Performance Tasks: Students will apply understanding of design solutions that reduce the impact of geological hazards by drawing and/or constructing a building that can withstand the hazard they researched. 4: Student work indicates a sophisticated understanding of the potential effects of a geological hazard on a structure. Student clearly explains how his design can withstand the effects of the hazard he researched. He can defend his choices in construction either orally or in writing. Through what authentic performance tasks will students demonstrate the desired understandings? By what criteria will performances of understanding be judged? Through what other evidence (e.g. quizzes, tests, academic prompts, observations, homework, journals) will students demonstrate 3: Student work indicates a thorough understanding of the potential effects of a geological hazard on a structure. Student adequately explains how his design can withstand the effects of the hazard he researched. He can defend his choices in construction either orally or in writing. 2: Student work indicates a limited understanding of the potential effects of a geological hazard on a structure. Student partially explains how his design can withstand the effects of the hazard he researched. He can defend his choices in construction either orally or in writing. 1: Student work indicates no understanding of the potential effects of a geological hazard on a structure. Student does not explain how his design can withstand the effects of the hazard he researched. He can not defend his choices in construction either orally or in writing. 0: Student did not complete his defense of his design. Other Evidence: As part of their study on Processes that Shape the Earth, the students will have completed informal “ticket out the door” assessments, quizzes on geological processes and landforms, group design projects on structures that can withstand hazards and several discussions where the instructor will observe and tease out misunderstandings. achievement of the desired results? Stage 2 Assessment Evidence How will students reflect upon on self-assess their learning?