Preserving Maine’s Cultural Heritage Connecting to Collections Statewide Initiative _______________________________________________________ SURVEY DATA related to collections in Maine as of 3.31.13 <redacted> Surveys administered by/housed at the MAINE STATE ARCHIVES 2011 – 2012 PastPerfect Grant Recipients: Grants to purchase PastPerfect software. Administered by the Maine State Archives. 37 organizations have received grants for PastPerfect Software as of March 2013. These organizations are noted in the PMCH FileMaker Pro database. Recipient name, address, city, state, zip and contact person is recorded in an Excel spreadsheet. Historical Records Grant Recipients: 1994 to Present Day A record of all grant applications for grants administered by the Maine State Archives Applications date from 1994 to Present Day Janet Roberts manages information on all grant applicants using MS Access. Janet Roberts has all hardcopy documentation of the grant applications and final reports, dating back to 1994. The PMCH FileMaker Pro database only records those organizations that received a grant and notes the cycle date, grant number, and brief description of the project. o An Excel spreadsheet records: Grant Cycle Date, Assigned Grant Number, Name of Institution, Town, County, Grant Name, Amount Awarded, Project Description, Subject Area 262 Grant Applicants noted in the PMCH Filemaker Pro database 2010 Search for Civil War Materials: Hannah Marcus, Maine State Archives, contacted about 500 societies, museums, and libraries about possible Civil War materials. She did not query for anything beyond that. 84 organizations responded and are noted in the PMCH FileMaker Pro Database. Also noted are the types of Civil War materials in those collections. An Excel spreadsheet records Organization, Address, Town, Zip, Website, Email, Phone, Holdings, Staff, Hours. 2008 Hidden Collections Survey: Survey sent to Maine historical societies, libraries and museums asking about cataloging practices and descriptions of archival and manuscript materials. 164 organizations surveyed and asked if they have description, finding aids, catalog records, inventory lists, Other and if so, if they’re in electronic format, EAD, HTML, Word, Excel, Access, Other and if available through WWW, Share, or Email. Janet Roberts has a database with a bit of information on the results of this survey. A Excel spreadsheet records the answers to the survey. 163 organizations noted in the PMCH FileMaker Pro database. 2002 Documenting our Heritage: Historical Records in Maine, A Report to the 120 th Maine Legislature on the Condition of Historical Records in Maine. Submitted to the legislature on February 1, 2002. Looks at 1996/1997 survey data. Janet Roberts has the database of 1996/1997 data. This is a good report to save/link to in a final project database. 1997 MSA Historical Records Repository Survey: Sponsored by COSHRC: Survey asked for institutional information, and information about acquisition policy, subject areas of the collection, size of the collection, access to the collection, users, facilities and equipment, preservation and conservation, staff and volunteers, financial support, needs and priorities. 169 respondents noted in the PMCH FileMaker Pro database Janet Roberts has surveys in an MS Access database. 1991 MSA Historical Records Survey and Assessment Report: Resulted in Booklet “Fading Images: Maine’s Memory at Risk: An Historical Assessment Report. Conducted by Maine Historical Records Advisory board. Received funding from NHPRC. First sent questionnaires to those organizations most likely to be holders of historical records. A shorter version of the survey went to those groups that would not consider the care of their documents as part of their primary mission. A one - page survey as distributed to town clerks during a Maine Municipal Association annual meeting. Androscoggin County was surveyed more in-depth. 57 town office surveys were returned. 239 participating institutions. Organizations are noted in the PMCH FileMaker Pro Database. Names were taken from the booklet, “Fading Images.” No database available at the Archives. The 1991 survey information was recorded in R:Base and the Maine State Archives no longer uses this software. Scan report and link report in final project database. 1990-1996 Maine Newspaper Survey: 748 repositories surveyed, 200+ responded. Newspapers were surveyed and cataloged throughout Maine and cataloged on OCLC. Some site visits conducted. 748 repositories surveyed/200+ responded Janet can get a list of who has or had newspapers and can pull a report to show repositories by county. Janet Roberts has a management database only that includes the organization name, contact information, and dates of visit. These institutions are not noted in the PMCH FileMaker Pro database. Surveys administered by/housed at the MAINE STATE MUSEUM 1969 Archaeological Reconnaissance and Collections Survey Phase I: Inventory of Maine Indian Artifacts Held in Institutional and Private Collections , Interim Report. Ron Kley, Project Director. 38 Institutions indicated the presence of 16th through early 20th century Maine Indian artifacts in their collections, including 10 MAINE organizations, out of 131 questionnaires returned. 38 Organizations are noted in the PMCH FileMaker Pro database. A 225 page document held at the Maine State Museum. Summary report shows Name of Institution and Location, Affiliated Tribe or Group, and Description of Artifacts. Returned surveys and additional information included at the end of the report. A one-page questionnaire was sent to 218 museums and private collectors. The report/document is available electronically in PDF format. 2009 Science Survey: Directed by Dr. Paula Work. 129 historical societies and museums contacted by email, phone, or mail between February 28, 2009 and March 26, 2009. Asked if they had Natural Science, Archaeology, and/or History Collections. Results are in a FileMaker Pro database, include organizational name, address, and contact information. 129 historical societies and museums contacted Paula has a FileMaker Pro database, includes organization name, address, contact information, and whether natural history or archaeology collection 8 responded they had Natural History collections/7 reported they had Archaeology collections. These organizations are noted in the PMCH FileMaker Pro database (12 organizations combined) Paula gave this contact to Maine Archives and Museums as a basis for MCIOP. 2006-2007 Maine State Museum Science Collections Prospectus for Maine Legislature Directed by Dr. Paula Work. 10 Maine Institutions Represented & Noted in the PMCH FileMaker Pro Database Paula has a separate Filemaker Pro database with 46 detailed records about collection locations, types, content, storage and housing, condition, collection risk, ancillary collections, photographs. 2009 ME SCCA Phase I Benchmarking Survey: Directed by Dr. Paula Work, IMLS grant to assess the state of natural science collections throughout the State of Maine, as well as conduct a bench marking/ information gathering survey with other State-funded museum institutions. 31 Pre-survey contact records / 21 post-survey records of other state-funded museums in a FileMaker Pro database. Comprehensive information collections, budget, staffing, collections care, etc. These organizations are not noted in the PMCH FileMaker Pro database. 2009 Collections Report for Northern Maine Museum of Science (U-Maine Presque Isle) and Nylander Museum 21 records. An excel spreadsheet containing collection name, donor, description, significance, location, storage, ancillary materials, condition, risk, curatorial needs. 1995 Union List of of Museum Watercraft, published by The Museum Small Craft Association in October 1995. Maine Maritime Museum and Penobscot Marine Museum are the only Maine institutions included. Thirty-six museums and almost 1750 boats are listed. Includes an 1) Alphabetical Listing of the boats indexed on type and then length overall 2) Composite listing of boat names, designers and builders in alphabetical order. This listing includes Vessel Type, Vessel Name, Length, Description, Builder, Year Built, Condition, Accession Number, and Museum 3) Listing of each museum and its holdings. Information includes vessel type, name, accession number. Maine Maritime Museum and Penobscot Marine Museum are the only Maine institutions represented. Hardcopy booklet owned by Maine State Museum Maine State Museum Conservation Lab Files and 1974-1976 Historical Societies Survey Two file boxes containing 91 file folders. Files are organized alphabetically by name of institution. Though there are 6 general files at the start of box 1 named: History of Lab & Conservation Survey Questionnaire (1971), Summer 1972 Conservation Notes, Surveys Summer 1972-General-S&S Brooke, Correspondence: Surveys ’73, Survey of Institutions Serviced by Mobile Lab 1974, and Arts & Humanities Special Projects-Embassy Loan-1979. A historical society survey asked for organizational information, number of rooms and buildings, major and minor concentrations in collection, sizes of collections, financials, conservation plans, security, cataloging system. 91 files containing documents concerning the MSM Conservation Center, brochures, general correspondence, photographs, slides, field examinations, survey, and treatment reports. Only 26 returned historical society surveys found in the files. 80 organizations are noted in the PMCH FileMaker pro Database, along with a notation on the types of files found within each folder. Recommend that Collection information should eventually be returned to institutions. Study of Material Culture Collections: Survey of Maine-Related Collections: Maine State Museum Bicentennial Statewide Collections Survey Four boxes of files, organized by town, then organization name. File contents include the Maine Material Culture Survey Form initiated in 1987, other survey forms such as the Maine State Museum and AASLH directory listing survey forms, object catalog sheets completed in the 1970s, newspaper clippings, correspondence, brochures, and other documents related to institutional history. 309 file folders/158 of which have specific collection information (the material culture survey or MSM object catalog sheets). 301 organizations noted in the PMCH FileMaker Pro database. 93 have completed Center for the Study of Maine Material Culture Survey form. Files date from the late 1960s through the early 1990s. The SMMC survey form asks for contact information, general categories of Maine-related objects in the collection, a description of the institution and general activities, if a register, catalog or other documentary information is available about the collection, what are the three most important areas in of the collection, other collections in the community, and if a member of a professional association, such as NEMA, AASLH. Recommend that files are returned to the institution. Maine Fine and Decorative Arts Catalogue: The Maine Fine and Decorative Arts Catalogue was part of the Maine Humanities Council's "Maine at Statehood" project (statewide & NEH funded). The catalogue "Agreeable Situations" was based on a portion of this research. Other material was used in essays that appeared in "Maine in the Early Republic," especially by Carolyn Parsons. Exhibitions based on other materials appeared at the Maine Historical Society in 1983/4; at the Brick Store Museum in 1987, with a costume exhibition at York Institute Museum in 1991. I can get the names and dates if you would like them. Onsite Survey conducted in 1983 of 19th century objects by Laura Fecych Sprague and Carolyn Parsons. 51 organizations represented, including 5 out-of-state organizations. 51 organizations are noted in the PMCH FileMaker Pro database along with notes on the information contained wherein (number of catalog sheets, slides, etc.) 10 volumes: 10 3 ring binders that include completed object catalog sheets, notes, and slides of artifacts in Maine museums. The catalog forms ask for medium, owner and location, object, accession number, origin, maker, signature/marks, date, materials, measurements, description, provenance, condition, bibliography and references, publication and exhibit history, method of acquisition, donor/vendor, date of acquisition, credit line, examined by and date examined. Slides and catalog sheets should be returned to the organization. New Century Facilities & Museum Grants, administered by CRIC. <redacted> The Maine State Museum has XX boxes New Century grant files that includes applications and final reports, dating back to 2006-2007. MS Access and Excel Database with MSM/MSA 639 records showing grant applicant contact information, final grant award amount, very brief project description 497 grants awards/Estimated 163 awards for consultancies, microfilming, and cataloging. Other awards for capital improvements, archival storage materials and equipment Grant files, back to 2006-7, are/were with the Maine State Museum OTHER MAINE SURVEYS/ASSESSMENTS/COLLECTIONS INFO Association of Maine Archives and Museums Need to find out more about MCIOP and workshop/conference evaluations. Add to PMCH FileMaker Pro database. Maine Memory Network/Maine Historical Society 223 contributing partners to the general online resource, as of as of 11/9/12 22 community heritage history online grant recipients with websites 2009 Maine Museums: An Economic Impact Study Maine Arts Commission. Commissioned by the Maine Arts Commission and authored by Chuck Lawton of Planning Decisions Inc. and Lindsay Rowe of the Maine Arts Commission. 14 museums participated by surveying visitors Link online to database NATIONAL MAP - Museum Assessment Program Participants. Funded by the Institute of Library and Museum Services and the American Alliance of Museums. 26 Maine institutions have received MAP’s since 1997. 12 had organizational assessments; 4 had collections assessments; 10 had public dimension assessments Conservation Assessment Grants by Heritage Preservation 24 Maine institutions awarded CAP grants NEH Preservation & Access Grants 47 grants to Maine institutions since 1991/27 institutions represented IMLS Conservation Project Support Grants 29 grants to Maine institutions since 1997/16 institutions represented 2005 Heritage Health Index: Administered and published by Heritage Preservation and the Institute for Museum and Library Services. This was the first comprehensive survey to assess the condition and preservation needs of U.S. Collections. The full report with appendices and selected data is available at this website. 52 Maine institutions participated in the survey, including historical societies, libraries, larger museums, and art museums, and are noted in the PMCH FileMaker Pro database. Link report on final project database 2009 OCLC Research Survey: Provides detailed findings from a 2009 OCLC Research survey of 275 institutions across the U.S. and Canada to determine norms across the community and to provide data to support decision making and priority setting. This survey updated and expanded a similar survey administered by the Association of Research Libraries in 1998, the outcomes of which catalyzed the special collections community and led directly to numerous high-profile initiatives to "expose hidden collections." Since then, recognition of the distinction that unique special collections bring to our institutions has greatly increased. Some key data points discovered in the 2009 survey include: far too many rare and unique materials remain "hidden"; the size of collections is growing rapidly; most institutions report increased numbers of onsite users; staffing generally remains stable; and digitization and born-digital archival records emerged as two of the three most challenging issues. Bates, Bowdoin, and Colby participated. Data captured in broad areas of collections, user services, cataloging and metadata, archival management, digitized and born-digital special collections Link on final project database. Council on Library and Information Resources - Cataloging Hidden Collections and Special Archives Awards The Council on Library and Information Resources administers this national effort with the generous support of The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation. Since the program began in 2008, eighty-seven grants totaling nearly $20M have been made to a variety of institutions nationwide. Northeast Historic Film (2009 and 2010) and Maine Maritime Museum (2011) have received these awards <redacted>