The Doctors - Harwood Close Surgery

Harwood Close Surgery
The Surgery, Harwood Close, Skegby Road, Sutton-in-Ashfield,
Notts. NG17 4PD.
Tel: 01623 551015
Our Aim is to treat patients with dignity, kindness, courtesy, compassion,
respect, understanding and honesty.
Practice Information
This booklet is to introduce you to our practice and the services
we provide. Our General Practitioners and Clinicians continue
to provide high quality primary care treatment within the
community and offer a wide range of services and clinics.
The Doctors
Dr. D. Chakraborty, MBBS, DRCOG, MRCGP
Dr. V. S. Chilamkurthi, MBBS, MRCGP, DFFP, MRCOG, DGO
Practice Manager
Louise New looks after the day to day management of the
surgery. She is more than happy to discuss any non-medical
problems you may have and listen to your suggestions on how
to improve our surgery.
Mandy Abbott, Nurse Practitioner
Mandy has diagnostic and treatment skills and can issue
prescriptions and sickness certificates.
Marie Rowson, Practice Nurse
Marie provides care for patients with chronic conditions such as
asthma, diabetes, chronic heart disease, COPD and
hypertension. She also provides a family planning service,
advice on travel and much more.
Jenny Guthrie, Health Care Assistant
Jenny is our health care assistant and phlebotomist. She can
take blood, check blood pressure, ECG’s, carry out new patient
checks, test urine and change simple dressings.
Additional Phlebotomist Team:
Nicola Moore & Ann Bryan
Surgery Hours
Monday 8:30am – 8:30pm (extended hours)
Tuesday to Friday – 8:00am – 6:30pm
Appointments taken from 8:30am – 6:30pm
Phlebotomy Clinic
INR Bloods: Monday to Thursday – 8:20am – 10:30am
Bloods: Monday to Friday – 8:20am – 12:00am
Baby Clinic:
1st and 3rd Thursday of every month – 9:00am – 11:00am
Wednesday – 9:00am – 1:00pm
Consulting Hours:
Morning session – 8:30am – 11:30am
Afternoon session – 3:30pm – 6:30pm
Out of hours emergency service:
If you need a doctor in an emergency, between the hours of
6:30pm -8:00am, please call the surgery line (01623 551015).
You will be connected to the emergency out of hour’s number,
who will advise accordingly.
Pharmacy First
If unable to see Doctor, minor prescriptions can be used via
participating pharmacies.
The surgery operates a same day appointment system. Calling
from 8:30am will give you a better chance at getting the
appointment that suits you better. Pre-bookable appointments
are also available. If you are unable to attend an appointment
you have booked, please cancel as soon as you can. If
appointments are repeatedly not attended, the surgery has an
active policy to consider removing you from our list.
Home Visits
This service is for house-bound patients. Home visits need to
be arranged before 10:30am. Visits will be carried out between
12:00 noon – 3:00pm. Transport problems are not a reason to
request a home visit. Coming in to the surgery would be a big
help as we have all the equipment we need. However, no
patient in definite need of a home visit will be refused.
Telephone Consultations
Some problems can be sorted out over the phone. If you wish
to speak to a doctor or nurse, please telephone the surgery,
where the receptionist will take down a few details and the
message will be passed on. The doctor or nurse will then give
you a call back, normally before or after surgery. However, if it
is an emergency, the doctor would be more than happy to take
your call earlier.
Repeat Prescriptions
Repeat prescriptions can be ordered over the telephone
between 12:30pm – 3:00pm daily on 01623 551332. Requests
can also be made by post, fax (01623 443339), or you drop
your request in the collection box at the surgery. 48 hours’
notice is required when ordering a repeat prescription. You can
also order online, just ask the receptionist for more details.
Local chemist’s offer an ordering/collecting and delivery service
as well, for this you are asked to provide a week’s notice for
this service.
Test Results
The patient is required to contact the surgery themselves within
4 days of having the test taken. Only the patient themselves
can receive the results, results will not be given to anybody else
other than the patient, (patient confidentiality).
District Nurse
The District Nurse will carry out treatments in the home of the
patient in they are too ill or immobile to attend surgery. Please
ask the receptionist for more information.
Suggestions, Comments and Complaints
Please feel free to make any or suggestions or complaints by
completing the form at reception then placing it in the
suggestion box. If you would like to make a complaint, please
see the Practice Manager, who will deal with the complaint
correctly and effectively.
Choose and Book
If you need to be referred for hospital treatment, you will often
now be offered a choice between clinics at different local
hospitals. Hospital appointment bookings can be made whilst
you are still in the surgery or you can call back to make
Patient Participation Group
We now have a Patient Participation Group. If you want to join
the group or require more information, please contact Lesley
Crichton on 01623 551015.
Disabled Access
We are currently bringing all our disabled facilities up to DDA
Standards. Work is to be completed June 2013.
If you are a carer to someone who is a patient at this surgery,
we would appreciate it if you could complete a form with your
contact details for our files.
Medical Students
The surgery has been selected for the training of 1st/2nd year
medical students from the University of Nottingham. From time
to time, they may be with Dr Chakraborty as part of their
training. Anything they observe is treated as confidential.
However, if you would not like the student present when you
see the GP, please inform the receptionist on your arrival.
Zero Tolerance
Anyone attending the surgery who abuses the GPs, staff or
other patients be it verbally or physically, will risk removal from
the practice list. Police may also be called in extreme cases.
Self treatment of common illnesses and accidents
Many illnesses can be treated at home without the need to see
a Doctor.
These are caused by a viral infection. There is no known cure
so the only way to help get rid of a cold is to drink plenty of
water and if you have a headache or are feverish, take some
paracetamol. Antibiotics do not work against colds.
Apply large quantities of cold water to the affected area as soon
as possible and maintain this until the pain subsides. If the skin
is unbroken but blistered, apply a loose, dry dressing. However,
if the burn is larger than four or five inches in diameter or the
skin is broken, consult your doctor as soon as possible.
Apply a cold compress, containing ice if possible, for 15 to 30
minutes to reduce the swelling. Apply a crepe bandage firmly
and give the sprain plenty of rest until all discomfort has
Minor Cuts and Grazes
Wash the wound thoroughly with water and a little soap. To
stop bleeding apply a clean dressing firmly to the wound for
about 5 minutes. Cover with a clean dry dressing.
Apply large quantities of cold water to the affected area and
maintain this until the pain subsides. Calamine Lotion or After
Sun will relieve the irritation whilst paracetamol will also help.
Insect Bites and Stings
Antihistamine tablets can be obtained from the chemist without
prescription and will usually relieve most symptoms. If you have
been stung by a bee, please scrape away the sting rather than
plucking it, as this will avoid squeezing the contents of the
venom sac into the wound.
Head Lice
Head lice prefer clean hair and therefore are not a sign of poor
personal hygiene. Unfortunately, most head lice are now
resistant to the medicated shampoos previously used. The best
way to treat head lice is to rely on wet combing of the hair using
fine toothed combs, which are available from pharmacies.
Chicken Pox
On the first day, the rash appears in small red patches. Within a
few hours of these developing, small blisters appear in the
centre of these patches. During the next three or four days,
further patches will appear and the earlier ones will turn ‘crusty’
and fall off. Calamine Lotion can be applied as this will soothe
the itching. Cool baths may also help. Children can return to
school as soon as the last ‘crusts’ have dropped off. Pregnant
ladies who haven’t had Chicken Pox before will need a
protective injection.
German Measles (Rubella)
The rash appears during the first day and usually covers the
body, arms and legs in small pink patches. They do not itch.
This is infectious for two days before the rash appears, until the
rash disappears about five days from that date. It is only
dangerous to unborn babies, so stay out of contact with
pregnant ladies.
Symptoms are swelling of the glans in front of one ear often
followed, after a couple of days, by swelling in front of the other
ear. It is infectious from two or three days before the swelling
appears until ten days after that date. If the pain is severe, you
should consult your doctor.
The Family Medicine Chest
Here is a list of useful medicines and dressings which you may
need for minor illnesses. They are relatively cheap and are
handy to have.
Soluble Aspirin Tablets – For adults and older children.
Good for headaches, colds, sore throats and painful bruises.
Shouldn’t be given to children under 16.
Paracetamol Mixture –
For relief of pain or fever in young children.
Sedative Cough Linctus For dry or painful coughs, but not coughs caused by common
Menthol Crystals Add to hot water to make steam inhalations for treating catarrh
and dry or painful coughs.
Vapour rub Add to hot water to make steam inhalations. Useful for children
with stuffy noses or dry coughs. Rub on chest and nose.
Antiseptic Solution One teaspoon diluted in warm water for cleaning cuts and
Antiseptic Cream For treating septic spots, sores in the nose or grazes.
Calamine Lotion For dabbing on insect bites, stings and sunburn.
Antihistamine For treating insectseptic spots, sores in the nose and grazes.
Also for treating insect bites and minor allergies.
Dressing strips For minor cuts.
3” Wide Crepe Bandage To keep dressings in places. To support sprained or bruised
Thermometer (not mercury) For fevers
Tweezers For removing splinters.
Useful Contact Numbers
Alcoholics Anonymous
Direct Access (Drug & Alcohol)
Disability Living
Family Planning
Health Authority
Kings Mill Hospital
Ashfield Community Hospital
Mansfield Community Hospital
New Leaf
NHS Direct
Queens Medical Centre
Nottingham City Hospital
Social Services
Victim Support (Domestic Violence)
Millbrook Mental Health Reception
0115 9417100
01623 620121
0171 4131825
0115 9420391
01623 557136
0115 9123344
01623 622515
01623 784701
01623 785050
0800 389 7712
0115 9249924
0115 9691169
01623 422224
01623 405300
01623 491492
01623 784783
Is it an emergency?
• Chest pain lasting for more than 15 minutes?
• Loss of consciousness?
• Heavy bleeding?
• Breathing difficulties?
• Deep wound?
• Poisoning, overdose or accidentally swallowing
something harmful?