Oxford Australian Curriculum Atlas — Year 3 Suggested Term Planners Year 3 Term 1 Unit: Communities and celebrations Weeks Interactive Topic Introduction and teaching focus PS Page Activity Sheets SB Pages Australian Curriculum links 2–4 Communities around the world 34 41 58–59 5–7 Multicultural Australia 35 42, 43, 14 60–61 8–9 Remembering the ANZACs 36 4, 44 62–63 Year 3 G The location of Australia’s neighbouring countries and their diverse characteristics G The similarities and differences between places in terms of their type of settlement, demographic characteristics and the lives of the people who live there H ONE important example of change and ONE important example of continuity over time in the local community, region or state/territory; for example, in relation to the areas of transport, work, education, natural and built environments, entertainment, daily life Cross curriculum priorities Asia and Australia’s engagement with Asia Year 3 H The role that people of diverse backgrounds have played in the development and character of the local community H Celebrations and commemorations in other places around the world; for example, Bastille Day in France, Independence Day in the USA, including those that are observed in Australia such as Chinese New Year, Christmas Day, Diwali, Easter, Hanukkah, the Moon Festival and Ramadan G The similarities and differences between places in terms of their type of settlement, demographic characteristics and the lives of the people who live there Cross curriculum priorities Asia and Australia’s engagement with Asia Year 3 H Days and weeks celebrated or commemorated in Australia (including Australia Day, ANZAC Day, Harmony Week, National Reconciliation Week, NAIDOC week and National Sorry Day) and the importance of symbols and emblems Cross curriculum priorities Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander histories and cultures Year 3 Term 2 Unit: Heat Weeks Interactive Topic Introduction and teaching focus PS Page Activity Sheets SB Pages Australian Curriculum links 1–3 Heating and cooling 25 26 40–41 4–6 Producing heat 26 27, 28, 29 42–43 7–9 How do we use heat? 27 13, 30, 31, 24, 32 44–45 Year 3 S Heat can be produced in many ways and can move from one object to another Year 3 S Heat can be produced in many ways and can move from one object to another Cross curriculum priorities Sustainability Year 3 S A change of state between solid and liquid can be caused by adding or removing heat S Heat can be produced in many ways and can move from one object to another Oxford Australian Curriculum Atlas Years 3–4 Professional Support © Oxford University Press 2014. This sheet may be copied and modified for non-commercial classroom use. All material identified by is material subject to copyright under the Copyright Act 1968 (Cth) and is owned by the Australian Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting Authority 2013. Unit: Living things Interactive Topic Introduction and teaching focus PS Page Activity Sheets SB Pages Australian Curriculum links 1–3 Living and non-living things 22 20, 21 34–35 4–6 Extinct animals 23 22, 23, 24, 25 36–37 7–9 Life cycles 24 20 38–39 Year 3 S Living things can be grouped on the basis of observable features and can be distinguished from non-living things Year 3 S Living things can be grouped on the basis of observable features and can be distinguished from non-living things Year 4 G The importance of environments to animals and people, and different views on how they can be protected S Living things, including plants and animals, depend on each other and the environment to survive Cross curriculum priorities Sustainability Year 3 S Living things can be grouped on the basis of observable features and can be distinguished from non-living things Year 4 S Living things, including plants and animals, depend on each other and the environment to survive S Living things have life cycles Cross curriculum priorities Sustainability Year 3 Term 3 Weeks Year 3 Term 4 Unit: Earth, Sun and Moon Weeks Interactive Topic Introduction and teaching focus PS Page Activity Sheets SB Pages Australian Curriculum links 1–3 Earth, Sun and Moon 13 1, 2, 3 16–17 4–6 Day and night 14 4 18–19 7–9 Seasons 15 5, 6 20–21 Year 3 S Earth’s rotation on its axis causes regular changes, including night and day Year 3 S Earth’s rotation on its axis causes regular changes, including night and day Year 3 S Earth’s rotation on its axis causes regular changes, including night and day Cross curriculum priorities Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander histories and cultures Oxford Australian Curriculum Atlas Years 3–4 Professional Support © Oxford University Press 2014. This sheet may be copied and modified for non-commercial classroom use. All material identified by is material subject to copyright under the Copyright Act 1968 (Cth) and is owned by the Australian Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting Authority 2013. Oxford Australian Curriculum Atlas — Year 4 Suggested Term Planners Year 4 Term 1 Unit: Natural resources Weeks Interactive Topic Introduction and teaching focus PS Page Activity Sheets SB Pages Australian Curriculum links 2–4 Habitats in Australia 19 13, 14, 15, 16 28–29 5–7 Australia’s natural resources 20 17 30–31 8–9 Using our natural resources 21 18, 19 32–33 Year 4 G The types of natural vegetation and the significance of vegetation to the environment and to people G The importance of environments to animals and people, and different views on how they can be protected S Living things, including plants and animals, depend on each other and the environment to survive Cross curriculum priorities Sustainability Year 4 G The natural resources provided by the environment, and different views on how they could be used sustainably S Natural and processed materials have a range of physical properties; These properties can influence their use Cross curriculum priorities Sustainability Year 4 G The natural resources provided by the environment, and different views on how they could be used sustainably S Natural and processed materials have a range of physical properties; These properties can influence their use Cross curriculum priorities Sustainability Year 4 Term 2 Unit: Forces Weeks Interactive Topic Introduction and teaching focus PS Page Activity Sheets SB Pages Australian Curriculum links 1–3 Different forces 28 4 46–47 2–6 Speed and friction 29 48–49 7–9 Magnets 30 4, 33, 34 13, 1, 35 Year 4 S Forces can be exerted by one object on another through direct contact or from a distance Year 4 S Forces can be exerted by one object on another through direct contact or from a distance Year 4 S Forces can be exerted by one object on another through direct contact or from a distance 50–51 Oxford Australian Curriculum Atlas Years 3–4 Professional Support © Oxford University Press 2014. This sheet may be copied and modified for non-commercial classroom use. All material identified by is material subject to copyright under the Copyright Act 1968 (Cth) and is owned by the Australian Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting Authority 2013. Year 4 Term 3 Unit: First contacts Weeks Interactive Topic Introduction and teaching focus PS Page Activity Sheets SB Pages Australian Curriculum links 1–3 Australia’s first people 31 52–53 Year 3 H The importance of Country and Place to Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander peoples who belong to a local area. (This is intended to be a local area study with a focus on one Language group; however, if information or sources are not readily available, another representative area may be studied) G The many Countries/Places of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples throughout Australia Year 4 H The diversity and longevity of Australia’s first peoples and the ways Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander peoples are connected to Country and Place (land, sea, waterways and skies) and the implications for their daily lives Cross curriculum priorities Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander histories and cultures Year 4 H The journey(s) of AT LEAST ONE world navigator, explorer or trader up to the late eighteenth century, including their contacts with other societies and any impacts H The nature of contact between Aboriginal people and/or Torres strait Islanders and others, for example, the Macassans and the Europeans, and the effect of these interactions on, for example families and the environment Cross curriculum priorities Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander histories and cultures Year 4 G The many Countries/Places of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples throughout Australia H Stories of the First Fleet, including reasons for the journey, who travelled to Australia, and their experiences following arrival H The nature of contact between Aboriginal people and/or Torres strait Islanders and others, for example, the Macassans and the Europeans, and the effect of these interactions on, for example families and the environment Cross curriculum priorities Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander histories and cultures 2–6 Exploration 32 36, 37 54–55 7–9 The British arrive in Australia 33 38, 39, 40 56–57 Oxford Australian Curriculum Atlas Years 3–4 Professional Support © Oxford University Press 2014. This sheet may be copied and modified for non-commercial classroom use. All material identified by is material subject to copyright under the Copyright Act 1968 (Cth) and is owned by the Australian Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting Authority 2013. Year 4 Term 4 Unit: Our Changing Earth Weeks Interactive Topic Introduction and teaching focus PS Page Activity Sheets SB Pages Australian Curriculum links 1–3 Rivers change the land 16 7, 8, 9 22–23 2–6 The changing coastline 17 10 24–25 7–9 Humans change the land 18 11, 12 26–27 Year 4 S Earth’s surface changes over time as a result of natural processes and human activity Year 4 S Earth’s surface changes over time as a result of natural processes and human activity Year 4 G The importance of environments to animals and people, and different views on how they can be protected G The natural resources provided by the environment, and different views on how they could be used sustainably S Living things, including plants and animals, depend on each other and the environment to survive S Earth’s surface changes over time as a result of natural processes and human activity Cross curriculum priorities Sustainability Oxford Australian Curriculum Atlas Years 3–4 Professional Support © Oxford University Press 2014. This sheet may be copied and modified for non-commercial classroom use. All material identified by is material subject to copyright under the Copyright Act 1968 (Cth) and is owned by the Australian Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting Authority 2013.