Essay Rubric

Essay Grading Rubric
Body Paragraphs (3) 30%
Introducing Paragraph 10%
Below Average
The introductory paragraph has a strong
hook or attention grabber that is
appropriate for the audience. (3%)
The introductory paragraph has a hook or
attention grabber, but it is weak, rambling
or inappropriate for the audience. (2%)
The author has an interesting introductory
paragraph but the connection to the topic
is not clear. (1%)
Within the introduction paragraph, the
reader is introduced to the author and the
book will be discussed. (2%)
Within the introduction paragraph, the
Within the introduction paragraph, the
reader is introduced to the author that will reader is introduced to the book will be
be discussed but not the book. (1%)
discussed but not the author. (.5%)
The thesis statement names the topic of
the essay and outlines the main points to
be discussed and is located as the last
sentence of the essay. (5%)
The thesis statement names the topic of
the essay and is located as the last
sentence of the essay. (3%)
Missing a thesis statement; however, the
essay map outlines some or all of the main
points to be discussed but does not name
the topic and is located as the last
sentence of the essay. (2%)
Includes 3 or more pieces of evidence
(facts, statistics, examples, real-life
experiences) that support the position
statement. (12%/ 4% each)
BP1: _____ BP2:_____ BP 3:________
Includes 2 pieces of evidence (facts,
statistics, examples, real-life experiences)
that support the position statement. (9%/
3% each)
Includes 1 or fewer pieces of evidence
(facts, statistics, examples, real-life
experiences). (6%/ 2% each)
BP1: _____ BP2:_____ BP 3:________
BP1: _____ BP2:_____ BP 3:________
Evidence and examples are NOT relevant
AND/OR are not explained. (6%/ 2%
All of the evidence and examples are
specific, relevant and explanations are
given that show how each piece of
evidence supports the author\'s position.
(15%/ 5% each)
Most of the evidence and examples are
specific, relevant and explanations are
given that show how each piece of
evidence supports the author\'s position.
(9%/ 3% each)
BP1: _____ BP2:_____ BP 3:________
BP1: _____ BP2:_____ BP 3:________
BP1: _____ BP2:_____ BP 3:________
The writer anticipates the reader\'s
concerns, biases or arguments and has
provided at least 1 counter-argument in
one of the three paragraphs. (3%)
BP1: _____ BP2:_____ BP 3:________
Closing paragraph 10%
Effective restatement of thesis statement
begins the closing paragraph. (3%)
Summary of each point into an individual
sentence per paragraph. (6%)
The author's position is restated within the The author\'s position is restated within
first two sentences of the closing
the closing paragraph, but not near the
paragraph. (2%)
beginning. (1%)
Summary of each point into one sentence
The conclusion possesses a final statement
that connects the essay discussion to the
The conclusions possess a final statement
bigger world. (1%)
concerning the topic. (.5%)
Evaluation of Writing (50%)
Grasp of writing mechanics: punctuations/ capitalization.
□ excellent (0-1) □ good (2-3) □ average (4-5) □ Okay (6-7) □ poor (8-9) □ very poor (10≤)
Grasp of grammar: problems may include: comma splices, run-ons and/or fragments, misplaces modifiers, word order,
conciseness, wordiness, subject/pronoun agreement
□ excellent (0-1) □ good (2-3) □ average (4-5) □ Okay (6-7) □ poor (8-9) □ very poor (10≤)
Grasp of spelling:
□ excellent (0-1) □ good (2-3) □ average (4-5) □ Okay (6-7) □ poor (8-9) □ very poor (10≤)
Word choice: common issues include words not meaning what you intended, are used incorrectly or are RIP words.
□ excellent (0-1) □ good (2-3) □ average (4-5) □ Okay (6-7) □ poor (8-9) □ very poor (10≤)
You are careful to avoid starting sentences with words like “It,” “It is,” “This,” “There is,” “There are.”
□ excellent (0-1) □ good (2-3) □ average (4-5) □ Okay (6-7) □ poor (8-9) □ very poor (10≤)
Your sentences and ideas have an easy and logical flow.
□ excellent (0-1) □ good (2-3) □ average (4-5) □ Okay (6-7) □ poor (8-9) □ very poor (10≤)
MLA Formatting: this includes proper
□ excellent (0) □ good (1) □ average (2) □ poor (3-4) □ very poor (5≤)
Items with issues regarding formatting include:
□ font type □ font size □ margins □ title □ header □ pg #s □ spacing □ in-text cit. □ works cited page.
The use of correct tense throughout the essay—past when appropriate, and present when appropriate.
□ excellent (0-1) □ good (2-3) □ average (4-5) □ Okay (6-7) □ poor (8-9) □ very poor (10≤)
The use of third person point of view (POV)
□ excellent (0) □average (2-3) □ poor (4-5) □ very poor (6 ≤)
Problematic POV used in this essay include:
□ I □ me □ my □ our □ we □ us □ you
Evaluation: ______ None of the following are precisely accurate.
Your writing/ grammar/ mechanics is (are): very good/ excellent. You have a clear knowledge of proper writing
conventions. You have worked very hard on this essay; it satisfies the requirements of this assignment completely/almost
completely. I am extremely proud of your work here. (45-50%)
Your writing/ grammar/ mechanics is (are) pretty good here; you have a fairly decent knowledge of proper writing
conventions, but you either didn’t completely apply the knowledge you have, or lack sufficient knowledge about writing to
warrant a higher grade. (40-44)%
Your writing/ grammar/ mechanics is (are) average; it is not terribly bad, but it is not particularly good either. It is
advised you revise this essay. (35-99%)
You appear to have attempted to create a quality essay, but ultimately did not succeed to do so, and the result was an essay
lacking in a number of significant areas, specifically writing/ grammar/ mechanics. You have the ability to do better than
this. You are required to complete a rewrite.
Percentage of Points Received =_______
Possible Extra Credit Categories: Title—Topic Sent.—Thesis – Intro—Conclusion