Published by the Butchery Employer Trailblazer Group, with

Published by the Butchery Employer Trailblazer Group, with secretariat support from ftc
New Butchery Apprenticeship Standard – Butchery sector consultation
Opens: 14th May 2014
Closes: 30th May 2014
“The industry needs your feedback… shape the new butchery apprenticeship now.”
Consultation context: In 2013 the Government announced big reforms to the way apprenticeships are to be designed and
implemented in England. New standard-based apprenticeships will replace current frameworks in 2015 as part of the
Government’s employer driven Trailblazer Strategy. A group of meat and poultry employers, working on behalf of the sector,
have been leading this redesign. In this once in a generation opportunity they are calling for the butchery sector and key
stakeholders to get involved to have their say on the essential knowledge, skills and behaviours that a butcher should display
on completion of a vocational programme of learning/training.
How to have your say: Please view the Butchery Apprenticeship Standard document by clicking this link and carefully consider
what you as a butchery employer, or as a butcher would expect to see from your apprentices.
examine and reflect upon section 2. a, b and c of the key ‘Butchery Apprenticeship Standard’ document which
outlines the occupational profiles and essential elements such as the knowledge, skills and behaviours required by a
person in a core butchery role
consider in section 3.a the specialist skills, knowledge and behaviours that a butcher would need to display in a retail
or processing environment
then please complete the questionnaire below to express your thoughts on what the Butchery Apprenticeship
Standard document includes
if you would rather complete the survey online please visit this URL:
Your input is much appreciated and will without doubt help shape the next generation of English butchers.
Many thanks,
Lucianne Allen
Chair of the Butchery Employer Trailblazer Group
Sales and Marketing Director at Aubrey Allen
Published by the Butchery Employer Trailblazer Group, with secretariat support from ftc
Consultation questionnaire: Please answer the questions by ticking the box next to the
statement which most closely represents your view. It is important that you refer to the Butchery
Apprenticeship Standard document while considering these questions.
Does the opening occupational profile statement in the butchery apprenticeship standard document convey the world of
butchery to apprentices of tomorrow? Please note that we are restricted in that standards must not exceed 2 pages of A4.
Neither fully agree
nor fully disagree
If you neither fully agree, nor fully disagree, please share your comments here:
Do you agree that the knowledge statements in 2.a. of the standard adequately reflect what apprentices should know
and understand as part of the core job role of a butcher?
Neither fully agree
nor fully disagree
If you neither fully agree, nor fully disagree, please share your comments here:
Do you agree that the skills statements in 2.b. of the standard adequately reflect what apprentices should be able to do
as part of the core job role of a butcher?
Neither fully agree
nor fully disagree
If you neither fully agree, nor fully disagree, please share your comments here:
Do you agree that the behaviour statements in 2.c. of the standard adequately reflect what apprentices should be able to
do as part of the core job role of a butcher?
Neither fully agree
nor fully disagree
If you neither fully agree, nor fully disagree, please share your comments here:
Do you agree that the supplementary specialist knowledge/skills/behaviours outlined in 3.a. of the standard adequately
reflect the additional qualities required for apprentices working in retail and/or processing butchery role?
RETAIL specialist
PROCESS specialist
Neither fully agree nor fully disagree
Neither fully agree nor fully disagree
Comments/additional suggestions
Comments/additional suggestions
Do you agree new entrants to apprenticeships in butchery should spend on average 18 months on programme?
Neither fully agree
nor fully disagree
If you neither fully agree, nor fully disagree, please share your comments here:
Would you like to see a return to professional recognition from the Institute of Meat, for newly qualified butchers on
completion of their apprenticeship?
Neither fully agree nor
fully disagree
If you neither fully agree, nor fully disagree, please share your comments here:
Overall do you agree a new standard for butchery and a return to a single apprenticeship pathway for the occupation is a
positive development for the meat and poultry sector?
Neither fully agree
nor fully disagree
If you neither fully agree, nor fully disagree, please share your comments here:
Please identify the type of organisation you work for by ticking the boxes which most closely reflect the focus of your
organisation. This will help us check that we have reached as far across the sector as possible with this consultation.
Organisation name:
Red meat
Other stakeholders
Training provider
Red meat
Professional body
High street
Assessment experts inc. A.O
If you would like to receive the results of the survey, please put your details below. We will not share any data, nor will we
contact you without your permission. The survey results will also be available on the ftc website: in
If you would like to receive a copy of survey results
please provide your email address:
Please return your questionnaire to us either scanned by email to or by post to FTC, Icon Business
Centre, 4100 Park Approach, Leeds LS15 8GB.
Many thanks for your input.