5 WRITING TRAITS Not Yet Meeting Expectations 1 Meeting Expectations IDEAS The heart of the message Details that enrich and develop the theme -topic is unclear -message is a simple restatement of question or a simple answer to the question -repetitious/random thoughts -topic is fairly broad -minimal support is evident -message is very general -mostly stays on topic -topic is fairly narrow -support is attempted -message is reasonably clear and somewhat specific -generally stays on topic ORGANIZATION The internal structure Logical pattern of ideas -no clear introduction or conclusion -confusing connections between ideas -difficult to find main point due to organizational issues -fails to connect with audience -writing is not engaging -lacks development of point of view -no sense of writer -introduction and conclusion recognizable but not engaging -some transitions evident -attempt at paragraphing -engaging introduction and conclusion -transitions usually work -logical sequencing attempted; clear paragraph structures -inviting introduction and satisfying conclusion -thoughtful transitions -sequencing and paragraphing is logical effective -minimal personal connection with audience -avoids risk limited individual perspective -non-specific or distracting words -sentences are often choppy, incomplete or rambling -language used incorrectly -redundant jargon or cliché -repetitive sentence starters -doesn’t invite oral reading -adequate/generally correct words -familiar word/phrases -functional -some poorly constructed sentences -some variety of sentence starters -partly invites oral reading -attempts to connect with audience -occasionally reveals personal details -some individual perspective - sense of writer evident but not strong -attempt at colourful language and poetic devices -functional with one or two fine moments -refinement and precision occasionally evident -sentence generally constructed correctly -variety is attempted -mostly invites oral reading -strongly connects with audience -risk taken; revealing details -honest, personal and engaging perspective - true sense of writer -words are specific or accurate -striking words or phrases - poetic devices used well -language enhances and clarifies meaning -sentences enhance meaning -variety of length and structure -writing has cadence -frequent errors in spelling and/or capitalization -incorrect or missing punctuation -errors in grammar or usage are very noticeable -common errors in spelling and capitilization -end punctuation is usually correct -some serious errors in grammar and usage -most words are spelled or capitalized correctly -problems with grammar and usage are not serious -generally correct punctuation -spelling, grammar, capitalization and punctuation are generally correct -manipulates conventions for stylistic effect VOICE Unique/sincere perspective of writer Compelling ideas engaging language Vivid details STYLE Rich, powerful and precise language that moves and enlightens the reader Rhythm and flow of language The way the writing sounds to the ear CONVENTIONS Spelling Grammar Punctuation Capitalization 2 Fully Meeting Expectations 3 Exceeding Expectations 4 -topic is narrow and manageable -relevant, quality details that go beyond the obvious -ideas show insight ` 1 1+ Incomplete 2C- 2 C 2+ C+ 3B- 3 B 3+ B+ 4A- 4 A 5 WRITING TRAITS 30% 45% 55% 63% 70% 75% 80% 85% 92% 100%