OUTCOME: IN2.1 Determine characteristics of a community

IN2.1 Determine characteristics of a community.
Concepts (Nouns, Knows)
- characteristics of a community
Skills (Verbs, Dos)
- determine
Big Ideas (Enduring Understandings)
- People have needs that cannot be met
- most communities have common
Essential Questions
Why do communities exist?
Key Indicators
- (d) Identify needs met by the local community that cannot be met independently or
individually, and describe the concept of interdependence.
Concepts (Nouns, Knows)
- needs that cannot be met independently
concept of interdependence
Skills (Verbs, Dos)
- identify
- describe
Big Ideas (Enduring Understandings)
People live together to meet their needs that
cannot be met individually
Essential Questions
What kind of nees cannot be met stricty
- (f) Identify characteristics common to local communities (e.g., transportation and
communication networks, educational and health care systems, arts, culture, sport, and
recreation infrastructure)
Concepts (Nouns, Knows)
characteristics common to local
Skills (Verbs, Dos)
Big Ideas (Enduring Understandings)
Essential Questions
different communities have characteristics
that are common to all communities
Which characteristics of a community
transfer into other communities? (eg
communication networks, rules, culture,
sport, recreation, education, etc)
Author: Katherine Stokalko
SOCIAL STUDIES Grade 2 (Updated FEB-6-2012)
IN2.2 Create a representation of the diversity of cultural groups in the
local community.
Concepts (Nouns, Knows)
a representation of the diversity of cultural
Skills (Verbs, Dos)
Big Ideas (Enduring Understandings)
Essential Questions
communities are made up of a diversity of
groups and that diversity is what makes the
community unique
How do the different cultural
groups in a community affect or
shape that community?
Key Indicators
- (a) Describe diverse characteristics within the school and local communities, and
describe similarities within and between diverse groups.
Concepts (Nouns, Knows)
diverse characteristics
similarities within and between diverse
Skills (Verbs, Dos)
Big Ideas (Enduring Understandings)
When a group is together there are certain
norms that they follow such as following
rules, appointing a leader, etc.
Essential Questions
why are there similarities between
different groups
- (d) Describe ways in which diverse individuals and groups contribute to the well-being
of the local community (e.g., storekeepers, medical practitioners, law enforcement
personnel, school support workers, spiritual or faith leaders, artisans, trades people, bus
drivers, community maintenance workers).
Concepts (Nouns, Knows)
Skills (Verbs, Dos)
ways diverse individuals and groups
contribute to the well being of the local
Big Ideas (Enduring Understandings)
People need to work together sharing their
talents and abilities to make a community
Essential Questions
why do different people in a group have
roles in a community
Author: Katherine Stokalko
SOCIAL STUDIES Grade 2 (Updated FEB-6-2012)
DR2.1 Investigate stories of significant events and persons in the local
community’s history to describe the contribution of those who lived in the
community in earlier times.
Concepts (Nouns, Knows)
- past experiences
Skills (Verbs, Dos)
Plan and implement
- Learn
Big Ideas (Enduring Understandings)
Essential Questions
Key Indicators
- (a) Plan and implement a process to learn about the past experiences of members of the
local community (e.g., talk to long term residents, view pictures or other artistic
interpretations, visit a historic site).
Concepts (Nouns, Knows)
Skills (Verbs, Dos)
Big Ideas (Enduring Understandings)
Essential Questions
- (c) Describe events of the past in the local community that affect life today
(e.g., Why was the current location chosen for the school? Other buildings?
Why are streets or buildings named as they are?)
Concepts (Nouns, Knows)
Skills (Verbs, Dos)
Big Ideas (Enduring Understandings)
Essential Questions
SOCIAL STUDIES Grade 2 (Updated FEB-6-2012)
-(f) Research the heritage of various individuals and groups within the
community, and why people came to live in the community.
Concepts (Nouns, Knows)
Skills (Verbs, Dos)
Big Ideas (Enduring Understandings)
Essential Questions
Author: Katherine Stokalko
SOCIAL STUDIES Grade 2 (Updated FEB-6-2012)
DR2.2 Analyze the influence of the natural environment on the local
Key Indicators
- (b) Compile examples of natural resources in the local community and explain the
importance of conserving or restoring natural resources.
Concepts (Nouns, Knows)
Skills (Verbs, Dos)
Big Ideas (Enduring Understandings)
Essential Questions
- (c) Inventory ways in which the natural environment influences lifestyles of the local
Concepts (Nouns, Knows)
Skills (Verbs, Dos)
Big Ideas (Enduring Understandings)
Essential Questions
SOCIAL STUDIES Grade 2 (Updated FEB-6-2012)
- (d) Identify ways that technology has been and is used to enable people to adapt to the
natural environment (e.g., building technology, clothing, industrial equipment, personal
Concepts (Nouns, Knows)
Skills (Verbs, Dos)
Big Ideas (Enduring Understandings)
Essential Questions
DR2.3 Identify physical representations as constructed models of real
SOCIAL STUDIES Grade 2 (Updated FEB-6-2012)
Key Indicators
- (a) Describe constructed features of the local community and examine the value and
purpose of such constructions (e.g., bridges, buildings, statues, parks, water systems,
Concepts (Nouns, Knows)
Skills (Verbs, Dos)
Big Ideas (Enduring Understandings)
Essential Questions
- (b) Locate the local community on a map of Saskatchewan and Canada, and the
community’s relative location on a globe.
Concepts (Nouns, Knows)
Skills (Verbs, Dos)
Big Ideas (Enduring Understandings)
Essential Questions
- (c) Interpret basic features of maps and globes.
SOCIAL STUDIES Grade 2 (Updated FEB-6-2012)
Concepts (Nouns, Knows)
Skills (Verbs, Dos)
Big Ideas (Enduring Understandings)
Essential Questions
SOCIAL STUDIES Grade 2 (Updated FEB-6-2012)
DR2.4 Describe the influence of Treaty and First Nations people on the
local community.
Key Indicators
- (b) Investigate the relationship of traditional First Nations to the land.
Concepts (Nouns, Knows)
Skills (Verbs, Dos)
Big Ideas (Enduring Understandings)
Essential Questions
- (d) Describe the reasons for Treaty territory within which the local community is
Concepts (Nouns, Knows)
Skills (Verbs, Dos)
Big Ideas (Enduring Understandings)
Essential Questions
SOCIAL STUDIES Grade 2 (Updated FEB-6-2012)
PA2.1 Analyze how decisions are made within the local community.
Key Indicators
- (c) Identify decision makers in the local community in government, economic,
community, faith, and cultural organizations, and teh roles of each.
Concepts (Nouns, Knows)
Skills (Verbs, Dos)
Big Ideas (Enduring Understandings)
Essential Questions
- (d) Research processes for decision making in local community organizations, and
describe similarities and difference.
Concepts (Nouns, Knows)
Skills (Verbs, Dos)
Big Ideas (Enduring Understandings)
Essential Questions
SOCIAL STUDIES Grade 2 (Updated FEB-6-2012)
PA2.2 Assess and practise various approaches to resolving conflicting
interests within the community.
Key Indicators
- (a) Recognize that the existence of conflicting interests does not necessarily result in
conflict, and that harmonious communities resolve conflicting interests in peaceful ways.
Concepts (Nouns, Knows)
Skills (Verbs, Dos)
Big Ideas (Enduring Understandings)
Essential Questions
- (e) Identify ways of maintaining safety and harmony within communities (e.g., police,
firefighters, signage).
Concepts (Nouns, Knows)
Skills (Verbs, Dos)
Big Ideas (Enduring Understandings)
Essential Questions
- (g) Identify attributes of successful approaches to resolution of conflicting interests.
SOCIAL STUDIES Grade 2 (Updated FEB-6-2012)
Concepts (Nouns, Knows)
Skills (Verbs, Dos)
Big Ideas (Enduring Understandings)
Essential Questions
SOCIAL STUDIES Grade 2 (Updated FEB-6-2012)
PA2.3 Analyze rights and responsibilities of citizens in the school and local
Key Indicators
- (a) Differentiate between the nature of the rights of children and adult citizens in the
Concepts (Nouns, Knows)
Skills (Verbs, Dos)
Big Ideas (Enduring Understandings)
Essential Questions
- (b) Identify Treaty rights of members of the community.
Concepts (Nouns, Knows)
Skills (Verbs, Dos)
Big Ideas (Enduring Understandings)
Essential Questions
SOCIAL STUDIES Grade 2 (Updated FEB-6-2012)
- (c) Relate the rights of citizens in the community to their responsibilities to the
Concepts (Nouns, Knows)
Skills (Verbs, Dos)
Big Ideas (Enduring Understandings)
Essential Questions
SOCIAL STUDIES Grade 2 (Updated FEB-6-2012)
RW2.1 Describe ways in which the local community meets needs and
wants of its members.
Key Indicators
- (a) Define the term resource, and inventory resources in the community that help to
meet needs and wants.
Concepts (Nouns, Knows)
Skills (Verbs, Dos)
Big Ideas (Enduring Understandings)
Essential Questions
- (b) Investigate how quality of life is influenced by individuals, businesses, and groups
in the local community.
Concepts (Nouns, Knows)
Skills (Verbs, Dos)
Big Ideas (Enduring Understandings)
Essential Questions
SOCIAL STUDIES Grade 2 (Updated FEB-6-2012)
Concepts (Nouns, Knows)
Skills (Verbs, Dos)
Big Ideas (Enduring Understandings)
Essential Questions
SOCIAL STUDIES Grade 2 (Updated FEB-6-2012)
RW2.2 Analyze various worldviews regarding the natural environment.
Key Indicators
- (a) Investigate traditional First Nations worldviews of the relationship between
humanity and the environment.
Concepts (Nouns, Knows)
Skills (Verbs, Dos)
Big Ideas (Enduring Understandings)
Essential Questions
- (b) Describe traditional western European worldviews of the relationship between
humanity and the environment.
Concepts (Nouns, Knows)
Skills (Verbs, Dos)
Big Ideas (Enduring Understandings)
Essential Questions
SOCIAL STUDIES Grade 2 (Updated FEB-6-2012)
- (c) Investigate traditional Metis worldviews of the natural environment.
Concepts (Nouns, Knows)
Skills (Verbs, Dos)
Big Ideas (Enduring Understandings)
Essential Questions
SOCIAL STUDIES Grade 2 (Updated FEB-6-2012)
RW2.3 Contribute to initiating and guiding change in local and global
communities regarding environmental, social, and economic
Key Indicators
- (a) Represent through visual art, music, dance, writing, or other forms, the contribution
of individuals and communities to initiate change that supports sustainability.
Concepts (Nouns, Knows)
Skills (Verbs, Dos)
Big Ideas (Enduring Understandings)
Essential Questions
- (b) Investigate how individual local consumer choices may affect people elsewhere in
the world (e.g., child labour, enslavement, sweat shops, consumptions of scarce
resources, prosperity through employment).
Concepts (Nouns, Knows)
Skills (Verbs, Dos)
Big Ideas (Enduring Understandings)
Essential Questions
SOCIAL STUDIES Grade 2 (Updated FEB-6-2012)