the challenge for society: change a light bulb - Ukraine

The City of Kiev
8-9 October 2014
The participants of the INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE " THE
THE WORLD!" (hereinafter referred to as “Conference”) – representatives of
governmental and local authorities; manufacturers of energy-efficient lighting
products; housing and communal services providers; scientific establishments,
business entities and other institutions whose professional activities relates to
energy-efficient lighting, energy efficiency, mercury containing waste handling,
environment protection and safety, as well as environmentalists and activists of
environment oriented non-governmental organizations hereby acknowledge and
confirm the following:
The importance of the Conference as a public platform to achieve TMEL Project
objectives in the field of energy-efficient lighting in Ukraine, as follows:
 carry out research of consumer market, commodity market and the factors
influencing formation thereof, legislative and legal framework,
standardization and certification system, as well as the potentials for up-todate technologies application in this area, etc;
 improvement of legislative and legal framework, development of the
strategy for sustainable transition of energy-efficient lighting market in
 improvement of energy-efficient lighting standardization and certification
 development and introduction of mercury containing light sources recycling
and disposal system;
 introduction of energy efficient lighting technologies into the housing sector
via promotional campaigns, development of training programs and manuals
for various targeted audiences, conducting of dedicated lessons in secondary
and higher educational establishments, etc;
 conducting of seminars for municipalities, provision of support to NGOs,
implementation of various energy official lighting pilot projects.
Considering that:
Currently, as provided by the EU effective laws and the Treaty Establishing the
Energy Community, one of the major lines of Ukraine’s energy policy is a reform
of the energy sector.
International Energy Agency (IEA) has highlighted the benefits to be gained from
decisive resolution of existing problems and use of untapped potential of energy
efficiency and local energy sources.
One of the foremost political priorities is energy efficiency at all levels of the
energy chain. Therefore, the government is in a strategic need for clear vision of
successful development and implementation of energy efficiency policy.
Necessity to resolve environmental and socio-economic problems related to
handling of mercury containing light sources wastes that lead to environmental
contamination and negatively affect human health, by passing of relevant laws and
exerting influence upon public opinion via education and awareness campaigns.
Urgency for shaping of Ukraine’s integrated state policy for energy-efficient
lighting and disposal of mercury-containing waste in accordance with the standards
and requirements applicable within European Union subject to all fundamental
principles provided for by the ROAD MAP FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF
ENERGY-EFFICIENT LIGHTING SECTOR elaborated by international experts.
Necessity to make sinuous efforts to address the problems related to low-quality
energy-efficient light products.
Unavailability of legal framework that regulates collection of mercury containing
light sources from the public and further disposal thereof.
Importance to further raise the general public awareness of energy efficient
lighting, disposal of mercury containing waste, energy saving; and conduct
educational activities among a wide range of consumers highlighting economic and
environmental advantages and benefits of energy-efficient lighting.
Recommendations to the government of Ukraine:
1. Through the involvement of relevant agencies and public consultations, it is
recommended to provide for the achievement of high managerial standards in
course of development of energy and energy efficiency policy while implementing
thereof using liberalization of energy market and privatization of public utility
companies, as well as the competition regulation.
2. Take urgent measures to ensure the availability of properly structured
institutional capacity for the purposes of effective development, monitoring,
analysis of energy and energy efficiency policy and implementation thereof,
involving, in some particular cases, representatives of UNDP Project into the
working groups on drafting laws related to energy efficiency and development of
renewable energy.
3. Provide for development of pertinent institutions in order to promote sustainable
energy, including energy efficiency, renewable energy and opportunities for joint
implementation, particularly by uplifting of status of State Agency on Energy
Efficiency and Energy Saving of Ukraine as a separate structure within the
government and to be subordinated to the first nice prime minister of Ukraine.
4. Include the list of energy efficient equipment and materials that fall under
governmental support pursuant to the Order №1056 of 17 October 2011 of the
Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, LED light sources (bulbs) for private individuals
in multistorey apartment blocks and private residential buildings. Make relevant
changes to the list of tenants’ association, specifying instead of "bulbs/lamps" "LED light sources (bulbs/lamps)."
5. Ensure high public awareness level within relevant institutions and professional
organizations involved into training and education as pertains to the aims,
objectives and programs in the field of energy efficiency.
6. Provide for resources and support to ensure the impartiality and independence of
the national authority regulating energy and public utilities; take appropriate
measures intended to effectively regulate monopolies and competition in the
markets of electricity, natural gas and heat distribution, including the establishment
of the Institute of Energy Ombudsman pursuant to paragraph 13 section 3 of the
Directive 96/92 / EU and paragraph 2 of Article 18 of the Directive 2012 / 27EU.
7. Based on reliable energy forecasts and economic analysis, it is recommended to
include into the budget sufficient costs for the use of considerable energy
efficiency potential in order to increase prosperity, competitiveness and reduce
environmental impact.
Recommendations to the TMEL Project:
1. Improve Ukrainian national policy for energy efficient lighting:
1.1. Continue to improve laws, statutes, codes, rules, regulations and requirements
covering energy-efficient lighting.
1.2 Approve and recommend the following bills/laws to be passed by the Ukraine’s
- "On energy efficiency" incorporating a special section for fundamental principles
of energy-efficient lighting in Ukraine;
- "On handling of spent mercury containing light sources";
- "On energy efficient lighting in Ukraine."
1.3 Improve the statistical reporting system on production, importation and
application of energy-efficient lighting sources.
1.4 Make required changes to the existing state building codes in order to introduce
energy efficient (and in particular LED lighting) technologies.
2. Improve Quality Assurance / Quality Control (QA/QC) system for energy
efficient lighting market:
2.1 Develop new state standards and make changes to the existing ones in order to
improve lighting products’ quality control.
2.2 Within the framework of All-Ukrainian awareness campaign for energyefficient lighting, continue the program for collection and disposal of spent bulbs
in retail chains.
2.3 Develop relevant changes to the state sanitary rules and regulations pertaining
to application of outdoor and indoor energy-efficient lighting.
3. Develop and implement energy-efficient lighting pilot projects in the municipal
3.1 Implement street lighting pilot projects.
3.2 Upgrade the lighting in the selected schools within the school education
4. Inform the Ukraine’s general public on energy efficient lighting and increase the
level of use of energy-efficient lighting products in the residential sector:
4.1 Spread all over the media the promotional products developed and produced
for the purposes of all-Ukrainian awareness campaign for energy-efficient lighting.
4.2 Provide full support to the governmental, public and municipal organizations
involved into energy efficient lighting
4.3 Ensure that the successful pilot projects’ results are duly covered by the media.
4.4 Within the framework of All-Ukrainian awareness campaign for energyefficient lighting, print and distribute training manuals/text books on energyefficient lighting for students and thereafter integrate thereof into the technical
higher education program (predominantly environmentally oriented training
manuals/text books) and environmental higher education program (predominantly
technically-and-economically oriented training manuals/text books)
4.5 Provide relevant information on benefits of energy-efficient lighting to
interested executive authorities, local governments, enterprises, institutions,
organizations, citizens, etc.
4.6 Promote scientific studies, research-and-development activities, pilot projects
implementation and any other activities related to energy-efficient lighting.