Name Block ______ English 10A Fossum A thesis statement in an

Name _____________________ Block _________
English 10A Fossum
A thesis statement in an essay is a sentence that explicitly identifies the purpose
of the paper or previews its main ideas.
Review the following examples of thesis statements---if the topic appeals to you, feel free to use
one of these statements to organize your research report. If the category is appealing to you, but
not the actual statement or topic---create one of your own from the bold-faced topics in the
boxes. Remember the “magic three” subpoints or reasons you will use to organize your report.
A. High School Topics
Possible Thesis Statements (all are good ones—you could agree/disagree)
The life of the typical high school student is characterized
by time spent attending class, participating in extra-curricular activities, and
socializing with peers.
School uniforms should not be mandatory in public schools
because it would stifle students’ creativity, take away students’ rights, and
cause students to lose interest in school.
American students would be better prepared to compete in
the global environment if they had more hands-on technology training,
mandatory foreign language immersion courses, and required field trips
Or FILL IN THE BLANKS: The most egregious problem affecting American high schools today is
__________, because it _____, ______, and _________.
Year round schooling; block scheduling; extra-curricular programs; fine arts education;
athletic programs; teaching requirements; administration priorities; ideal building design;
school lunches; study periods; field trips; etc.
B. College and/or Post-College—Work Topics—Future Plans
Possible Thesis Statements (all are good ones—you could agree/disagree)
High school graduates should be required to take a year off to pursue
community service projects before entering college in order to
increase their maturity, make them more globally aware, and
help them to define their goals so they can study more
American college students whose parents have been highly involved
are less prepared for the work force because of unrealistic expectations,
dependency on others, and inexperience in facing consequences.
Name _____________________ Block _________
English 10A Fossum
The S.A.T. test is an unfair indicator of success in college because it is
expensive, culturally biased, and does not reflect a students’ level of
commitment or effort.
Or FILL IN THE BLANKS: All college students should _______, because of the benefits to
______, _______, and ______.
I would like to pursue a degree in ____________, because it will better prepare me for _______,
________, and ______________.
The job of a ______________ is a rewarding yet challenging one worth pursuing due to its
___________________, its ______________, and its ____________.
Sororities, college sports, ROTC programs, financing, credit cards, full-time and part-time
jobs, career choices, drinking, depression, pressure, advanced degrees, other college or job
related topics
C. Diseases, Society Issues you Know Something About or Want to Learn About
Possible Thesis Statements (all are good ones—you could agree/disagree)
The causes of childhood obesity are economic, social, and political.
A healthy diet is important because it increases energy,
prevents illness and promotes well-being in all people.
Even in modern times, young women in many countries have few
options for marriage, freedom, and personal privacy.
Diabetes is a disease that affects young people in America in
alarming levels due to social, economic, and familial factors.
Or FILL IN THE BLANKS As an adopted child, I would like to find out more about _______,
_______, and __________ .
My mother was recently diagnosed with breast cancer and I would like to know _________,
______________, and ______________.
Any issue, disease, medication, behavioral or physical disorder, relevant to modern times, your
life, your family, that you would like to learn more about, etc.
D. Topics Related to Hobbies/Interests
Possible Thesis Statements (all are good ones—you could
The technological advances stemming from the Internet
have erupted in major compromises to our social skill development, our rights to
privacy, and our expectations of morality.
Name _____________________ Block _________
English 10A Fossum
Contrary to popular opinion, video gaming does not encourage criminal activity,
but provides a positive outlet for stress, a means of connecting with others, and
an effective way for players to enhance memory retention skills.
The Simpsons (fill in any particular television show) treats the issues of
ethnicity, family dynamics, and societal expectations (fill in three varied issues)
Or FILL IN THE BLANKS I am admittedly addicted to my cell phone and I would like to know
________, __________, and ____________.
Any topic related to the entertainment or sports industry, things marketed to teens
specifically, for example: Ipods, Facebook, texting, celebrities, reality tv, commercial
advertising, etc.
E.Government/World Wide Big Issues Facing Your Future
Possible Thesis Statements (all are good ones—you could agree/disagree)
The legalization of medical marijuana would lead to an increase in use of the
drug in young people, an increase in criminal activity in America, and a host of
new medical problems resulting from chronic overuse.
Even though some people believe it's a
right to carry firearms, handguns should be outlawed
because they lead to accidental shootings, can get in the
hands of criminals, and are too often issued to people with
little education and limited training.
Climate change will result in rising sea levels,
food shortages, and greater inequality between rich and
poor nations.
Or FILL IN THE BLANKS The most troubling social issue that will face future
generations is __________, because ____________, ___________, and_________
Any issue of American or world-wide interest---famine, poverty, laws, privacy,
government, taxes, freedoms, race, historical events and what was learned from
them, wars, injustices, problems in society, capitalism, capital punishment, etc.
Name _____________________ Block _________
English 10A Fossum
F. Heroes or People You Admire
Possible Thesis Statements (all are good ones—you could
When I look back on my life, I admire my father for being
transcend a bad childhood to grow up to be a doctor, for his
able to
dedication to
our family and our community, and for the way he persevered in face of physical
and economic obstacles.
In “___________” (substitute title of book or story), _______
(fill in author) criticizes the racism in the South through the use of indirect
characterization, irony, and external conflict.
Although both chefs and cooks can prepare fine meals, chefs
differ from cooks in education, professional commitment, and artistry.
Langston Hughes was a master stylist because of his vivid imagery, surprising metaphors, and
effective alliteration.
Glen Beck is my hero because of his ability to ________, ________, and ________
John Stewart is my hero because of his ability to _______, __________, ______
Hillary Clinton is my hero because of her ability to________, _______, and _____
The true unsung heroes of the world are the firefighters in your local community because they
____________, __________, and ___________
Choose a person you have heard about or have admired for years or an organization that
interests you…ex. Doctors Without Borders, local veterinarian, your great-great grandmother,
Now Your Turn:
Five Heroes You Admire
Five of the Greatest Challenges Facing American Society