon is ripped from CO2 and used to make carbohydrates (sugars) CARBON BONDS STORE ENERGY! Draw an illustration of the Photosynthesis process Photo – Greek word for light Syntithenai – Greek word meaning “to put together” Nutrien ts FROM PLANTS TO ANIMALS There are only two ways for animals to get carbon… Option 1 Option 2 By eating other animals (which ate plants) By eating plants the carbon is traced back to plants * Either way ____________________________________________ FROM ANIMALS TO THE ATMOSPHERE Respiration: basically breathing, oxygen in, CO2 out (although there is a whole lot more going on inside, that will be a topic for chemistry) Sugar Oxygen Energy CO2 Water FROM DEAD STUFF TO FOSSIL FUELS dead plants and animals (mostly dead plants) - Fossil fuels form from ________________________________ - In order for fossil fuels to form you need the right amount of: ◦ Temperature ◦ Pressure ◦ Time FROM FOSSIL FUELS TO THE ATMOSPHERE It takes years for fossil fuels to form but only hours to be used up. When fossil fuels are burned they release CO2 into the atmosphere. WHAT IS THE CARBON CYCLE LIKE IN THE OCEAN? Basically it is the same as on land. A lot of CO2 is absorbed into the ocean from the atmosphere. Ocean producers use it for photosynthesis. In fact most of the oxygen surrounding the Earth is released by ocean plants! THE GREENHOUSE EFFECT Sun Greenhouse gases are… Gases in the atmosphere that trap heat Sunlight Eart h Atmosphere Without greenhouse gases… Earth would freeze!