
INFORMATION SHEET (For the patient)
Osteopathic clinical decision making for the diagnosis and treatment of lumbopelvic pain associated
with Pregnancy: Interpretive descriptive phenomenological study.
About this research:
You are invited to take part in a study which explores osteopathic clinical reasoning and decision making for
the diagnosis and treatment of lumbopelvic pain associated with Pregnancy. We are interested in researching
this topic from the perspective of the osteopaths treating pregnant women. The information gathered from
this research project will allow us to gain an understanding of the process used by osteopaths when
diagnosing and treating pregnant women with lumbopelvic pain.
If you are a pregnant woman between 20th and 30th week of pregnancy, and think you have or have been
diagnosed with lumbopelvic pain your participation will be greatly appreciated. Your involvement in this
project will contribute to the understanding of clinical reasoning and decision making process that
osteopaths used during the consultation he/she had with you.
The knowledge gained from this project will help health care practitioners and Master students in osteopathy
to improve the quality and efficacy of their management of pregnant women.
The Researcher:
Jessica Rioufrays, Masters of Osteopathy Student, Unitec.
This project is being supervised by Dr. Elizabeth Niven.
Taking part in the project:
This project will investigate the osteopathic clinical decision making for the diagnosis and treatment of
lumbopelvic pain associated with Pregnancy. The consultation’s length will vary from one osteopath to
another (from 30 to 90 minutes). Your role in this study is to simply be a patient, being treated for
lumbopelvic pain which will later allow the osteopath to reflect on his/her present experience treating you.
Therefore, your input is limited to the side of the consultation, and forms the background against which the
practitioner’s reasoning takes place. The consultation will be video-recorded to allow an in-depth review of
the information that helps in decision-making. The video-recording of the consultation will be exclusively
orientated on the practitioner, which will allow your complete physical privacy. The practitioner will explain
to me (the researcher), how he/she made his/her decision for the diagnosis and management of the complaint
you are presenting with. By volunteering in this research, you are giving us the chance to gather rich data
and therefore contribute to the improvement of healthcare practitioner ability to treat pregnant women. All
information conveyed during the interview, as well as age, number of children and previous osteopathic
treatments will be confidential and anonymous. They will also be kept secure and if it is deemed necessary
to refer to your data in the reports from the study, it will be anonymised. It will be possible to ask questions
at any time. You are able to withdraw from the study up to two weeks following the consultation.
Any concerns:
If you have any further questions or concerns please feel free to contact me directly on 02102543911 or at If you wish you may also contact my principal supervisor Dr. Elizabeth Niven on 021
654 935 or
Please keep a copy for your records
This study has been approved by the UNITEC Research Ethics Committee from 1 st of June 2014 to
31st of May 2015. If you have any complaints or reservations about the ethical conduct of this
research, you may contact the Committee through the UREC Secretary on: (0064) 09 815-4321 ext
8551. Any issues you raise will be treated in confidence and investigated fully, and you will be
informed of the outcome.
Osteopathic clinical decision making for the diagnosis and treatment of lumbopelvic pain associated
with Pregnancy: Interpretive descriptive phenomenological study.
This research project will investigate the Osteopathic clinical reasoning and decision making for the
diagnosis and treatment of lumbopelvic pain associated with pregnancy. The research is being conducted by
Jessica Rioufrays, a Masters of Osteopathy student at Unitec, and is supervised by Dr Elizabeth Niven.
I have read the information sheet for the patient for this research project. I am aware of the presence of a
GoPro video-recording device, which will be focused on the practitioner. I am satisfied with the explanations
I have been given by the researcher and understand that I may obtain further information if I wish. I
understand that taking part in this project is my choice and that I may withdraw from the project at any time
up until 2 weeks after the consultation. I understand that I can decline to answer any particular questions in
the study.
I understand that participation in this study is confidential and that no material that could identify me or the
osteopath will be used in any reports on this study.
I have had enough time to consider whether I want to take part.
I know who to contact if I have any questions or concerns about the study (021 025 43911 or 021 654 935).
The principal researcher for the study into osteopathic clinical decision making for the diagnosis and
treatment of lumbopelvic pain associated with pregnancy is Jessica Rioufrays who is contactable by phone
on 02102543911, or by email,
Name of Participant: ___________________ Participant Signature: ________________
/ 2014
Project explained by: _________________________
/ 2014
Thank you for participating in this research project.
Signature: __________________
Any concerns:
If you have any further questions or concerns please feel free to contact me directly on 02102543911 or at If you wish you may also contact my principal supervisor Dr. Elizabeth Niven on 021
654 935 or
Please keep a copy for your records
This study has been approved by the UNITEC Research Ethics Committee from 1 st of June 2014 to
31st of May 2015. If you have any complaints or reservations about the ethical conduct of this
research, you may contact the Committee through the UREC Secretary on: (0064) 09 815-4321 ext
8551. Any issues you raise will be treated in confidence and investigated fully, and you will be
informed of the outcome.