Hamilton College Greenhouse Gas Inventory: Fiscal Year 2009 Introduction Hamilton College’s President, Joan Hinde Stewart, signed the American College and University Presidents Climate Commitment (ACUPCC) in April 2007. Hamilton has been a leader in developing environmental programs, and in signing, Hamilton College formalizes its commitment to sustainable practices, conservation, and the environment. Definitions In accordance with the Kyoto Protocol, this inventory provides a report on the six major contributors to global warming – carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4), nitrous oxide (N2O), hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs), perfluorocarbons (PFCs) and sulphur hexafluoride (SF6). While tracking and reporting each of these, this report aggregates these gases on the bases of their global warming potential into units of carbon dioxide equivalents (CO2-e). For consistency purposes, these equivalents will be measured in metric tons. The source emissions of these gases are divided into three scopes to assist in delineating indirect and direct emissions, and are consistent with reporting under the requirements of the Climate Commitment. These scopes are: Scope 1: Direct emissions occurring from sources owned or controlled by Hamilton; oncampus stationary fossil fuel use (heating, emergency generators), mobile combustion by Hamilton owned/controlled vehicles, and fugitive emissions (HFCs) Scope 2: Indirect emissions produced from generation of electricity that is consumed by Hamilton College. Scope 3: All other indirect emissions, which include commuting to and from campus by Hamilton employees, Hamilton air travel (institutional and study abroad), waste disposal, paper consumption and wastewater. Inventory Methodology To provide consistency in reporting with other signatories of the Climate Commitment, Hamilton College will use the Clean Air-Cool Planet Campus Carbon Calculator, and contracted with Sightlines, Inc. (Sightlines also completed Hamilton’s FY2008 inventory) to develop our FY2009 inventory, while also validating our previous emission inventories. The calculator inputs our material use, mileage data, and electrical consumption; and calculates the requisite information on the six greenhouse gases while converting these to the common metric of carbon dioxide equivalents in metric tons. Hamilton College’s inventory is based on a fiscal year (July through June). Data was available from FY2000 to present. Hamilton’s baseline year for greenhouse gas reductions is FY2007. 1 of 7 Updated 8 December 2009 Hamilton College Greenhouse Gas Inventory: Fiscal Year 2009 Inventory Hamilton College has developed its inventory of greenhouse gas emissions dating back to fiscal year 2000. The Clean Air-Cool Planet calculator developed by the University of New Hampshire has an input worksheet and a summary worksheet, which provide the requisite pieces of information required by the Kyoto Protocol and the Climate Commitment. The same calculator is used by Sightlines, Inc. The below graph illustrates Hamilton’s total emissions in metric tons of carbon dioxide equivalents by scope over the past ten years. 25000 20000 Offsets 15000 Scope3 10000 Scope 2 Scope 1 5000 0 Figure 1 Hamilton’s energy use and its subsequent increase in greenhouse gas emissions has been the result of an increase in the size of its physical plant, student population, and programs. However, Hamilton has worked to improve the efficiency of its facilities through green building practices, and as a result the energy use per gross square foot has had a smaller percentage increase (Figure 2). Hamilton College Energy Use 220,000.0 140.0 210,000.0 120.0 180,000.0 MMBTU MMBTU/GSF Log. (MMBTU/GSF) 170,000.0 160,000.0 MMBTU/GSF 190,000.0 MMBTU 200,000.0 150,000.0 100.0 80.0 60.0 40.0 FY00 FY01 FY02 FY03 FY04 FY05 FY06 Figure 2 2 of 7 Updated 8 December 2009 FY07 FY08 FY09 Hamilton College Greenhouse Gas Inventory: Fiscal Year 2009 Scope One Emissions Scope One emissions at Hamilton include natural gas, heating oil, gasoline, diesel fuel, and fugitive emissions from refrigerants used in cooling facilities and vehicles. For FY2009, Scope One emissions accounted for 33% of Hamilton College’s overall carbon footprint. Physical Plant maintains a record of natural gas use from National Grid meter readings. This record has been maintained over the past ten years. Records for heating oil, gasoline and diesel fuel deliveries to on-campus storage tanks are also available. However, inconsistency in the recording of heating oil deliveries for FY2000 through FY2004 has required this inventory to use the three year average (FY05-FY07) for inventory purposes. To determine how much gasoline has been used for travel beyond that dispensed at Physical Plant, data was collected from Hamilton’s fleet card (Mobile) and Hamilton’s corporate card. The fleet card records the gallons purchased and information was available back to FY2004. The corporate card, however, only provides dollars expended at a service station. To determine gasoline purchased, the total value of purchases was divided by the average retail cost per gallon of gasoline for that year. This average retail cost was obtained from the Energy Information Administration Annual Energy Review. Data was available back to FY2006. Data for these areas was not extrapolated for years that data was not available. The second data point for diesel fuel use is athletic team bus travel. Team bus trip information is available from the Athletic Department, which includes number of buses used and destination. Map Quest was used to determine the roundtrip mileage for each trip, and the total mileage was divided by the miles per gallon average of a typical diesel powered bus. This total was added to the overall diesel consumption for direct deliveries to obtain total diesel use. Only FY2007 through FY2009 data is available. To provide a consistent development of carbon emissions over the previous seven years prior to FY2007, the FY07 data was used for all previous fiscal years. Fugitive emission data was determined from Physical Plant’s inventory of refrigerants. This inventory includes recovered CFC/HFCs, product replacement for recharging systems, product recycled, and product destroyed. Data is available since FY2006. Extrapolation back to previous years was not performed due to the variable nature of use. Scope Two Emissions Scope Two emissions are those indirect emissions produced from the generation of electricity purchased by Hamilton College. Physical Plant maintains a record of electrical use from National Grid meter readings. This record has been maintained over the past ten years. The basis for emissions is the fuel mix ratio for the New York Upstate Grid (NYUP) subregion. The total carbon contribution from electrical purchases for FY2009 was 38%. Scope Three Emissions Scope Three emissions are composed of indirect emissions from all other sources. For Hamilton’s greenhouse gas inventory, these data are specifically related to employee commuting, institution air travel, waste disposal, paper purchases for copiers and printers, student abroad air travel, and Scope Two transmission and distribution losses. These comprised 29% of the total with air travel (institutional and study abroad) being the largest component at 17% of total emissions. 3 of 7 Updated 8 December 2009 Hamilton College Greenhouse Gas Inventory: Fiscal Year 2009 A survey was conducted of employees concerning their commuting habits and their estimated air travel for College business. This data was compiled, and used to determine the total miles traveled, estimated gas mileage of personal vehicles and the estimated annual air travel conducted by individuals. The survey also provided anecdotal data on commuter use of the local public transit system. Air travel for athletic teams is developed from records provided by the athletic department. Student travel abroad is based on Hamilton College run programs in Spain, China and France. All air travel mileage is from the point of departure at the students point of departure by air to the destination and return for the three student study abroad programs. Waste disposal records are available for the number of tons of waste taken to a landfill for all the years associated with this inventory. Water records are available from FY2005 forward from meter readings at every building and from the Mohawk Valley Water Authority. Paper purchases for copier and printer paper were obtained from Auxiliary Services. All paper purchased in FY2009 for copiers and printers was from 100% recycled paper. Carbon Offsets and Renewable Energy Certificates Hamilton College began purchasing renewable energy certificates for green electrical energy in the fall of 2004 with the renovation of Skenandoa House. Since that time, Hamilton has steadily increased it REC base. Attachments: 1. Hamilton College Emissions by Category FY2007 (Baseline Year) Hamilton College Emissions by Scope FY2007 (Baseline Year) 2. Hamilton College Emissions by Category FY2009 Hamilton College Emissions by Scope FY2009 3. Hamilton College Gross Carbon Dioxide Emissions FY2000 to FY2009 (Stacked and Side) 4 of 7 Updated 8 December 2009 Hamilton College Greenhouse Gas Inventory: Fiscal Year 2009 Hamilton College Emissions by Category FY2007 (Baseline Year) Agriculture, 13, T&D 0% Losses, 869, 4% Wastewater, 141, 1% Commuting, 1467, 6% Fleet, 679, 3% Air Travel, 3203, 14% Heating Fuel, 6666, 29% Solid Waste, 922, 4% Electricity, 8787, 39% Refrigerant, 67, 0% Agriculture Fleet Refrigerant Heating Fuel Electricity Solid Waste Air Travel Commuting T&D Losses Wastewater Hamilton College Emissions by Scope FY2007 (Baseline Year) Scope 1, 7425, 33% Scope 3, 6602, 29% Scope 1 Scope 2 Scope 3 Scope 2, 8787, 38% Attachment 1 5 of 7 Updated 8 December 2009 Hamilton College Greenhouse Gas Inventory: Fiscal Year 2009 Hamilton College Emissions by Category FY2009 141, 1% 74, 0% 810, 4% 15, 0% MTCO2e Electricity Electric T&D Losses 5, 0% Heating Fuels Fleet Fuel 2708, 12% Commuting 1185, 5% 8481, 38% Direct Air Travel 735, 3% Study Aboard Air Travel 673, 3% Agriculture Solid Waste 6738, 30% Wastewater 839, 4% Paper Refrigerants Hamilton College Emissions by Scope FY2009 MTCO2e 6492, 29% 7431, 33% Scope 1 Scope 2 Scope 3 8481, 38% Attachment 2 6 of 7 Updated 8 December 2009 Hamilton College Greenhouse Gas Inventory: Fiscal Year 2009 Hamilton College Carbon Emissions FY2000 to FY2009 25000 22500 20000 Meter Tons CO2e 17500 15000 Offsets Scope 3 Scope 2 12500 10000 7500 5000 2500 0 Metric Tons CO2e -2500 12500 11500 10500 9500 8500 7500 6500 5500 4500 3500 2500 1500 500 -500 -1500 -2500 Scope 1 Scope 3 Scope 2 Offsets Attachment 3 7 of 7 Updated 8 December 2009