Minutes Jan 24 Farm Comm - Small Farm Central Control

Farm Committee Meeting
Minutes, January 24, 2014, 11 Am to 12:45 PM
Co-Chairs: Gail Ensor, Dan Colhoun
Members Present: Zach Rose, Dick Watson, Julia Jitkoff, Chris McCollum, Brad Rill, David Greene, Bruce
The purpose of the meeting was to review and recommend the map of specific crop areas and
projections for 1 to 3 year crop plans, with overlays of other items such as walking, and horse riding
trails to be added.
Other items on the agenda were:
1) Clean up day, outside perimeter brush, preparing access paths between fields, and some
walking trails
2) Electric Fencing for crop protection and demonstration of effectiveness
3) Extension Plots
4) Hands on Workshop for Farmers, Planter Maintenance, March 3, 9 Am to 12 noon
5) Corn Crib repair, Gene Swackhamer and Boy Scout troops
Crop Plots and Acreage
After explanation and discussion of the acreage map the Farm Committee approved the over-all plan by
consensus with some suggestions. Thank you to Dan Colhoun and the firm of Tim Prigg for preparing the
color map pro bono.
The following points were made to put the plan into operation for approximately 55 acres.
Plant corn in back acreage but cut a swath for a walking path at the highest point for the value
of the view from that point up above the cistern.
For this year, 2014 beans will be planted in lower plots and several rows of sunflowers will be
planted at the intersection of Shawan and Cuba Roads.
Soil samples will be gathered ASAP (February) by selected vendor, Brad Rill/The Mill. The fron
Extension plots and front east plots have already tested in 2012 (?).
Based on soil sample grids comparison of soil health can be made from year to year.
Use of chicken manure may also be used as a research comparison based on crop used on and
year to year soil test measurements. Maryland Department of Agriculture is interested in use of
chicken manure and may partner with transport costs as demonstration. Source: Royden
Powell. Chris McCollum has budget to contribute to soil improvements.
Farmer of Record
1) Brad Rill will prepare a letter defining the Lippy partnership with MARC in the demonstration
farm and what they will provide: soil testing by selected vendor, planting, nutrient application
as needed, supervise spraying for pesticide, fungicide, or herbicide as needed with the MILL.
Seeds, nutrients, pest control type products to be supplied by vendors who will be recognized by
signage. Discuss any insurance issues with Dick Watson.
2) Nutrient Management Plan and Soil Conservation Plan can be obtained by Lippy as the farmer of
record and be eligible for cost share programs.
Equipment Passageways
1) Need to clear underbrush and small tree growth on west side of farm (west of master
gardeners) 40 to 50 feet to provide easy access and movement of equipment
2) Need to have connecting equipment passage around all plots, and gateways in electric fencing
3) Most equipment passageways can also be walking trails, need to be clearly mark
Electric Fencing
1) Need placement of corner posts, 4X4 or 6 inch rounds, and stakes
2) Consider comparing tape vs. rope, have rope on hand from 2013 soybean and sunflower plots.
Pittsburgh manufacture may donate tape for demonstration purposes
3) Solar panels for power
4) Signs needed to warm public of electric fencing and designate on/off trail areas
5) Need cost estimates
Trail at peak, field will have corn 2014, but need to mow a swath so the trail reaches the peak of
the view which is the feature of the Scenic Ridge Trail.
Spur trail to corn crib-to be used as education building
Need to have trail modifications over lay on main crop plan
Signage approved for trail markers and nature interpretive signs, (Jody Westerlund and Beth
Neubaurer) need to have agriculture interpretive signs around crops
Will need warning signs “this trail closed today, please use X trail today” when spraying
Future plans to have segregated horse riding trail, County policy does not allow horses in parks,
may have future horse bridge to Oregon Ridge, Shawan Downs
Some funds are available from the Maryland Horse Commission to help clear secondary growth
to connect fields.
General Signage
1) Signage committee has standards for signage, Julia Jitkoff
2) The Mill and other contributors signage approved to note seed varieties, and commercial
services as part of demonstrations of farm activitiees
Extension Grazing Demonstration Plots
David Greene reported on the goals of the Extension rotational grazing plots. The comparison
will be made of which plant species work best through various weather conditions and support
multi-species grazing, and pasturing to prevent run off
Plans have been made by Extension for separate intra-plot type of fencing, water and waterers,
shade and a high use area
Some surface water runoff and pooling problems need to be addressed before installation of
fencing, water, electric, i.e.: storm water runoff, failed infiltration, discharge into area of
planned high use area, possible construction of demonstration stream crossing
Shelters or shade will be a combined with high use area to provide shade for various livestock
Signage in addition to current grass signs needed
Animals to be “loaned” by livestock owners on temporary basis, and not over winter
David Martin, Extension, has some funds for this work
With the acreage being farmed MARC can apply for water control applications and get cost
share from NRCS.
Entrance Lane Perimeter Fencing
The County will provide a board fencing along west side of entrance lane with inner post and
wire fencing with a variable 30 foot passageway between the Extension plots and the board
fencing for safety from animals, and wide enough for mowing. Board fencing to match existing
board fencing along Shawan Road. Chris McColllum
2) Future extension of board fencing along boundary on west with Greencroft property
Multipurpose Arena use
The County supports its use for a variety of agriculture uses as well as horse related activities.
The designation is in the Master Plan. Dan Collhoun in discussion with various parties.
Sub-Committee for Grazing Plots:
This ad hoc committee will form a construction management work plan in coordination with David
Martin at Extension.
David Greene
Bruce Fenwick
Dan Colhoun
Sub-Committee for Clearing Brush and Grass Access Ways Around and Between Fields:
This ad hoc committee will schedule a work time before planting and draw access, and mowing paths on
main crop map.
Coordinate with clean up day—Dick Watson
Bruce Fenwick
Chris McCollum
Brad Rill
Dan Colhoun
Carl Knutsel
Sub-Committee for Electric Fencing around Crops
This ad hoc committee will do cost estimates and schedule work days
Gail Ensor
Dan Colhoun
Henry Holloway
Suggestion: Describe crop and farm plans on website
Adjourned at 11:45 AM