Stone Age living

The following is Shark class’ non-chronological report on the Stone Age. The children researched about Stone Age shelters, tools
and weapons, clothing, cave painting and hunting.
Firstly, we wrote the introduction as a class and then they took their notes and organised them into paragraphs.
You will find a paragraph, or a couple of sentences, that the children were proud of and wanted to share with you.
We hope that you enjoy reading a small part of their non-chronological reports and find out something about the Stone Age that
you never knew before!
Stone Age living
The Stone Age was a time in history when the early humans could only make their tools & weapons out of stone. The Stone Age
was approximately three point four million years ago. It lasted until our ancestors were introduced to iron and bronze to make tools
a few thousand years ago. Do you want to find out about how our fascinating ancestors lived? If so, then read on to find out some
more intriguing facts!
In the Stone Age, our ancestors used wattle & daub to build their shelters, furthermore, the Stone Age people also built their shelters
near to a water source so that it would be easier to collect their drinks. The early humans sometimes liked to live in communities,
also, for some reason, cavemen liked to build their shelters in the shape of a circle.
By Lucas
During the Stone Age, people lived in caves or shelters. Most of the time the roofs were round so the fires steam could go out of the
roof .The bedding in the Stone Age was made out of animal skin but the meat was made was used for their food.
Shelters were made out of leaves and wood. They had a fireplace and the fireplace was made to keep them warm. Shelters would
keep you sheltered and really warm. They had separate living conditions.
By Kieran Duke
In the Stone Age the early human used animal skin to build their houses were most of the time shaped like a circle because the
Stone Age people had a fire in the middle. Some houses were made out of wattle and stinky dirty doub. Other people would build
their houses next to each other because they had to start being good friends.
For the first time in the Stone Age people began to build stone homes instead of living in caves. The shelters were manly circle
shaped because the fire was in the middle. The floor could have been covered in moss and they used animal skins for the roof.
By Hannah
During the Stone Age shelters were made of bones, skin, wood, leaves, mud and stone. Roofs were round so the air could go out of
the house. Also roofs were made of dried grass and seaweed. As well as that shelters were near a water source so they could live.
By Ellena
During the Stone Age they used wattle and daub to make the walls of their shelters. Stone Age people also lived in caves. The Stone
Age people began to use moss for floors because it was soft and so they didn’t get dirty.
By Logan
During the Stone Age shelters where made of hay and dried up grass so they didn’t get wet when it rained .The floor was made of
moss, reeds and other soft materials because if they fell over they wouldn’t get hurt.
By Keira
Stone Age shelters
In the Stone Age, Stone Age people also lived in caves. During the Stone Age, Stone Age people normally had a circle shaped shelter
because they knew how to build circle shapes the best. Also some shelters had moss on the floor because they would like a comfy
floor. Some shelters were made of: animal skins, bones, mud and sticks.
During the Stone Age the early people lived in caves. The shelters were most of the time circle. The houses were usually rectangular
and constructed from timber in the Neolithic period. Stone Age was a long long time ago and in the Stone Age people used very
sharp stone tools. They were very useful when they were used to kill giant animals. They ate the flesh and meat and they also lived
in giant caves. The shelters were most of the time circle shape so the smoke from the fire in the middle could go up to the top in the
The Stone Age people lived in communities for the first time. Their houses were made of wood, animal bones and stones. The roofs
were made of dried grass or seaweed if they lived by the sea.
During the Stone Age people made shelters out of bones skin leaves and mud. Also in the Stone Age there was a fire in the middle
of the shelter because they didn’t have central heating. Roofs were made of straw and hay and the floors were made of moss needs
and other soft plant materials. In addition to this Stone Age bedding was made out of mammoth and deer and horse skin. In the
Stone Age wattle and daub was used for cement to make the walls.
Stone Age tools
In the Stone Age, our ancestors used tools to mine stone and cut down trees. The tools were made out of flint for the blade and
sticks for the handle. Did you know that some tools did not have a handle like a hand axe?
By Caspar
During the Stone Age people used tools to kill big animals. Tools were very useful because they are very hard and could cut well.
By Daniel
Stone Age tools and weapons
During the Stone Age, the early humans created weapons and tools out of wood and stones, because if the early humans didn’t have
tools and weapons then the early humans wouldn’t have survived.
By Miguel
Tools and weapons
In the Stone Age, they traded tools and weapons, so they could kill
animals. They killed animals to skin them and to get animals skin. They
made axes from sharp pieces of flint. The early humans used axes to get
wood to make shelters and to make fire with.
By Rhys
Tools and weapons
Stone Age tools and weapons were vital to Stone Age people because they used them to kill animals to eat to survive. The weapons
were made of animal skin, stones and bones. They didn’t have metal as they had not discovered it yet. Some of the weapons they
made were spears, bow and arrows and knife like instruments.
By Joseph
During the Stone Age their weapons were made out of stone and string. They had to make their weapons so they would live. If they
did not make these weapons then they would die.
Tools and weapons
In the Stone Age there was no metal because it had not been discovered yet. The clever Stone Age people made tools and weapons
out of dried animal skins and flint. The earliest humans made sharp flint tools and weapons. They were the best killing equipment
to murder animals.
By Corey
During the Stone Age they used weapons to hunt large animals because if they didn’t they wouldn’t get any food. They used tools to
make clothes however they weren’t any of the clothes we wear today.
By Maryanne-Joy
Tolls and weapons
Our ancestors made tools and weapons out of animal skin and also they were made out of stone. They dug in mines so they might
be able to find stone. During the Mesolithic period people used new tools to hunt animals so they could make new tools.
By Riley
Tools and Weapons
In the Stone Age, people traded tools and weapons, because they needed different tools. They also used tools and weapons to kill
animals, because they needed to survive. The early humans used tools against enemies, because they attacked people’s houses. Pick
axes from the Stone Age were the first tool to be found by an archaeologist ever.
By Adrian
In the Stone Age they made tools and weapons out of animal skins. There was no metal in the Stone Age so tools were made of
stone. They used tools to kill animals like fish and deer.
During the Stone Age they used weapons to hunt large animals because if they didn’t they wouldn’t get any food. Also they used
tools to make clothes however they weren’t the same clothes that we wear now.
By Aqida
Stone Age Clothing
In the Stone Age, the people used animal skins to make clothes. They used animal guts to sew the clothes together with needles
made out of bones, wood and teeth. For the first time, they used animal skin to make clothes.
By Perdy
Stone Age clothing
During the Stone Age, they used animal skin for clothing. Needles were made out of sharpened bones, wood and teeth to sew their
clothes up with. The Stone Age had lots of bright colourful clothes so they could look nice.
Did you know……
Animal guts and vines were used to sew together clothes!
The first cave painting was discovered in Argentina.
Cave paintings were created using charcoal,
stone and chalk.