Annual Senior Center Picnic

AARP Drivers Safety Program
If you have any questions about the information outlined, you are encouraged to contact a volunteer in your area or
contact 1-800-569-1658 or AARP does not accept walk-ins the day of the class. Classes are
scheduled for September 24th, October 29th and November 19th (No class in December). SAVE at least 5% on your
Auto Insurance. The class is limited to 25 participants. $15.00 for AARP members or $20.00 non-AARP members.
Payments made by Check only. Please put your AARP Membership number in the memo; lower left hand of your
check. AARP handles these funds directly. You must pre-register in person at the Senior Center up to the day before
the scheduled class.
Advisory Committee Meeting
YOUR Advisory Committee will be meeting on Friday, Sept 4th at 9:00 a.m. in the Library to discuss issues
of concern to members! This is your chance to see the committee in action and to let them know that you
support them 100%. All Senior Center and New Members are encouraged to attend. Elections will be held to
seat members to the Senior Advisory Committee. Nomination forms will be available on Tuesday,
September 1st – 18th. A ballot will be prepared listing all nominees and voting will take place starting
Monday, September 28th through Friday, October 9th. Newly elected members of the Committee will be
announced the week of October 19th. Nomination forms and ballots can be picked up at the Front Office
and completed forms should be returned to the Front Office.
Biking Schedule
Biking Guide: Jim Oliphant / 860-841-3814
Recreation Supervisor: Liz Tracy /
P:860-647-3084 Please register at the Senior
Center Front Office. Below is the first ride for the Fall.
Sept 14 – Hop River Trail (Bolton at Steele’s Crossing Rd. to Willimantic) Rt 44E to Rt 6E. From the Rt 44/6 split
go approx. 2-1/2 mi to Steele’s Crossing Rd. Take a right on Steel’s Crossing and access trail prkg lot on the right.
Sept 28 – Mass Central/Norwottuck Rail Trail (Northampton and Haley, Ma) 91N to Mass and take Exit 19,
continue straight from the ramp onto Damon Rd., after about a block, turn right into the trailhead parking lot at Elwell
State Park.
Book Group
The Book Group will meet on Tuesday, Sept 15th at 10:30 in the Library. “The Tilted World” by Tom
Franklin & Beth Ann Fennelly. In 1927, as rains swell the Mississippi, the river threatens to burst its banks
and engulf everything in its path, including the tiny hamlet of Hobnob, where federal agents Ted Ingersoll
and Ham Johnson arrive to investigate the disappearance of two fellow agents—and find a baby boy
abandoned in the middle of a crime scene.
Boomers & Beyond Social E-mail Activity Networking Group
Register today and receive detailed information on the fun, social activities we have planned for JuneSeptember. We must have enough interest in order to hold these activities. Go online at for detailed program information or contact Boomer Coordinator, Deb
Kellie at or Recreation Supervisor, Karen Gubbins at 860-647-3075 or
Breakfast Club
The Breakfast Club group of members meet on Friday mornings from 8:30a.m. – 10:00a.m. at Guido’s
Restaurant, located at 242 Broad Street in Manchester, 860-432-5999. As this is a drop in program, we are
not always made aware of any changes in meeting locations. New members are always welcome.
Cell Phone Recycling
You may drop off any make or model, old/gently used cell phone at the front desk of the Senior Center.
Please provide us with the wall/car charger so we may pass them along to others for use in an emergency.
Please remove your password, deactivate the phone, erase all personal information/contact lists. Do Not
provide earpieces. When dialed, charged cell phones will connect to 9-1-1.
Computer Room – Drop-In HOURS *
Open computer lab will be open Monday – Friday, 8:30am – 4:30pm. *Hours are subject to change. Jim Lessard,
Jimmy and Fran are available in the computer room Monday and Thursday should you have any questions.
Annual Senior Center Picnic
Thursday, September 24th, 2015
Our Annual Senior Center Picnic will be held Thursday, September 24th, at Northwest Park (unless it
rains and then we will have it inside at the Senior Center!). Lunch will be from 12:00 to 1:00.
From 11:30-1:30, Entertainment will be provided by DJ Dale’s program – Into the Groove
Our HOT food for this picnic will be provided by “Krause Caterers”.
Seniors will have a choice of:
1 Hot Dog on a roll
1 Cheeseburger on a roll
Your selection of the above MUST be made when you sign up for the picnic.
Because we need to provide the caterer with the EXACT count for the HOT food, everyone planning to
attend MUST sign up in advance at the Front Office. We will have a donation box on site for the customary
suggested $2.50 donation.
We have a great picnic planned for this September and hope you will be able to join?
Sign up at front desk beginning Monday,
September 14th thru Friday, September 18th.
On Thursday, September 24th we will have the Senior Center Picnic at Northwest Park.
Only those seniors who have SIGNED UP by 12:00 NOON on FRIDAY, September 18th will be eligible for
The usual CRT lunch will not be available for Seniors in our cafeteria. In case of rain, those who have
signed up for the Senior Center Picnic will eat and enjoy the entertainment in the Senior Center cafeteria.
Transportation is available on the day of the picnic from your home to Northwest Park and back.
You MUST remember to SIGN UP by TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 22nd for TRANSPORTATION if you need a
ride to the picnic.
Computer Training – Drop-in Program
Karen Freund (pronounced “Froy-nd”) from our own Information Systems will be available in the Computer
Lab to answer questions and tutor regarding Microsoft Products, Facebook, Twitter and other
computer/media questions. Wednesday, Sept 16th, 10:00 a.m. - 12:00 noon.
Computers with Jim – is back!
Please sign up for this class at the front desk. Space is limited. You may use our computer or you may
bring your own laptop. Instruction is limited for those with Apple or tablets. Learn more about what the
average user can do with a computer on Tues, Sept 15 & 22, and Tues, Oct 6 &13 from 9:00 a.m. – 11:00
a.m. in the Computer Room.
Similar topics of discussion may include:
* Useful things to do with a computer
* how to use the internet
* how to find what you’re looking for on the internet
* how to operate safely on your computer, etc.
Hiking Schedule
Times: A) 1-3pm – Local areas, B) 1230-330pm – More distant or limited parking areas/carpooling
** Note: ALL carpooling will be from the parking lot on the corner of
Oak Street and Cottage Street in downtown Manchester **
9/10 West Hartford Reservoir #6 – B
9/24 McCann Family Farm, Somers – B
10/8 Oak Grove, Manchester – A
10/22 Ashley Reservoir, West Holyoke, MA - B
Manchester’s Unique Railroad
By: Susan Barlow - Monday, September 28th from 10:30 am. – 11:30 a.m. in the Craft Room
The South Manchester railroad transported freight and commuters along its 2.5 miles of track between the
North and South ends, beginning in 1869. Remnants of the railroad remain, and the Manchester Land Trust
leads hikes along the old rail bed. Join our local historian, Susan Barlow, as she presents the facts
surrounding this unique enterprise in a one-hour illustrated talk. Please SIGN UP at the Front Office if you
are planning to attend, as we need to make sure there is adequate seating for everyone.
Middlebury Consignment – Mini Bus Trip – Rescheduled
The trip to Middlebury Consignment store has been rescheduled to Monday, October 5th. All seniors who
signed up for the trip through the lottery will be given first priority for the rescheduled trip. Seniors on the
waiting list will be called in the order in which they were waiting for any available seats. All arrangements for
the trip are the same as were originally scheduled. Attendees will be contacted during the week of
September 14th – 17th to confirm that they are still available to go on the trip. If you were scheduled to
attend this trip and know you will not be able to go, please notify the office as soon as possible. We have
several seniors on the waiting list who would appreciate hearing that space is available. All questions
regarding this trip should be addressed to Lillian.
Newcomers Meeting
There will not be any Newcomer’s Meeting in July. The next Newcomer’s meeting, open to those 60+ and
Members will be held on Wednesday, September 9th at 11:00 a.m. in the Bingo Room. New members will
receive introductions to our programs and tour our facility. You must REGISTER with the front office by
calling (860) 647-3211 ahead of time so we may properly prepare for your visit. If you would like to have
lunch with us, please register for lunch on Monday, August 3rd or Tuesday, August 4th by 12:00
Noon. We look forward to your visit!
Red Hat Society
The next Red Hat meeting will be Tuesday, Sept 8th at 1:00p.m. in the Library. Bring a friend. New
members always welcome.
Participant Satisfaction Survey
We are always working to improve the Senior Center. A Participant Satisfaction Survey has been made
available to you at the front desk. Please use the back side of the survey for your comments. Please return
all completed surveys to the front desk. Your input is greatly appreciated. Thank you for your participation.
Trails Go Digital
Rob Topliff Jr, Manchester Recreation Supervisor is pleased to announce that the Manchester Parks and
Recreation Department’s online and mobile app for Manchester Town Trails was featured in a national
magazine, Parks and Rec Business. This feature story is available on their website under “Features: Trails Go Digital” and has appeared in their
at Happy trails!
Wii Game Drop-in
Please make a note that the Wii Games on Monday in the Library will now be conducted in the Auditorium
from 10:30-11:30 a.m. The Wii Bowling League on Thursdays stays the same in the Library from 10:0011:30 a.m.
ZUMBA – Resumes!
We have a new Zumba instructor. Please welcome back our ever smiling, energetic Kori Burz!!