Procedures for the Approval of Minor Changes to Courses Introduction Major changes to courses are normally considered as part of course review or revalidation in the light of a wider debate with peers about the purpose and standards of the course. These procedures relate to minor changes to courses that need to be made between reviews; they apply to all University of the Arts London HE courses. Changes to Courses All University courses undertake a continuing process of monitoring via programme and course committees, producing a monitoring log and an annual course monitoring report. Either through this monitoring, or via other means, teams may conclude that minor changes are required to the course as presented at validation (or revalidation/review). The procedures below indicate the extent of change allowed under the UAL minor modification procedure and how such changes may be approved. Procedures There are four levels at which minor changes can be approved: Level 1 Course Leader Level 2 School Board Level 3 College Academic Committee Level 4 Academic Standards and Development Committee Whatever the level, all proposals should be scrutinised to ensure that: a) academic standards are maintained; b) the purpose of the course, as stated in the aims and objectives approved at validation, continues to be fulfilled; c) the rights of students affected by the changes are guarded. Specific additional criteria for approval are given in the table below. Approval Levels Level Approved by Changes Criteria for Approval Level 1 Course Leader, in consultation with the students affected, the Course Team and Dean (a) Normal updating of course ‐ changes to course content within each unit of course, but not changes to the aims and objectives of each: ie the purpose of the unit remains the same. (b) To the assessment of a unit including the number of assessments, the size and type of assessments. However changes to assessments that count towards an award (final or interim) may not be made at this level. That the unit continues to meet its own objectives. (a) To purpose, aims or objectives of units (and, inter alia, content and/or assessment). (b) To the contact hours of units For further guidance around changes to unit contact hours please liaise with Assessment and Quality (a) Changes to assessment or assessment structure that relate to final assessment or interim award (ie Dip HE or PgCert if awarded) including number of assessments, size, timing, weighting. External Examiners must be consulted about regulation changes that affect students currently on the course. (b) To the structure of the course including the timing and duration of units. (c) Changes to the rationale, aims and objectives and content of the course. Such changes will normally only be considered as part of a review or revalidation: however CACs may consider minor alterations to the rationale, aims and objectives of a course, including the addition of new areas of study, that might be needed to adapt to changed needs or circumstances. Assessment and Quality must be consulted for guidance. In general the Committee will refer to a working party the addition of new named routes or subjects, new modes of study or other major structural changes which are not subject to revalidation. The Validations Sub‐Committee of ASDC has delegated authority to consider changes to course title, or titles of named routes. For guidance Assessment and Quality should be contacted. That the aims and objectives of the course continue to be met. That the contact hours are adequate for students to meet the learning outcomes of the unit. That the objectives of the course are adequately assessed and the revisions are consistent with the overall assessment philosophy of the course. That the aims and objectives of the course continue to be met. Normal validation criteria. Level 2 Notes (i) changes to the content of individual assessments do not have to be approved under these procedures. (ii) following approval by the course leader changes should be noted in the monitoring log. Board of Studies in consultation with the students affected, the Course Team; Dean, and Course Committee. Level 3 College Academic Committee in consultation with the students affected, the Course Team, Dean, the Course Committee, the School Board, Head of College, Assessment and Quality, and External Examiners (if appropriate). Level 4 All other changes must be approved by Academic Standards and Development Committee. If appropriate, the Committee will refer the matter to a validation working party or may insist on a full review or revalidation. That the objectives of the unit are adequately assessed and the revisions are consistent with the overall assessment philosophy of the course Consultation Where consultation with Assessment and Quality is stipulated this should be in the form of a written proposal which will receive a written response. The response must be considered by the appropriate committee alongside the proposal for change. Assessment and Quality may consult with appropriate staff both inside and outside the University for advice on any proposal. Introduction of Approved Changes Changes to courses must normally be fully approved at the appropriate level before introduction during the following year. Changes should not be introduced after a unit has begun, your part way through an academic year. If, for exceptional reasons, changes are required with immediate effect the Assessment and Quality unit must be consulted at the earliest opportunity, and all students affected must agree in writing to the introduction of the change. Following approval, changes should be incorporated in the annual updating of the course handbook and a copy sent to Assessment and Quality. Documentation Documentation must be sent to the Assessment and Quality unit for all minor modifications. A suggested template with the information required is given below. [Approved by Academic Standards Committee ‐ 12 February 1998] Updated following discussion at VSC 3 July 2012 Assessment and Quality Academic Registry September 2012 Minor Modifications Proposal Course: College: Note: Please attach the existing unit descriptor and the revised unit proposal Level of change (i.e. Minor Modification Level 1, 2, 3 or 4) Proposed change (Ensure that full details of changes to assessment are given including element weighting or specify holistic marking) Current position Rationale for change (Use separate sheet if necessary) Consultation with programme or course committee (If a specific current cohort is affected by the proposed changes, please give details of consultation process with students) Consultation with Board of Studies (For Levels 2, 3, 4) Consultation with External Examiners Resources Are there any resourcing implications (staffing / physical) for these changes? Implementation Date (please specify affected cohorts) Readers’ Group – summary of comments / recommendations (Quality Unit to complete if applicable) Sent to Assessment and Quality / date (Quality Unit to complete) Via: Approval (Quality Unit to complete) CC - [date] / BOS – [date] / CAC – [date] / ASDC – [date] CAC Chair’s Signature: Date: