CAMHS TRANSFORMATION PLANNING WORKSHOP 01/10/2015 IN ATTENDANCE Sue Lightfoot Sam Dunlop John Doherty Sophie Tait Michelle Jones Jackie Boxx Rosie Turner Rachael Amos Kim Fry Shelley Weir Joan Brown Eileen Monks Sue Jones Lorraine Shotter Sue Morris Eleanor Bell Joanne Smith Darren Poplett Rosie Campbell Julie Davies Sue McRae-Samuel Emma Corina Emma Meek Judith Moore Connor Dyer IW NHS CCG Hampshire Police Adult MH IW NHS Trust Medina High School IW NHS CCG Education Youth Trust School Nursing Team IW NHS Trust Disabled Children’s Intervention Team IAPT CCAMHS IW NHS Trust Youth Trust IW NHS CCG Parents Voice CCAMHS IW NHS Trust Public Health IW LA Healthwatch Youth Offer IW LA IW NHS CCG Early Help IW LA Health Visiting Team IW NHS Trust YMCA Barnardo’s GP/IW NHS CCG Youth MP FEEDBACK SCENARIO ONE – EATING DISORDER Questions: - Where is the CAF and multiagency working? - What other agencies are involved? - Did school notice anything? - Why did they go to the GP? - Did they ask about diet, eating behaviours? - Community CAMHS and specialist CAMHS what is the distinction? Gaps/Needs: - IW LA Autism Ambassador Scheme - Awareness raising - Disabled children’s intervention team work with young people and families to understand diagnosis and behaviours - Lack of specialist support within the IW NHS Trust - Interagency co-operation and communication - - - - Support post diagnosis Support for young people at school ASD pathway not clear Schools have a captive audience need to utilise this Hard to get money out of schools Target those most susceptible in year 6/7 Whole peer group involved in cycle of misinterpretation, skewed healthy eating message– supervision in schools group work “JET” program with celebrity Previous year 6 health appraisal: School nurse will see ongoing School/charity counselling CAMHS Need more dietician input earlier Parent might identify quite early but concerns not recognised Specialist bays on paediatric ward 1:1 Funding and training – bank sessional nurses trained for 1:1 crisis intervention Support from Community nurse team? Support school nurse team Adaptations quiet place in school to eat e.g. nurture area CYP IAPT 11 year old health check including MH and Physical health – school nurses Psychometric tests to compliment physical health check Wellbeing clinic for Young people at key ages e.g. yr 6/7 transition Recognition of indicators PSHE: Identifying fixations Education around healthy living Enabling young person to make healthy choices and understand how they can adapt behaviours Positive thinking as a way of solving problems Understanding their feelings and being ok with them Sports curriculum – incorporating healthy body image Raising teachers awareness Guidance for parents, health check report (like school report) questionnaire and signposting “Joining up the Jigsaw” Single care pathway needed Use of third sector providers e.g. AQP High functioning Autism can be hidden, reluctance to identify because achieving Greater awareness of autism and ability to recognise, coping/managing strategies Need to understand the trigger, Provision of: schools emotional first aid Parenting support Wider community support from locality centres/Hubs It doesn’t have to be a medical professional that diagnoses it – NICE Guidance - - - Early intervention: 0-5 service developed for children with the greatest need in terms of MH and emotional resilience Neurosciences Perinatal MH/PNH – 12% of 1400 births Infant mental health – baby massage Emotional and MH resilience Primary School: Mindfulness Healthy eating/self esteem/bullying yr6 52% yr8 61% yr10 53% Emotional/ mental wellbeing/ resilience SATS: Nurture Secondary School: Mindfulness Key people – teacher, familiarity Specialist – self referral Exam pre and post stressors Support for families Healthy eating? stats – family patterns PHSE – exam pre and post support Family support Earlier referral School nursing Need to be aware of warning signs with insight into students personality/characteristics FEEDBACK SCENARIO TWO – COMPLEX BEHAVIOUR Questions: - Who is monitoring the outcomes? - Who is actually doing the work? - Who should take the lead? - What can be accessed and what do we need to make available? Gaps/Needs: - School centred unit to access: Nurses 3rd sector counselling Workshops Parental advisory service - Social care focus on assessment rather than support - Assumptions parents won’t learn from just listening, they need to be looked after and involved - Little actually being done with and for the child and family - Peer model in Devon – go into schools and have open discussions about MH - Feedback from councillors to GPs on tips on what the person can do - - - - Encourage environments to be more intuitive around ASD issues e.g. schools are a prime example it should not be a surprise when a pupil with ASD traits becomes anxious in these environments Personal budget/direct payments for support worker and support for parent What would help the parent feel that they could support the YP better – just ask them! Autism – They won’t give a monkeys what anyone else thinks of what they are doing….. unless you are able to teach them why, small steps at a time. Co-ordination: Ultimate responsibility when lots of agencies involved. Focussed on outcomes what expecting to be achieved Supporting parent – is not an outcome Measuring outcomes Family/parent needs help Person centred plan Willingness and opportunity for professionals to come together Care co-ordinator – must not remove knowledge of what and how to deliver Honest conversations with parent/carers – tell story once If that was me what would I want? Include parent/carer do not take responsibility away Workers are risk averse because of potential consequences What happens in the future when mum is not around? No suitable local provision Lack of joined up working Funding issues Post 18 support Earlier referral and diagnosis Referred to Hants – Multiagency program approach Early CAF (raised by HV) Early help centres / parenting programs 1:1 in education and community Safe places Routine/stability Financial resources and realistic outcomes Independence? Community capacity and independent living Needs to be more outcomes focused with a long term plan/view Upskilling the young person, learning positive behaviours and skills Health, wellbeing, safeguarding & vulnerability of young person, parent, public etc. Parenting support, long term/review What has been achieved parenting programs/support Instant advice Respite Community safeguarding PCSO’s Parenting Peer support groups Safe environment for independence - Plans in place Coping strategies WHAT SHOULD WE INVEST IN? - - Prevention and early intervention especially in education and early years Prevention and education that it is normal to be anxious Mindfulness in schools Parent support Identifying Autism: Childrens centres Diagnosis but what do you do with it? Third sector help during summer holidays Widen what third sector provide e.g. through AQP Put money into schools not forgetting home educated children Provide more counselling sessions rather than capping sessions Peer support Multiagency approach, pathways and training APPs – e-technology sign posting to trusted websites Personal 1:1 connection is best and more effective Pathways need to be: condition specific Therapy fine tuned Different types of counselling which are evidence based for certain disorders Clear information sharing agreements. Childrens LD liaison nurse Self-esteem training Anti - Bullying Pre and post exam anxiety levels Provision lacking in secondary schools Tutor/student trust relationships Referral pathway for student to approach tutor and then to MH professional/GP Healthy eating Early referral/self-referral pathways Multiagency training School holidays – abandonment - what can school do to support during this time? Education around anxiety Make people with MH feel normal and supported Consistent support Early intervention Specialist parenting support Yr 6/7 health check Local market development Crisis support Preventative care for children exposed to perinatal mental health Clear referral pathways for perinatal mental health and infant MH (0-5) - Multidisciplinary training in perinatal mental health and infant mental health Infant massage Perinatal group mindfulness for mums