BSc Physiological Sciences (Hons) Design of Artificial Languages to Study Syntax in Language and its Evolutionary Origins Matthew Collison1,*, Chris Petkov1 1 Institute of Neuroscience, Henry Wellcome Building, Newcastle University, NE2 4HH UK. Submitted 20th March 2009 ABSTRACT In this study I designed and implemented a paradigm that can be used to study how human and primate species perceive linguistic structure from artificial languages. Furthermore, we used the artificial languages to evaluate how the comparison of tonal and nonsense words, as separate sensory channels, affect the perception of structure in language. Here we looked at ‘how’ subjects were learning to discriminate the rules in artificial languages, whether it’s by statistics or global rule-based patterns. I gathered behavioral data on the ability of subjects to discriminate specific grammatical and ungrammatical structures, showing that human adults were able to learn both local structures and rule-based structures from tone languages. Furthermore I showed that there are two discrete mechanisms for discriminating different levels of structure, one identified as being reliant on the statistical processing for local structures and the other reliant on picking up the rules-based associations of the artificial language. Finally we link this functional processing difference to evolutionary events which have lead to the current model of structural language perception and propose an optimised tone structure paradigm for future comparative fMRI studies in humans and monkeys to localize the processing functions across the species and determine the evolutionary conservation of these capabilities. Key Words: Language evolution, syntax, local structure, rule-based structure, transitional probabilities 1 INTRODUCTION Through evolution humans have developed an advanced communication system. This project investigates how the homo Saipan species differentiate from their primate ancestors and particularly what neural systems formed the foundation of our advanced language capability? I designed a series of artificial tone and non-sense word languages based on the Saffran and Hauser ’08 (1)grammatical structure, although using an improved more versatile testing procedure. By using artificial languages as opposed to natural language allowed me to closely control structural aspects of the language which meant I was able to determine what cues to include or exclude (words or tones and structural complexity) as a means of influencing how subjects learn to discriminate structures. Furthermore * © Oxford University Press 2005 being aware of the transferability of these studies to be used in both humans and monkeys will allow me to develop ideal stimuli to isolate mechanisms across species and identify the unique components of the evolutionary advancement. The main goals of my project: 1) design structurally identical tone and word languages in which human subjects can identify structure in both 2) design a paradigm that is shown to behaviourally isolate structural processes for discriminating statistical against rule-based structures 3) find a solution the functional processes involved in perceiving statistics and rule-based structures 4) develop a tonal paradigm that can be used in future comparative fMRI studies across humans and monkeys that is optimised to isolate specific processes involved in structural perception. Recently there has been a lot of detailed literature released on the three main fundamental processing functions involved in human language perception(7-9). I have designed the artificial languages with parameters so I can isolate each fundamental component and compare them to one another to determine their position in a possible integrated system within language perception and processing. Firstly, recognition of phonetic acoustical cues is a crucial aspect to identifying the diverse auditory signals which make up the sub units of language(9). This is thought to be sub served by auditory cortex(10) and localized in areas around the superior temporal sulcus (11), which are capable of identifying complex acoustics involving speaker identification and speaker vocalization(11). In humans, this ability is inherent as an uncommitted neural network susceptible to a wide range of diverse phonetic inputs, until around 9 months when the individual will undergo a neural commitment to a particular native phonetic language, which advances their ability to further differentiate intricate phonology of that particular language(9). Monkeys also have a well established acoustic identification ‘voice’ region in the superior temporal lobe(6), although it has not reached the same level of development as the human system. This may justify their inability to perceive and produce such complex intricate sound patterns. Although in non-human primate studies of structural processing in language it is still common place to use human phonology as sub units of structure(1, 12). Here I investigate the input of tones as opposed to words, an intermediate that would remove the bias for human performance in structural experiments and give monkeys a better chance of understanding the structure. Furthermore it has been demonstrated that both hu- 1 M. Collison et al. Figure1. Shows a collection of imaging studies that identify the different functional areas for language perception across A) human brain(2-5) and B) macaque monkey brain, adapted from Petkov ’08. (2, 6) mans and monkeys have an ability to learn links between simple phonetic identities and differentiated sounds tailored to a particular task(13). Statistical learning of conjoining phonetics gives the human language its first level of complexity and an exponential level of diversity. Through reinforcement, humans learn the probabilities that discrete phonetic identities will follow one another to form recognizable words or syllables, transitional probabilities (TPs). By identifying low transitional probabilities it has been shown that infants are capable of learning word boundaries, and therefore segregating continuous speech into learnable phonetic sub units(8, 14). In human adults, this statistical ability has been neurally localized to the inferior frontal cortex(2, 15), with increased activation during active learning of tri-tone word languages. Recently both human and cotton-top tamarin monkeys and humans have been shown to discriminate local transitions in linguistic structures representing finite state grammar (FSG)(1, 12). Discriminating violations in structures by local transitions involves learning probability links between words of a structure. This process has been passed off as transitional probabilities before but later in this study we will test effect of lower level transitional probabilities as a supporting mechanism for local transitions as a grouped TP mechanism. The human language faculty is a complex function of structural processing, spanning many levels of complexity(16-18). Bound in recursive rule based hierarchical structures language incorporates interplay of phonetic and semantic word associations to achieve an infinite capacity of expressive power, syntax(19, 20). The rulebased associative function of language can be modelled in its simplest form as phrase state grammar (PSG)(3, 12). This structural function is thought to be served by an elaborate network in a higher order processing region of the frontal brain possibly incorporat2 ing Broca’s area(3, 4, 7). Also this function of language is thought to be evolutionarily unique to the human species as studies have shown that monkeys are oblivious to this structural aspect (1, 12)whereas human infants and adults have shown a significant ability to discriminate phrase structure grammar (PSG)(1, 3). We have identified this aspect in the artificial languages by adding multiple exemplars to each subclass within structures therefore reducing the recognisable local transitions promoting learning of rule-based structure. Recent literature has shown humans interpreting statistical and rule-based language structure(3, 19). Also studies have shown cotton-top tamarin monkeys can learn statistical language structures but not rule-based language structures(1). Although these studies are confounded because they use human vocalization which the monkeys cannot easily distinguish due to their alternative voice region. I have consolidated the main localization studies, figure 1, corresponding to functional areas in language processing for humans and monkeys. In this study I aim to design a paradigm that can be used to isolate these functional areas through fMRI and make an unbiased direct comparison between humans and monkeys processing ability. By using the Saffran and Hauser ’08 structure I include recursive and optional elements(1). I can represent finite state grammar (FSG) using single exemplars in the structural subclasses, as this allows local transitions to be easily computed. To represent phrase state grammar (PSG) I used multiple exemplars per structural subclass, giving a wide range of variation. In this study I used human adults, as I require well established phonetic and structural processing networks, also educated responses during the testing procedure when attention and multisensory input have been controlled assuming the subject maintains concentration. Design of Artificial Languages to Study Syntax in Language and its Evolutionary Origins 2 METHODS Method for Experiment 1: Artificial Word Language 2. 3. 6 specific predictive and less precise language sentence structures were designated for exposure during training. 4 specific sentence structures were designated for testing, these were grammatical for all languages. 4 ungrammatical testing sentences were also chosen from preliminary data for testing. We included a 100 millisecond break between words within each sentence and a 1 second pause between sentences shown during the training programme. In this experiment we expose subjects to local structural (FSG) non-sense word languages. We are testing to see if the subjects can learn precise structure over less precise structure. This will show whether human adults can discriminate local phonetic based structure as shown in Saffran and Hauser ’08 after we have controlled for weaknesses in their paradigm. Participants Six healthy undergraduate participants (aged 20-23) were divided into three groups. Group1a was assigned to learn precise FSG nonsense word language 1, group1b were assigned to learn precise FSG non-sense word language2 and group 2 were assigned to learn the less precise FSG non-sense word language. All participants were right handed, had normal hearing and no history of neurological disease. Written consent was given prior to every experiment by each participant. Table 1 A table to show the sentence structures during training and testing. Training Predictive ADCGFC ACGFCG ADCFC ACFCG ACFC ADCF Non-predictive ACGFCG ADCGFC DCGFG DCFCG AGFC ADGF Material 5 non-sense words (from Saffran & Hauser ’08)(1), lasting 500ms were classified, table 1. Each word was randomly assigned to a word subclass. Language 1 was randomly assigned different words to language 2, to later control for biases towards either language. These subclasses formed the basis to the precise and non precise grammatical rule structured sentences. The sentences were formed from the structures, figure 1& figure 3, and therefore followed three grammatical rules, figure 2 & figure4. Figure 3 Rules of precise grammatical sentences; 1. 2. 3. The basic structure must include A –C – F – Subclass D must follow subclass A. Subclass G must follow subclass C. Figure 4.Structure of less precise grammatical sentences, adapted from Saffran and Hauser ’08 {Saffran, 2008}; S AP + BP + CP AP {(A) + ( D)} BP CP + F CP {(C) + (G)} * (X) letters in brackets are optional elements Testing Grammatical ADCFCG ACGFC ADCGF ACGF Ungrammatical ADGCFC ADFCG AGFCD AFCD Table 2 A table to show the subclass word allocations within the strucure used in language 1 Figure2. Structure of precise grammatical sentences, taken from Saffran and Hauser ’08; S AP + BP + (CP) AP A + (D) BP CP + F CP C + (G) * (X) letters in brackets are optional elements If subclasses A and D are present D must follow A. If subclasses C and G are present G must follow C. Word classes used in Language 1 Subclass words used A biff C cav D klor F dupp G jux Table 3 A table to show the subclass word allocations within the structure used in language 2 Word classes used in Language 2 Subclass words used A klor C hep D pell F biff G pilk Figure 5 Rules of the less precise grammatical structure; 1. Basic structure must include subclasses A or D – C or G – F – . 3 M. Collison et al. Participants were subjected to a familiarisation phase where they were played the structural language specific training programme in a sound attenuated room through headphones, whilst concentrating on a red dot in the centre of a computer screen. They were told they will hear a series of sentences of non-sense words that follow a simple grammatical structure and that they will be tested on identifying patterns from this structure later but not to over analyse the sentences. For 4 minutes 48 seconds subjects heard 12 randomized sets of the six training, language specific, grammatical sentences. Testing procedure Directly after the training programme subjects were given testing information, telling them they will hear a series of non-sense word sentences. Some of the sentences will be structured and others will violate from the structure. After hearing each sentence the subject had to make an educated decision as to whether the sentence was structured or unstructured by selecting c or m on the keyboard. During testing, in a sound attenuated room through headphones, we played 10 randomisations of the 4 novel grammatical and 4 novel ungrammatical sentences to the subjects. After hearing each stimulus the subject gave a response, if correct we recorded a ‘hit’, if the subject was incorrect a ‘miss’. We varied the associations of c and m to avoid tendencies towards particular hands. It was important the testing stimuli were novel to remove the familiarisation and memory confound, this forced the subject to make decisions based on rule based grammatical identity not memory or familiarisation to exact word sequences. Method for Experiment 2: Artificial Tone Language In this experiment we expose subjects to local structured tone languages. We are testing to see if subjects can learn the precise structure over the less precise structure. This will show whether human adults are capable of learning local structure as a function of tones compared to words shown in experiment 1. Participants Six healthy undergraduate participants (aged 20-23) were divided into three groups. Groups 1a was assigned to learn predictive FSG tonal language 1, group 1b were assigned to learn predictive FSG tonal language2 and group 2 were assigned to learn the nonpredictive FSG tonal language. All participants were right handed, had normal hearing and no history of neurological disease. Written consent was given prior to every experiment by each participant. Material 5 pure tones (musical notes of the 4th Octave), lasting 500ms were classified, table 1. Each tone was randomly assigned to a word subclass. Language 1 was randomly assigned different notes to language 2, to later control for biases towards either language. 4 As in experiment 1 the same structures were used apart from non-sense words were substituted for tones as shown in the subclasses allocations below, table 4 and table 5. Table 4 A table to show the tone allocations used in FSG language1 Word classes: tone Language 1 Subclass notes used in FSG A A# C E D D F C G F# Table 5. A table to show the tone allocations used in FSG language2 Word classes: tone Language 2 Subclass notes used in FSG A C C G D F F A# G B Training The same training procedure as experiment 1 was used, but the tonal sequences programme was substituted for non sense word language programme. Testing procedure The same test procedure as experiment 1 except we generated FSG tone sequence structure programmes. Experiment 3: Complex Grammatical Structure (Phrase-Structure Grammar) In this experiment we expose subjects to complex (PSG) structural non-sense word languages. We are testing to see if the subjects can learn to discriminate the complex structure better than chance level after exposure. This will show whether human adults can discriminate complex rule based structure as a function of phonetical words, as shown in Saffran and Hauser ’08(1). Design of Artificial Languages to Study Syntax in Language and its Evolutionary Origins Participants Two healthy undergraduate participants (aged 20-23) were assigned to learn the predictive phase state grammar (PSG) non-sense language. Both participants were right handed, had normal hearing and no history of neurological disease. Written consent was given prior to every experiment by each participant. Material 10 non-sense words (from Saffran & Hauser ’08 {Saffran, 2008 #23}), lasting 500ms were classified, table 6. Each word was randomly assigned to a word subclass. The same grammatical structure and rules from experiment one were used, but instead of single word exemplars for each subclass, we used 2 word exemplars per subclass, table 6. We then created training and testing programmes where each subclass exemplar was chosen at random for every individual sentence. Furthermore in the testing programme we used a wider range of ungrammatical sentences as the memorisation confound (due to the limited grammatical test sentences) was reduced to insignificance. There were 25 possible grammatical sentences from the 4 grammatical test structures therefore the Word classes used in Language 1 Subclass words used A A# G C E A D D F F C G# G F# B Word classes used in Language 1 Subclass words used A Biff hep C Cav lum D Klor pell F Dupp loke G Jux pilk possibility of repetition, and the likelihood of a subject memorising their previous response was reduced and we can test the range 12 ungrammatical structures. Table 6 A table to show the word allocations used in the PSG non-sense word language. Training The same procedure from experiment 1 except we used PSG nonsense word training programmes which were extended and played in four sessions. During each session of 2 minutes 56 seconds, subjects heard 8 randomisations of the six training grammatical structures with randomised exemplars. Testing procedure The same test procedure as experiment 1 except we generated PSG word testing programmes containing multiple exemplar randomisations and a wider range of ungrammatical structures. Experiment 4: PSG with a Tonal Language In this experiment we expose subjects to complex (PSG) structural tonal languages. We are testing to see if the subjects can show an ability above chance to learn the complex structure. This will show whether human adults can learn complex rule based structures as a function of tones as opposed to words shown in experiment 3. Participants Four healthy undergraduate participants (aged 20-23) were assigned to learn the predictive PSG tonal language. All participants were right handed, had normal hearing and no history of neurological disease. Written consent was given prior to every experiment by each participant. Material 10 pure tones (musical notes of the 4th Octave), lasting 500ms were classified, table 1. Each tone was randomly assigned to a word subclass. The same structure from experiment 3 except the subclass exemplars are represented by tones as allocated below. Table 7 A table to show the tone allocations used in the PSG tonal language. Training The same procedure from experiment 1 and the same exposure format as experiment 3 except we used multiple exemplar PSG tonal training programmes. Testing procedure The same test procedure as experiment 1 except we generated PSG tonal testing programmes containing multiple exemplar randomisations and wider range of ungrammatical structures. Pilot data: Before we started final testing we wanted to develop the study to suit our need and adapt for a few weaknesses we saw in the Saffran and Hauser ’08 study(1). 5 M. Collison et al. Firstly to develop the ideal paradigm we had to decide whether to give the subjects concurrent feedback during testing. We suspected it would either, aid the learning of the structure and increase concentration, or complicate the learning process by extending learning into the testing phase, causing confusion. We tested 8 subjects after exposure to local tonal structured languages, 4 subjects with feedback and 4 without feedback to see the overall effect, 2 of the subjects were ran both without feedback and then with feedback straight after to view a direct effect. could have easily been discriminating the ungrammatical sequences as novel. Furthermore this could have been worse in the monkeys as they were exposed for 2 hours the night before so it is likely they were relying on memory of exact sequences rather than the grammatical identity. To compensate for this we generated 10 stimuli from each FSG structure to allocate 6 structures to exposure and 4 structures to testing so that both the grammatical and ungrammatical testing sequences were novel and matched the exposure stimuli for length. Finally we decided to test a range of ungrammatical sequences with different characteristics to determine which would be best to incorporate into the study. After exposure to FSG tonal languages, we tested 6 subjects on 80 stimuli with the single variable forced choice test, 10 runs of 8 randomised stimuli, 4 grammatical and 4 (of 12, table 1) ungrammatical. Table 8 A table to show the range of 12 ungrammatical stimuli and their characteristics performance results. Figure 4. A Stimulus graph to Stimulus number show A)the ADGCFC 1 overall effect ADFCG 2 of feedback on ACGFD 3 participants AGCF 4 perforACDFGC 5 mance, % ACGDF 6 correct in a forced choice AGFCD 7 2 alternative AFCD 8 test (bar GCDFGA 9 chart) and B)the AFDGC 10 reduction in AFGCD 11 performance DAGC 12 in . individuals after giving feedback (line graph). rules violated 3 1 2 3 2,3 1,2 2,3 1,2 1,2,3 1,2,3 1,2,3 1,2,3 The results show conclusively (P=0.0692) that feedback is detrimental to performance and may complicate the study therefore we will not use feedback in subsequent experiments. No of rule vioNo of low lations TPs 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 4 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 5 3 4 3 4 rules 3 Stimulus 3 Stimulus 6 violated violations % correct 58% 58% 67% 82% 72% 83% 81% 96% 100% 83% 97% low100% TPs Length ADCFCG Gram1 0 0 0 6 ACGFC Gram 2 0 0 0 5 ADCGF Gram 3 0 0 0 5 ACGF On review of the Saffran and Hauser ’08 paper we noticed a serious familiarisation and memory confound; the testing structures were present in the exposure structures. Therefore the subjects number length 6 5 5 4 6 5 5 4 6 5 5 No of4 rule Gram 4 0 0 0 4 Ungram ADGCFC 1 3,1* 1 2 6 Ungram ADFCG 2 1 1 1 5 Ungram AGFCD 3 1,2,3 3 2 5 Ungram AFCD 4 1,2 2 2 4 Table 1. A table to show the characteristics of the initial selected grammatical and ungrammatical test structures. Design of Artificial Languages to Study Syntax in Language and its Evolutionary Origins sense word languages? After a short period of exposure to FSG structured precise nonsense word sentences, human adults showed an increased ability to discriminate between grammatical and ungrammatical structured sentences. Furthermore after a short period of exposure to finite state grammatically structured less precise non-sense word sentences, human adults showed no improvement above chance to discriminate between grammatical and ungrammatical sentence structures on the same test stimuli. Figure 5. A graph to show the stimulus specific performance on a range of ungrammatical structures with different characteristics The strong overall results suggested that the subjects grasped the experiment easily and allowed us to select specific ungrammatical stimuli for testing which are harder to discriminate (single and double rule violation sequences), but will reveal more about the basis to which they are differentiated as ungrammatical in further experiments. Initially we chose ungrammatical sequences 1,2,7 and 8, which had a good compromise in number of rule violations and number of low transitional probabilities as well as specific rule violations and specific low transitional probabilities (low TPs), which also matched the grammatical test sequences for length. This performance shows that the human adults learned the predictive FSG non-sense word based language structure, whereas they failed to learn the non predictive FSG non-sense word language structure. Therefore they are capable of learning to discriminate local structures as a function of phonetic words, which supports Saffran and Hauser ’08 findings. As a control, when creating the sentences from the initial precise grammatical structure, I randomised the word allocations to subclasses twice to create two languages with the same structure but different inter word associations. By showing performance across languages, group 1a and group 1b, there is no bias towards either language therefore I can assume that neither language has specific recognisable associations which mimic the grammatical structure or give any unanticipated clues to the structural identity. Experiment 2: Can human adults learn to discriminate local structure in tone languages? 3 RESULTS The Experiment 1; Can human adults learn to discriminate local structure in non- B) A) B) 90% 65% 85% Performance 60% 55% 50% 0.90 0.70 0.85 80% 0.60 0.80 75% 0.50 0.75 70% 65% 60% Performance A) After a short period of exposure to FSG structured predictive tone sequences, human adults showed an improved ability to discriminate between grammatical and ungrammatical tone sequences. Furthermore after a short period of exposure to FSG less precise 0.40 Chance 55% 0.30 0.20 Chance 50% 45% 45% 40% Predictive 40% Predictive Non-predictive 0.70 0.65 0.60 0.55 0.50 0.10 0.00 Language 1 Non-predictive 0.45 0.40 Language Language 21 Language 2 7 Figure 6. A) A chart to show the comparison performance predictive FSG non sense word language learners and learners non Figure 7. A chart tobetween show the comparisonin between performance in predictive FSG tonal language and non predictive predictive FSG non-sense word language learners. B) A chart to show the insignificant difference in performance across the 2 FSG tonal language differently assigned precise grammar languages. M. Collison et al. This increased performance across the two structures, shows subjects understood the local structure in both tone languages and word languages. This could be the first indication for processing local structural language from various acoustical inputs. Furthermore as humans can understand structural linguistics in tone languages this paradigm could be used in monkeys to directly compare structural processing without disadvantaging the monkeys due to their non human phonetic system. Again showing difference in performance across languages within the structure has little has little effect. Therefore I have shown there is no bias towards either particular language and I can assume neither language has specific musical intervals which mimic the grammatical structure or give any unanticipated clues to the structural identity. Experiment 3: Can human adults learn to discriminate complex long distance associative structures in non-sense word languages? Performance After exposure to PSG structured predictive non-sense word sentences, human adults show an ability to discriminate grammatical and ungrammatical structures. 80% 75% 70% 65% 60% 55% 50% 45% 40% 35% 30% 25% 20% 15% 10% 5% 0% Chance Chance tone predictive PSG Figure9. A graph to show the significant ability above chance of subjects to discriminate tonal PSG structures. This shows that human adults are able to learn artificial tonal PSG structures and therefore able to process structural rule based associations as a function of pure tones. Subjects also understood the long distance dependant structure in both tone languages and word languages indicating that PSG structure can also be processed from various acoustical complex inputs. As shown in experiment 1 and 2, human adults are capable of discriminating local structure in both words and tones. This mutual ability may be the early indications of a shared processing mechanism for low level statistical structure from various linguistic inputs. Although when directly compared, human adults are perform better at learning local tone structures than local word structures. Figure 8. A chart to show the ability above chance of subjects discriminating non-sense word PSG structures. This shows that human adults are able to learn artificial non-sense PSG structures and therefore able to process structural rule based associations as a function of phonetic words, which supports Saffran and Hauser ’08 findings(1). 8 80% 75% 70% 65% 60% 55% 50% 45% 40% 35% 30% 25% 20% 15% 10% 5% 0% Tones Vs Words word predictive PSG Experiment 4: After exposure to PSG structured tone sequences, human adults show an ability to discriminate grammatical and ungrammatical structures. Performance grammatically structured tone sequences, human adults also showed a slight improvement to discriminate between grammatical and ungrammatical sequences on the same test stimuli, although performances were evidently higher in precise language. Design of Artificial Languages to Study Syntax in Language and its Evolutionary Origins Figure 11. A graph to show the relationship between number of rule violations and performance in local structure. Figure 10. A chart to show the difference in performance between word local structures and tone based local structures. This result indicates that local transitions structural discrimination is directly affected by low level acoustic complexities. Therefore the complex phonetic recognition as opposed to the simple tone recognition had a detrimental effect on higher processing and reduces the probability the subject would identify the structure. This indicates a statistical process is involved as the simple tonal cue would favour this approach. Furthermore as we have clearly shown that humans can readily learn structural tone languages. This would be useful in comparative cross species studies as you can give the monkeys the best chance at understanding the structure in simple tonal cues without confusion by human phonology. Transitional Probabilities Vs Rule-Based Structure By stimulus specific analysis I investigated the basis to which subjects were discriminating structures as ungrammatical in local FSG structure. 6 subjects were run with 12 ungrammatical sequences on tonal FSG. I found that performance in local structure follows a strong correlation with both number of rule violations and number of low transitional probabilities, although by looking at the initial gradient of the slopes it seemed obvious that the dominating mechanism in local structure discrimination is identifying low transitional probabilities. Performance 100% 90% 80% 70% 60% 50% 1 2 3 4 5 Number of low transitional probabilities Figure 12. A graph to show the relationship between number of low transitional probabilities and performance in local structure. Furthermore by stimulus specific analysis I investigated the basis to which subjects were discriminating complex PSG structure. I ran 4 subjects on the complex PSG tone language, experiment 4. We saw no correlation between performance and number of low TPs. This could be explained because the number of exposure sequences was greatly increased therefore reinforcement of local transitions were reduced to insignificance due to the diversity within the multiple exemplar structures. The graph below shows that the relationship between performance and TPs for PSG is insignificant. 9 M. Collison et al. 100% 120% 90% 80% 80% Performance Performance 100% 60% 40% 20% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 0% 1 2 3 4 5 Number of low transotional probabilitie Figure 13 A graph to show the relationship between transitional probabilities and performance in complex PSG structure. On the other hand we plotted number of rule violation against performance. 10% 0% Words PSG Tones PSG Figure 15. A graph to show the difference in performance across words and tones in complex rule based associative structure. This performance variation under different stimuli inputs suggests that neither complex acoustics nor statistical tones in the artificial languages had a preferred input into the higher order rule based structural processing. The fact they generate similar performances implies they are being served by the same processing function that is detached from the lower level statistical processing of the local transitions, therefore a different rule based association mechanism. General Discussion Figure14. A graph to show the relationship between number of rule violations and performance. This shows a strong relationship between performance and number of rule violations. This strongly change in dominant discriminatory characteristic suggests there are two separate mechanisms for structural processing at different levels of complexity. By plotting words against tones we can show whether this structural process is a function of low level statistics or linguistic phonology system. From the beginning I decided to adapt the Saffran and Hauser ‘08 grammatical structure(1) as it allowed for the simple substitution of tones and words with level of grammatical complexity. Furthermore the recursive and optional structural approach also allowed me to form strategic stimuli to test for more specific underlying processing. Overall this structural versatility proved useful in specific focused analysis of language processing. Initially I showed the ability of human adults to discriminate local structure in phonetic word languages, supporting the findings in Saffran and Hauser ’08(1). By direct comparison I showed a clear performance increase for local structural language discrimination with tone languages, implying that the acoustical complexity of acoustical words has a detrimental effect on structural processing whereas the pure tones gave efficient cues as to the statistical comprehension for local structural processing. Overall this has given a strong indication of a statistical processing domain for local structure language perception. I then showed an ability in human adults to discriminate long distance associative structures in word languages, supporting the findings in Saffran and Hauser ’08. By direct comparison a similar level of ability to discriminate long distance associations in tone languages. This indicates that there is a higher level structural processing domain that does not prefer statistical or acoustical input, 10 Design of Artificial Languages to Study Syntax in Language and its Evolutionary Origins therefore there a separate process to the local statistical one above more reliant on rule based associations. By stimulus specific analysis I was able to further isolate two possible mechanisms for local structure processing and rule based structure processing. Direct analysis of performance on specific ungrammatical stimuli I showed that in local structures the number of low transitional probabilities is the dominant characteristic on which ungrammatical structures were being discriminated Currently transitional probabilities are only assumed active on single level complexity; used to identify single low TPs at word boundaries and segregate word streams. I would suggest there are group statistics analysed at a higher level as a function of many lower level TPs that can isolate inconsistencies which are low probability local transitions. To prove this theory would take far more research but t is clear local structure is based on statistics of some level. Furthermore stimulus specific analysis in phrase state grammar (PSG) indicated a second mechanism, with a strong relationship between performance and number of rules violated. This mechanism was mostly dormant in local structures as the statistical mechanism was dominant. However at PSG I found that the determining factor for recognising violations in the higher structures was the number of rule violations. Therefore I think I have identified a rule based structural mechanism perceiving language. Evolution Vs Revolution Through evolution humans have developed an advanced communication system. This advanced social and cognitive process has been arguably traced back in evolution to find the point from where the homo Saipan race differentiated away from our primate ancestors and there are many arguments as too the developments of different components of our advanced linguistic capability. Some suggest the human advancement stems from a mutation in the FOXP2 part gene of the 7th chromosome(21-23), involved in neural growth and localization of frontal cortex during development. It is thought that this mutation lead to the development of a phylogenically young area(22, 24) in layer IV on the inferior frontal cortex, identified in early studies as Broca’s area or BA44/45 (25) on the basis of granular and cytoarchtechtonic profile(26). Further hypotheses link the language faculty to the gradual elongation of the linguistic area of the superior temporal lobe and the increased efficiency and adaptability of the human brain associated with increased expression of the mirror neuron system(27, 28). As Saffran and Hauser ’08 showed there are discrepancy in the tamarin monkeys processing ability compared to human infants in that monkeys cannot learn higher order rule based structure PSG but they can learn local transitions FSG. I would suggest this supports my finding of the separate mechanisms for statistical structural language perception and rule based language perception as a functional evolutionary processing mechanism that’s could be the determining factor in our advanced language faculty. I would further suggest this links to comparative neuroimaging studies suggest that the rule based human advancement is services by the phylogenically younger broca’s area whereas the transitional probability mechanism is served by frontal operculum and inferior frontal cortex. Therefore the neural evolutionary juncture in the human structural language processing ability will be localised in broca’s area (BA44/45). Further study As suggested in the early stages of this study we were ultimately aiming to design and optimise a paradigm for localising structural language processing for an fMRI comparative study across humans and monkeys. This study has shown the relevance and efficiency of tone languages in modelling structural perception. Furthermore I have identified the strengths of this paradigm to isolate the mechanisms that determine local finite state grammar and complex phrase state grammar. In conclusion through comparative fMRI with human and monkeys this paradigm has shown potential to bridge the evolutionary processing ability, localise the functional processes separating the differences in capability and determine the mechanisms involved in the cross species difference. Finally further testing on this paradigm including the same behavioural experiments with more human subjects would be useful to draw more conclusive results. As I only had limited numbers of participants across my experiments it was not possible to draw any statistically significant conclusions in any of the data except pilot data. acknowledgements The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog. The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog. The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog. The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog. The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog. The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog. Funding: The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog. The quick brown over the lazy dog. REFERENCES 1. Saffran, J., Hauser, M., Seibel, R., Kapfhamer, J., Tsao, F., and Cushman, F. (2008) Grammatical pattern learning by human infants and cotton-top tamarin monkeys. Cognition 107, 479-500 2. Abla, D., Katahira, K., and Okanoya, K. (2008) On-line Assessment of Statistical Learning by Event-related Potentials. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience 20, 952-964 11 M. Collison et al. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 12 Friederici, A. D., Bahlmann, J., Heim, S., Schubotz, R. I., and Anwander, A. (2006) The brain differentiates human and non-human grammars: functional localization and structural connectivity. 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