Validation Service collaborations

Nottingham Trent University Quality Handbook Supplement
Requirements for a collaborative framework for
Validation Service collaborations
Requirements for a collaborative
framework for Validation Service
1. Introduction
A collaborative framework document needs to be prepared jointly by the Validated
Centre and the Collaborative Partnerships Office (CPO) for academic approval and
review of Validation Service provision. It should represent a shared understanding
by the Validated Centre and CPO of the mechanisms through which the
collaboration will operate. The collaborative framework document should
The respective roles and responsibilities of the Centre and CPO;
The minimum requirements for communication between CPO and the Centre.
Detailed below is the Collaborative Framework Document, giving an indication of
what each section must include. Appended to this is a guidance document setting
out the operational obligations of both the Validated Centre and CPO.
There should be one framework document for each course that is run by a
Validated Centre.
Please note that where course approval is being considered at the same time as
the collaborative arrangement, this document will replace the quality management
section of the course contextual document.
When this document is being used as part of a review, the previous Collaborative
Framework Document should be updated to include changes at CPO and Centre
The Collaborative Framework Document should be reviewed regularly by the
Centre and CPO to ensure it remains current in order to inform the operation of the
collaboration on an on-going basis.
September 2015
Nottingham Trent University Quality Handbook Supplement
Requirements for a collaborative framework for
Validation Service collaborations
2. Collaborative Framework Document
Validated Centre Information (to be completed by the Centre)
Centre name:
Centre address:
Centre telephone number
and web address:
Nature of Centre:
i.e. Private Institution / State University / Further Education
College, etc.
Head of Centre: name,
email address and
telephone number:
Course Information: to be completed by the Centre
Final award and course title:
Mode(s) of study:
Normal duration of study:
Language of delivery:
Language of assessment:
Site(s) of delivery:
Academic year: start and
end dates
Number of cohorts
commencing in each
academic year and month
that each starts:
Operation of the course: roles and responsibilities
Date that registrations are
required from the Centre for
each cohort:
Expected month(s) in which
award or progression boards
September 2015
Validated Centre
Based on cohort start dates.
Registrations should be received
within 10 weeks of the course
Nottingham Trent University Quality Handbook Supplement
Requirements for a collaborative framework for
Validation Service collaborations
will be held:
Expected award ceremony
date / month:
Proposed point at which
conferment lists will be
expected from the Centre:
NTU Link School:
NTU Verifier:
Based on board dates and award
ceremonies. Conferment lists
should be received within 2
weeks of the Board.
Named person with
responsibility for staff
Named person with
responsibility for
Institutional Agreement:
Julie Page
Named person with
responsibility for financial
To include NTU link School
College Finance and Planning
Julie Page for FECs
Named person with
responsibility for marketing
and publicity:
Julie Page
Named person with
responsibility for certificate
Faye Martin
Named person with
responsibility for student
Faye Martin
Named person with
responsibility for e-library or
associate library access:
Faye Martin
Named person with
responsibility for travel
James Parker
Named person with
responsibility for invoicing:
Faye Martin for registrations and
Gillian Allen – Academic Office
Julie Page for other
Named person with
September 2015
Julie Page
Nottingham Trent University Quality Handbook Supplement
Requirements for a collaborative framework for
Validation Service collaborations
responsibility for external
Named person with
responsibility for annual
Julie Page
Named person with
responsibility for course
Julie Page
Named person with
responsibility for exam
Julie Page – receiving dates
Named person with
responsibility for
Faye Martin
Named person with
responsibility for
Faye Martin – CPO
Gillian Allen – Academic Office
Named person with
responsibility for award
Named person with
responsibility for
Named person with
responsibility for student
verification requests:
Oversight of production
Production of:
Monitoring of:
Faye Martin
Faye Martin
The operation of Validation
Service Collaborative Provision
1. Overview and definition of Validation Service
The aim of this document is to set out the pre and post validation processes and
requirements by CPO, Centre for Academic Development and Quality (CADQ) and
the Validation Panel. It also serves to inform potential validated centres of the
September 2015
Nottingham Trent University Quality Handbook Supplement
Requirements for a collaborative framework for
Validation Service collaborations
nature of the relationship at the earliest opportunity and identifies the
responsibilities of NTU departments. The document provides potential new centres
with an early indication of their responsibilities, which are later followed up by CPO
with a detailed post validation induction to NTU requirements.
NTU has many collaborative partners, 13 of which have been awarded Validated
Centre status, based in the UK, including local Further Education Colleges and
overseas centres across 6 countries.
A Validated Centre is an institution which is approved to offer one or more specified
awards and where the institution has developed quality assurance and supporting
institutional systems to ensure the standard of the award on an annual basis. The
University retains responsibility for the approval of modifications to existing
courses, introduction of new courses and provides substantial input into the quality
assurance processes underpinning the courses of study offered.
Validated Centres are only approved where NTU has broad confidence that the
partner has sufficiently robust systems for quality management that incorporate
the principles of UK HE.
Validated Centres offer their own courses to their own students. Students studying
and successfully passing a validated course at one of our validated centres will be
awarded a Nottingham Trent University certificate.
For more information on Validated Centres please visit the NTU website at the
following link:
The Validation Service (VS) team in CPO manages the on-going relationship with
Validated Centres. The VS team works closely with the Centre and the University
verifier (an NTU academic) applying robust procedures to ensure on-going quality
and standards are monitored and maintained. The VS team regards the Validated
Centres as external clients of the University and prides itself in providing a gold
standard customer service to centres.
On-going contact with the Centre
CPO manages the validation service arrangements and is the central point of
contact for all validated centres.
Following approval of a new Validated Centre and/or validation of a course at an
existing Validated Centre (VC), the Validation Service (VS) team within CPO will
take responsibility of the on-going management of the relationship, the day to day
liaison with the Centre and administrative support, for example student
registrations, conferments, approval of marketing and publicity, nomination of
external examiners, appointment of verifiers and so on. Full details are provided
later on in this document.
CPO has vast experience in supporting Validated Centres and has established
effective arrangements in order to support the collaboration.
The VS team will maintain constant communication with the VC on all matters
related to the collaboration.
September 2015
Nottingham Trent University Quality Handbook Supplement
Requirements for a collaborative framework for
Validation Service collaborations
3. Operation of the course
The course belongs to the Validated Centre and is delivered and assessed by the
Centre. NTU academic staff do not deliver any part of the course. It is not usual
practice, under a standard Validation Service Agreement, for students to undertake
any part of their studies at NTU as the courses will differ from those delivered at
NTU. Students at Validated Centres wishing to study at NTU must apply through
the usual channels.
4. Institutional Agreement
A standard Institutional Agreement (IA) has been developed in conjunction with
Legal Services for all Validation Service arrangements. CPO is responsible for
issuing the Agreement and getting the Agreement signed by both parties.
The IA will set out the contractual arrangements including financial matters,
publicity, risk management, dispute management and termination.
A Schedule of Courses is appended to the IA which lists the courses in validation.
This can be added to as new courses are approved within the period of the
Usually, a new validated centre and courses will be approved for a period of 3
years and are subject to periodic reviews on a 3-year cycle.
5. Financial Schedule
The Financial Schedule (FS) is part of the Institutional Agreement and referred to
as Schedule 2 in the Agreement. The Financial Schedule is a standard schedule
which has been agreed between CPO, the Schools and Legal Services. The
Financial Schedule is the responsibility of the School, and the registration fee and
other financial negotiations fall to the School. Due to resource implications the
Schools will consult with CPO and Legal Services in case of additions to the FS.
The Financial Schedule for Further Education Colleges (FECs) is the responsibility of
CPO and there are a standard set of fees that apply to all FECs.
Outline financial negotiations should be agreed at the business evaluation and sign
off stage and schools should be in a position to finalise the financials prior to the
validation event.
CPO will co-ordinate the signing of both the IA and FS with both parties. One
signed copy of each will be retained by the Validated Centre and the original IA
kept in CPO with a copy to the school and the original FS sent to the school with a
copy kept in CPO. The FS is a working document which will be used by the VS
team to generate all invoices relating to the VS provision.
6. Marketing and publicity
In accordance with the Institutional Agreements for Validated Centres, the
University grants a non-exclusive licence to Validated Centres to use the
University’s trade marks in the territory, for the term of the agreement for use
solely in relation to marketing documentation and course materials, provided the
September 2015
Nottingham Trent University Quality Handbook Supplement
Requirements for a collaborative framework for
Validation Service collaborations
University has given its approval, in writing, before any use of the University’s
Validated Centres are required to forward draft copies of marketing and publicity
material, all print and electronic communications where the NTU name and logo are
used, for example brochures, advertising, web etc., to the University for approval
prior to publication. A copy of the NTU logo and guidelines for use is sent to all
Validated Centres following successful validation. The NTU logo and name may be
used in marketing and publicity prior to validation, subject to CPO’s agreement and
approval. All documentation must clearly state ‘subject to approval’.
The first point of contact for approval is Julie Page in CPO at email address
The approval process is as follows:
Submission of materials for approval with the Approval form,
Section A to be completed by the Validated Centre – this is sent
to Centres by CPO
Visual and editorial check (where appropriate, English
translations to be provided)
Completion of Approval form for quality audit purposes (Section
B by CPO)
Sign off by Collaborative Partnerships Manager (CPO)
Confirmation of approval by email
Submission of final print materials for file
CPO will endeavour to meet stated deadlines for publication.
7. Student registrations
Students at Validated Centres are not NTU students, they are students of the VC.
The Centre is responsible for enrolling students onto their own student record
system and in addition submit a student registration list to Faye Martin
( on an Excel spread sheet within 10 weeks of the
commencement of the course(s). This is required for each level of the courses(s).
Only limited student details are required and the VS team will guide Centres on the
information needed. The VS team will register the students onto the NTU student
records system (Banner) and will be responsible at NTU for the upkeep of all VS
student records. The full student record, including module marks will be kept by
the Centre and not recorded on NTU’s system.
The VS team are responsible for building a new Banner code for each validated
8. Transcripts
Transcripts are not provided by the University but are the responsibility of the
Centre. Centres should however ensure that transcripts state the language of
teaching and assessment, if other than English, and the name of the Centre where
the course was delivered. Centres are required to adhere to a minimum set of
September 2015
Nottingham Trent University Quality Handbook Supplement
Requirements for a collaborative framework for
Validation Service collaborations
criteria set out for transcripts, this criteria is approved by the Validation Service
Sub Committee. Transcripts are monitored on an annual basis via the Centre
Standard and Quality Report (CSQR). A copy of the transcript issued by the Centre
should be sent to Faye Martin ( in CPO for approval, to
ensure it meets the Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education (QAA)
9. E-Library
NTU offer an e-Library service for courses validated at VCs. There is currently one
package available to centres, which focuses on business journals and includes
access to Business Source Complete databases. There is an additional charge for
this and details can be found in the Financial Schedule.
Please note, this package cannot be made available to individual students, but can
be offered to specified courses within a validation service agreement.
For centres interested in the package please contact Faye Martin at
10. Walk-in access – associate readership
10.1 For Validated Centres local to Nottingham, NTU can offer walk-in access to its
libraries both in the City and at the Clifton site. This package is similar to the
membership that is available to the general public, but can be offered to Validated
Centres at a much reduced rate. Details of the cost can be found in the Financial
11. NOW and electronic resources
11.1 Students at Validated Centres are not entitled to access the NTU Online Workspace
(NOW) or any other electronic resources (other than the e-Library package
mentioned above).
12. Invoicing
12.1 On receipt of the registrations, CPO will issue an invoice in accordance with the
Financial Schedule (see School’s responsibility). CPO are responsible for raising all
invoices connected with Validation Service arrangement, including charges for
validation and review events and University visits. A named contact, to whom
invoices should be sent, should be made available to CPO.
13. Certificates
13.1 The parchments that are produced for students at Validated Centres are largely the
same as the certificates awarded to NTU students, with a number of additions:
September 2015
The name of the Validated Centre must appear on the certificate;
The language of instruction (if not English) must appear on the
Nottingham Trent University Quality Handbook Supplement
Requirements for a collaborative framework for
Validation Service collaborations
The location of the Validated Centre (if other than the UK) must
appear on the certificate;
Validated Centres also have the option to have their own logo
printed on the certificate, along with the Director’s (or
equivalent) name, title and signature.
In some contexts it may be inappropriate for the location and language of study to
be included on the certificate, in such cases the transcript will contain this
information and the certificate will refer to the existence of the transcript.
13.2 If Centres wish their certificates to include the Director’s signature, and/or centre
logo, they should forward the necessary files to Julie Page as an email attachment,
or on a disk, who in turn will liaise with the Academic Office.
13.3 CPO (Julie Page) will notify Academic Office of all newly approved Validated Centres
and the approval of additional courses at existing Validated Centres.
14. Conferments
14.1 The conferment list should be completed and returned to Faye Martin, within 2
weeks of the Examination Board (at which students are conferred).
14.2 The conferment list has to be fully completed and signed before the Academic
Office can produce the certificates.
14.3 If Centres are planning an Awards Ceremony or have a deadline for the certificates
to be received, they should notify Faye Martin. Conferment lists should be received
at least 6 weeks before this deadline.
15. Awards ceremony
15.1 Students at Validated Centres are not NTU students and therefore not invited to
the NTU awards ceremonies. Centres may hold their own ceremonies locally. They
may also invite a member of NTU staff to represent the University if they wish.
Costs for this are normally covered by the Centre. Centres will be asked to provide
the dates of their awards ceremonies so that CPO can ensure Academic Office have
sufficient time to produce and despatch the certificates.
16. Website
16.1 CPO is an independent department (separate to CADQ) and has its own website – The information held for each partner includes the period of
the Agreement, when a review is due, a list of courses approved under the
validation service and a small section of background information on the Centre,
with a link to their website.
17. External examiners
All External examiner appointments to courses leading to an award of the
University are nominated by the Validated Centres but must be approved by the
September 2015
Nottingham Trent University Quality Handbook Supplement
Requirements for a collaborative framework for
Validation Service collaborations
University’s Academic Standards and Quality Committee (ASQC). External
examiners are contracted to the Validated Centre who are responsible for agreeing
a schedule of work and paying the external examiner fees and expenses.
17.2 With effect from appointments expiring on 31 December 2016, replacement
external examiners will be contracted to NTU. Validated Centres will continue to
identify the potential external examiner.
17.3 All nominations must be approved by the University. The University nominations
forms (EE4 new nominations, EE2 and EE3 additional duties and extensions) must
be completed by the Validated Centre and submitted to Julie Page, who is
responsible for guiding them through this process.
17.4 Nominations are received by Julie Page. The nominations are then forwarded to
Jane Dyer in CADQ, who prepares a cover sheet for the external examiner
Appointment’s Panel (EEAP) and sends the nomination to the verifier for
comments. If a verifier is not in place at the time of submission, comments on the
suitability of candidates will be sought from the Dean of School, or nominated
representative. Nominations for external examiners at Validated Centres are
considered for approval by the EEAP.
17.5 The VS team will liaise with the Centre when an existing external examiner is
coming to the end of their period of tenure to remind them to start searching for a
replacement, usually a minimum of about 18 months beforehand.
Confirming the appointment
17.6 Formal notification is sent in writing by Julie Page to the external examiner and the
Validated Centre, and copied to the verifier when the appointment is fully
17.7 For all replacement appointments from September 2016 onwards, it will be NTU’s
responsibility to induct the external examiner and to ensure that they are fully
briefed and aware of their roles and responsibilities. The external examiner is
invited to the University’s induction course. The Centre will retain the
responsibility for induction at course level and will be done at the Centre.
17.8 Part of the University verifier’s remit is to check that the external examiner has
received the induction at course level by the Centre and that they are fully aware
of the University’s reporting requirements and systems.
17.9 External examiners are required to submit their reports online directly to the
University. The VS team provide full details and guidance to the external examiner
on how to do this. The EE report is received by the University and read by the VS
team. The report is forwarded to the Centre within one working day of receipt.
17.10 If any serious issues are highlighted in the report, the Centre will be asked to
respond immediately and the report will be submitted to the next Validation
Service Sub-committee. Otherwise external examiner’s comments should be
addressed in the CSQR.
September 2015
Nottingham Trent University Quality Handbook Supplement
Requirements for a collaborative framework for
Validation Service collaborations
18. University Verifier
18.1 A University verifier will be appointed by the link School and in liaison with CPO, for
all validated courses at Validated Centres. CPO will contact the School after the
validation event to set the ball rolling. The verifier, usually an NTU academic
subject specialist, is required to check that the validated courses are being
delivered as specified in the definitive document and as agreed under the terms of
validation, and that the academic standard of the work is commensurate with the
18.2 CPO will induct the verifier into the role on a one to one basis and will provide the
verifier with all the necessary documentation, including definitive course
documents, the Verifier Handbook, and background information on the Centre.
18.3 The verifier is required to visit the Validated Centre at least once a year, usually
(but not necessarily) at the time of Examination Boards. It should be noted
however that when a partnership is in its infancy, and certainly for the first 3
years, the verifier is required to attend the Exam Board to ensure it is operating
effectively. CPO will ensure the School is aware of the time of year the verifier is
likely to be undertaking his / her visit as this may impact on School resources
during key times. Verifiers are typically in appointment for a period of 3-4 years.
18.4 Liaison with the Centre should be via CPO who will pass on Exam Board dates and
any other information needed by the verifier. In the case of FECs it is usually
easier for the verifiers to liaise directly with the course leaders to arrange a
preliminary visit – in these cases CPO should be copied into all correspondence.
18.5 The verifier is required to submit a report to CPO within 4 weeks of the visit or
attendance at the Board, which is read in CPO and forwarded to the Validated
Centre. If any serious issues have been highlighted we will ask the Centre to
respond immediately and the report will be submitted to the next Validation
Service Sub Committee. Report templates are provided by CPO and can also be
found on the CPO website. For courses in “teach-out” verifiers are required to
complete a specific “teach-out report” template.
18.6 A brief outline of the verifier’s duties is summarised below:
Visit the centre at least once a year;
Submit a report to CPO, per course, following each visit;
Read and comment (written and by attendance at the Validation
Service Sub-committee (VSSC)) on the Centres’ annual course
report (CSQR) and centre report (VCSQR (if appropriate));
Comment on the suitability of external examiner nominations;
Comment on any proposed changes to existing courses;
Attend the Verifier’s Annual Meeting;
Be a member of the review panel at the end of his/her tenure.
18.7 More details on the role of the verifier can be provided if required – please contact
Julie Page in CPO.
18.8 CPO undertakes all of the necessary travel arrangements with regards to the
Verifier's visit.
September 2015
Nottingham Trent University Quality Handbook Supplement
Requirements for a collaborative framework for
Validation Service collaborations
19. Course Standards and Quality Report
19.1 Validated Centres are required to submit an annual report for each validated
course, which is considered by VSSC. The CSQR(s) should be submitted to Julie
Page. Centres will be notified of the VSSC date when their CSQRs/VCSQR will be
considered and the deadline date for submission.
19.2 The verifier is required to read the report and provide written comments for VSSC
and to attend the VSSC meeting when the report is being considered if possible.
The verifier report and the external examiner(s) reports will be submitted to the
VSSC along with the CSQR for full consideration.
19.3 Following the VSSC meeting, feedback on the CSQR will be sent to Centres by CPO
in the form of the formal minute note and the CADQ commentary. Centres may be
asked for a response on particular issues in which case a deadline date will be
given. The Centres’ response will be fed back to VSSC and tracked by Julie Page in
CPO until the process is complete.
19.4 Centres are provided with a template and guidance on writing CSQRs. CADQ are
also happy to offer staff development on an individual Validated Centre basis –
please contact Julie Page in CPO for more information.
19.5 For courses in teach out centres are required to complete a specific teach out CSQR
20. Validated Centre Standards and Quality Reports
20.1 A Validated Centre Standards and Quality Report is required by centres who offer
more than two / three NTU validated courses, and at CPO / CADQ’s discretion.
20.2 A VCSQR should bring together matters for consideration at institutional level and
should cut down on repetition in CSQRs.
20.3 VCSQRs are subject to the same process of consideration as CSQRs.
21. Modifications to Existing Courses
21.1 Where changes to existing validated courses are required, for example in response
to annual review, external examiner or Verifier feedback, these changes must be
approved by the University prior to implementation.
21.2 Current information about changes to courses and the procedure to follow can be
found in Section 5 of the NTU Quality Handbook.
21.3 Centres should contact Julie Page in CPO in the first instance who will guide
Centres through the completion of the ‘Reporting Proposed Changes to Courses’
form and advise Centres who the CADQ liaison officer will be for processing the
proposal, usually through VSSC, through to approval.
22. Additional Delivery Sites
22.1 Courses are normally approved for delivery at one location within a Centre.
September 2015
Nottingham Trent University Quality Handbook Supplement
Requirements for a collaborative framework for
Validation Service collaborations
22.2 If Centres have multiple locations then each location is subject to separate
approval and on a course by course basis.
22.3 In some instances the University Verifier or other member of the University,
representing the Academic Standards and Quality Committee, will undertake a visit
to a proposed delivery centre in order to consider whether that centre is in an
appropriate location and has appropriate resources for the delivery of the
University’s courses.
22.4 The checklist is intended to facilitate the University’s member of staff and is
completed by the University (not the Validated Centre).
22.5 In other cases it may be necessary for a panel to visit a proposed new delivery
22.6 The outcomes of the visit, completed delivery site checklist and supporting
documentation provided by the centre will ultimately be submitted to the VSSC for
consideration of approval.
22.7 Please contact Julie Page in CPO in the first instance – the same process as
‘Reporting Changes’ is followed. It is most likely that business evaluation should be
completed prior to the academic approval as there will financial implications if the
verifier is required to visit a different campus.
22.8 The University will not support the Centre approving a further provider: serial
franchising or sub-contracting is not allowable.
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