EE-Performance-Indic.. - The School of Electrical Engineering and

WSU EE Performance Indicators for ABET EC 2000 Criterion 3 A-K
A An ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, science and engineering
Performance Indicators:
1. Chooses and implements problem solving strategies.
2. Analyzes and interprets information presented in mathematical forms (e.g., equations,
graphs, diagrams, tables, words).
3. Converts information into various mathematical forms (e.g., equations, graphs,
diagrams, tables, words).
4. Completes calculations using data, equations, and techniques.
B An ability to design and conduct experiments as well as analyze and interpret data
Performance Indicators:
1. Designs experiments for a purpose (e.g., to test a hypothesis, characterize components
or devices, derive relationships, test performance, evaluate interactions, determine
parameters, simulate use cases, etc.).
2. Designs procedures within parameters and consideration of variables.
3. Records procedures for implementation, data collection, and data analysis.
4. Generates mathematical/symbolic/graphical representations of the data for analysis,
interpretation, and communication purposes.
5. Evaluates the results in comparison with the literature and/or theory.
6. Identifies limitations and recommendations for further experiments.
C An ability to design a system, component, or process to meet desired needs within realistic
constraints such as economic, environmental, social, political, ethical, health and safety,
manufacturability, and sustainability
Performance Indicators:
1. Identifies technical specifications and establishes parameters considering constraints
and variables to develop a problem statement for the design project.
2. Decomposes the problem into a set of sub functions; a set of subsystems; and/or a
sequence of actions.
3. Generates multiple design concepts.
4. Evaluates the design concepts and selects the most promising concept.
5. Synthesizes the results of modeling, simulation, and prototyping to refine the design
6. Recommends future work that seeks to improve the design while recognizing the limits
and constraints placed on the project.
D An ability to function on multidisciplinary teams
[Multidisciplinary refers to fields that are diverse in scope and nature such as physics,
mathematics, economics as well as other engineering disciplines.]
Performance Indicators:
1. Gives feedback.
2. Seeks and is receptive to feedback.
3. Seeks and appreciates approaches or perspectives of others [i.e., of other team members
and disciplines].
4. Acknowledges and accepts differences [i.e., of other team members and disciplines].
5. Explores alternative solutions that meet team members’ needs and concerns.
6. Fulfills individual responsibilities outside of team meetings.
E An ability to identify, formulate, and solve engineering problems
Performance Indicators:
1. Constructs a problem statement that articulates what constitutes a solution.
2. Identifies measurable parameters associated with both the problem and the solution.
3. Selects an approach or, as appropriate, approaches to solve the problem.
4. Implements the selected approach, or approaches, to obtain a solution.
5. Validates a solution.
F An understanding of professional and ethical responsibility
[This can be considered ethical responsibility within the profession]
Performance Indicators:
1. Identifies ethical dimensions of a decision or action and its potential impacts on the
individual, the company/organization, and the public.
2. Explains ethical dimensions in an engineering context.
3. Distinguishes between different or competing ethical perspectives in an engineering
4. Recognizes cost, schedule, and risk components in terms of ethical issues.
5. Applies the standards of a professional code of ethics to determine an appropriate
course of action.
G An ability to communicate effectively
Performance Indicators for Written Communication:
1. Demonstrates consideration of context, audience and purpose and a focus for the
written document.
2. Demonstrates use of conventions particular to a specific discipline and/or writing task
(e.g., organization, language choice, document type, source citation guidelines, and
stylistic choices).
3. Uses sources that are appropriate to the discipline to support claims or ideas.
4. Uses visuals (e.g., charts, tables, algorithms, diagrams, schematics, photos, etc.) to
support and extend the written component.
5. Applies standard rules of grammar, syntax and mechanics.
Performance Indicators for Oral Presentation Communication:
1. Demonstrates consideration of context, audience and purpose and provides a message.
2. Demonstrates use of conventions particular to a specific discipline and/or presentation
task (e.g., organization, language choice, source citation guidelines, and stylistic choices).
3. Uses materials (e.g., examples, illustrations, statistics, analogies, etc.) and sources that
are appropriate to the discipline, audience, and presentation venue to support claims.
4. Uses delivery techniques to engage the audience (e.g., posture, gesture, eye contact,
enunciation, voice projection, vocal expressiveness, etc.).
5. Uses visuals (e.g., charts, tables, algorithms, diagrams, schematics, photos, etc.) to
support and extend the oral component.
6. Applies standard rules of grammar, syntax and mechanics.
H The broad education necessary to understand the impact of engineering solutions in a
global, economic, environmental, and societal context
[This can be considered primarily a general education requirement. However, there
are economic and social implications of electrical engineering that are, or may be,
discussed within EE courses themselves. For example, wireless and satellite
technologies have the potential to offer services to developing countries that could
not afford to first deploy “wired” services. Additionally, smart-card and electronic
information technologies have the potential to affect huge changes in society.]
Performance Indicators:
1. Evaluates potential impacts of engineering solutions in global, economic, environmental
and societal contexts to make a choice, decision, or action.
2. Evaluates stakeholder needs and perspectives in global, economic, environmental and
societal contexts prior to implementing engineering solutions.
3. Analyzes risks and uncertainties associated with implementing engineering solutions in
global, economic, environmental and societal contexts to make a choice, decision, or
I A recognition of the need for, and an ability to engage in life-long learning
[Electrical engineering is a constantly changing discipline that, for its practitioners,
clearly requires “lifelong learning.” For instance, the literature survey that is
required at the beginning of the senior design projects is an example where the
student has to engage in library activities to discover material not directly covered in
the BSEE curriculum.]
1. Seeks and evaluates outside sources (possibly including personal experience).
2. Recognizes gaps in personal knowledge base and identifies what additional knowledge is
needed, as well as methods for obtaining that information.
3. Analyzes personal biases and assumptions.
4. Makes references to previous learning and shows evidence of applying that knowledge
and those skills to demonstrate comprehension and performance in novel situations.
5. Reviews past experiences (inside or outside the classroom) to make connections and
provide different perspectives on how to interpret a given situation.
J A knowledge of contemporary issues
[Contemporary issues are those pertinent to electrical engineers entering or in the workforce
today. Examples of contemporary issues include such things as the impact of deregulation on
the power industry, and the infrastructure problems related to the creation of a “wireless
society”. ]
Performance Indicators:
1. Considers contemporary issues pertinent to electrical engineers entering or in the
workforce today to make a choice, decision, or action.
2. Analyzes the impact of contemporary issues on the identification, formulation and
solution of engineering problems.
K Have an ability to use the techniques, skills, and modern engineering tools necessary for
engineering practice
Performance Indicators:
1. Uses modern engineering techniques, skills and tools (such as computer software,
simulation packages, and diagnostic equipment) to make a choice, decision, or
2. Combines use of engineering tools plus system operating information to monitor
performance, find optimal operating conditions, and/or develop designs.
3. Evaluates which techniques or tools are most appropriate to complete a specific
engineering task.