Student Planner Vocabulary 2014 to 2015

Student Planner Vocabulary 2014-2015
1. August 6
Transfiguration of the Lord – Peter, James and John (P& J) see Jesus’ appearance change and hear, “This
is my beloved Son, the Beloved, listen to him.”
Luminous Mystery #4
Mt 17:1-8, Mk 9:2-9, Lk 9:28-36
2. August 16
Eternal life with God is called heaven. Being with God fulfills the deepest longings of human beings.
Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary – On this day, August 15, we celebrate that Mary was taken,
body and soul, to heaven.
Glorious Mystery # 4
3. August 21
Living bread – The bread becomes Jesus’ Body in the Eucharist, Jesus says that whoever eats this bread
will live forever.
Luminous Mystery # 5
Jn 6:51
4. August 29
A martyr is someone who stands firm, witnessing to his or her faith even in the face of death.
5. September 4
Doctor of the Church – is one whose learning, writing, and holiness have glorified Jesus and the Church.
6. September 10
disciple – a person who hears, believes, and follows the teachings of Jesus.
7. September 18
catechism – is a book of catholic teachings.
CCC abbreviation for Catechism of the Catholic Church which is found on-line.
8. September 27
charity – is a God-given virtue that allows us to serve others and to show our love of God. One of the
theological virtues (faith, hope, love/charity).
9. October 2
guardian – someone who watches over you and takes care of you.
Guardian Angel Prayer
Angel of God, my guardian dear,
To whom God's love commits me here,
Ever this day, be at my side,
To light and guard, to rule and guide.
10. October 10
Kingdom of God – is where God’s will is done, “on earth as it is in Heaven.”
This is part of the Lord’s prayer found in Mt 6:9-13 and Lk 11:1-4.
Luminous Mystery #3
11. October 17
catholic – means “universal.”
12. October 21
Jesus’ suffering and death, including events from the Last Supper through the crucifixion, are called his
13. Oct 29
Pharisees – were Jews who wanted to protect the faith by calling for strict obedience to the laws and
14. November 6
Jesus called all people to eternal life, to live forever with God in the happiness of heaven.
15. November 14
basilica – is a church of great religious importance
16. November 20
patron saint – is a saint regarded as the special guardian of a person, group or trade, or country.
17. November 26
Christ the King – Jesus celebrated as being the King of Heaven and our spiritual King
18. December 1
Advent – means “coming” and is a good name for the season in which the church prepares for the
coming of Jesus.
It is the first season in the Liturgical Calendar.
19. December 10
Vulgate – name for the Bible in St. Jerome’s time
St Jerome translated the Bible (Vulgate) into the language of his time (Latin or vulgus).
20. December 16
Messiah – is a title for Jesus that means the “Anointed One”. Anointing marks a person, place, or thing
as holy and dedicated to God. The Jewish people were waiting for a Messiah to save them from Roman
rule and to create a new kingdom for them.
21. December 22
Emmanuel, a Hebrew word meaning “God is with us,” is name that the prophet Isaiah gave for Jesus
(Isaiah 7:14), Jesus is Emmanuel, or “God with us.”
22. January 8
Epiphany – means “to show” or “to reveal”. The three wise men showed that Jesus had come for
everyone – Jews and Gentiles alike.
23. January 12
Trinity – is the mystery of one God in Three Persons – the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. It is the Central
Mystery of our faith.
24. January 22
Signs - point to things beyond themselves. Jesus’ miracles were signs of his power.
25. January 29
Repent – to feel sorry for your sins and to be ready to change your life for the better.
26. February 7
Martyr – someone who stands firm, witnessing to his or her faith, even in the face of suffering or death.
St. Stephen, who was stoned by an angry crowd, is considered the first martyr of the Church, but many
saints are recognized as martyrs, including the apostles.
27. February 12
Pilgrimage – is a journey made to a sacred place as an act of devotion.
Eighth graders traditionally make a pilgrimage to the Grotto at MSM and the Shrine for MEAS (Mother
Elizabeth Ann Seton).
28. February 19
Lent – the season in the Liturgical Calendar in which Christians prepare for Easter with prayer, fasting,
and almsgiving.
29. February 25
Christians prepare for Easter with prayer, fasting, and almsgiving. Prayer is talking and listening to God.
30. March 5
Christians prepare for Easter with prayer, fasting, and almsgiving. Fasting means to limit the amount of
food eaten each day. Catholics over 18 are required to fast on Ash Wednesday and Good Friday.
31. March 10
Christians prepare for Easter with prayer, fasting, and almsgiving. Almsgiving means doing good for
others. Alms can be food, help, or money given to those in need.
32. March 16
To have eternal life is to live forever with God in the happiness of the kingdom of heaven.
33.March 26
Angels are spiritual beings who are God’s servants and messengers.
34. March 30
The Triduum, the three holiest days [ three(tri) days(duum)] of the year, begins at sundown on Holy
Thursday and ends at sundown on Easter Sunday. It marks the MOST IMPORTANT events of Christian
faith – the suffering, death, and resurrection of Jesus.
35. April 6
Resurrection – Jesus rising from the dead three days after his death on the cross (crucifixion), it is the
MOST IMPORTANT TRUTH of the Catholic faith.
Glorious Mystery #1
(Did you know ALLELUIA is a Hebrew word meaning “Praise the Lord?)
36. April 14
To forgive someone with kindness and compassion is to show mercy.
37. April 22
The word Evangelist comes from the Greek word meaning “one who announces the good news.” The
writers of the four Gospels. Matthew, Mark Luke, and John are the four evangelists.
38. April 30
CCD Confraternity of Christian Doctrine – was created to provide religious education for young
Catholics attending public schools.
39. May 4
Sacraments are signs that show us God’s presence in our lives and bring us his grace, or love. There are
seven sacraments.
40. May 16
Ascension – means ‘rising’. On the feast of the Ascension, Christians celebrate Jesus’ return to heaven.
Glorious Mystery #2
41. May 19
Jesus sent his apostles to announce the Good News of what God accomplished in and through Jesus the
salvation of all people from sin and death.
42. May 28
Pentecost – celebrated 50 days after Easter to mark when the Holy Spirit came to the apostles to
empower them to carry Jesus’ message into the world. It is the ‘birthday’ of the Church. Glorious
Mystery #3
43. June 4
Trinity – means “three”. Celebrates the three persons in one God – Gather, Son, and Holy Spirit.
44. June 8
Communion – the reception of the Body and Blood of Christ in the Eucharist Luminous Mystery #5
It also means the unity with Christ and other Christians in the celebration of the Eucharist. Read
Matthew 26:26-29 and read CCC (Catechism of the Catholic Church on line) 2182
45. June 15
Sunday’s Gospel contains two examples of parables, short stories from everyday life that teach a
spiritual lesson. Jesus often used parables in his teachings.
46. June 25
A prophet is a messenger from God, sent to speak in God’s name. Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, and Daniel
are major prophets of the Old Testament. John the Baptist was a prophet who announced the coming of
The liturgical season begins with Advent, followed by the Christmas Season, third is Ordinary Time,
fourth is Lent (40 days), fifth is the short season of Triduum, sixth is the Easter Season (50 days),and last
is Ordinary Time.
1. Ten Commandments – given by God to Moses summing up the law of the Old Testament.
Because the commandments express the moral law that God has written on people’s heart, they apply
to all people – always and everywhere.
2. Gentiles – the Jewish people of Jesus’ time used the word to mean all people who were not
3. Temptation – is anything that invites us to do what we know we should not do.
4. Transfigured – means to change in outward appearance. Jesus was transfigured to show his
glory as God. Peter, James, and John witnessed his transfiguration on Mt. Tabor.
(Read about it in Matthew 17:1-9, Mark 9:2-8, Luke 9:28-36, and 2Peter1:16-18.)
5. Living Water – Jesus tell the Samaritan woman that the water of Baptism brings eternal life to
the baptized. (Read about it in John 4:1-26.) Luminous Mystery #1
6. Sabbath – a day set aside for rest and religious observances
7. Rabbi – in the time of Jesus this term was used to address a teacher. Today the term often
refers to the leader of a Jewish congregation.
8. Mass – listening to the Scriptures (liturgy of the word) and participating in breaking the bread
(liturgy of the Eucharist) Luminous Mystery #5
9. Shepherd – spends so much time taking care of the sheep that they recognize his voice.
(May 14 is the Feast of St Matthias who replaced Judas, Jesus’ betrayer. Read Acts 1:21-26)
10. Advocate – speaks of another person. Jesus promises that another Advocate, the Holy Spirit, will
teach in his name after he returns to heaven. Glorious Mystery #3
11. humble – to recognize that your abilities and talents are gifts from God to be used to serve God
and others.
12. justice – calls for respect for all persons and for the rights that come from their human dignity
13. missionary – is a religious or lay person who is devoted to continuing the saving mission of Jesus
by proclaiming the Christian faith.
14. heresy – is a belief that denies a Church doctrine.