Bitsue Nuclear Fusion/ Fossil Fuels Charlie Bitsue Chemistry 1010

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Nuclear Fusion/ Fossil Fuels
Charlie Bitsue
Chemistry 1010
Professor Joe Warren
13 March 2014
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Nuclear Fusion / Fossil Fuel
Being built in Southern France is a mass rectangular shaped pit that
goes depths into the earth that will hold a machine that will create the energy called
Fusion. This source of energy needed is Nuclear Fusion; it is a great factor for
helping the earth, les pollution, less expensive fuel and clean waste. Fossil fuel
another great source of energy. No other energy source as fully and safely can
replace Fossil Fuel.
Nuclear Fusion a clean energy source compared with fossil fuel, which is to
blame for global warming and oil spillage in the oceans and lakes. Nuclear fusion is
the next big source of energy. The same energy that powers the sun and billions of
stars, would be free and clean energy. A much needed clean source of energy that
will help sustain earth and keep the air clean.
Nuclear Fusion is a basic form of energy in the universe. It is what powers the
stars and the sun. Nuclear fusion is produced by a nuclear reaction, two atoms of the
same lightweight element, and an isotope of hydrogen that will combine into a
single molecule of helium and deuterium (composed of one hydrogen with one
neutron and one proton) and tritium (composed of hydrogen with a two neutrons
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and one proton) provide the most energy form of; fusion( RP, Siegel, Fusion Power:
Pros and Cons, July, 2012).
Humans have produced an uncontrolled fusion reaction from making the
hydrogen bomb where all the energy is released and a destructive manner. If all that
energy that was released and is controlled there will be an ultimate for energy that
is sustainable for earth. There are pros and cons to using nuclear fusion.
Pros of Nuclear Fusion:
1. Provides clean energy and no there are no greenhouse gases released.
2. There is limitless fuel available for the earth and for civilization.
3. No chain reaction and is easy to control.
4. There is little and no waste deposited.
5. Uses seawater as its main source.
Cons of nuclear fusion:
1. Commercial power plants can be very expensive to build.
2. Requires extremely high temperatures, which can be difficult to
3. Produce a net of negative amount of energy.
4. Cold fusion would be much easier to contain and implement.
5. Would remove any incentive for restraint in the use of energy.
If nuclear fusion were to happen there could be a commercial sale of fusion
plants and we would have unlimited clean and free energy source. Creating a
controlled fusion reaction will be difficult. In order for that to happen, two hydrogen
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atoms need to have different charges. Because they are the same charge electrically,
they will repel themselves.
The process of fusion to happen is that the mass of the nuclei is lost and then
transformed into energy in high-energy particles. That is why fusion is the most
basic form of energy in the universe, that all the stars, nebulas and our sun all
produce thermonuclear fusion reactions.
Fossil Fuel
Using fossil fuel makes modern life possible. Over a period of time rocks,
sand, and sediments buried plankton, plants, and other life forms to create fossil
fuel. It is the primary source of energy fuel that generates electricity, heat and
powering transportation around the world.
The main fossil fuels used today are coal, natural gas, oil, petroleum and
liquid petroleum gas (LPG). Each of these main sources of fuel is essential to help
maintain the living of civilization.
Coal a great factor for generating electricity but it also produces greenhouse
gases that lead to climate change. Coal is one of the cheapest sources of electricity in
the world. Using fossil fuel there is only so much that we can use before it goes
away. There are pros and cons to using fossil fuel.
Pros of Fossil Fuel:
1. Relatively cheap
2. Controlling pollution from fuels
3. The income of fuel sales helps countries economy
4. No other energy source as fully and safely replace fossil fuel.
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Cons of Fossil Fuel:
1. Become more and more expensive to extract
2. Harder and dangerous to extract fuel such as making mines deeper
and making oilrigs drill deeper in to the sea.
3. Fossil fuel is responsible for global warming, acid rain, and climate
4. It is very expensive to control the pollution and price of fuel would
have to rise.
The production of fossil fuel can only go so far before it runs out. The demand
for coal, gas and oil are reaching their point. Once we run out of fossil fuel it is
basically gone. There is nor reversing the demand for fossil fuel. Many of the mines
are reaching their limit to produce to energy.
Using fossil fuel creates a problem for the earth. It produces greenhouse
gases, which then creates climate change. Since the burning of fossil fuel we have
increased 25% of carbon dioxide into the earths atmosphere. Carbon monoxide is
another factor to contributing to bad pollution.
The primary source for carbon monoxide is car emissions. It also creates
pollution for water. There has been oil spills into ocean that have affected marine
life. It also is the main source of energy that generates electricity to homes, fuels
transportation and is big on exporting fossil fuel.
In conclusion using nuclear fusion is a pro for the earth. It is harmless than
using fossil fuel. Nuclear fusion is cheap and safe and there is no waste produced.
When in effect there will be limitless amounts of energy that will sustain the
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population. Fossil fuels are the main source of energy now on earth but changes are
in needed before the end of fossil fuels. Nuclear fusion is a good source of energy.
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RP, Siegel, Fusion Power: Pros and Cons, July, 2012
Gaia Vince, The Quest to recreate the suns power on earth, August,